Skilled "face" with healing?


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Hello advice boards peoples,

I am trying to make a character for an upcoming game that fills the party roles of skill monkey, party face and party healer. I'd also preferably be putting out decent damage either at melee or range. The party will be four people, an Ulfen barbarian, a mwangi saurian shaman with a spinosaurus, a greed sin wizard, and me. Here are the character creation guidelines:


Starting Level: PCs will start at 1st level.

Alignment: Any Non-Evil

Ability Scores: 25 point buy

HP: Max HP rolls at 1st and 2nd level. Players will roll for HP or take Average from level 3 onward

Traits: 2 traits (drawback for third)

Story Feats: One free Story feat at 1st level

Base Starting Money: Max for class

Races: Any Core, with others allowed on a case by case basis (DM is pretty flexible on the race front).

Classes: All classes from Paizo products (including ACG and whatever other new stuff).

Firearms: Firearms operate under the "commonplace guns" rule

Crafted Items: Any character able to craft items through a feat may do so at the reduced prices. Characters with craft skills may craft items ahead of time at the reduced price if they can craft the item by taking a 10 and succeed.


This kind of character is not something I normally go for, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how I should build it. I normally play martial characters or summoners. The build should have at least 6 skill points at level 1. They will also preferably have bluff, diplomacy, disable device, knowledge (local), perception, and sense motive as class skills (though not necessarily at level 1 for multiclass builds). It should have access to CLW or infernal healing, and have at least a +5 to hit with its primary attack at level 1. I am willing to try any class(es) that can accomplish this. Is such a character possible?

We'll also be going Mythic eventually, so that's something to consider. Thanks ahead of time for the help!

Silver Crusade

At first blush, I would say an Inquisitor should be able to handle most, if not all of what you're looking for.

Alchemist. All you ever need.
(Yeah, inquisitor works too.)

The +5 to hit in combination with 6+ skill points could be a bit tricky. Inquisitor is probably the best option because it's going to get the to-hit bonus easier.

For everything else, the Bard might be a better choice.

Norgrim Malgus wrote:
At first blush, I would say an Inquisitor should be able to handle most, if not all of what you're looking for.

No knowledge (local) or disable device, and I'd need a 20 in my primary attack stat to get a +5 to hit. Though they might work if nothing better comes up.

Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

Alchemist. All you ever need.

(Yeah, inquisitor works too.)

No knowledge local, diplomacy, bluff or sense motive. Also be pretty hard to get a +5 to hit at 1st.

Squirrel_Dude wrote:

The +5 to hit in combination with 6+ skill points could be a bit tricky. Inquisitor is probably the best option because it's going to get the to-hit bonus easier.

For everything else, the Bard might be a better choice.

The 6 skill points can be including Int bonus and racial stuff. Just 6 skill points total.

DM Jelani wrote:
Durngrun Stonebreaker wrote:

Alchemist. All you ever need.

(Yeah, inquisitor works too.)
No knowledge local, diplomacy, bluff or sense motive. Also be pretty hard to get a +5 to hit at 1st.

Do you need +5 if it's a touch attack? The skills I think you could pick up with traits if it's that important. (Or go human and get three free skill focus feats.)

Edit: actually if you have a 16 in your ability score, mutagen raises it to 20. There's your +5.

Edits 2:Traits:
Ease of Faith: Your mentor, the person who invested your faith in you from an early age, took steps to ensure you understood that what powers your divine magic is no different from that which powers the magic of other religions. This philosophy makes it easier for you to interact with others who may not share your views. You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.

Outcast's Intuition: You are able to sense the motives of others and use that sense to bolster your magic against dispelling. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you. In addition, your caster level is treated as 1 level higher for the purposes of any attempts to dispel your magic.

Bastard: You were born out of wedlock. You have always been an outsider in society, and in your own family. This perspective has sharpened your insight. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.

Civilized: You are well versed in the local laws, customs, and politics. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks and Knowledge (local) checks. Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you.

Fast Talker: You had a knack for getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

Friend in Every Town: You have no problem making friends and learning information from them wherever you go. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Knowledge (local) checks and Diplomacy checks. One of these skills (your choice) is always a class skill for you.

Influence: Your position in society grants you special insight into others, and special consideration or outright awe from others. Choose one of the following skills: Diplomacy, Intimidate, or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus on that skill, and it is always a class skill for you.

