Who will you worship in Hell's Rebels?

Hell's Rebels

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Paizo Employee Creative Director

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SO! Don't read TOO much into this question...

But! If you were to play a cleric or other character of faith in the upcoming Hell's Rebels Adventure Path...

What god or goddess would your character worship?

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milani, kurgess, cayden and besmara
this AP seems to be about f'ing with the system
and those four f it up pretty well

Iomedae or Milani would be the first pair i consider.

Dark Archive Software Developer


Dark Archive

Calistra or Ragathiel

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber




What? He's still my favorite deity even if he is dead.

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I'd really love to be able to make a zealous Milani worshipper that's actually viable in the context of an AP.

a cult has to start somewhere,
might as well be first level:D

otherwise.... Asmodeous;)

Cayden Cailean, being the god of freedom and all. Runner up would be Iomedae.

James Jacobs wrote:

SO! Don't read TOO much into this question...

But! If you were to play a cleric or other character of faith in the upcoming Hell's Rebels Adventure Path...

What god or goddess would your character worship?


Hers is a similar state-sponsored faith that has been manipulated at points in its history by secular and political machination and ambition.

Iomedae, Cayden Cailean or Norgorber.

Grand Lodge

Calistria or Cayden

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Groetus would be fun:)
same with any number of Empyreal lords or even one the whore queens of hell (ardad lilli sounds like one, cant remember the names of the others and dont have my book of hell handy:)

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I would probably go with Desna or Cayden Cailean, for a pure-hearted freedom fighter. Calistria or Norgorber if I decided to play someone who is out for revenge and/or profit.

OR, a disgruntled halfling slave who worships Thamir Gixx. That could be interesting. I have been wanting to do that for a while now, and this could be a good chance to do it.

Milani does seem ideal for this particular AP too. I am not very fond of Iomedae, personally, but I can see how she could interesting in this context.

Could definitely get behind Ragathiel, Sarenrae, or Milani.

Liberty's Edge

Milani is perfect for a straightforward choice. Between being the goddess of uprisings and the connection to Aroden she is a natural fit. Great viva la resistance vibe.

On the other hand, Calistria would be perfect for someone who wants to sow chaos and smash the system in a quest for vengeance. Asmodeus' disdain of Calistria could also serve as great motivation. Calistria is not a goddess who tolerates being ignored.

Either way could be a blast!

Scarab Sages

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Paladin of Irori.

Dictators are always the enemies of truth, the enemies of knowledge. Nothing is more offensive to a worshiper at the altar of knowledge than callow men who hide truths for their own power. All those halflings who could have been geniuses worked to death without even having the chance to shine, all those good men and women who have died in chains for being dealt a bad hand at politics, those stubborn souls who refused to kneel for the sake of kneeling. The knowledge they could have birthed, all drowned at birth for the maintenance of the power of the few. Repression of people is the repression of ideas. A paladin of Irori will shine light in the shadows of this place, and give voice to all the voices who should have sung free.

Liberty's Edge

Definitely Calistria, but Swashbuckler/Warpriest, not Cleric =p

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Mitra, of course. If Asmodeus messes with Talingarde, we're messing with Cheliax! :)

Hands down, Milani.

Silver Crusade

There's a few schools of thought that I have regarding this:

First, possibly Iomadae, because she's the inheritor of Aroden, and with the World Wound (potentially) dealt with, her followers may turn their gaze on Cheliax to reclaim it in the name of justice.

Second, Cayden, because freedom and fun. Also, I feel like Cayden would just view Cheliax in it's current state as wrong. (Fun fact, if I played a Cleric of Cayden in Hell's Rebels, I'd probably play the Hidden Cleric archetype.)

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No love for Rovagug? :3

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Zon-Kuthon would be an interesting choice. Saying bad things about Asmodeus is illegal and likely to get you in trouble in Cheliax, so I would imagine that good types in that country frequently bash Zon-Kuthon as he is a safe and generally acceptable target. I could see worshipers of Zon-Kuthon getting fed up at the lack of support from a fellow lawful evil deity.

Asmodeous and Zon-Kuthon represent different aspects of lawful evil, also Zon's alien nature plays into it, i'm not so sure either of them sees eye to eye with anyone much less each other, besides they both think they're top dog:)

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Chaotic Good Milani-worshipping Tiefling: Live Kicking, Die Screaming.

Chaotic Neutral Battle Oracle from Rahadoum, granted their mystery and curse from Calistria: It's time to make the gods fear men.

Definitely Norgorber. Nothing like a shadowy revolution to change the course of history, and it's about time the Asmodeans learned that the law is only as strong as those who enforce it.

Besides, criminals are going to pouring out of the woodwork in the midst of a rebellion, and I bet those goody-two-shoes revolutionaries won't be able to handle them! Who better to entice them to the cause than an apostle of the King of Thieves?

Cayden, Sarenrae or Milani

And if I play a halfling, it's definitely Chaldira Zuzaristan!

Arshea or Easivra

First choice Milani, second Dammerich, third Iomedae, fourth Ondisso.

Gorum. Not for the sake of freedom, but for the lulz and struggling against a superior, entrenched foe.

