

Dark Archive

I have played a few sessions with a few different Nackle gnomes at the table, and I have gotten the impression that this is a "thing" beyond a handful of players with a family of gnomes. Can anyone shed some light on the gist of the whole Nackle thing? Is there a history to it or something? Google is not helpful in my search for enlightenment.

Silver Crusade


Am I the only one who has no idea what this is? This just seems like the type of thread that will be ignored because nobody understands the question, let alone knows the answer. Or maybe I'm just not in the loop.

Grand Lodge

My search in the internet found that Nackle is a gnomish clan sur-name. Carl "Crater" Nackle was/is a famous gnome but I can't find what source it's from. I'm guessing 2nd ed. D&D from the page source.


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I'm guessing it's a local thing. Try asking the players.

We have a trio of Half-orcs locally that are becoming quite memorable. "Rough" and "Tough" are teamwork-using Barbarians and "Buff" is the Cleric that buffs them.

They're a riot to play with.

Only thing I can find on google for Nackles is an "Anti-Santa Claus".

Dark Archive

heck, this is a Gnome Clan?

I'm shocked to see no one has jumped on here and just made a bunch of stuff up! You know, something like having thier SLAs switched out to Summon Minor Animal, and self-inflicted light wounds...

Then other posters could chime in with how that was "broken" and state "not-at-my-table".

what is the board coming too?!

Grand Lodge

I love the name "Nackle". I will have to keep it in mind for my gnomish special forces character.


Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

The Nackles are a clan of Gnomes, originally from Living Greyhawk.
The description of Gnomes in the Golarion setting fit the Nackles perfectly, so we are not sure if Pappy Nackle (Clan founder) was from here, or just spread the Nackle seed. (He loves the ladies, Pappy do.)

BTW; Nackles are originated by friends of mine locally. I did not realize they were becoming famous outside of the area.

I also know the person responsible for teh term "to LaMontagne" (La-Mon- Tain).

Dark Archive

Oddly enough, my wizard has a Nackle wandering around with him.

Its a salt mephit.

Dark Archive

Tim Statler wrote:


The Nackles are a clan of Gnomes, originally from Living Greyhawk.
The description of Gnomes in the Golarion setting fit the Nackles perfectly, so we are not sure if Pappy Nackle (Clan founder) was from here, or just spread the Nackle seed. (He loves the ladies, Pappy do.)

BTW; Nackles are originated by friends of mine locally. I did not realize they were becoming famous outside of the area.

I also know the person responsible for teh term "to LaMontagne" (La-Mon- Tain).

So are there a group of defining characteristics for the clan? All I've ever heard is groaning when a Nackle comes around, and the ones I've seen come off as obnoxiously ... willfully ignorant, daft, obtuse and naive? I'm just wondering how much of it is player roleplaying the group vs. clan personality traits.

Tim Statler wrote:
I also know the person responsible for teh term "to LaMontagne" (La-Mon- Tain).


Sovereign Court

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Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

To LaMantange means to take a circuitous route to your target to avoid AoOs.

The guy when he first saw someone do this manuver at the table, got up, and demonstrated it by weaving thru the tables at the con he was at.

Bardez, where do you live?

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Hi Folks!!! Parcival Diddimus Nackle, Esquire here (P. Diddy for short)! I got word through the proverbial grapevine that our little (see what I did there?) clan was a point of discussion. Me being the gregarious sort, I thought I might pop in and offer the official, voluminous-in-a-nutshell, direct-from-the-gnomie's-mouth history of Poppy Nackle, The SpectacNackular Circus and Menagerie, and the endearing mob of gnomes they spawned.

Way back when, whilst everyone who was anyone was playing on a world known as Oerth, some of us "role" centered folks sparked on the ingenious idea of creating a table full of gnomes. This was in response to too many boring encounters with those annoying "roll" minded power-gamer min-maxer types. Now, me personally, I don't mind crafting characters leaning to the effective side of the stat block, and I certainly don't want to look up my cute and tiny nose at folks who like to sit table knowing they won't be a burden on their fellow players (cause its nearly impossible for us short folk to look down on anyone, don't ya know).

However, after attending various conventions with folks wearing T-shirts sporting slogans like, "We don't play with: Guys playing girls, girls playing guys, people who use silly voices, hand puppets, or BARDS" (seriously, that last bit was the camel-back breaker. The nerve!), a few of us wanted to respond. And what better way to respond, we thought, than by creating an entire table full of gnomes, all descended from the same traveling circus, and all harboring marginally effective skill-sets. Yes, we could fight our way out of a paper bag, but usually just barely.

