Hiding a vestigial arm

Rules Questions

There are a bunch of situations where I think an Alchemist hiding his vestigial arm could come in handy, such as:

1) Placing both hands on a table to illustrate that you're no threat to the person across the table, then stabbing them with a poisoned dagger.

2) Getting captured and shackled with the assumption that you only have two hands.

3) Cheating at cards.

4) Stealing/palming an item small enough to be held in one hand, and then showing your two innocent palms.

5) Picking a pocket.

6) Passing an item to a comrade surreptitiously.

Most of these are going to be sleight of hand checks, some of which might arguably be aided by a bluff.

But what of the basic hiding of the arm itself? Sleight of hand (An Alchemist skill)? Disguise? Bluff? Craft Clothing/costume?

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

disguise check

also, relevant

Well... it is actually hiding a hand. Sleight of hand seems kind of appropriate.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber
joeyfixit wrote:
Well... it is actually hiding a hand. Sleight of hand seems kind of appropriate.

disguise check makes more sense though, you're trying to appear as a normal individual of your race, sex and size.

I've always pictured having a vestigial arm like being Cable, wait it's not cable… its a character from another comic that's almost like cable so much i get them confused… stryker or something like that?

Dont hide the arm! SHOW it OFF!

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Yeah, Disguise seems like the best choice to me.

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Yeah, Disguise seems like the best choice to me.


(I just had a vision of Kung Fu Panda saying… huh? what? what third arm? Oh thats not a third arm, don't be silly, who has a third arm? that's just weird!")

joeyfixit wrote:
But what of the basic hiding of the arm itself? Sleight of hand (An Alchemist skill)? Disguise? Bluff? Craft Clothing/costume?
Vestigial Arm wrote:
The alchemist gains a new arm (left or right) on his torso. The arm is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing.

Also, there is no rule for this, but I think bulky clothing would prevent you from using the arm or add a penalty to all those secret moves you want to pull off with the arm wrapped in bulky clothes.

Scarab Sages

I have no exact idea, but I think sleeves of many garments will help you!

Many of the action you will be performing will involve sleight of hand to perform. Palming cards, stealing items, picking pockets, passing items to a friend. Beyond that Disguise will allow you to hide your abnormal physicalities from those who might casually search you.

Woran wrote:
I have no exact idea, but I think sleeves of many garments will help you!

Or garments of many sleeves.

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