Style Sage: You have a passion for history and news concerning monastic disciplines. You gain a +1 trait bonus on checks with your choice of either Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (history), and the one you choose is always a class skill for you. In addition, you gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks made to gather information about any person with levels in monk.

Suspicious: You discovered at an early age that someone you trusted, perhaps an older sibling or a parent, had lied to you, and lied often, about something you had taken for granted, leaving you quick to question the claims of others. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Sense Motive checks, and Sense Motive is always a class skill for you.

Trustworthy: People find it easy to put their faith in you. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks made to fool someone. You also gain a +1 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.

Truth's Agent: You are skilled at weeding out information. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all Diplomacy checks made to gather information and all Knowledge (local) checks. Knowledge (local) is always a class skill for you.

Unpredictable: Your actions often seem random and chaotic to others, but there is a method to your madness. You gain a +1 trait bonus on Bluff checks, and Bluff is always a class skill for you.

If you just wanna be a Face mostly, an Oracle will do you right. High Cha, 4+Int skills, and Divine casting. It's the whole package.

However, Inquisitors can be great fun as well, and fill a more general purpose skill monkey role much better.

Quick build outline:

Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 7

Bump Wis up at 4th or 8th if you feel like it for a quick boost to...just about everything in the class. If not, Wis 14 Cha 8 is better.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"7 Cha? But I want to be the face!"

Inquisitor's got you covered.


Wanna be a knowledge monkey? Want to make your GM cry because you're able to identify most creatures on a 1?

Improved Monster Lore is the s@%#.

Wanna be the trap guy? Take the Sanctified Slayer archetype. Trades out Judgement for Favored Target and a little Sneak Attack. You'll need to wait until 8th, but you can then take a Slayer Talent, among which is Trapfinding. Disable Device as a class skill, and you can disable magical traps now. Shouldn't be showing up a ton before 8th anyway.

Hate Teamwork Feats? Like helping your friends? Both? Be a Preacher.

Need buffs? Inquisitor has one of the better buff spell lists in the game. Heroism and Shield of Faith in the same list? Yes please.

Inquisitors are pretty cool.

DM Jelani wrote:
Norgrim Malgus wrote:
At first blush, I would say an Inquisitor should be able to handle most, if not all of what you're looking for.
No knowledge (local) or disable device, and I'd need a 20 in my primary attack stat to get a +5 to hit. Though they might work if nothing better comes up.

First, remember that Class Skills merely give a +3 to the skill. You can do just fine without them.

Second, there are traits for that.

Silver Crusade

Rynjin wrote:
DM Jelani wrote:
Norgrim Malgus wrote:
At first blush, I would say an Inquisitor should be able to handle most, if not all of what you're looking for.
No knowledge (local) or disable device, and I'd need a 20 in my primary attack stat to get a +5 to hit. Though they might work if nothing better comes up.

First, remember that Class Skills merely give a +3 to the skill. You can do just fine without them.

Second, there are traits for that.

Thank you for the link in your post, I knew there was an Inquisition that covered down on the Wisdom to <Face Skills> deal, couldn't remember the name.

DM Jelani wrote:
Norgrim Malgus wrote:
At first blush, I would say an Inquisitor should be able to handle most, if not all of what you're looking for.
No knowledge (local) or disable device, and I'd need a 20 in my primary attack stat to get a +5 to hit. Though they might work if nothing better comes up.

Not really. You need an 18 in your primary stat, and then you can use the justice judgement, or an attack bonus boosting spell to get to +5. Divine Favor should do you. With enough Wisdom, you should have enough spells to last you through most days.

As for skills, don't worry so much about whether or not something is a class skill. That's only worth a +3 bonus, and while that's certainly nice, it's very rarely significant on skills that are always going to be against a straight DC and not have an opposed check.

Rynjin wrote:

If you just wanna be a Face mostly, an Oracle will do you right. High Cha, 4+Int skills, and Divine casting. It's the whole package.

However, Inquisitors can be great fun as well, and fill a more general purpose skill monkey role much better.

Quick build outline:

Str: 16
Dex: 14
Con: 14
Int: 12
Wis: 15
Cha: 7

Bump Wis up at 4th or 8th if you feel like it for a quick boost to...just about everything in the class. If not, Wis 14 Cha 8 is better.

Now, I know what you're thinking.

"7 Cha? But I want to be the face!"

Inquisitor's got you covered.


Wanna be a knowledge monkey? Want to make your GM cry because you're able to identify most creatures on a 1?

Improved Monster Lore is the s%+$.

