He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Ok so I am going to be playing a Kasatha soon, now yes they are a RP 20 race, we are dropping Desert Strider (Explained via their long time away from the sands) to drop it to 19 so no level adjustment.
But... I am not sure what race to play.
I was considering Swashbuckler (Just because the flare of it)
Sacred Fist (C'mon he has four fists..)
Monk (Same reason as above)
Daring Champion Cav (Sneak Attack Damage)
Slayer (Kind of awesome four armed assassin.)
The Spinal Sword is nice, its a piercing or Slashing weapon and is considered light one-handed. So Finesse Works as well as Slashing Grace. (Granted it will not crit as often as the Rapier.. anyone know how to expand a critical threat range?)

He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named |

Can either of you tell me which books these Archetypes are in, because the SRD does not have them listed. I considered Gunslinger due to the Two free hands allowing for Free action reloading with Rapid Reload.
At Least till level 5 when really that is the best it has to offer is the Dex to damage (Dang them for fixing that error with Gun Training lol)
Any items that can be held in the off-hand that might be fun for this build? Maybe a Wand or Rod or something?

LeesusFreak |

Its in People of the Stars, the book that the Kasatha are covered in in-depth. Here's the link