Recommend an AP for a hyper-charismatic party


So me and a couple friends of mine are playing a game where we're all going to have PC's and just swap out GM'ing duties on a weekly basis. We have characters to play but since we usually do full homebrew we're not really sure what AP to run them in.

We're playing a Daring Champion Cavalier, an Oracle, and my Bard. We were originally considering Wrath of the Righteous but decided against it because the Oracle is new to Pathfinder (though she's a veteran at D&D in general) and didn't want to mess with mythic rules. I'd like suggestions on an AP with more social play than dungeon crawling since we've got a lot of diplomacy and no trapfinding, though we do love the combat aspects and don't want to run that out entirely.

Jade regent has a good bit with the caravan rules

Road to Revolution by 0one Games an urban AP shouldl be an awesome fit.

Council of Thieves sounds like exactly what you want. We started it with 3 Bards and a 17 Cha Monk.

Second Council of Thieves especially part 2.

My players have turned basically every encounter in LEGACY OF FIRE into a social encounter, and it's worked out wonderfully - many chances for intrigue, shifting alliances, favors, animal handling, and bargaining. I highly recommend using the modifications and additions you find on the Paizo boards, written by folks updating the AP from 3.5 to Pathfinder.

Carrion Crown

Skulls and Shackles is good, the first half or so of the book is replete with situations where characters with pumped up Diplomacy, Intimidate, and Bluff can do extremely well. Once out of that, it still remains very important to be able to boast about your piratical deeds so as to increase your notoriety in the Shackles.

Isent the rotating GMing, from week to week, gonna make using an AP a bit hard?

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