Giridan's page
Organized Play Member. 94 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 Organized Play character.
So I'm kinda at a loss of how I want to set up my 3rd level character. I know I want him/her to wield a whip and probably do minor speaking for the group. I want them to specialize in the steal maneuver. Class/race etc. suggestions?
We as people are very cool with races. We have only half our group even white! No one in the group is offended! I'm not asking if you guys are.
Yes, they just aren'tl playable. There'll be NPC's im sure
There are African Americans, they are the vanaran's (who knows why???). And the Asians are represented by the halflings/gnomes/rat folk
Other races exist, I just didn't mention them as they are not playable. Via GM discretion.
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Yes, it is. I guess that's the point. To be historically accurate.
Magic allowed. But a full spell aster might be too iffy
So my GM wants to run a mini-campaign in which is set in the Wild West. She has is set so that humans are equivilent to the historically accurate white people of the time. And the historical Mexicans are represented by orcs. Indians by elves. Ireland/Scottish by dwarves. She made it clear that if you didn't choose human it would have in-game negative effect. I think she wants everyone to go gunslinger or swashbuckler, but I want to do something outside of the box. I would like creative ideas on characters that I could work with. GM also said that melee weapons would be pretty useless.
It's just, if there's a ring of protection, then it has to be way too powerful for it to be given as loot. Because they all have already powerful rings.
If it could be either Nordic or Egyptian themed that'd be great!
I know those are very far apart, but currently they are in a pyramid. Next they will be in a Nordic themed landscape.
Ya. None of them are though
This is proving to be quite difficult. Thoughts? I have a monk (MoMS), a hunter, oracle, and a slayer. The hunter weilds a bow. Slayer dual wields.
In my opinion batman would have to be an investigator. Probably with plenty of brawler levels too though. But is there any conflict in this build? Primarily with the armor profiency and wearability.
I'm undecided as if he comes back to seek god hood, but isn't particularly evil, or if he's brought back and seeks revenge on the world for forgetting about him and moving on. I guess I'll just decide in the moment. If my players are feeling accepting he will be vengeful, as to have the fight still happen.
Thanks dragonflyer1243 and verellius! Other thoughts?
So I am running a campaign in which my players are investigating crypts below a string of pyramids. There is a summoner who is attempting to summon " one of the old gods". But to do this he had to summon Anubis in sections. These are now being modeled by golden organs such as the heart, lungs, and liver. When the party gets close I will begin the final stages of the process, being the actuall summoning of Anubis' body. To summon Anubis the summoner must give his own life. Once this is done Anubis will exist in a mortal form. I am assuming that since my players are good they won't let an angry God of death just walk out so I need to create an appropriate monster. He will start off at CR14 and as he collects the golden organs he will gain power. Any ideas on what kind of abilities to give him? I have decided he will weild a pair of Khopesh. Ideas please!!
Quick question: why are you dipping into sorcerer?

I was in a campaign with a group of people I played with this ONE game. I was there for two sessions before I had to leave. One of the players showed up and hadn't spent his starting gold, he was a samurai. So he went along with it and said that he was "starting a new life". And was going to get rid of his money. Then one of his friends, who was playing a rogue, went up to this drunken character (did I mention the samurai was a now a drunk too?). And pursuaded the drunken samurai to take the gold off his hands for him. So at this point the rogue had double starting gold. Now my character was humble and didn't try to get any, but my girlfriend who was playing a ninja, then tried to seduce the rogue and convince him that he owes her money. It worked so they ended up splitting the gold. But anyway, drunken samurai, who had Nothing! Not even a sword or armor! got drunk and handed his starting wealth to a random citizen. This wasn't the reason I left, there was another fellow who did the dumbest things. Like lighting himself on fire to light up the open area. And lots of other less dumb stuff, but that's not too important.
Combine items? Never heard of such a thing
thanks guys. Yea, those are the rules we followed at his table, but now the table is mine! mwahahaha!!
this is good though, now I won't feel bad by sundering my parties armors and weapons as the opportunities pop up.
that was my gut feeling, but like i said, i couldnt find the " If the item is magical, it can only be repaired with a mending or make whole spell cast by a character with a caster level equal to or higher than the item's. Items lose the broken condition if the spell restores the object to half its original hit points or higher. Non-magical items can be repaired in a similar fashion, or through the Craft skill used to create it. Generally speaking, this requires a DC 20 Craft check and 1 hour of work per point of damage to be repaired. Most craftsmen charge one-tenth the item's total cost to repair such damage (more if the item is badly damaged or ruined)."
there is no condition referred to as "fear" so the ability, in my opinion, would provide immunity to any ability that is fear based. such as spells, auras, intimidate, and possibly even immune to some story based fear, like haunted mansions for example.
So first off I want to preface this by saying, i looked for the answer before coming here, but to no avail. So in a campaign i was in about 6 months ago the GM declared that if a magic item gets sundered (ie: our barbarians +2 flaming, corrosive greatsword that gets sundered by a gravenight[this was attempted, but failed]) that when it breaks it looses all magical properties within it. And there was no way to restore the magic within it.
Also he said that we could not add enchantments on to existing items. (ie: my adamantine dagger, i wanted to enchant it up to a +2 weapon) Can these things actually be done? I am about to run a campaign and want to clarify for my players, who are a lot of the same people.
So, are there any reprocussions from drinking alcohol in pathfinder? If you drink specific kinds I know you can get bonuses and penalties, but what about just regular drinks? My players always seem to be wanting their characters to drink at a tavern. But if I want to have an assassin try and kill them (by blade) what disadvantages would they have? If there are already rules for this i a m very sorry. Wouldn't it depend on the constitution? Like a number of bottles = Con modifier before you have to start making Con checks to not get the penalties. And there probably would be a few levels of negative effects.