Wanna be the trap guy? Take the Sanctified Slayer archetype. Trades out Judgement for Favored Target and a little Sneak Attack. You'll need to wait until 8th, but you can then take a Slayer Talent, among which is Trapfinding. Disable Device as a class skill, and you can disable magical traps now. Shouldn't be showing up a ton before 8th anyway.

Hate Teamwork Feats? Like helping your friends? Both? Be a Preacher.

Need buffs? Inquisitor has one of the better buff spell lists in the game. Heroism and Shield of Faith in the same list? Yes please.

Inquisitors are pretty cool.

This is nice. I can probably work with this.

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Also, I'd say asking for +5 to-hit at 1st level along with having those specific skills AND healing is asking for a bit much. Only full BaB characters can reliably get +5 to-hit (unbuffed, of course), and most don't do the whole healing thing, or if they do (Paladin) definitely don't do the whole SKILLS thing.

+4 to-hit unbuffed is respectable at 1st level. An extra 5% to-hit isn't something you should laser focus on to the extent that you ignore classes (Inqusitor, Bard, Oracle) that can otherwise do exactly what you want.

Remember, your focus is "Skilled face with healing", combat can be good, but being a "Skilled face with healing" is going to drop that a bit.

I will say though, the Sanctified Slayer I mentioned can do everything you want. Favored Target gives you a +1/+1 as a Move.

If you go archery instead of melee you won't miss the lost Move at all.

At higher levels, you'll completely forget why you were worried about that -1 to-hit when you're adding +5/+5 and 4d6 on top as a Move and a Swift (Favored Target and Greater Bane).

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

there's always the investigator... class skills for days.

get 3rd level alchemist discovery for infusion and get cure light wounds. 6+ skill points per level.

then use

Studied Combat:

With a keen eye and calculating mind, an investigator can assess the mettle of his opponent to take advantage of gaps in talent and training. At 4th level, an investigator can use a move action to study a single enemy that he can see. Upon doing so, he adds 1/2 his investigator level as an insight bonus on melee attack rolls and as a bonus on damage rolls against the creature. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) or until he deals damage with a studied strike, whichever comes first. The bonus on damage rolls is precision damage, and is not multiplied on a critical hit.

An investigator can only have one target of studied combat at a time, and once a creature has become the target of an investigator's studied combat, he cannot become the target of the same investigator's studied combat again for 24 hours unless the investigator expends one use of inspiration when taking the move action to use this ability.

to stay relevent with to-hit and damage.

An archer inquisitor with Sanctified Slayer and Preacher archetypes and Conversion inquisition.

Race? Human?

Before racials:
Str 14
Dex 16
Con 12
Int 12
Wis 16
Cha 7

Edit: What classes could prove fruitful dips? Zen archer? Sacred fist? Mythic path?

1 person marked this as a favorite.

You're, trying to get too much at level 1.

My I suggest a Skald, his raging song has great synergy with the existing barbarian, and your other compatriots are free to accept/ignore it.

If you go with human, you can get +1 skills from being human, and +1 skills for preferred class bonus.
The class has 4 base class skills plus int.

I currently play a skald in Iron Gods, where I am the sole party healer, and 2nd tier front liner (behind the swashbuckler) eventually Ill likely be the primary front liner (as the character grows and the swash is multi classing into investigator)

I am everything you are looking for at level 1, that's what my character is/does.

With the exception of I do not have a +5 primary attack at level 1, it's +4, UNLESS I use rage song, then my strength goes up +2, for an additional +1…making it +5.

you can take a trait to get disable device as a class skill, and then you have ALL those skills as class skills.

with a 25 point buy human:

S 16 (+2 human) = 18
D 13
C 14
I 12
W 10
Ch 14

You'll start with 7 ranks to distribute to skills. (4 from the class, +1 int, +1 Human, +1 pref class)
You'll have +4 to attack (+5 if you take weapon focus, or when you rage, or +6 with Rage and WF)

While I'm not going this route, would be fun to play with dazzling display and weapon performance feats (which requires Weapon focus to begin with) so….um there ya go?

That looks good to me. Usual archery Feats.

I'd definitely try to work Improved Monster Lore in there. After a while it becomes a large advantage. You can be the best knowledge monkey in the game (pure numbers-wise, the Bard's ability to Take 10 in dangerous situations is a huge boost) with it, adding 1/2 level, Wis (one of your main stats), AND Int.