So, these original 5 Nackles (a name taken from the 3.5 Players Handbook entry for Gnomish surnames) and (5 because we wanted to leave room for a token tallie round-ear serious type), allocated points and bought starting equipment. I was the bard. To inspire my comrades I spouted limericks. I eventually found a long-lost brother, Fiodore (Fiddy) Nackle, who had taken the time honored art of playing the spoons to rouse his troupe to greater heights. Sadly, Fiddy got shot (by a dastardly needlefolk), and his career was cut short. A few other OGs (original Gnomes) were Pikka and Dilly, the twins (a male fighter and a female rogue, though neither was sure who was named who cause they were always referred to by Ma as "Pikka-Dilly"), Krackle, the sorcerer searching for a blue dragon cause he could ONLY cast lightning bolt (even if it looked a lot like Magic Missle, Burning Hands, Charm Person, etc.), Adams, the cleric of Nerull, Lil' Nicky, Pikka-Dilly's little sister (who had a raging ongoing romance with a burly human male city guardsman named Denzel), and a couple of others. Hey, a dozen is a couple, right?

Fast forward to the end of Living Greyhawk. I retired, as did the rest of the clan, and then the Edition We Shall Not Name came along, and with it, some horrendous attempt at Living Campaigning in the Realms. I was judging at a con in Memphis (many miles and a couple of states away from the original birthplace. A young player at my table was playing a gnome wizard. He was sitting next to me. The game was going fine, battle ensued, and the young lad cast a timely spell that had a substantial and negative effect on the bad guys. I was figuring damage and had my head down. Out of the corner of my eye I see the boy make a small move. The rest of the table start to chuckle (I had played with several of them before). I looked up and to my left at the youngster. He had placed a hand-written table card facing me. I read it: It said, "You've just been Nackled."

I completely lost it. My wife (player of Pikka. Or Dilly, Hell, I forget) looked at the kid (who by now was feeling a bit uncomfortable) and said, "Hey, do you know who this is?" The boy shook his head nervously. I kindly explained that I had made the first Nackle (that we knew of) and that he had just brought everything full circle. Our group had actually printed up cards featuring a reclining, saucy garden gnome, to give to DMs when we had completely gone off the rails. The card contained a brief text explaining to the poor gamemaster that he/she could kick back, enjoy the show, and we would shortly refocus and get back to the module.

Incidentally, while we shared many zany antics and uproarious adventure, never once did we fail to resolve the quest, solve the mystery, or defeat the baddie of the hour. At one GenCon we even had the judge thank us profusely. "I swear, all weekend I've been dealing with power gamers and whiners. You guys are a breath of fresh air. I totally needed this!"

If you've read this far, I thank you for your time. For those of you who are experiencing what I can only attribute to the very un-Nackle-like shenanigans of the black-sheep northern branch of the clan (I swear, we really don't know them at all!), I heartily and sincerely apologize. You have our permission to visit upon them the most dire and horrible deaths to be found at any tier. Barring that, tell them that Poppy said to "knock that crap off!" If they're true Nackles, they'll listen.

Dark Archive

Tim Statler wrote:
Bardez, where do you live?


Papa Nackle, thank you for the grand oral history. In my ongoing encounters with the clan, I hope not to tell anyone to knock it off. I find it quite a riot, honestly. But then, I've not GM'd for one of you guys yet, either.

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One of us is never a problem. It's when you have to run a table of 5+token that things get challenging. BTW, a few of our "originals" are from central Illinois, so it's possible you'll encounter them. If you're lucky. Those folks are true gems!

Grand Lodge

Sounds similar to a couple of Luchador's in my area. Or the Bro-barians from another.

Grand Lodge

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I vote we sticky Parcival Diddimus Nackle's post.

Seriously, what a wonderful story about the hobby and having fun.
I've just been Nackled.

Grand Lodge

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P Diddy Nackle, I want to thank you for enlightening us with that story. So very interesting!

I have a question: Would you allow me to create a gnome PC with the Nackle name to carry on the tradition? I've never played a gnome in PFS and I just got my girlfriend started on her first character but I think it would be awesome if my gf & I created new members of the Nackle family. Perhaps our new Nackles could be distant cousins of the originals. I would love to introduce Denver PFS to Nackle shenanigans!


roll4initiative wrote:
Would you allow me to create a gnome PC with the Nackle name to carry on the tradition?

I'll second this request.

My gnome only has 1 XP of GM credit so far.

