Anonua |

I'm a new GM, and as such haven't felt comfortable enough to form my own adventures for the party yet.
I'm currently running the Adventure Path of Serpent's Skull, but one of my players is going to be taking an absence. A few of my players have expressed interest in playing other character types as well, and I'm considering placing a brief hold on the SS campaign until my 5th player returns.
That being said, I need to locate a new campaign/adventure path/module to run the new characters through. I was disappointed to find that the new APs that I was interested in (Carrion Crown & Council of Thieves) were no longer in print, and unfortunately until I get a tablet to use for gaming purposes, I don't have a way to easily utilize the PDFs for these.
So my question to my more experinced peers, what is good module or campaign that I can get in print format? I have a fair mix of players in the group, one who's story driven, two who are hack and slash, and the 4th is new to the gaming scene and trying to feel out his playstyle.
I'd like something I can start them out around level 3, but also open to levels 1-5 in general.
Thanks in advance for your opinions and ideas!

Brother Fen |

There's always the option to have them make an excursion to the Emerald Spire. It covers all the level ranges and as with most mega-dungeons can be played in bits and pieces between other campaigns. It is easily found on the shelf of your local Books A Million.
As with all campaigns use the players' backstories in conjunction with the Golarion setting to mine the roleplaying possibilities. The options are infinite. If your players haven't fully developed their backstories in the Inner Sea Region as yet, then encourage them to do so so that you can begin planning their long term campaign stories. Ultimate Campaign and the Quests & Campaigns Players Companion are great resources for this.
If you just want to restart with all new characters then find another fun module and run with it. I am going to run the original Crypt of the Everflame as a B-campaign for our GM very soon. It was just on sale as part of the Golem super sale but unfortunately that is over.
Personally, unless everyone wants to role up new characters, I wouldn't penalize your dedicated players because one player has to leave.

Anonua |

Thanks for the Advice Fen. I'll look into those.
I did resently invest in the Ultimate Campaign book and it seems the players are getting more interest in that. 2 out of my 4 avalible players have already rolled new characters, one is currently using one that I had provided when his character died, and the other has expressed no issues with making another character so I don't think any of them would see it as being penalized.

Brother Fen |

Yeah, let them flip through the UC book and pick a few traits to build their backstory. If one of you has the Inner Sea World Guide, then they can dig through it to figure out where their character fits in Golarion. It's a lot of fun for players that like to flesh out their backstories. The "Quests & Campaigns" companion is the link between the UC book and the Inner Sea setting. Not needed, but if you have it, it gives backstories specific to the Inner Sea.

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One of the best campaigns is rise of the runelords anniversary addition. Story is epic and lets players climb all the way to 17th level to fight a ancient rune lord.
If you want to give the players a AP that lets them have unreal power try the wrath of the righteous ..truly the characters become ridiculous and they feel bad ass.

Anonua |

Thanks, again to both of you. I think I've decided to go into the RotR AE. It seems the most econmoical choice at the current time, and would be a good option to get the group going.
I'll definately be utilizing the books I have to help the group develop their back stories, which comes down to the CRB, APG, and UltCamp. I'm considering when we wrap up RotR, looking into either simple module to let the player live out the end of their characters (to level 20) and then possibly jumping into Iron Gods if I think the cultural shock will entice enough.