Im sending someone in to help break them out.
We've all been playing pathfinder for nearly 2 years. And the point is that they do break out.
I am debating whether or not I want them to be in seperate cells and if other prisoners are with them.
Still, lvl11 are gonna walk outta those
I'm actually not aware of any player being a spell caster. That being said one more person needs to finish their character.
Yeah, I'm kinda at a loss too...
So I'm running an evil campaign and my players are going to be starting off in jail. They are level 11 and the jail will be manned by "Paladins" (warpriests and clerics etc. as well). I'm hoping to find a way to have them restrained magically. My first thought is magic circle against evil with the extensive precautions. I'm not wanting to put them in chains just because my players will just bang on their chains until there ain't chains no more. One of them is being a monk so I don't want her unarmed striking the chains to dust. I want them to be more creative. I'm looking for ideas and/or flaws with my current idea. Should I just 'create' my own spell?
I'm a pretty loose GM so I'm open to even farther out ideas.
I have played both and I prefer the warpriest. He single handadly took down an antipaladin of equal level. (It was actually another PC. They just wanted more power and didn't care how so they fell from grace and my character had problems with it. The antipaladin grew tired of my 'complaining' and fought me. I won, and with nearly half my health left. ). But my inquisitor had more out of combat opportunities.
Thanks for the feedback =]
So i went to my players to start new game, and i suggested the concept of a good vs evil campiagn. they like the idea and most everyone was on board. then one of the players (the one who usually GM's) asked if they got to choose if they were the evil or if they were the good side. I said sure, but then everyone was excited about an evil campiagn. I don't have any issues with it, but can you guys think of anything I should say and/or lay out? class restrictions or race restrictions? im not thinking so...maybe no antipalladin. So what should my overall plot line be? I really hadn't thought through this and was interested in what your guys' opinions were.
i vote untouchable is not worth it.
might i suggest skald over bard? i have played a bard and ive looked over (unfortunately have yet to play though) the skald. Skald might give you more combat prowess, which it sounds like you'll need. As most of the other people commented, fighter is boring. ask him if he wants to play a barbarian with the titan mauler archeatype? My friend played a wicked awesome Bloodrager. everytime he entered rage he enlarged. so in combat he was always a large character. he eventually became mythic and was huge! he was grappling dragons effectively! anyway, it might give some options, to be a little more interesting than a "human fighter".
It is referring to the base damage die, ie short sword does a d6 and a long sword does a d8 etc. the sacred weapon damage allows you to use a d6 at first in place of the original die, or the base die. So using a dagger or a short sword would end up doing the same amount of damage, a d6. The enchantment bonus would then apply. The enhancement increasing its size, for damage purposes. Otherwise if u were weilding a +2 flaming Shocking dagger dealing an extra 2d6 of damage there would be no reason to take the d10 or whatever at that point if it replaced the extra damage added via the enhacement.
ElyasRavenwood wrote: How would one do a Hybrid class of Oracle/Sorcerer? That would be amazing! They could have reduced spell casting charts of max 6th level and have slower spell progression, but could be the perfect entry class into mystic thruege. Something like inquisitor or magus spell charts with the appropriate lists though.
We house rule they do, but as the rules stand, no stacking :/
The investigator gets studied combat and studied strike. Studied combat states it lasts until he damages his opponent. Studied strike says that it activates when studied combat is active and you hit. Assuming I took swift study and I could attack twice per round getting my studying bonus on both attacks assuming they both hit? Am I understanding the way these bonuses interact correctly?
So I'm level 13 bard and I have 6 mythic tiers. I have a cloak of displacement. I had my cloak active and a high level/mythic tiered NPC with a vorpal weapon rolled a 20. We didn't roll for my percent miss. (Because I just had it constantly going for the fight). But would having the concealment cause any disadvantage against this?
Kenji Elindir wrote: Giridan wrote: Then in subsequent rounds the zen archer crit failed the acrobatics check to jump it and failed the reflex saves to get out go the trap. According to the rules rolling a 1 doesn't automatically fail skill checks. It's possible that his bonus to acrobatics wasn't high enough to cross however large the trap was. If it was at least 3rd level the monk would get an extra +4 to jump because of it's higher speed. My group has a rule where if you roll a 1 you crit fail, roll again and subtract 20.

I need some advice guys. I was running the RotRL campaign as due to its popularity. There were 5 players: a cavalier, paladin, zen archer, sorcerer, and a ranger. They all started with a 20 pt buy, except the cavalier who accidentally did a 15... Anyways, they were going about thistle top, and had learned of nualia's existence. They were on her level and got caught up with the guisarme trap. The cavalier fell in, the paladin acro'd accross and then this is when things got hairy... They were arguing, and so obviously nualia heard them. She came out to get the paladin by suprise. Then in subsequent rounds the zen archer crit failed the acrobatics check to jump it and failed the reflex saves to get out go the trap. The trap then brought his current hitpoint count negative. Then killed him. The sorcerer cast magic missile every round. The trap killed him and his body joined the cavalier in the hole at which point the ranger destroyed the trap door leaving it dangling open. Then nualia splayed the paladin. And over the subsequent 3 rounds she had killed the whole party except for the sorcerer who ran away. Where do I go from here? Has this happened to other people?
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The spring attack feat will be invaluable to this build, a must have as far as im concerned.