Nerdtothe3rd |
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Ok so far as I can tell all Four Archetypes do in fact stack with one another.
Now the question is, what can we do with this?
Monk of Four Winds
Ki Mystic
What can you make to accent these odd class choices.
How could you make a top notch monk with these classes (As they do not include many of the stock choices for worthwhile monk)

avr |

Not too much ... Four Winds buffs your unarmed combat damage and avoids Stunning Fist saves which are based on Wisdom, allowing & encouraging you to focus on Strength/Dex more. Sensei is all about focusing on Wisdom and buffing others. Ki Mystic wants as many Qinggong powers as possible to make use of the extra ki; it doesn't want [i]both [\i]the other archetypes, though it can work with Sensei.
There's too much antisynergy for this to work IMO.

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Remember you're getting Elemental Fist and not Stunning Fist. Marid Style gives you some versatility...exta 5' reach, potential to freeze enemies, and extra damage =your WIS modifier.
The nice thing about the build is that its not dependent on feats. Extra Ki I suppose, but after that...I say flavor to taste.

Nerdtothe3rd |

Slow Time comes at level 12, so picking up Pummeling Style at level 6, Pummeling Bully at 9th, and take Pummeling Charge at level 12 when Slow Time comes online. Allowing you to make a pummeling style attack and then push that foe 5 feet +5 Feet per +5 over their CMD meaning you are forcing a foe out of your threatened space (Does that trigger an AoO now?)
Now Extra Ki from level one would be nice, but you dont get it till level 4 and it has a prereq of Ki Pool

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You don't need Pummeling Bully (and you really won't be wanting to do combat maneuvers with this character, anyway) so that's a free feat to grab something of value.
It's going to be really painful playing a 3/4 BAB without extra attacks, to-hit or damage increases, but it's possible to make it work.

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Well, you'll need to pump Wisdom through the freakin' roof. You'll probably want to pick up at least one elemental-style feat or two so you can expend those Elemental Fist uses for something more useful. You should consider picking up a monk reach weapon or finding a way to increase reach so you can use Aid Other to help your allies when you can't use your other abilities, or when you need to conserve your uses and don't need a standard action that turn.
Snake Style also helps because with a sky-high Wisdom, your Sense Motive check will be really good.

Arachnofiend |

A good late game option for once Slow Time is online is to pick up Vital Strike. At 12th level with a Monk's Robe, you're doing 4d6 three times... On a move. That's better than most Druid wildshape builds.
It's a real shame Slow Time comes so late, it's the real hallmark of the MotFW.
For those suggesting Pummeling Style, it doesn't work with Slow Time. Pummeling Style is a full round action.

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For those suggesting Pummeling Style, it doesn't work with Slow Time. Pummeling Style is a full round action.
Or a charge action with pummeling charge. You can do a partial charge as a standard, so with slow time you could make three pummeling charges, assuming you had three targets.

avr |

Arachnofiend wrote:Or a charge action with pummeling charge. You can do a partial charge as a standard, so with slow time you could make three pummeling charges, assuming you had three targets.
For those suggesting Pummeling Style, it doesn't work with Slow Time. Pummeling Style is a full round action.
Slow time standard actions don't allow all types of standard actions, just those on a short list. Charges of any kind are not included.

avr |

But it only requires a swift action to activate slow time. It does not say that it is the only action you can take at that time. So a Full round Action or Attack leaves you with a Swift action left. Make a Pummeling Charge then with your swift gain the three standards.
It says you get 'three standard actions during his turn instead of just one.' Which means you have to have one available.

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Of course if you can pass your Slow Time off to the party (Honestly not sure how) they get 3 total not in addition too...
Mystic Wisdom (Su): At 6th level, a sensei may use his advice ability when spending points from his ki pool to activate a class ability (using the normal actions required for each) in order to have that ability affect one ally within 30 feet rather than the sensei himself. At 12th level, a sensei may affect all allies within 30 feet rather than himself (spending points from his ki pool only once, not once for each target).

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My build was Half Orc. To do it over, I'd pick: Half elf, Ancestral Arms for 9 Section whip, and Arcane Training to have Wizard as a spell list.
Feats were TWF, Dodge, Extra Ki, full Marid Style, and Deific Obedience as a worshiper of Irori.
Qinggong were Barkskin, Scorching Ray and Gaseous Form. GF wasn't really worth it. YMMV.
Ki Mystic does not interfere with Qinggong. High Jump and Slow Fall are the abilities to replace.