Did that in a CoT game. Priest of Gorum, whose goal was to wrest control of the Children as a good moment andcause Westcrown to seperate or fall into chaos. Then he'd leave, having done his duty

Milani or Desna would be my first picks, though Calistria and Cayden would also be in the running.

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Calistria...either a inquisitor or a warpriest.

But considering the nation has outlawed all Chaotic faiths...I think it is time for her worshipers to get some vengeance.

Sovereign Court

Baalzebul. Who says this has to be a good guy rebellion? Barbatos probably has some schemes under that nasty robe, too.

Sovereign Court

Now. Aside from my previous hellish silliness (one can hope for an actual Helll's rebels), I think I would go for Iomedae with the strong hopes of some cool Aroden goodness to occur for AP 100 : )

James Jacobs wrote:

SO! Don't read TOO much into this question...

But! If you were to play a cleric or other character of faith in the upcoming Hell's Rebels Adventure Path...

What god or goddess would your character worship?

It is kinda hard not to read 'too much' into the question considering you are the source.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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True. So... if someone WERE to read too much into it... just for curiosity's sake... what would happen? ;-)

For those who DO want to know what I'm up to... I'm writing the Hell's Rebels Player's Guide and wanted to sniff test if I was right on what religions folks would be interested in for this AP, and it looks like I got it pretty close.

Ragathiel, Feronia, Or I'd Play a Druid.

Liberty's Edge

Wow already? Thought the pgs were done like the month before lol


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Cayden for sure. I'll be playing Captain Andoran, with the Andoran falcon on the shield and everything. He's not naturally subtle.

Davic The Grey wrote:
Cayden for sure. I'll be playing Captain Andoran, with the Andoran falcon on the shield and everything. He's not naturally subtle.

so your going to play that brawler archetype…what is it shield champion?

Not sure, but I think either Iomedae or Abadar.

Should be odd, but I'll to play something like this:
A Pharasmin, one of a particular Order dedicated to the prophecy aspect of the Lady of Graves, and wanting to restore the prophecies'infallibility by reverting the effects of Ardoen's death (starting from Cheliax in this case)

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Desna, almost certainly. Or possibly Milani.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

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Coridan wrote:
Wow already? Thought the pgs were done like the month before lol

Nope. We generally need to build them at about the same time as when we start working on the first volume in the AP, so that the traits and other things sync up correctly. And since we're starting work on the APs earlier and earlier, the Player's Guides get started earlier and earlier.

They're not FINISHED until the last minute, generally... by which I mean edited and laid out and copyfit and all that. That step is still many months away for Hell's Rebels.

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The most obvious choices are Milani, Iomedae, Cayden, Calistria, Gorum, and possibly Erastil.

But here are a couple more thoughts:

A paladin or LG inquisitor of Abadar. May have a "good" lord as a patron. This paladin/inquisitor spends much of his background (if not a good chunk of the AP) trying to work within the system to mitigate the harms it creates. He tries to temper law with compassion, to infuse order with mercy. At some point, though, he's going to realize the House of Thrune cannot be allowed to stand. I imagine this sort of character may participate in the revolution, but he would spend as much time planning for AFTER the revolution.

Another possibility is Shelyn. I haven't read enough supplements to see if it's been fleshed out much, but I think music and beauty would make for a unique roleplaying opportunity in Hell's Rebels. Cheliax is a nation completed dominated by the damned -- fiends and their servants, yet its people cry out for music and beauty in their lives. We see evidence of this in the operas that are so popular in Cheliax. (As a sidebar, Shelyn is popular with halflings, possibly the most oppressed group in Cheliax) In a campaign that emphasizes RP, I think this could be a very, very intriguing route to take. I can imagine building a series of encounters around a traveling carnival that is secretly a cover for the Bellflowers ... AND brings hope to the downtrodden with music, dance, and art.

I think Mephistopheles and Moloch are both interesting choices as well. I could see playing a character who is involved in political machinations against Cheliax's power structure ... machinations that reflect the political power games in Hell itself.

I have a few players that have already tossed out ideas for this path:

Human Cavalier (Daring Champion)
Human Bard (wants to pick up/build around Flag Bearer... channeling his old 4e Warlord character)
Human Sorcerer (kind of vanilla right now, but mentioned Milani as deity)
Human Cleric of Milani (this was submitted by two different players, though one said "maybe a Warpriest", so I guess Milani gets three votes from my players)

All of them chose C/G alignment and all of them plan to have a Charisma of 14+... a very leader-y party. Though they also mentioned they'd need to see the player's guide to finalize anything. Not sure why all the Humans... I usually get at least one non-Human.

They also mentioned that the AP would need to be very different from Wrath of the Righteous to hold their interest. They realize demons and devils are not the same thing, but they want a) a very strong rebellion theme and b) clear ways to influence the aftermath of the (successful) rebellion, not just the rebellion itself. Still trying to figure out if that means they want equal parts rebellion and politics or just rebellion with a side dish of politics.

Liberty's Edge

Abadar would definitely be an interesting angle.

Chaldira Zuzaristan--some insight into (other) Halfling-specific gods would be nice.


Liberty's Edge

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Ihys, though not as a cleric.

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Asmodeus, of course. House Thrune has outlasted its usefulness, it's time for a fresh new perspective on things.

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