Book of 1000 whispers decoded

Lost Omens Campaign Setting General Discussion

Shadow Lodge

I was reading through my copy of occult mysteries and it had a list of some of the prophesies from the book of 1000 whispers

here is my take on some on what they mean

1. "The kingdom of shadow unending shall be rendered insensate, the chain to its master cut"-someone will defeat the umbral court, breaking the connection nidal has to zon-kuthon.

2. "Upon the banks of the dark lake, the simian shaman shall fall to the striking asp"-the gorrila king will be defeated by ydersius when the snake god returns.

more coming soon

RPG Superstar 2008 Top 32

That second one could be tied into running the Serpent's Skull AP, making the Harbingers into rivals who want to see Yserdius risen. (After all, if Aroden returns, surely he can whup Yserdius again.)

Shadow Lodge

I am having trouble thinking of more currently

post your interpretations below!!!


Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

1. "The Nation of the Isle will spread its
borders, and will engulf the Lions, Veils,
and Beetles."- Absalom is going to conquer Taldor, Qadira, and Osirion. (Holy dang that's a lot of conquering to do)

2. "The Stone of Heaven, Moon, and Stars-its duty
met-shall be returned to whence it came. Alsharashrai
be praised!" - The Starstone, after fulfilling some requirement made of it (likely by Aroden) will disappear after ascending Alsharashrai to godhood.

Scarab Sages

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"Galiti shall be liberated from the rule of the Crown and become a bastion of peace, prosperity, and learning."

Galt becomes a bastion of peace, prosperity, and learning.

You've got one year to make that happen. Good luck.

Ross Byers wrote:
(After all, if Aroden returns, surely he can whup Yserdius again.)

Did he ever fight him the first time? As I recall, it was Savith who gave him a "splitting" headache.

You are correct - Ydersius was significantly before Aroden's time, by all indications.

However, I think Ross only meant "again" as in "could defeat Ydersius like he was defeated last time" instead of "could defeat Ydersius for the second time in a row."

Tacticslion wrote:

You are correct - Ydersius was significantly before Aroden's time, by all indications.

However, I think Ross only meant "again" as in "could defeat Ydersius like he was defeated last time" instead of "could defeat Ydersius for the second time in a row."

Well, Savith managed to do it, and she was only a Fighter 20 / Champion 6. Granted, he killed her with poison in the process, but if she could decapitate him, then just imagine what one (let alone all four) of the endgame WotR PCs would do to him.

... she was? Where are her stats? I've been looking for those!

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Tacticslion wrote:
... she was? Where are her stats? I've been looking for those!

Inner Sea Combat. She was a Lawful Neutral female Azlanti human Fighter 20 / Champion 6. She's also the only mythic martial character on the list.

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Ross Byers wrote:
That second one could be tied into running the Serpent's Skull AP, making the Harbingers into rivals who want to see Yserdius risen. (After all, if Aroden returns, surely he can whup Yserdius again.)

I'm not sure if Paizo's going to ever bring back Aroden. But I'd think a far more likely candidate of someone who'd return to whup Yserdius would be Old-Mage Jatembe.

Ooh! Thanks!

aceDiamond wrote:
But I'd think a far more likely candidate of someone who'd return to whup Yserdius would be Old-Mage Jatembe.

Jatembe would say he's gotten too old for that ****.

“The cornice of a living Yumbiltha through his heart, the Lord of Night’s Feast will be cured in the Lands of Fallen Locusts.”

The Lands of the Fallen Locusts could refer to Sarkoris (the Worldwound) where the the cultists of Deskari, Lord of the Locust Host were defeated by Aroden. A cornice is a horizontal molded projection crowning a building or structure, or an overhanging mass of hardened snow at the edge of a mountain precipice. I have no idea what a Yumbiltha is. The Lord of Night makes me think of vampires, and the feast could refer to bloodlust.

It is possible that the prophecy references the death of the origin of vampires at the Worldwound, thus curing vampirism.

“Banished to the Realm of Devouring Dreams, the salient Spire will no longer plague the horizon, and the Last Siege will end the suffering of the Faithful.”

I'm reaching here because I don't have a lot to go on with this one, but the Dream Eater template was introduced in Dungeons of Golarion. The prophecy could reference the return of Nex and a renewed siege on Absalom, ending with his banishment to where ever Dream Eaters come from and the destruction of his Spire, which can be seen from almost all of Absalom. The ending of the suffering of the Faithful could mean that this is supposed to be the prophecy that comes true and brings back Aroden.

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