Giridan |
So i went to my players to start new game, and i suggested the concept of a good vs evil campiagn. they like the idea and most everyone was on board. then one of the players (the one who usually GM's) asked if they got to choose if they were the evil or if they were the good side. I said sure, but then everyone was excited about an evil campiagn. I don't have any issues with it, but can you guys think of anything I should say and/or lay out? class restrictions or race restrictions? im not thinking so...maybe no antipalladin. So what should my overall plot line be? I really hadn't thought through this and was interested in what your guys' opinions were.

Kimera757 |
Take a look at Way of the Wicked, a popular evil adventure path. It has some restrictions, which are freely listed on the website. Link: http://paizo.com/products/btpy8q8f?Way-of-the-Wicked-Book-1-Knot-of-Thorns- Preview
There don't need to be race restrictions. (My current WotW campaign has an aasimar [angel-blooded] in it, and he's often called a traitor by his opponents.) Class restrictions are only based on alignment. You can be a neutral evil civilization-destroying druid; that doesn't suit WotW but it does suit many evil campaigns. I don't see any reason to ban the anti-paladin, although if the code is a problem feel free to relax it.

Wyntr |

Link to Way of the Wicked preview
Way of the Wicked also (I believe) has a variant anti-paladin to give it a lawful evil alignment (some feel chaotic evil means cannot work together).
I would stress making sure the players understand and agree that the evil campaign means "working together as a team against everyone else" and not "killing and backstabbing each other" - unless everyone wants it to. Basically: make sure everyone agrees on what an evil campaign means (same as any campaign).

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I would avoid letting them be psychotics and/or sadists, but it can work within reason.
I ran an evilish campaign once where the group roused an old diety of tyranny and became their champions. Very Lawful Evil, focused more on the lawful than the evil. I think half the group was actually neutral. (and no CE allowed)
They didn't go killing peasants - that'd be bad for the image. They took care of bandits for the populace. (and made examples out of them) And they worked to expand their influence. They were just starting to raise an army to conquer their neighboring town when real life happened and the campaign sort of fell apart. *sad face*

Dave Justus |

I would be sure to spell out PVP rules. If PvP is allowed, then people should be prepared for that.
In my opinion, it should be banned or limited, even in evil campaigns. The party needs to work together for everyone to have fun, and having some sort of unifying goal, and making sure that the players make characters that are focused on that goal and can work as a team is important. Lying to, cheating and killing party members will end most campaigns really quick.

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A while ago, I did an "evil" campaign, where all of the players were cousins in a Noble house. Their grand father was the "lord" and the PCs all did "missions" for the family to advance their family's power. I ran the noble house like a mafia family.
It worked surprisingly well until I made the mistake of running the PCs through the old module called Rahasia, where the PCs are assumed to be good.
One good thing to note, as "evil" PCs they are on their own. They most likely won't have anyone they can fall back upon.
An evil organization, or clergy will only be willing to help for a steep price...
Anyways good luck.

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Define PvP rules (I suggest never PvP, except at the very end of the campaign).
Announce that becoming famous or infamous will have consequences. Hopefully this gives them the hint to not go around killing peasants.
And remember, your NPCs can now be good, neutral or evil. Opens up possibilities for your side.

Westphalian_Musketeer |

Add another person for laying down the PVP rules, and tell them their actions will have consequences. Be prepared to give opportunities for extracurricular evil though. Have an innocent be outside the village every so often, give evil characters vents if they're not able to exert themselves over more powerful foes for a while.