Loracle is fantastic, inquisitor works very well, archeologist bard is simplest, mysterious stranger gunslinger if you can overlook no CLW, and realistically any human with trap finder trait will fit what you want. getting disable device as a class skill is as easy as burning a trait.

Actually an Inquisitor can easily do this. Dump CHA and take the conversion inquisition to use WIS for Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate. Use the traits Criminal, and World Traveler to get disable device and knowledge local as class skills. You can use both Divine Favor and Judgment of Justice to get a total of +2 to attack so you only need a 16 STR to get the +5.

What I would suggest is a half orc with the following stats STR 18(16 +2 racial), DEX 14, CON 14, INT 10, WIS 15, CHA 8. Put the 4th level stat to WIS. Half Orc allow you to get the feat Ferocious Resolve which grants you the ability to function at negative HP. They also get proficiency in Falchion which means you have a decent melee weapon no matter what got you chose. The orc favored class bonus gives you ½ your level to intimidate and monster lore which is like getting +3 skills points per level. Add in the inquisitor bonus to intimidate and max out intimidation and you will scare the crap out of anything. Pick up power attack and Cornugun Smash by 7th level and get a you can roll to demoralize anyone you are attacking.

You are not charming and debonair; you are the voice of GOD. When you say something people listen and usually obey.

The thing to keep in mind with the inquisitor is they are ok in most combat, but when they pull out the stops they get insane. By 5th level you will have bane and your judgments will have increased. A spell or two and you will be doing some serious damage.

Pathfinder Maps, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Inquisitor, alchemist, or inquisitor are the best bets.

Bard is a good bet for the skill, face, and healing, and relies on assisting allies to let them become better at what they do.

So, four readily available paths for the single goal.

DM Jelani wrote:

Edit: What classes could prove fruitful dips? Zen archer? Sacred fist? Mythic path?

I'd suggest not dipping, too many level based abilities.

Mythic Path...hmm.

Guardian is all around the best path for anyone. Can't do much if you're out of the fight, and Guardian is good for staying in the fight. Dual Path Trickster to grab some of the better abilities from there.

Grabbing the Universal Path ability Display of Wisdom essentially lets you add +20 to half the skills in the game (Let's see, what, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Perception, Sense Motive, Profession, all Knowledges, Heal, did I miss any?). Wisdom in the Flesh will let you add a physical skill to that (Acrobatics, perhaps).

Judgement is nice, but it's only once (or a few) times a day. I think the studied target will be more useful. I also like the idea of going ranged because the barbarian, druid and her companion will all be in melee.

Race? Human, Garuda Blooded Aasimar, Asura-Spawn Tiefling, or Vanara?

Judgments may be only a few times per day, but it is a lot more than just a bonus to hit. The thing with Judgments is they are whatever you need them to be. If you are going up against something that uses an elemental attack judgment of resistance is great. If you go half orc and take ferocious resolve than judgment of healing is great for those long battles. You literally have to be killed to be stopped.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
DM Jelani wrote:
Race? Human, Garuda Blooded Aasimar, Asura-Spawn Tiefling, or Vanara?

go hummie (for general goodness) or some kinda aasimir or tiefling (for specific goodness)

also judgments are for the whole combat, so who cares the number of times per day, during that combat you wreck face.

you could even keep it as a safety net to use if your low on health and a combat starts.

I don't know why you want to be so good at killing things if your the party face and healer. just make sure the rest of your team is killing things as efficiently as possible and your job is covered.

I like killing things? (o_o)

DM Jelani wrote:
Race? Human, Garuda Blooded Aasimar, Asura-Spawn Tiefling, or Vanara?

HUMAN!!!! for mouth potential there isn't anyone better.

1) silver tongue alternate racial trait: the +2 to 2 major mouth skills gives a higher ceiling than anyone else and the 3 steps increase is almost impossible to duplicate. solid gold

2) racial heritage and natural charmer feats: though you have to meet a minimum charisma, the ability to take 20 on a lot of different mouth opportunities is very worthy consideration.

3) focused study alternate racial trait: getting 3 skill focus feats over 15 levels is awesome. which ones you choose is up to you.