I'm in Sacramento.

Grand Lodge

Nefreet wrote:
roll4initiative wrote:
Would you allow me to create a gnome PC with the Nackle name to carry on the tradition?

I'll second this request.

My gnome only has 1 XP of GM credit so far.

I'm in Sacramento.

The Nackles going World Wide, Baby!

How funny that would be. Going to a Con somewhere and sitting next to your Nackle is a Nackle-kin or two from Nantucket or Norway!

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Nefreet wrote:
roll4initiative wrote:
Would you allow me to create a gnome PC with the Nackle name to carry on the tradition?

I'll second this request.

My gnome only has 1 XP of GM credit so far.

I'm in Sacramento.

While I appreciate your asking (and am utterly humbled and honored), my permission is completely irrelevant. By all means, create the characters and enjoy! And if those characters happen to be gnomes, and just happen to be a bit on the quirky, exotic, or eccentric side, and their family name just happens to be Nackle, more power to you!

Carry on, cousins! And don't forget to spill a little ale for dear old Poppy. Surviving 3 wives and fathering a multi-global clan makes a gnome thirsty.

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"Lil' Nicky, Pikka-Dilly's little sister (who had a raging ongoing romance with a burly human male city guardsman named Denzel)"

Denzel Valentine!

Denzel Valentine, one part doorman at a Verbobonc "gentleman's club," one part advisor to the Lordly, and all parts smmmmooooooth operator!

Denzel was born of my getting to GM three slot zeroes of LG modules for a convention. And of course, those those slot zeroes were comprised entirely of clan Nackle.

I just got caught up in the Nackledom, and suddenly each module had an NPC that turned out to be Denzel Valentine, with his trademark "Nackle, please!" Just imagine a mix of Billy Dee Williams and Billy Ray Valentine from "Trading Places."

Now that I've finally gotten around to playing PFS it may be time for Denzel to make his PFS appearance!

Grand Lodge

This is a timely discussion for me, since my spouse and I are considering building "gnomish special forces, aerial division" characters that ride around on rocs, and are insanely curious and cheerful.

I think we will have to name them Nackles in your honor, Pappy!


Shadow Lodge

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Good times.

player of Barwan Erasimus Nackle, Gnome Illusionist
& (apparently) infamous origin of the "LaMontagne" tactical maneuver.

Grand Lodge

P Diddy Nackle, the OG wrote:
Krackle, the sorcerer searching for a blue dragon cause he could ONLY cast lightning bolt (even if it looked a lot like Magic Missle, Burning Hands, Charm Person, etc.),

This is my favorite part. I might have to borrow this for something. :P

I believe Ive GMed for a Nackle or two, but never a bunch at once.

Sovereign Court

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During LG there were Nackle players from Mississippi to Illinois, with the geographic heart in CapeG where P. Diddy and companions started the whole thing. The annual Brewfest convention usually brought the most Nackles together in one room, and GenCon hosted some "Five Nackles and a Sap" tables. I have fond memories (and a t-shirt) of the Nackle Family Reunion at CogCon 2006, in which 15 Nackles joined forces in the "Fair Compensation" interactive. A product featuring Poppy Nackle even made it onto a Verbobonc AR, although his name was altered so the shady sellers could avoid paying royalties.

Pathfinder gnomes are true Nackles in spirit, so naturally clan members exist on Golarion. They seem to be scarcer on Golarion than Oerth, as I've yet to play with more than three in any party, and often there's only one. On the other hand, some Nackles don't learn they are Nackles until later in life, so maybe there are more of us around than we know.

While there is some consistent player-created flavor, there are no official requirements to be a Nackle, other than being a self-recognized descendant of Poppy Nackle. The best Nackles contribute to their parties and are generally well-received by fellow players and GMs, at least after any initial stereotypes are overcome. For players who enjoy a little Role with their Roll Playing, adding some Nackle to your Pathfinder can be a lot of fun.

Sovereign Court

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KestlerGunner wrote:

I vote we sticky Parcival Diddimus Nackle's post.

Seriously, what a wonderful story about the hobby and having fun.
I've just been Nackled.


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Hmm wrote:

This is a timely discussion for me, since my spouse and I are considering building "gnomish special forces, aerial division" characters that ride around on rocs, and are insanely curious and cheerful.

I think we will have to name them Nackles in your honor, Pappy!


We'll allow it, but on one condition. The rocs must be dyed in the garish bright colors of parrots. And the pilots must wear WWI caps and goggles. Also you must name the squadron JG1 (Just Gnomes 1).

