
Anonua's page

Organized Play Member. 14 posts. No reviews. 1 list. No wishlists. 2 Organized Play characters.



I have that, but I'd prefer something the players can test-run their characters with.

So I ordered the Rise of the Runelords AE as so many have recommended to me, but it's not going to be here in time for our weekly gaming session on Saturday.

Does anyone know a module for level 1-3 characters that I could put my guys through? They already expericed the Black Fang from the beginners box, as well as The Forgotten Tomb of Felgar the Goblin King. I need advice for something to run the group through for 1, maybe two sessions. I have 5 players of a variety of alignments and gaming experince, with level 2 characters.

Any Suggestions of PDFs that I can get printed? (Map tiles welcome but not required.)

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And evidently they think that books are Latex Gloves?
Go to

Thanks for the insight! I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything in the rules. I don't really have any rule lawyers in my group, but it was an idea for a write-up that I wanted to be able to share with the community.

I'll let everyone know how it goes over!

Just going to give this a little bump..

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I'm looking into creating a new (my first personal) adventure for my group. I was looking into the idea for utilizing an Intellect Devourer alongside a Neh-Thalggu. A few questions are coming to mind as I'm trying to piece together this encounter.

A Neh-thalggu (B2, pg197) can extract a brain from a helpless humanoid, so long as the brain is dead for no more then 1 minute.

An Intellect Devourer (B1, pg180)can usurp control of a victim they kill, or is already dead (for no more then 1 day).

So questions come as follows...

1) Can an Intellect Devourer control a body, but have no knowledge of it's identity and personality, if the brain is extracted from the body?

2) Would it make sense for a Neh-Thalggu to employ Intellect Devourer(s) under the premsis of being minion(s) to help harvest brains? (ie: Devourer's lure humanoids into lair. Humanoid is slayed, Neh harvests brain, Devourer take body, returns for 7 days.)

Well that answers that for me then! Thanks, I didn't realize that little bit of information.

I'm looking at creating a new Gunslinger, and the Min-maxing, rule exploiter I am, came across an interesting idea that I may explore, but I wanted to make sure I was correct in my theory...

You can use a one-handed or two-handed firearm without penalty while carrying a buckler correct? You also can use a Masterwork Buckler without any sort of penalty if you are not proficent with them right?

If the two above are both correct, would it be resonable to wield two bucklers with my pistol? Or am I just missing something else that would be better/cooler.

Thanks, again to both of you. I think I've decided to go into the RotR AE. It seems the most econmoical choice at the current time, and would be a good option to get the group going.

I'll definately be utilizing the books I have to help the group develop their back stories, which comes down to the CRB, APG, and UltCamp. I'm considering when we wrap up RotR, looking into either simple module to let the player live out the end of their characters (to level 20) and then possibly jumping into Iron Gods if I think the cultural shock will entice enough.

Thanks for the advice Nick. I think I'll look into the RotR AE. I've seen quite a few mentions of it and it sounds like at current it'd be the most economical choice for our group.

Unfortunately the usual sessions of my local PFS conflict with other schedules I have.

I recently started running a weekly Pathfinder night for my friends and I. We did have a player state that she would be unavalible for awhile, and with her party member being a major part of the group, and not wanting her to just be 'lost', I've considered starting up a second campaign in her absence. This is also due half of my players expressing interest in trying other characters, and the others being open to the idea.

That being said, I'm currently debating if I want to start them in a Pathfinder Society, or if I want to pick up another Adventure Path to send them off on. (I haven't become comfortable enough as a new GM to start my own campaign.)

Things I'm running into are, I don't have a tablet or laptop to read PDFs from, so if I can purchase a hardcover of the scenario, it'd be easier then using up all my ink. I've also noticed a couple Adventure Paths that I'd like to use are no longer in print. (Carrion Crown and Council of Theieves)

Does anyone have advice for what I should or can do? I'm open to all suggestions on which directions to go, or other means of getting hard copies of the scenarios/campaigns I want, or would be advised to run.

Also as a note the party at current consists of the follow player types.
Magic User (Player prefers Story over Hack and Slash, but is tolerante of both)
The Rogue (Player takes the game light hardedly, maybe too much so.)
The Fighter (Player is mostly interested in combat, but also shares in the enjoyment of story and development)
The Protector (Player is new to the game, started as Paladin, though is not enjoying the character and looking to try an Oracle. Player is still trying to find his niche in the game.)

Thanks for the Advice Fen. I'll look into those.
I did resently invest in the Ultimate Campaign book and it seems the players are getting more interest in that. 2 out of my 4 avalible players have already rolled new characters, one is currently using one that I had provided when his character died, and the other has expressed no issues with making another character so I don't think any of them would see it as being penalized.

I'm a new GM, and as such haven't felt comfortable enough to form my own adventures for the party yet.

I'm currently running the Adventure Path of Serpent's Skull, but one of my players is going to be taking an absence. A few of my players have expressed interest in playing other character types as well, and I'm considering placing a brief hold on the SS campaign until my 5th player returns.

That being said, I need to locate a new campaign/adventure path/module to run the new characters through. I was disappointed to find that the new APs that I was interested in (Carrion Crown & Council of Thieves) were no longer in print, and unfortunately until I get a tablet to use for gaming purposes, I don't have a way to easily utilize the PDFs for these.

So my question to my more experinced peers, what is good module or campaign that I can get in print format? I have a fair mix of players in the group, one who's story driven, two who are hack and slash, and the 4th is new to the gaming scene and trying to feel out his playstyle.
I'd like something I can start them out around level 3, but also open to levels 1-5 in general.

Thanks in advance for your opinions and ideas!