Dwarf Guntank


Guys I am looking to build a 1st level dwarf guntank with 20 points based on this picture

http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/362/b/8/disciples_iii__mountain_clan s_by_egor_ursus-d4kgsdr.jpg

He also has crafting skills.

Any ideas?

No idea since link goes nowhere

Liberty's Edge

Fixed link.

OP seems to have accidentally added a space to the url.


Why tank? He does not look too heavily armoured...

It seems appropriate if not then maybe pistolero?

Savage GM wrote:
It seems appropriate if not then maybe pistolero?

Do both. Those two archetypes work together.

You mentioned guntank. As a result, I am here.

OK so what is a good start for 20pts level 1

Does he have an anvil strapped on his back or what? Equipment trick anvil anyone?

Sniper goggles plus a rogue or investigator dip seem in order.

And he's wearing an armoured coat which is medium armor.

not concerned about the anvil.

I was thinking alchem grenadier dip

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