The Exchange

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I was a dumb barbarin/fighter/exotic weaponmaster/ Orc Thug/dread commando/bard..

His name was Grog Wilsnatch, I played several mods with Nackle's and was invited to make one, I think my next PC for pathfinder will be him.
I have been playing the serious, or seriously dumb types lately and having a fun character can only be good for me.
P Diddy, you got any ideas to throw my way before i start this off

Dark Archive

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Seth Gipson wrote:
P Diddy Nackle, the OG wrote:
Krackle, the sorcerer searching for a blue dragon cause he could ONLY cast lightning bolt (even if it looked a lot like Magic Missle, Burning Hands, Charm Person, etc.),

This is my favorite part. I might have to borrow this for something. :P

I believe Ive GMed for a Nackle or two, but never a bunch at once.

Help yourself, I was the player of Krackle Nackle. P Diddy misremembered a few details, but the idea is correct. Krackle had been struck by lightning 3 times, and was looking for the Lightning God. Of course, there is no god specific to lightning on Oerth (there are weather gods, but that wasn't good enough).

Gregg mentioning the family reunion at the fair reminds me of one of my favorite Nackle stories. The fair included the typical stations to visit for different rides or events. One was bungee jumping. Another Nackle attempted the jump, but mistimed his jump and went splat. One dead Nackle, luckily a friendly Druid reincarnated him. Krackle and another cousin insisted we could do better and jumped together on the same cord. All seemed to be going well. And then halfway down, we began argueing over when to pull up, this distraction proved our undoing. We bounced. High. Very high. Count with me... three Dead Nackles. The kindly Druid reincarnated us also. Nackles never learn.

I loved stumbling on this thread. I moved from SE Missouri over three years ago for a new job, and don't get back often enough. I also don't get to play PFS as much as I would like anymore. I'm glad everyone takes the Nackles in the spirit they were intended.

Dark Archive

GreggH wrote:
For players who enjoy a little Role with their Roll Playing, adding some Nackle to your Pathfinder can be a lot of fun.

GreggH, I believe that yours are the Nackles that started my quest for clarification. I've seen at least 2 of them, separately. As I said earlier, they are a riot to game with.

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Barwan Nackle was awesome. How many times can you make a ridiculously high save vs. phantasmal killer? With Barwan he always seemed to have ONE more to cast at you!

Perhaps a "Gathering of the Nackles" is in order sometime in the near future? Perhaps Winter War?

p.s. LG ended before the next Cape G. phenomenon was fully hatched...THE FISTS OF WOE!

Correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't there a human who was raised by Nackles?

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While I would love to chime in IN CHARACTER, with Dilly Nackle that is not really an option as most of her character flavor comes from the speed and tone of voice and I have yet to find a way to convey that via type. SO OOC it is.
Nackles like us are a group full of flavor and fun, none are exceptional power characters or min/max broken characters. We will speed precious skill points in crafting/profession categories because it fits with the flavor of a character (ie brewing and such) while this may help for a day job roll, not much good anywhere else.
That said there are a few FAUX NACKLES out there, if you have ever left a table with the thought of never playing with that "player" again or would like to see that "player" drop kicked into orbit they were probably a faux Nackle, we had a rash of them pop up before the end of LG and they used the Nackle idea to be complete a$$hats.
True Nackles while we can get annoying in large groups are a great bunch of players who know where the line is and will play near it but don't cross it (let's face we are circus folk). While the characters generally have marginal stats, we are usually creative thinkers with the experience to make up the difference. That is part of why we generally need a token tallie with 5 Nackles (Somebody has to be able to reach stuff).
As far as Golarion, we Oerth Nackles did track down a 1st cousin to Poppy Nackle and found he did have a traveling circus too - Cousin Hempy Schroom Nackle.
We have a chillin' classic garden gnome statue that we used for Poppy and took to conventions that we hosted/volunteered at, then we found one decked out in board shorts and Hawaiian shirt, with flowered hat and smoking a pipe and he became our Golarion gnome Cousin Hempy.
Happy playing and if you play a Nackle - do the family proud and shut down a table with laughter once in a while. Our current record is 5 tables at once with a complete stop in play for laughter at a convention.

Shadow Lodge

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Hm... I wonder if my PFS gnome is a long-lost Nackle? He's a barbarian, but he gets excited instead of raging (I mean seriously, there's so much to see in the world; why get angry at it?). He (thought he) comes from a long line of gnomish gardeners, so he uses the family tree pruner as an heirloom weapon (okay, so it was really a ripsaw glaive, but then the 'Heirloom Weapon' trait was updated, so it became a glaive-guisarme, i.e., the pruning blades stopped working), and yes, he has ranks in Craft (Topiary)...

