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I've been looking up and down on how to make an undead-killing machine, and I can't come up with anything better than a baseline Cleric of Saranrae.
If I take the Glory and Sun Domains, I get to ignore their channel resistance, add my cleric levels to damage dealt, and all of my channel-to-harm undead channels are at +2 DC.
Most Cleric archetypes ditch one of the domains and few give bonuses against undead (except for the wandering exorcist, who is basically only good against ghosts, haunts, and the possessed.)
Then just have spells memorized like disrupt undead, invisability to undead, death to undeath, protection from evil (for all those vampires) and make sure one of your skills is Knowledge-Arcana.
Grab feats like extra channeling and (maybe) the one that makes undead flee.
Am I missing something? Is that really the best undead-killer there is? I mean, a paladin can smite undead, but that's one-at-a-time.

Renegadeshepherd |
A slight variation on this could be to be a cleric of Ra instead. He has rulership variant channeling so as a harm to undead you could daze them for a round; and yes undead can be dazed. This would nearly halve your damage but it takes full advantage your domains DCs so you should be able to daze em nearly every time with your proposed build.
Another possibility is to be an ecclisitheurge cleric. With said archetype you could eventually turn into a beastly blaster or a master buffer as you get a good list of spells that you did t have through other means (beyond ur single domain slot cast).

Jeraa |

Wait, as I was flipping though stuff, I saw this:
Half elf alternate racial power:
Add 1/3 to the damage healed or dealt by channel energyWhat . . . what does that mean? Does it mean every three levels add 1 point to damage healed or dealt (in which case it sucks?)
Every time you level up in your favored class, you get to choose a minor bonus. Usually an extra hit point or skill point. In this case, you can instead choose to get a bonus to the damage or healing from channel energy.
You don't automatically get that bonus. You have to level up in your favored class (in this case, Cleric) 3 times and choose that bonus for all 3 levels to get even a +1 bonus (you always round fractions down).

Mysterious Stranger |

There are several classes that can be undead killing machines. Clerics are the most obvious but channel energy works better vs hordes of lower level threats than to the boss undead. Paladins are just the opposite they are the best class to take down the boss undead, but only average vs the hordes of lesser undead. Paladins big advantage vs undead hordes are his defenses. With good saves and immunity to fear and disease they can probably last longer vs undead than any other class.
Rangers who max out favored enemy of undead can also be an undead killing machine. A high STR ranger with two weapon fighting can mow through undead. Other than a few general combat spells like lead blades, or gravity bow their spells are not really geared for going up against undead, but can still be useful. But at 10th level they get +6 to hit and damage vs. all undead with any weapon they use. This bonus is also applied to other skills like perception, and sense motive making them very good at finding undead.
An inquisitor is also another class that does well vs. undead. With Bane and Judgments active they can do a lot of damage. They have some of the best investigative skills in the game so are great at uncovering undead. Since the can detect evil that makes undead even easier to spot. If you dip 1 level of cleric you can pick up channel scourge and your inquisitor levels add to your channel energy and you can also advance the sun domain bonus to damage. This would probably be the strongest undead killer.

chaoseffect |
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In order to really truly hate something, you need to understand it. Necromancy School Wizard.
You get Command/Control Undead channeling plus access to the spell Command Undead and eventually Control Undead. Disarm your hated necromancer enemies and then use their tools against them. Once it's done, make the mindless ones line up and destroy themselves.

DocShock |

Undead Scourge archetype paladins get some nice undead slaying perks. Your smite evil deals double damage against evil undead instead of evil dragons and outsiders, and you get an aura at level 8 that gives them a -4 penalty to resist channeled energy. At 11 you get a single attack that forces a pretty high DC save-or-die. You lose aura of resolve and justice though. The main perk is you're a full BAB class, so your melee attacks are better than a clerics. Obviously clerics are better casters though.

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A slight variation on this could be to be a cleric of Ra instead. He has rulership variant channeling so as a harm to undead you could daze them for a round; and yes undead can be dazed.
No they can't. If they Channel Positive Energy, the Variant Channel only applies when they are healing. If they Channel Negative Energy, they can only use variant Channeling when they use it to Harm. Neither of those cases would affect Undead unless they also have some other option that lets the Heal Undead with Positive Energy or Harm Undead with Negative Energy.
A variant channeling either modifies positive channeled energy when used to heal or modifies negative energy when used to harm. When using positive energy to heal, affected creatures gain only half the normal amount of healing but also receive a specific beneficial effect. When channeling negative energy to harm, affected creatures take only half the normal damage but take an additional penalty or harmful effect; a successful saving throw negates the additional penalty or effect but does not reduce the damage any further. Creatures that would normally ignore the effect of a particular channel (such as undead with respect to a positive energy channel used to heal) ignore the variant effect of that channel.

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So many possibilities when it comes to hunting undead.
Lore Warden Fighter = zombie hunters.
Undead scourge (Paladin)
Corpse Hunter (Rangers)
Alchemist has heal on their spell list, which can hurt undead significantly.
Druids have heal, sunbeam and sunburst, just to cite a few effective undead slaying spells. Heal is also on the Hunter spell list.
Sorcerer/wizard/witches/arcanist = Sand of Time and various spells to slay undead.
Incorporeal undeads deserve their own section with Shaman, Oracles and various cleric archetypes specializing in it.
Vampires have a few archetypes dedicated to them, including dhampirs with racial archetypes to hunt them.
Just saying that when it comes to hunting and killing undead, depend what you are hunting really.