What you are wanting is a human archeologist. Level/2 round down scaling increases to disable device, perception, and all knowledge skills is too much to ignore for what you stated you want. Has 6+INT mod skills per level, required heals and spells. as for battle, archeologist luck and fates favored trait is a +2 to practically everything that needs a dice roll for as long as it lasts so meeting a +5 to attack is very easy (just need a 16).

a level 10 notation of ur possible mouth ability diplomacy is

24 charisma=+7
silver tongue=+2
skill focus=+6
Skill points=10
Class skill=+3

so +28 with minimal effort. add in taking 20 from natural charmer and its really pretty. your rogue talents could get you a reroll on top of that if you don't want to spend 2 feats. MANY possibilities here. give me a number you want your best mouth skill to be at level 10 and ill get you there. \

BTW: did u ever look at hermean blood? adding any two class skills to your list opens up more classes.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
DM Jelani wrote:
I like killing things? (o_o)

then screw being the face and healer, kill things.

Investigator has Diplomacy, all Knowledges, his Intelligence helps him hit things, and probably (if you have a good Intelligence) has the highest Skill point value in the game. As of third level you can start Infusing healing extracts to hand out to people. Or you can take Brew Potion and start making healing potions at level one.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
joeyfixit wrote:
Investigator has Diplomacy, all Knowledges, his Intelligence helps him hit things, and probably (if you have a good Intelligence) has the highest Skill point value in the game. As of third level you can start Infusing healing extracts to hand out to people. Or you can take Brew Potion and start making healing potions at level one.

i already mentioned that, apparently he wants to kill things.

And also be the face.

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

DM Jelani wrote:

Hello advice boards peoples,

I am trying to make a character for an upcoming game that fills the party roles of skill monkey, party face and party healer. I'd also preferably be putting out decent damage either at melee or range. 1

Well, it looks like you've seen an inquisitor and like it. Can I throw out two other options--I think you'll like the second and the first is just food for thought since you can really mess with things at no resource cost with hexes.

Awesome healing, damage later, meets skill requirements:

Half-Elf Shaman (Witch Doctor) with a Life Spirit
True Neutral

Str 10
Dex 10
Con 10
Int 14 +2 Racial?
Wis 16 +2 Racial?
Cha 16 +2 Racial?

You get two pools of channel energy, 1 at 4th level for cleric = shaman level - 3 (3 + cha/day) and another at 1st level for cleric = shaman level (1 + cha/day) for a massive amount of channel healing. Take Selective Channel first. All your spells go to battlefield control, summons, and damage.

Take Quick Channel and if the DM allows Versatile Channel. A phylactery of positive channeling or whatever it's called will add 16d6 to your positive energy pool. You won't see any undead, ever. I don't care if the adventure path is "nothing but skeletons" because they won't be able to get anywhere near you without getting fried.

Provides 6 skill points at first level, 7 with FCB or racial, 8 with both. Just use traits to pick up a couple skills you want and drop the free skill focus on that.

Hits like a truck, Capable Healer, capable trap disable:

Half-Elf Oracle (Seeker, adds 1/2 level to disable device attempts)

*Recommend Lore or Nature Mystery for Cha to replace Dex revelation
Str 16 +2 Racial
Dex 10
Con 13 (+1 at 8)
Int 14
Wis 10
Cha 15 (+1 at 4)

Level 1: Power Attack, Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Katana/Bastard Sword/anything that you can use in two-hands) Bonus, Sidestep Secret (Revelation from Lore*)
Level 2
Level 3: Racial Heritage (Kobold), Revelation (Focused Trance)
Level 4
Level 5: Scaled Disciple so we can go into Dragon Disciple for the d12 hit die, free strength bonuses, con bonus, and int bonus. It takes a bit of investment, but you basically get +1hp and +1 skill point per level by level 8. Skip 9 and 10 due to the caster level loss unless you really want wings and the improved dragon transformation.
Dragon Disciple 1 Level 6
DD2: +2 strength, Skill Focus (Knowledge The Planes)
DD4: +2 strength, Eldritch Heritage, Abyssal
DD6: +2 con, +2 strength from Improved Eldritch Heritage, Strength of the Pit
DD8: +2 int
Oracle 6:

At level 1, you have +3 to hit with your primary weapon for +9 damage or +4 to hit for +6 damage. You automatically get all cure/inflict spells added to your list, and have 7 skill points for the first 5 levels. After you can afford a headband, it drops to 5 until DD retro-actively increases your skill points through the int boost.

You wind up as a decent face due to the charisma-based casting, and have a scaling increasing strength. Works wonders with Righteous Might and dragon form.

Edit: Corrected stats on the second one. Had a 26 point build.

Seems like bard would be a perfect fit. 6 skill points, healing spells, and 3/4 bab. Key ability is Cha, which is also tied to most the social skills. After Cha, pump Dex for good ranged combat and take weapon finesse for melee.

