Glutton |
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Many have commented on the totally awesome kick-in-the-door feat Stunning Irruption and it's possible uses. Adjusting my bow tie, I gave a stab at it.
Kool-Aid Man!
Male Half-Orc Barbarian 20 CN
Alternate Racial Trait: Gatecrasher +2 strength checks +2 sunder attempts
Traits: Muscle of the Society, +2 strength checks versus doors. Destructive Blows +2 strength checks, +2 sunder attempts
1 Power Attack
2 Rage Power: Animal Fury
3 Improved Sunder
4 Rage Power: Hive Totem
5 Stunning Irruption
6 Rage Power: Intimidating Glare
7 Shrapnel Strike
8 Rage Power: Terrifying Howl
9 Breaker of Barriers +2 strength checks
10 Rage Power: Strength Surge
11 Oath of the Unbound +2 strength checks
12 Rage Power: Superstitious
13 Smash +5 strength checks versus doors
14 Rage Power: Witch Hunter
15 Destroyer's Blessing
16 Rage Power: Spell Sunder
17 Greater Sunder
18 Rage Power: Hive Totem Resilience
19 Skill Focus: Perform (Oratory)
20 Rage Power: Hive Totem Toxicity
Fun Facts! Assuming you started with a 20 strength, and placed your stat ups until at least 24 strength, then added a +6 strength belt, your rage will boost you up to a 38, which is a +14 mod. You stroll up to a Iron Door with its 10 hardness, 60 hitpoints, and strength break DC of 28 and scoff. You could shred this with your +74 strength check, but instead you decide to burst through the wall right next to it (at a mere +67)! <Queue guitar riff> Suddenly you Perform Oratory "OH YEAH!" and force your opponents within 20 feet to make a DC 30 fort save or be stunned, and those within 10 feet to make a DC 34 reflex save or take 1d4+8 damage as totally gnarly shards of hewn stone fly into them. BUT WAIT there's more! If your stupefied opponents are not stunned you launch into a terrifying air guitar solo as smoke machines fire up, forcing those fools to make a DC 34 will save or be panicked for 1d4+1 rounds! All this and you have some tubular sunder/spell sunder/bite you and poison you skills as well. You may be one weird Rovagug-loving Pathfinder barbarian, but hey at least you're not bored.

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I am currently playing a dwarf named Kuhlade in PFS. He was built as an overrun specialist, because who makes an overrun specialist? He is now a Barbarian(Brutal Pugilist)1/Cleric(Separatist of Gorum with Strength and Travel Domains)1/Monk(Martial Artist)1/Fighter(Foehammer)1 with an adamantine earth breaker and ranks in profession(barkeep). He is super fun to play as is, but if Stunning Irruption becomes legal I will certainly be adding it to the build.
I am also fabricating a mini from a doll house kool-aid picture and some dismembered limbs and will post it when complete.

Glutton |

Well if you want to increase the silliness you can switch it to primalist bloodrager with the abyssal bloodline, cast monstrous physique 2, add perfect style and untwisting iron strength, and add another +13 to the strength check. Wonder if there are any monstrous humanoids that somehow resemble a pitcher of kool-aid.