Stacking Martial Flexibility

Rules Questions

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Hey guys, so I'm going over the advance class guide, and noticed Sorcerer gets Martial Flexibility as the Brawler, and counts its sorcerer level as its brawler level to determine how many times a day it can use it. If you take Brawler, and multi-class into Eldritch Scrapper do these uses of Martial Flex stack, or are they different "pools" of uses?

Brawlers Martial Flexibility

Eldritch Scapper Archetype

A few classes/archetypes can pick that up, but none of them answer this question. Based on other things (like animal companions), I would think all the MF class levels stack so that you get 3 + 1/2(all MF levels)

Thats kind of the line of thinking I was on, but couldn't seem to find anything to back it up on this type of thing. Then again, my search'fu isn't all that great just yet.

If they all reference brawler levels it then they should stack. If one of them does not reference brawler levels then, they won't stack, but as a GM I would allow it anyway.

wait, maybe thats point of the eldritch scrapper. it sets up a decent amount of martial flexibility going into EK perhaps?

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

Thanks for the replies so far! It was late when I posted this and I forgot to follow up with questions regarding Martial Flexibility.

Now, with people thinking the two abilities stack, with the links above, Eldritch Scrapper has "counts its Sorcerer level as Brawler level" to determine times per day, does that include the initial 3 + 1/2 level a day, or is it just 1/2 levels per day? The Eldritch Sorcerer never mentions the first 3 that Brawler gets but as it references the Brawlers way ot calculating it I personally thought it would get the initial 3 as well.

IF its 3+ 1/2 level and the abilities stack does that mean 6 times + 1/2 both classes combined levels, or just 3 + 1/2 classes combined level?

And finally Brawler gained an additional feat for a move action at 6th level, Eldritch Scrapper gets the additional feat at 9th to replace a bloodline. Do this mean at level 1 in both classes you learn 2 feats for a move action? If your level 6 Brawler, and a lvl 3 Sorcerer for instance, which of the following is right?

Martial Flex - 6 (initial 3 from both classes) + 4 (half of combined classes) times a day, with 3 feats as a move action.

Martial Flex - 3 + 4 times a day, 2 feats a move action.

Thank you all again in advance for the light you shine on this subject, and the time spent helping. :)

I don't know if there is an official ruling, but I would tend to assume the least beneficial interpretation - if there is no text saying they stack, then they overlap.

That is, you get used of 3 + (1/2)x(scrapper levels or brawler levels, whichever is higher). The two pools don't add together.

Then, when you get the Scrapper 9 or Brawler 6, you can get two feats at once instead of one.

Again, I don't know what the official rule is, but you should be prepared for GMs to rule like this. Usually when class features stack (like Sneak Attack) it says so explicitly. Without that kind of text, or a clarification or errata, I would assume that they overlap.

The reason I'm confused is due to the fact they are the same skill, and call for a total in the same way. Sorcerer levels count as Brawler levels to determine the end result on uses per day. Two other classes sort of have this same interaction, Druid, and Ranger with Hunter's Bond, and Nature Bond. Nature bond does say that if it encounters another ability like it, it stacks, and with ACG only out for so long i don't expect them to publish anything in this regard as of yet.

When I read it, to me it sounds like it would be the 3 + 1/2 (Sorcerer + Brawler levels combined) as your total. Like how Druid stacks with Ranger -3 for animal companions. Then again, the mechanics are different. Just was hoping for more discussion to get a better fix on it. Thanks anyway. :)

Well, if it said "sorcerer levels count as brawler levels for the purposes of uses per day" then I would say you can add up your sorcerer levels and brawler levels. But how it reads is, "using her sorcerer level as her brawler level for the purposes of uses per day." There isn't anything, RAW, that says they add.

A agree, it's probably an oversight. I'm just warning you that if you are playing PFS, some GMs may take this stricter interpretation.

I was secretly hoping for separate pools of martial flexibility... that would be really cool. "How the heck do you have 2 feats you didn't previously know by round 2 at level 2?" - "Well one of them came to me by my training and I *saw* the other one in the spirit of this particular battle" (Brawler/Warsighted) heh. - Would cost you your entire turn (i.e. two move actions) -- but I also once thought sneak attack from different sources stacked directly (i.e. if you're 1 alchemist(dissectionist or what ever)/1 rogue/1 bountyhunter you'd have 3d6 sneak attack rather than just 2d6 (which it is, since they stack directly).

Edit: was there any news on this topic?

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