What class / build uses this stat array and fits my party / campaign best?


The campaign is set in an ocean world, so much of our time is spent on our ship sailing around (lots of "downtime" makes crafting a real option?). We're currently level 6 and the party has 2 druids and a barbarian. One druid is healing/support focused and the other is an archer? (Not sure yet.)

This is my stat array from highest to lowest: 18 17 16 13 12 11. Before racial modifiers and level 4.

I want to play a martial tiefling, one who kicks down the doors, charges in, and leads a boarding party, but I'm really flexible on class. I've never had such a strong stat array that could support the more MAD builds before and wanted to find suggestions.

Picarroon Swashbuckler (if your GM allows firearms), otherwise just a normal Swashbuckler. Use a whip with Slashing Grace (for the reach for ship combat) for all kinds of fun.

Use one of the alternate heritages who doesn't drop CHA.

Also, bloodrager tiefling with those stats is FANTASTIC, and gets some arcane abilities in the group.

There are a TON of awesome concepts for sea games, a Hexcrafter Magus is also a classic tiefling with arcane skills to complement the group.

Thanks TGMaxMaxer. I've always had a preference for lighter armor (even when not on ships) so I was excited when the new Swashbuckler came out. There are definitely firearms in this world.

not related but, where do you find alternate heritages?

Blood of Fiends book.

yazo wrote:

not related but, where do you find alternate heritages?


Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

That feat is from the Council of Thieves adventure path. It's a bit out-dated since Blood of Fiends came out. Blood of Fiends's rules let you pick an alternate heritage without using a feat, but the rules for them are a bit different (each heritage in BoF replaces your ability score changes, your +2s to skills, and your spell-like ability)

Castarr4 wrote:
That feat is from the Council of Thieves adventure path. It's a bit out-dated since Blood of Fiends came out. Blood of Fiends's rules let you pick an alternate heritage without using a feat, but the rules for them are a bit different (each heritage in BoF replaces your ability score changes, your +2s to skills, and your spell-like ability)

Oh cool. Thank you

Still looking for suggestions. With these stats would TWF be good? Maybe a Warlord or Warder

The viking archetype for fighter is a really fun archetype if your willing for a little heavier armour.

yazo wrote:
The viking archetype for fighter is a really fun archetype if your willing for a little heavier armour.

Feats AND rage? that does sound fun

and its flavourful for your campaign

Magus. Multiple good stats can support the rare non-Dex based build, and you have the flexibility to frontline or support as your spells dictate. And you can emulate the Swashbuckler pretty well. I'd go Hexcrafter, personally, but baseline, Kensai, and Bladebound can all work out.

Besides. Why kick down the door when you can cover your foot in electricity and disintegrate it?

kestral287 wrote:

Magus. Multiple good stats can support the rare non-Dex based build, and you have the flexibility to frontline or support as your spells dictate. And you can emulate the Swashbuckler pretty well. I'd go Hexcrafter, personally, but baseline, Kensai, and Bladebound can all work out.

Besides. Why kick down the door when you can cover your foot in electricity and disintegrate it?

Yeah the big thing is I want to take advantage of a MAD build, instead of just playing a strong, dexterous, tough guy, and definitely want more utility. Magus seems to fulfill that... never played one before so I'll start looking at it and those archetypes right now. Thanks kestral287!

If anyone has more suggestions, please give them :)

yea I was going to suggest blade bound kensai magus.

IS the barbarian you're playing with taking the sea reaver archetype?

another fun choice would be the mobile fighter archetype with dual saber fighting.

High Dex str con, and enough int left over for combat expertise and eventually whirlwind attack

Pendagast wrote:

yea I was going to suggest blade bound kensai magus.

IS the barbarian you're playing with taking the sea reaver archetype?

another fun choice would be the mobile fighter archetype with dual saber fighting.

High Dex str con, and enough int left over for combat expertise and eventually whirlwind attack

he's a strix titanmauler

What about being a Totemic Skald?

Basically blending a little druid and a little barbarian with arcane spells, it's definitely a mad class.

The class features let you wild shape with the druids (so you can all be a school of sea turtles the barbarian can ride on into battle!) and your rage song helps out the barbarian (and alternatively the druids if they accept the song)

oddsprout wrote:

The campaign is set in an ocean world, so much of our time is spent on our ship sailing around (lots of "downtime" makes crafting a real option?). We're currently level 6 and the party has 2 druids and a barbarian. One druid is healing/support focused and the other is an archer? (Not sure yet.)

This is my stat array from highest to lowest: 18 17 16 13 12 11. Before racial modifiers and level 4.

