A few mount questions

Rules Questions

Hello I've been looking over mount related rules and I have a few questions regarding some of the feats and class features involved with them.

I've been looking around and from what I've seen there's no penalties involved with a small creature riding a large mount. So a halfling for instance could ride a large mount like large cat with no penalties. Is this right?

Next if I use a lance is the reach measured from my character or the mount when mounted?

For a small character riding a large mount if I were to use the intimidate skill would the bonuses and penalties for size be based off my character's small size or would he count as large when mounted?

I was looking at the feat Fly-by attack and notice it doesn't say anything about not drawing attacks of opportunity for diving/charging at the target then flying away from the target in the same turn. But if I were to take the Ride-by feat on my character and the Fly-by feat on my mount would Fly-by still provoke or not any longer. Or is Wheeling Charge also required to be able to dive, attack, and then fly away in the same turn?

Next is the monstrous mount feat

You have learned how to tame and ride exotic beasts.
Prerequisite(s): Handle Animal 4 ranks; Ride 4 ranks; divine bond (mount), hunter's bond (animal companion), or mount class feature with an effective druid level of 4.
Benefit(s): You can select an exotic beast from the list of monstrous mounts to serve as your animal companion or special mount. You acquire and advance this creature in the same way as the mount or animal companion detailed in the class feature used as a prerequisite for this feat. You can also dismiss the creature as dictated by your class feature.
You must meet additional prerequisites to choose a creature with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, as described in each creature's entry.

I'm after some clarification on this sentence. If I to chose the cavalier at level 1 then took 5 levels as a paladin and chose a mount for the divine bond does it

(A) Only get the benefits from cavalier's mount class feature cause it was the first one used?
(B) Does divine bond override cavalier's and it advances as the paladin mount feature?
(C) Does it get the mount class features from both classes?

Finally when choosing a animal companion using the monstrous mount feat does the cavalier's and paladin's effective druid levels stack for my mount?

yes the levels stack.

Grand Lodge

Aido_Hwedo wrote:

Hello I've been looking over mount related rules and I have a few questions regarding some of the feats and class features involved with them.

I've been looking around and from what I've seen there's no penalties involved with a small creature riding a large mount. So a halfling for instance could ride a large mount like large cat with no penalties. Is this right?

only limitation is with this use of the ride skill

From PRD: (not quoting so as not to confuse this post..)
Fast Mount or Dismount: You can attempt to mount or dismount from a mount of up to one size category larger than yourself as a free action, provided that you still have a move action available that round. If you fail the Ride check, mounting or dismounting is a move action. You can't use fast mount or dismount on a mount more than one size category larger than yourself.

Next if I use a lance is the reach measured from my character or the mount when mounted?

It's measured from the mounts squares.

From PRD, Combat, Mounted Combat:
For simplicity, assume that you share your mount's space during combat.

For a small character riding a large mount if I were to use the intimidate skill would the bonuses and penalties for size be based off my character's small size or would he count as large when mounted?

Just your size.

I was looking at the feat Fly-by attack and notice it doesn't say anything about not drawing attacks of opportunity for diving/charging at the target then flying away from the target in the same turn. But if I were to take the Ride-by feat on my character and the Fly-by feat on my mount would Fly-by still provoke or not any longer. Or is Wheeling Charge also required to be able to dive, attack, and then fly away in the same turn?

Fly-by would still provoke as it is not a charge. You would need Wheeling charge (and still need ride-by attack).


I'm after some clarification on this sentence. If I to chose the cavalier at level 1 then took 5 levels as a paladin and chose a mount for the divine bond does it

(A) Only get the benefits from cavalier's mount class feature cause it was the first one used?
(B) Does divine bond override cavalier's and it advances as the paladin mount feature?
(C) Does it get the mount class features from both classes?

You'll have a lvl 2 mount (cavalier 1 + paladin 5 - 4)

Finally when choosing a animal companion using the monstrous mount feat does the cavalier's and paladin's effective druid levels stack for my mount?

Yes, they'll stack so you'll have a lvl 2 mount.

I highly suggest you read the mounted combat section in the CRB under combat and also the Ride skill.

Also this will be useful to you (from the mounted combat section) When you attack a creature smaller than your mount that is on foot, you get the +1 bonus on melee attacks for being on higher ground.

Aido_Hwedo wrote:
I've been looking around and from what I've seen there's no penalties involved with a small creature riding a large mount. So a halfling for instance could ride a large mount like large cat with no penalties. Is this right?


Next if I use a lance is the reach measured from my character or the mount when mounted?

You share your mount's space when mounted, so yes. You can also be attacked in any of those extra spaces you now take up.

For a small character riding a large mount if I were to use the intimidate skill would the bonuses and penalties for size be based off my character's small size or would he count as large when mounted?

I think you would not get any size bonus, although a case could be made. This is an "ask your GM" situation. If it were me, I would probably allow it.

I was looking at the feat Fly-by attack and notice it doesn't say anything about not drawing attacks of opportunity for diving/charging at the target then flying away from the target in the same turn. But if I were to take the Ride-by feat on my character and the Fly-by feat on my mount would Fly-by still provoke or not any longer.

Flyby Attack will still provoke. You can ride-by without provoking if your mount does not attack. You don't need flyby for that. You only need flyby if your mount is attacking. Technically, you can't do both at the same time because of the charge rules, but I think most GMs will look the other way on that. I know Sean Reynolds (when he was still at Paizo) said that Spring Attack would allow the mount to attack during a ride-by attack.

What you need is Escape Route on both Mount and Rider if you're looking to Flyby with no attack of opportunity. If you want to do a combined move-attack-move with your mount, it's gonna cost you 4-5 feats, and it still may not be possible.

Or is Wheeling Charge also required to be able to dive, attack, and then fly away in the same turn?

Only if you change direction. It is possible to execute a fly-by attack in a straight line, but if you want to dive and then climb, you need wheeling charge.


Next is the monstrous mount feat

** spoiler omitted **

I'm after some clarification on this sentence. If I to chose the cavalier at level 1 then took 5 levels as a paladin and chose a mount for the...

Not sure about this one.

Ah thank for the answers this helps a lot. Yeah I must have missed the mounted combat section and I also had looked it up on the pdf but couldn't find it so thank you for the help. I was confused on the cavalier and paladin mount class features cause I was trying to see if I can get the no armor ride check penalties and free light armor prof for it and also get all the good stuff from the paladin mount features but had read the sentence as only which ever mount feature I first used to meet the feat counted.

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By the way why is my mount only level 2 when my cavalier's effective druid level is equal to his class level and the paladin's divine bond says its effective druid level is equal to its class level wouldn't my mount be level 6 with 5 levels of paladin and 1 of cavalier?

As far as I can tell, yes, you would have an effective druid level of 6.

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Aido_Hwedo wrote:
By the way why is my mount only level 2 when my cavalier's effective druid level is equal to his class level and the paladin's divine bond says its effective druid level is equal to its class level wouldn't my mount be level 6 with 5 levels of paladin and 1 of cavalier?

I would say that the mount gets leveled up to your full levels - as soon as you reach 5 levels of Paladin. Until then you're stuck with a mount that's effectively first level, unless you take the Boon Companion feat. The feat explicitly says Animal Companions, but I'd allow it. Check with your GM.

Later, when that feat is useless, you have the option of retraining that feat, if you want.

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