Web site extra slow today?

Website Feedback

Silver Crusade

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Is it just me, or has all of Paizo.com been extra slow today? I'm not noticing this problem on other web sites, so it doesn't seem to be my internet connection.

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Started last night in my time zone; I've gotten the Website Maintenance graphic several times, too. I wonder if it's extra traffic from the Great Golem Sale.

Silver Crusade Assistant Software Developer

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It is most likely Great Golem Sale traffic. We're going to see what we can do to smooth this out some.

I noticed it too (I made a triple post and couldn't access the website for two hours). I'm just glad you're getting tons of traffic. That, at least, is good!

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That Crazy Golem, he's practically giving it away!

Not only is the site slow, but I've been kicked out several times and shopping cart full of his goodies has been deleted each time... Seems like some serious issues when trying to buy that Golem's great sale items. After 4 times of it, I'm giving up and going to try again another day

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I cannot check out either. Keep getting redirected on the last step.

Development Manager

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Yeah, the sale turning out to be Really Popular and server goblins just aren't what they used to be. We're trying some tricks to eek a bit more zeal out of them.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

Seannoss wrote:
I cannot check out either. Keep getting redirected on the last step.

Having the preorder for Plunder and Peril on it caused it to crash. I was able to successfully submit the order once I removed that. You will need to place the order for that separately but it shouldn't make a difference on your end since that was headed to your sidecart.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Aha... thank you Sara. Thought about testing that out myself.

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Some double posts in my gameplay, goblins coming on from last night and... it's because you people are having a great sale?!?

It's like I can't lose for winning...

Well, I am trying for more than 3 hours now to place an order...but the website is always sending me back to the store...;(

Same here. I've been trying to order since last night and it keeps looping back to the beginning. :/ At least my cart stays.

Silver Crusade

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It's actually much better now than it was earlier in the day.

Fromper wrote:
It's actually much better now than it was earlier in the day.

It actually seems a bit faster than normal...?

It crashed on me earlier today, couldn't even open any pages.

Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:
It crashed on me earlier today, couldn't even open any pages.

This was true for me eariler in the day, but by the time I'd posted, it was running shockingly quickly for Paizo.com (an awesome site, but often a slight bit on the slow side).

EDIT: At present, the site is a bit wonky. It's working right now, but just before making that post, it was refusing to load pages.


Does anyone have any tips for getting an order placed??? It keeps looping back to the home page after repeatedly forcing me to log in. 3 days and still no luck. :-S

cdenham wrote:
Does anyone have any tips for getting an order placed??? It keeps looping back to the home page after repeatedly forcing me to log in. 3 days and still no luck. :-S

Split PDFs out from Physical Product into separate orders.

Pre-orders into a separate order.
Depending on the number of items in the order, do it in batches of 20 or less.

Make sure that you ask to combine the shipping into one order whilst at STEP 2 in the order process.

Just suggestions, they may / may not work, YMMV, no warranty expressed or implied.

-- david

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