Pathfinder Complete Compilation Books of Feats, Spells, Classes

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

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JonathonWilder wrote:
Oh dear... I can just imagine the trouble of updating this when it comes to the Unchained series Pazio has put together recently.

I love the unchained series... and I also hate it for the purpose of these books. I am not sure If I will add it or not, I did find a way to add Mythic so it is a possibility.

zook1shoe wrote:

you've done amazing job! i did something similar to 3.x

just curious... were you going to add a Investigator list in the Book of Spells? they have at least 1 formula that the alchemist doesn't have (Defensive Grace)

Yes, I plan on adding it soon. :)

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Sorry for the lack of response lately. I have started a new job and I also do a lot of volunteer work around this time of the year. I am currently behind by a month. I plan on getting a new update by the end of April.

Thank you for your support and I hope this project has helped with your gaming!!

no worries... take your time, we all understand

congrats on new job. you have us at your mercy as we eagerly await the updates.

as per usual, the gods, demons, devils, clerics, witches, wizards, sorcerers, GM's &/or PC's that cursed valiant keyafey, have only just learned of your approaching divinity. . .

[cough] ego bump [cough]

Sovereign Court

Liz Courts wrote:

One minor quibble: Please include the full name of the products you're referencing. Example: "Pathfinder Player Companion: Advanced Class Origins" not just "Advanced Class Origins." You should also include the full text of the OGL, not just section 15.

Another point is that we ask that you hold off releasing any material from new content for at least two weeks after the retail release date.

The fact that someone can do this with your books and then you help them get it right is just another reason I LOVE Paizo!

Just started looking through this, and it will be incredibly helpful, so thank you.

Also, found a spelling mistake in the Innocence spell description.

It says trus2rthiness rather that trustworthiness.

Still technically correct, in a way, though. :P

I'd like to add to the praise. As a DM I find it very useful.
I'm not sure your criteria for categorization.
It seems to me that the following 4 feats should be added to the category of "Constrict."
Suffocating Strangulation
Final Embrace
Final Embrace Horror
Final Embrace Master

Not a Nemesis. I am THE Nemesis wrote:

congrats on new job. you have us at your mercy as we eagerly await the updates.

as per usual, the gods, demons, devils, clerics, witches, wizards, sorcerers, GM's &/or PC's that cursed valiant keyafey, have only just learned of your approaching divinity. . .

after the ascension of keyafay, Godling of Knowledge, Mazes, Toil, Dedication, Determination, Enduring Carpal Tunnel, , ,

hmmm... afraid there maybe too many domains/sub-domains to list . . .

. . . . . . . .Suggestions?? . . . . . .

. [sneeze]excuses to bump?[/sneeze] .

aaannd I kinda forgot what happened during the ascension . . .

Is there a list of the prestige classes anywhere, like a table of contents? I was reading through it, and thought how nice it would be to have a index or contents or something.

Amazing work!

Sethvir wrote:
keyafay wrote:

I like that book as well. What my game group uses and what I wanted to go public with, have and did change over time. The focus of the public books is for someone who wants to locate all options that came from Piazo.

Oddly, there have been a lot of requests from people for me to make a 3rd party compilation but that all comes down to time.

I've been dabbling with a 3pp one for a while. Not very far with it, but am slowly compiling all the 3pp spells I have on various PDFs.

I have now compiled about 80 sources of 3PP spells. About 433 pages of spells thus far. The spells have been compiled, the individual spell lists by class have not as many of the pdf's don't have short descriptions or have spell lists in the standard format. Additionally as you dig through 3PP products, there are many new classes that have custom spell lists as well, so the class spell list is growing rapidly. I haven't included any bloodlines or domains at this point either.

Liberty's Edge

These are outstanding in scope. Makes my efforts with my own files look small. I applaud, and thank you for, all your hard work and effort. I look forward to further updates.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For what it is worth, below is the link to the PDF doc as it stands today.

3PP Spell Compendium PFRPG.

Still a lot of work to go, spell lists, summon monster/ally lists, more publishers. I believe I have the Section 15 up to date as well.

I noticed when looking through the Paladin book, that the Oathbound archetype isn't mentioned in archetype section. But the oaths are mentioned directly after the class features. As I hadn't known about this archetype, it was extremely confusing to see that section but not being able to find anything about when and how to add oaths anywhere else.

I have just found this and have to join the praise.

All hail to keyafay, binder of words!

Really great ressource!


Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Will these be updated with occult classes by chance?

i don't think the person has been active since mid-April

anyway dotting...


Sethvir wrote:

For what it is worth, below is the link to the PDF doc as it stands today.

3PP Spell Compendium PFRPG.

Still a lot of work to go, spell lists, summon monster/ally lists, more publishers. I believe I have the Section 15 up to date as well.

Hi !

and first of all thanks for this awesome works!

would be possible to get the PDF WITHOUT BACKGROUND COLOR ?
just plain black and white ?



zook1shoe wrote:
i don't think the person has been active since mid-April

Well a pity , but this is still useful.

Not sure how I only JUST came across this. Dotting for later - will take a look after work!

Liberty's Edge

Very useful pity real life has interfered for the creator.

Just ran across this a year later...reminder to self to look at after work.


Have you considered posting the source files on GitHub or similar so that others could update them? Many hands make light work and all that.

Jim McKeeth wrote:
Have you considered posting the source files on GitHub or similar so that others could update them? Many hands make light work and all that.

Looks like the links are no longer active. Does anyone have the update links?

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I downloaded it a while ago. April 6th or so.

Go to

Dark Archive

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I know this is an old thread, but any chance there is a newer updated version of these books? Since the ending of PF1, I've really been waiting for a complete compendium of spells and feats.

ckdragons wrote:

I know this is an old thread, but any chance there is a newer updated version of these books? Since the ending of PF1, I've really been waiting for a complete compendium of spells and feats.

d20pfsrd has a feats database and a spells database that might help. They're unattractive spreadsheets, but they have the info at least.

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