He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Would it be wise to take a Druid Class Dipping into Monk and Sacred Fist for the Wis to AC bonuses that will scale? I mean it loses 1 spell off level 8 and 2 spells off level 9 and you never get Wild Shape at will. But you do get it 8/per day which is still heck of a lot.
You also get Blessings, bonus feats, a handful of cleric casting.

Renegadeshepherd |
Wise may be a bit strong of a word. It is much better for those intend to be based on wild shape than it is caster based i can tell you that. And the gains in AC are no joke and the +2 to saves are great too. Still things like the monk feat is t that great for a Druid and flurry is relatively minimal at level 1. I would never say this was a BAD idea but I could t say it was wise either.
Bottoms line: if you want it, go for it.

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Well here is the build idea
Kasatha (Four Armed Creature)
+2 to Dex and Wis
+2 Dodge Bonus
+4 to Con and Fort saves against fatigue, exhaustion, and other ill effects from running, forced marches, starvation, thirst, and hot or cold environments.
I have 2 18s.
So a 20 in Dex and 22 Wis(+2 from Headband) making their AC 10+2+5+12+2=31.