I want to play a martial tiefling, one who kicks down the doors, charges in, and leads a boarding party, but I'm really flexible on class. I've never had such a strong stat array that could support the more MAD builds before and wanted to find suggestions.

Several Options,

the most basic:

Fighter (Viking) 4-->X, Str/Con 18/17, rest as you see fit.

Gets rage powers or fighter bonus feats, and defensive bonuses from shield use. Power Attack, Improved Bull Rush, Bull Rush Strike etc will help clear a path for things to follow you onto the ship. Armor is Medium, tends to use shield-based TWF with an axe.

the strongest:

Demonspawn Tiefling (+Str/Cha -Int), Str/Con 20/17, Cha 15, rest any

Bloodrager (Abyssal) 4--> up
anytime before 7: Skill Focus (Knowledge: The Planes)
anytime before 9: Eldritch Heritage (Abyssal) (Benefit: Select one >sorcerer< bloodline)
11: Improved Eldritch Heritage (Strength of the Pit)

At level 20, without gear, this thing automatically runs +22 strength from size, inherent bonuses, and morale while bloodraging. Won't be a door left after you open it up.

an unusual twist:

Black-Claw the Ripper
Devilspawn Tiefling (+con/wis, -cha), Str 17, Dex 18, wis 18, Int 13 Con 14, Cha 9)

1: Toughness, MB: Combat Reflexes, Imp Unarmed Strike, Stunning Fist
2: MB: Deflect Arrows
3: Boar Style (req: 3 ranks in intimidate)
4: +1 str (all points go into strength)

5: Power Attack
6: MB: Mobility
7: Improved Bull Rush
9: Quick Bull Rush
10: MB: Spring Attack
11: Greater Bull Rush

This guy will be awesome for bull rushing targets straight off the far end of the ship, consider going hungry ghost monk for punishing kick.

Silver Crusade

Dervish Dance Bard? Not the Dawnflower kind.

My thought is go with a TWF investigator or a TWF archeologist as your desired tiefling. the bonuses are in the right places, natural armor is a nice plus, and you cover the out of combat skills well.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

This archetype is fun for sword and gun wielders

Awesome, thanks for all the suggestions

I second the Magus. Pehaps even a kensai for the seagoing non armored type of hero. Give him a scimetar and he will be great. With the new arcanas from advanced class guide, that allow you to put level to damage at no other cost than 2 arcanas, you can be the destroyer of worlds. Put frost bite on top of that and a dex bases magis with your stats would at level 5 look at somthing like 1d6+5+2+5+(1d6+5) this is with out magic items but with, finesse, dervish Dance, Flamboyant, arcane deed(precise strike) and 2 from arcane pool. You can go black blade but that will delay everything. This character will have great offense and AC, good saves and not terrible utility.

Scarab Sages

As it looks like you have access to Path of War I suggest Warlord. I really suggest Warlord. It's a fun class that has a lot of variety in it's abilities that won't leave you in "I full attack" boredom.

You have decent skill points and some good class skills for a naval game.

You can be a kind of support character with Tactical Presence and Warleader and the Golden Lion Discipline making your crew (i'm assuming there's a crew as well as the PCs) better in combat.

And for kicking the door in you're a full BAB character with decent damage boosts and you have access to disciplines that do solid single attack damage (Scarlet Throne does good single attack damage and also feels very swashbucklery)

Scarab Sages

oddsprout wrote:
Still looking for suggestions. With these stats would TWF be good? Maybe a Warlord or Warder

Human Warlord

13 str
20 dex
17 con
11 int
12 wis
16 cha

1: Weapon Finesse, Two-Weapon Fighting, Deadly Agility

Some thrashing dragon maneuvers, some golden lion maneuvers and stay in Outer Sphere Stance for +1d6 damage to your attacks.

at level 1 you're doing +4/+4 1dx+5+1d6 damage

your will save is bad now but eventually you add your charisma modifier to it.

Grand Lodge

Oni-Spawn Tiefling Devastator Inquisitor.

Great scout, good damage, good skills, and even a good face.

Great for this party.

Melee hunter. Your rolls allow you to push the cha up to get access to evolved companion.
With spirit's gift and evolved companion you can have a powerful companion and still be competent enough yourself. Take a pet with a swim* speed that can help you in cases when you have to get into the water.
*not only a swim speed. But in addition to the land speed.

If you like multiclassing you can mix in some levels of barbarian to get ferocious companion. Or a primal bloodrager with a 4th level bloodline power worth trading away.

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