Building a Naked Warrior


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Scarab Sages

Claxon wrote:

So discussion from this thread got me thinking.

I want to build a warrior who doesn't wear any armor, and ostensibly goes naked into battle painted up in woad blue, but there a very few classes that can work without armor.

The best I can think of is a Kensai Magus, but I want to see what you all are capable of coming up with. Only real guidelines are must wield some sort of weapon effectively (but I don't care if it it's sword and board, two handed, a spear, etc) and can't wear armor.

My Mwangi Spearman, isiKhulu

Claxon wrote:

So discussion from this thread got me thinking.

I want to build a warrior who doesn't wear any armor, and ostensibly goes naked into battle painted up in woad blue, but there a very few classes that can work without armor.

The best I can think of is a Kensai Magus, but I want to see what you all are capable of coming up with. Only real guidelines are must wield some sort of weapon effectively (but I don't care if it it's sword and board, two handed, a spear, etc) and can't wear armor.

Bloodrager for the mage armor and shield wand use without BAB loss, and the rage of course (Celestial bloodline is good for the good aligned attacks). Add Four level martial artist archetype monk dip (or five levels if you want to rage cycle). Add as much fighter as needed for the feats you want.

Use a seven-branched sword or nine-ring broad sword to work with the flurry.

Concentrate stats on STR and WIS, though some points in CON and/or DEX would be useful. Be a human with the race variant Dual Talent alternate racial trait to give a +2 boost to another ability.

My Invulnerable Rager Barbarian hasn't worn armor since he was 4th level and has routinely waded into melee with AC 0.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

My Swashbuckler has managed to survive to nearly 8th level without armor thanks to high dex, a decent buckler, the nimble class feature, and investing in UMD to use a wand of mage armor. A high UMD opens up fun with other low-level wands like longstrider as well.

Mystic_Snowfang wrote:
high dex worshiper of arshea, maybe a swasbuckler. With empyreal obedience you add your charisma to your AC, and your dex. and with the right magical items, naked sexy person distracting the enemies.

Might be another way to do it. With all the bite attacks, tumor familiars drinking potions, vestigial arms loading guns, and whatnot I see in build on these boards, there might be a whole new take on why a naked person distracts people in combat.

Well I talked to my GM and he agreed to help work out something with me.

He agreed to allow me to have the Savage Barbarian's Naked Courage ability in exchange for the Bloodrager's Fast Movement, also assuming that I will not wear actual armor of any sort. I plan to make an Arcane Bloodrager which will utilize Mage Armor, Shield, and the Blur effect of the bloodline to help me get by.

I just felt this was the easiest way, though a barbarian oracle or bloodrager oracle still seems an interesting concept that I would like to explore at some time.

Grand Lodge

Are you against using an actual shield?

blackbloodtroll wrote:
Are you against using an actual shield?

The character actually has a longsword and a quickdraw light shield, but I plan to primarily wield the sword with two hands. I understand it's not optimal, but it gives me options.

Grand Lodge

I understand.

The reason I suggested the Oracle/Bloodrager combo, was to be less MAD.

Did you consider the Destined Bloodline?

blackbloodtroll wrote:

I understand.

The reason I suggested the Oracle/Bloodrager combo, was to be less MAD.

Did you consider the Destined Bloodline?

I considered it, and it's pretty darn good. But I also really like that Arcane's ability to cast blur and haste upon entering rage.

I'm not sure one is strictly better than the other, though Destined probably does a better job of making up for lost AC.

I've also decided to make this build involving Intimidate (which I think is fitting for the character concept).

So I will pick up Cornugon Smash, Hurtful, and the Cruel weapon enhancement. This will give them a -4 to hit and saves (among other things) which can help me to not get hit as much, and to make sure allied casters have a better chance of CC'ing them.

The GM also had us roll for stats, and adjusted them up because one player "rolled" extremely well. So I ended up with an 18, 16, 16, 14, 12, 10. Before racial adjustments. So I decided that taking a level in Oracle wasn't truly necessary. You don't gain that much from very high Charisma as a Bloodrager, 14 charisma is about all you need.

Scott Wilhelm wrote:

I have run into a problem with a build that did this. She was a PFS character, and none of the other players equipped themselves for dealing with being Blinded or for fighting Invisible monsters. So nobody wanted to let me open the Bottle.

The problem you mentioned is valid, too, of course.

That's why I make my other suggestion is to use Dirty Tricks to Blind your opponents. That still works with the naked fighter. Cause maybe, you know, maybe that's why they got blinded in the first place...

"You eyes are up here *points at her eyes*, or they will be over there, in my collection *points at a disturbingly full jar*"

Grand Lodge

Some cultures just don't have the same kind of bodily shame, that is present in other cultures.

How about this:

"Sacred Vows

Scared Vows represent a profound offering and commitment to a deity. Sometimes this bond is made at a young age, while others take these vows later in life. If a character willing violates a vow, he looses all benefits until leveling up or an atonement spell and appropriate offering are made. Vows are spiritual connections subject to the deities judgment. Deities generally view the intent of the vow, not the letter of it, and will not tolerate a mortal who abuses vows for personal power. Characters my substitute another force or ideology in place of a deity. A characters level is based on the average party WBL for determining effects of vows.

Restrictions: Not allowed to use any armor or shields or benefit from armor or shield bonuses granted by items or spells.
Benefit: Wis bonus to AC, +1 Armor bonus/3 levels, +1 enhancement bonus to AC at 5th, (+1 to each per additional 4 levels) " ther#1

Grand Lodge

I like the Arshea route too.

Just a muscled nude warrior on the battlefield, wearing only the sword in hand.

"I am a herald of my god. I am beauty, untamed, and unrestricted. Be in awe of my glorious form, for it is the last thing you will ever see. How lucky you are die this day."

Grand Lodge

By the way, I would love to see the finished build.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I thought of this thread while putting together a very old NPC that will probably combine the Paramortal divine trait from Rogue Genius's godling line with the Vow of Poverty feat and Saint template from the D&D 3.5 Book of Exalted Deeds. This character would literally have nothing but would also need nothing and want nothing of a durable nature.

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