Beast-Bonded witch archetypes

Rules Questions

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Hi all ; I really would like to have some clarifications about the class features of this archetype ; i'm playing a 11th lvl beast-bonded witch and it's not very clear how some abilities should work :

1) Familiar Form: am i actually taking the form of a bigger version of my familiar getting only the bonus that i would get using Beast shape or am I going to be able to use this only if there's an animal creature that is a bigger or smaller version of my familiar? if so i'm totally wasting this class feature if i take the Improved familiar feat.

2) Is the twin soul class feature actually making a witch take over a body indefinitely?

Lantern Lodge

Beast Shape II - "This spell functions as beast shape I, except that it also allows you to assume the form of a Tiny or Large creature of the animal type."

Beast Shape I - "When you cast this spell, you can assume the form of any Small or Medium creature of the animal type."

So you can change into an animal of Tiny, Small, Medium or Large size of the same general type as your familiar.

If you use Improved Familiar to take a non-animal familiar, then you can't use this ability. Beast shape only allows for "animal" forms. This one seems clear.

Twinned Soul - "They can persist in this state indefinitely, or the guest can return to its own body (if available) by touch, transfer into a suitable vessel (such as a clone), or take over another body as if using magic jar (with no receptacle). "

This seems problematic and I'm not sure if it was thought through by the developers or what (or maybe I'm reading this wrong). Magic Jar says "Any life force with nowhere to go is treated as slain." So, it sounds like, since there is no receptacle, that you take over another body using the magic jar rules, but the soul you dispossess simply dies. Now you have a new body. Sounds like you could abuse this by starting as a STR 8, DEX 8, CON 8 beast bond witch, kill yourself so you transfer to your familiar, then take over some STR 20, DEX 16, CON 14 barbarian's body to get uber physical and mental stats. Of course, to do this, you have to survive to Level 10. This could also be used as a save or die - the target must make a Will save or have their body taken, which kills their soul.

Maybe someone else has a different take on Twinned Soul which doesn't sound so extreme?

For the Familiar Form i got it exactly as you explained and that made me a little wrong cause i'm playing with improved familiar already;

For what regards Twin-Soul I'm actually in a stone giant corpse and it's way more OP than any barbarian;

Thanks for answering but BTW i'm hoping there will be some official clarifications other than personal judgement about this :P

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