Arksangiel wrote:
DM Jelani wrote:

Hello advice boards peoples,

I am trying to make a character for an upcoming game that fills the party roles of skill monkey, party face and party healer. I'd also preferably be putting out decent damage either at melee or range. 1

Well, it looks like you've seen an inquisitor and like it. Can I throw out two other options--I think you'll like the second and the first is just food for thought since you can really mess with things at no resource cost with hexes.

** spoiler omitted **

** spoiler omitted **...

hows your half orc get two feats at level one?

Skald still does everything he's looking for.

DM Jelani wrote:

Hello advice boards peoples,

I am trying to make a character for an upcoming game that fills the party roles of skill monkey, party face and party healer. I'd also preferably be putting out decent damage either at melee or range. The party will be four people, an Ulfen barbarian, a mwangi saurian shaman with a spinosaurus, a greed sin wizard, and me. Here are the character creation guidelines:


Starting Level: PCs will start at 1st level.

Alignment: Any Non-Evil

Ability Scores: 25 point buy

HP: Max HP rolls at 1st and 2nd level. Players will roll for HP or take Average from level 3 onward

Traits: 2 traits (drawback for third)

Story Feats: One free Story feat at 1st level

Base Starting Money: Max for class

Races: Any Core, with others allowed on a case by case basis (DM is pretty flexible on the race front).

Classes: All classes from Paizo products (including ACG and whatever other new stuff).

Firearms: Firearms operate under the "commonplace guns" rule

Crafted Items: Any character able to craft items through a feat may do so at the reduced prices. Characters with craft skills may craft items ahead of time at the reduced price if they can craft the item by taking a 10 and succeed.


This kind of character is not something I normally go for, so I'm at a bit of a loss as to how I should build it. I normally play martial characters or summoners. The build should have at least 6 skill points at level 1. They will also preferably have bluff, diplomacy, disable device, knowledge (local), perception, and sense motive as class skills (though not necessarily at level 1 for multiclass builds). It should have access to CLW or infernal healing, and have at least a +5 to hit with its primary attack at level 1. I am willing to try any class(es) that can accomplish this. Is such a character possible?

We'll also be going Mythic eventually, so that's something to consider. Thanks ahead of time for the help!

I see your group played Shadowrun in the past as most groups don't even consider the idea of consequences to their actions.

Well, to be an effective Face you need great social skills. Hiding in plain sight, so to speak, so you can get your party out of tough situations when they make mistakes or Fortuna decides she likes the enemies more than your allies more.

A Bard can heal effectively, his abilities and spells scale with Cha lending to your ability to talk your way through things, and with a 1 level dip in Oracle (Nature is nice) you can replace your Dex mod to AC and Reflex with your Cha mod, hence allowing you to build into damage or excessive amounts of health.

Honestly some of the best faces are dedicated crafters since their purpose is to beef up the other adventurers while keeping the Fuzz of their backs. Any familiar based class is strong here as it doesn't cost you 2 feats to gain a familiar, and if you make it an infiltrator you gain a permanent telepathic link with it that his no maximum range on a given plane.

The question becomes: what kind of face do you want to be?
Pathfinder and most D20 systems do a ~Terrible~ job of non-combat characters as fighting is one of the major things the system excels at.

If a combat Face your job is mostly to help the party to infiltrate areas they would normally have to fight through without arousing suspicion. It is also your job to talk the party out of fights whether it be through Bluff, Diplomacy or Intimidation. If you go with an INT based class (Witch can heal about as well as a 3.5 cleric) then you're able to make one of the aforementioned social skills scale with INT. It is probably better, however, that you aim for a Cha based class if you want to min/max since Pathfinder, unlike D&D 5.0, has 3 saves for Dex, Con, and Wis instead of 6 for all of them.

Keep in mind that it is ~Not~ a face's job to sneak in to gain intelligence, that is the rogue analogue or scryer's job. If you do decide to do this job, however, then I recommend playing a Kitsune for Fox Form, since +8 to stealth for being tiny and +4 to dex when in fox form is a free +10 to stealth. That and while a random fox walking around will seem somewhat suspicious if you are seen it isn't entirely beyond imagination that one would be there considering foxes pretty much live everywhere.

