Centaur Character


Ok so I was considering playing a Centaur character
But I am not sure what class would be best for this character idea. Cavalier seemed like a good idea if they count as their own mount but I am not sure about that. Anyone got ideas?

Depends almost entirely on how the person running the game is letting you play the Centaur - a custom made race, maybe? Without that information, hard to give specific advice.

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Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Cross-posted from another thread...

Ravingdork wrote:

If the monster PC guidelines in the Bestiary are strictly adhered to, a centaur PC's progression looks like the table below. The left column shows the centaur's racial HD (before the slash) and the centaur's class levels (after the slash) as it compares to his more normal party members' class levels. For example, if your party is 16th-level, then you should be a 14th-level centaur (that is 4 HD & 14 class levels). The bolded line is where the centaur gains a "bonus class level" to make up for his inferior racial HD.

HD/Class; Class
4/00; 3
4/01; 4
4/02; 5
4/04; 6
4/05; 7
4/06; 8
4/07; 9
4/08; 10
4/09; 11
4/10; 12
4/11; 13
4/12; 14
4/13; 15
4/14; 16
4/15; 17
4/16; 18
4/17; 19
4/18; 20

Your centaur racial traits would look something like this:

Ability Modifiers: +4 Str, +4 Dex, +4 Con, +4 Wis, +2 Cha (as well as +1 to any one ability score for your 4th racial HD)
Size: Large (10 x 10 ft.)
Type: Monstrous Humanoid (4 HD)
Speed: 50 ft.
Reach: 5 ft.
Armor Class: +1 natural armor bonus
Natural Attacks: 2 hooves (secondary attacks, base 1d6 damage)
Skills: No racial bonuses, but you get a +8 bonus to Acrobatics checks made to jump due to high speed.
Special Attacks: none
Special Qualities: Darkvision 60 ft., Undersized weapons
Starting Languages: Common, Elven, Sylvan (with no bonus languages for high intelligence)

You may only play such a character in a 3rd-level or higher group and you gain the starting funds of a character for your effective level (for example, if you started in a 16th-level group, you would start with 315,000gp worth of adventuring gear).

HP: 10 + 3d10 + (con x 4)
Base saves: +1 Fort, +4 Ref, +4 Will
Base Attack: +4
Bonus Armor/Weapon Proficiencies: All light and medium armors, shields (except the tower shield), and all simple weapons plus the longsword
Feats: 2 general feats (one at your first HD, and one at your 3rd)
Skills: You have 16 ranks to assign (modified for intelligence) and you can have up to 4 ranks in any given skill. Your class skills are Climb, Craft, Fly, Intimidate, Perception, Ride, Stealth, Survival, and Swim.

When you add on class levels, you follow all the same rules for multiclassing (thus you do NOT gain max hp for your first class level since you already got it for your first racial HD). You can also start benefiting from your favored class bonuses (as you can't choose your racial type as a favored class).

That's about it I think. If you have any other questions about playing monstrous characters, feel free to let me know.

EDIT: Don't forget your size modifiers (-1 AC/attacks, +1 CMB/CMD, -4 Stealth, etc.)

Assuming you are using the traditional method of playing a monstrous character (as shown above), just about any physical combat character would work fairly well for you. I'd probably recommend Barbarian or Ranger since they fit thematically with the race. Being large, you would probably do a good job of getting aggro from the enemies, which is what you're supposed to do as a meat shield.

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

I would recommend the Lapith race from the 3rd party product Races of Hoof and Horn. Lapiths are shapeshifters who have humanoid and centaur forms, so you can take them into places that a centaur would have trouble fitting but assume a full centaur form when you have room for it.

Now the Centaur I see in ARG and the SRD does not mention any RHD in its description.


If I'm understanding this racial feat right your cavalier idea is perfect

Natural Jouster

Bard. You could be the Centaur of Attention.

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
EsperMagic wrote:

If I'm understanding this racial feat right your cavalier idea is perfect

Natural Jouster

OMG. I have a number of friends who have been looking for just such an ability for YEARS!

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