Shadows_Of_Fall |

In the campaign my DM is running there's a nearly all powerful (Ancient Red Wyrm w/ 20 Sorc levels) dragon who can naturally take a human form. In addition to this at each mythic ability tier (1, 3, 6 and 9) we get another character. It's odd but basically our group has poor regular attendance so we have missions each week and we can choose which character to use and the rest are off doing whatever (scouting, depending the base, getting more money/materials etc).
So for my last character I was thinking of having a red dragon who chose to become a human. Our DM has said he would allow it but he would like if there was an actual way to pull it off. If there isn't an actual way he would prefer I play a half-dragon or full dragon (which I have zero interest in. I just want the flavor of having been a dragon in the past and being the ancestor of a draconic-bloodrager party member).
So I'm turning to the forums. I can't seem to find any way to become human nor can I find any way to take human form for more than a couple of minutes (if I were to be a full dragon).

chbgraphicarts |

In the campaign my DM is running there's a nearly all powerful (Ancient Red Wyrm w/ 20 Sorc levels) dragon who can naturally take a human form. In addition to this at each mythic ability tier (1, 3, 6 and 9) we get another character. It's odd but basically our group has poor regular attendance so we have missions each week and we can choose which character to use and the rest are off doing whatever (scouting, depending the base, getting more money/materials etc).
So for my last character I was thinking of having a red dragon who chose to become a human. Our DM has said he would allow it but he would like if there was an actual way to pull it off. If there isn't an actual way he would prefer I play a half-dragon or full dragon (which I have zero interest in. I just want the flavor of having been a dragon in the past and being the ancestor of a draconic-bloodrager party member).
So I'm turning to the forums. I can't seem to find any way to become human nor can I find any way to take human form for more than a couple of minutes (if I were to be a full dragon).
Why did your DM have the Dragon take 20 Sorcerer levels? It already casts spells as a 19th level Sorcerer? Taking Dragon Disciple and either Invulnerable Rager or Bloodrager would have made it more devastating - oh well, his decision.

Shadows_Of_Fall |

I assume he doubled up on the dragons spell list and power, but I don't know for sure. I'm assuming he wanted stupidly epic powerful dragon mage. Talos the epic god-tier red dragon actually went from CE to NE and is currently transitioning to TN (though it's partly in an apathetic sense).
My character was originally a CE red dragon named Elucifer who was distantly related. I began serving Talos and later fell in love with a human, which would be where scary dragon man comes to an end. A friend suggested using the hourglass thing from Artifacts and Legends so, as it stands right now, he stole it and used it to truly be with the human he fell for (and because he was a little tired of being a powerful dragon who was once evil and still has people trying to kill him).

Lessah |

The 3rd tier Archmage ability Many Shapes gives at will Alter Self - aka at will humanoid shape. Works very well for the Dragon -> Humanoid shapechange you are looking for. Got a mythic dragon PC using it already : )
You can alter your appearance at will as if using alter self. You can expend one use of mythic power to change shape as if using polymorph, with a duration of 1 minute per tier. Your caster level for this ability is a number equal to 10 + your tier. At 6th tier, the duration of the polymorph ability increases to 10 minutes per tier.