While not as powerful as the Cleric, Druid, or Wizard, the Oracle class can take advantage of a high Cha quite well. If you play a Life oracle you will have a great deal of healing potential. Kitsune are a +2 dex and cha race, so that further builds into a fairly lightly armored character that can gain ridiculous bonuses to stealth as well as an enhanced move speed (foxes move at 50 ft) that can outrun enemies. Beyond that you can also revive allies, albeit at a cost. Using Channel Energy doesn't reveal your position if you are hiding since it is a (SU) ability, so you can hide and heal if that becomes your style. Whats more is you could, in being the Face, be in human form, and when infiltrating be in Kitsune or Fox form to hide your social identity.

If you can't gain the skill profs you need through traits or archetypes, then a dip in a different class can help you out. Just remember that if you have +4 Cha, you've already balanced out the proficiency bonuses since they're +3 so you might take it as "good enough."

Still though, if the party, on the first round of combat, delays for you to try the DC 30 diplomacy to avert combat after it has started, then you'll be able to potentially talk your way out of most fights. Just, as I said before, Pathfinder isn't built such that you can focus on this.


DC30 is all it takes to stop a fight? wow that's actually fairly easy. I mean a human bard could have a 25% of doing that at level 1 with minimal investment.

Pendagast wrote:
Arksangiel wrote:
DM Jelani wrote:

Hello advice boards peoples,

I am trying to make a character for an upcoming game that fills the party roles of skill monkey, party face and party healer. I'd also preferably be putting out decent damage either at melee or range. 1

Well, it looks like you've seen an inquisitor and like it. Can I throw out two other options--I think you'll like the second and the first is just food for thought since you can really mess with things at no resource cost with hexes.

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hows your half orc get two feats at level one?

Because you have orcs on your mind--they are both half-elves.

Renegadeshepherd wrote:
DC30 is all it takes to stop a fight? wow that's actually fairly easy. I mean a human bard could have a 25% of doing that at level 1 with minimal investment.

Unless there's a special feat for it that I don't know about, no, a DC 30 check isn't enough.

"Diplomacy is generally ineffective in combat and against creatures that intend to harm you or your allies in the immediate future."
"Using Diplomacy to influence a creature’s attitude takes 1 minute of continuous interaction."

It depends on if the DM thinks the hostile creatures are willing to listen to the PC if he tries convincing them.
Some may decide to delay for 10 rounds so long as the rest of the party does not attack, others may not.

It depends on how empowered the GM wants to make social skills. Most ignore them and the game becomes a glorified meat grinder where words mean nothing and killing enemies is more important.

Because of how the game is designed, E.G. players gain XP for defeating enemies instead of completing objectives, the PCs shouldn't get XP for talking their way out of combat according to RAW. It takes finagling by the DM to ensure Social skills are actually worth taking.

This falls into the same vein as "why charm spells are worthless" in that it is literally almost always easier to kill enemies than talk them into joining your party. This is mitigated if you add enemies that are willing to listen to social skills on round 1 if no damage has been applied to them, and you make enemies extremely lethal where the PCs see social skills as a valid alternative with combat as either only when they have advantage or when their social machinations fail them.

As I said before, this is not a game designed for talking since such is extremely sub-par.

As for making combat extremely lethal, both the PCs and the monsters realize this, therefore they are willing to at least make sure they have to fight before doing so.

If you and another person had the option of talking out your problems or shooting at each other until one of you were dead, which would you choose in reality?

Taku Ooka Nin wrote:

Because of how the game is designed, E.G. players gain XP for defeating enemies instead of completing objectives, the PCs shouldn't get XP for talking their way out of combat according to RAW.

Players are explicitly, by RAW, awarded EXP for overcoming or even SURVIVING a challenge, regardless of how they achieve that.

Liberty's Edge

Arksangiel wrote:
DM Jelani wrote:

Hello advice boards peoples,

I am trying to make a character for an upcoming game that fills the party roles of skill monkey, party face and party healer. I'd also preferably be putting out decent damage either at melee or range. 1

Well, it looks like you've seen an inquisitor and like it. Can I throw out two other options--I think you'll like the second and the first is just food for thought since you can really mess with things at no resource cost with hexes.

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Except that you cannot take Power Attack at 1st level as an Oracle since they do not have a +1 BAB.

Rynjin wrote:
Taku Ooka Nin wrote:
Because of how the game is designed, E.G. players gain XP for defeating enemies instead of completing objectives, the PCs shouldn't get XP for talking their way out of combat according to RAW.
Players are explicitly, by RAW, awarded EXP for overcoming or even SURVIVING a challenge, regardless of how they achieve that.