Sovereign Court

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Partho wrote:
Gregg mentioning the family reunion at the fair reminds me of one of my favorite Nackle stories. The fair included the typical stations to visit for different rides or events. One was bungee jumping. Another Nackle attempted the jump, but mistimed his jump and went splat. One dead Nackle, luckily a friendly Druid reincarnated him. Krackle and another cousin insisted we could do better and jumped together on the same cord. All seemed to be going well. And then halfway down, we began argueing over when to pull up, this distraction proved our undoing. We bounced. High. Very high. Count with me... three Dead Nackles. The kindly Druid reincarnated us also. Nackles never learn.

That friendly Oerth Druid was family, none other than Gnarley Druid Timberdoodle Nackle, who thrice in one day successfully reincarnated his cousins. (There was a fourth reincarnation, but even a Nackle don't brag much about turning a dead cousin into a live kobold :-) My eternal thanks to the interactive GMs who encouraged us to play "fully Nackled" for that interactive -- it remains one of my favorite Organized Play memories.

Any far-flung PFS Nackles who get to central Illinois are likely to get a warm welcome from Zappy Nackle the sorcerer, Pumper Nackle the rogue (and baker -- get it?), or Coronel Uberto Umford del Mumford de la Nackle the bard, among others. Nackles love family, the bigger the better.

And if you're in southern Illinois/St. Louis make sure and look up cousin Shackle "Sh-Sh" Nackle; locksman & obtainer of the rare & unique! Also a fair hand around a casino :)

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i would just like to say, this thread as well as the Nackle family, are amazing xD

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 32

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So want to make a character named Kilroy Nackle now and arcane mark all my adventures.

Sovereign Court

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Bardez wrote:
GreggH wrote:
For players who enjoy a little Role with their Roll Playing, adding some Nackle to your Pathfinder can be a lot of fun.
GreggH, I believe that yours are the Nackles that started my quest for clarification. I've seen at least 2 of them, separately. As I said earlier, they are a riot to game with.

Thanks, Bardez! I had a blast at our last table. Leading monsters on a merry chase while the rest of the party escorts villagers to safety is a very Nackley way to be a hero. I'm glad Skeezer Nackle contributed to party success as well as player fun (except for the one player in the world with Permanent Enmity of the Nackles ;)

And then there was the time when WE were running a carnival-based interactive, and the 3 Nackles playing had everyone convinced they were part of the adventure due to, exuberance?

(Seriously, you don't run into many players running around with their character's weasel familiar sticking out of their pants. That's probably a good thing.)

Dark Archive

I'm now convinced that I am going to have to roll up a Nackle one of these days. My dilemma, though, is whether or not to use "Nackle" or a distant 7th cousin surname, "Gnackle".

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An example of "proper" Nackle behavior, circa 10/28/2014:

The party has just come down a staircase and there is a large steel box in the middle of the room. The barbarian boldly approaches the box and as he does asks if there is any buzzing or sounds of electricity. I catch the DM's eye and roll a perform check on the down-low. The DM responds "yes, you hear the cackling buzz of electricity in the room!" The whole table tenses up (apparently none of them other than the DM saw me). The barbarian asks "where is the buzzing coming from?" Roll perception. "Its coming from Sh-Sh, who is standing behind you going "BZZZZ BZZZZ!" A nice laugh and then we fight the swarm hiding in the box.

Sovereign Court

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Can a ranger take Favored Enemy: Nackle?

Only if that Ranger's first name is Mike.

Grand Lodge

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P Diddy Nackle, the OG wrote:
Hmm wrote:

This is a timely discussion for me, since my spouse and I are considering building "gnomish special forces, aerial division" characters that ride around on rocs, and are insanely curious and cheerful.

I think we will have to name them Nackles in your honor, Pappy!


We'll allow it, but on one condition. The rocs must be dyed in the garish bright colors of parrots. And the pilots must wear WWI caps and goggles. Also you must name the squadron JG1 (Just Gnomes 1).

We were actually planning already on garish - looking rocs. Though we were planning on peacock tails instead of parrot coloration. We'd also planned on aviator helmets, goggles and with the name GNAT -- Gnomish Naval and Aeronautics Team.

JG1 has potential, though!


Welcome to Nacklevember!

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