Character named "Teleportation specialist Wizard" walks into "King's" Hall. He has cast invisibility on himself and uses an illusion, that looks like a fighter, with ventriloquism to talk to "King."

He says some cutting remarks and challenges the entire kingdom to a fight, "King" angry with this, accepts his challenge. Combat starts, the illusion is destroyed by "King"'s archers. Wizard teleports away to safety.

Wizard gains XP for the 50 - 100 lvl 1 guards in the Palace who entered combat, the 10 - 20 lvl 6 "elite" soldiers as the king's royal guard, the lvl 13 king and his lvl 13 queen.

Man, why in the world would you EVER go adventuring when you could just challenge the same court over and over with different illusions!

I think it is easier to transition to only giving XP for objectives. If the objective is to kill a hydra then they get xp, if the objective is to "investigate the Blood Orb the Kobolds are making sacrifices to" then it doesn't matter if they kill a single kobold or all of them, they get the set amount of XP for the objective. Perhaps adding in extra conditions like "ghosting" content where no one knows they're there, or finding a diplomatic solution. Of course, for the meat heads, "kill everyone" would probably be a good extra XP option as well.

Arksangiel wrote:
DM Jelani wrote:

Hello advice boards peoples,

I am trying to make a character for an upcoming game that fills the party roles of skill monkey, party face and party healer. I'd also preferably be putting out decent damage either at melee or range. 1

Well, it looks like you've seen an inquisitor and like it. Can I throw out two other options--I think you'll like the second and the first is just food for thought since you can really mess with things at no resource cost with hexes.

** spoiler omitted **

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Second one sounds interesting. Need to go look up half those feats before I could make a call on how I like it though.

Pendagast wrote:
Skald still does everything he's looking for.

This is true, thank you for the suggestion. I looked at skald before posting this and I didn't like the flavor much. However it could totally do what I asked for in the OP, you're right.

Can we not derail the thread with talks about the merits of social skill in Pathfinder, please? The fact that they will be worthwhile is a given in this (homebrewed) scenario. The DM told me straight up they would be.

Alright, I guess I'm looking at a human inquisitor (preacher) of Cernunnos.


Criminal, World Traveler

Story feat - ???
Human - Point Blank Shot
1st - Precise Shot
3rd - Rapid Shot
5th - Deadly aim
7th - Manyshot
9th - ??
11th - ??

Conversion inquisition.

He ends up with 8 (or 9) skill points at first level, and all the class skills I listed in the original post. He's hitting with his longbow at +5 (1d8+3) within thirty feet, where the vast majority of fights take place (well once he can afford a composite bow). He can CLW a couple times a day, and wand it up in between. I ended up being convinced by arguments about Judgement's flexibility that it is better than favored target and the Sanctified Slayer route.

Seems like I've accomplished my initial goal. Though, I'm still not sure which story feat to take. Overall, the build should be okay I think. Thanks for the help everyone. Any more tips or suggestions for this inquisitor build specifically?

I got something for you to debate... Conversion inquisition versus heresy inquisition.

The debate is diplomacy being converted to wisdom modifier versus a 4th level abity to then reroll a number of time equal to wisdom mod the diplomacy, stealth, and bluff skills. With your attributes as listed you would sacrafice a +5 to one skill versus your getting 3 rerolls a day on 3 good skills (including the one you lost the +5 to) at level 4+. I favor heresy in this case since your dex based and high potential for stealth.

Edit: its roll twice and take more favorable, not reroll. I still slightly favor it though.

I would suggest a single classed Human Oracle with either the Seeker or Spirit Guide archetype.

With a 12 Int you have 6sp per level, 7 for the first 3 levels using your FCB. Using the Lore Mystery or picking the Lore Spirit with Spirit Guide gives you access to Focused Trance meaning you crush every knowledge or linguistics skill check going from a very early point.

Seeker gives you trap finding and disable device as a class skill, otherwise you can get it from a feat. You are a charisma primary class meaning your face skills are going to be great.

You have access to the most powerful healing and curative spells and with the Human FCB you get a significantly larger number of them. If you can spare a feat you can go half elf and use paragon surge as well.

If you go down the spirit guide route then you can grab a range of different spells every day as needed. Need to clear some negative levels, grab Life and you have Restoration for the day, navigation lots of difficult terrain, pick Heavens and you have Overland Flight, need some disposable minions, grab Bones and raise your own undead army.

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