(PFS) What to do with an ifrit boon (or two)


Silver Crusade

So I already have an ifrit boon for PFS, and I just found out that I'll be getting another one for GMing at a con in a few weeks. And I have no clue what to do with either of them.

At first I considered either a flames mystery oracle or an efreeti or fire elemental bloodline sorcerer, but I already have two blaster wizards and an enchantress sorcerer. I also have a heavens oracle who is a primary caster.

Next, I moved on to a dervish dancing paladin who was a former exotic dancer before hearing the call of Our Lady of the Dawn. This is still one of my top possibilities, but I want to explore other options as well. Plus, I'm going to have two boons so I need to figure out what to do with the other.

I considered a straight bard, but I already have an aasimar archaeologist, and I'm not sure how much the straight bard actually appeals to me.

I statted out a sort of weird sorcerer with the arcane bloodline and a hedgehog familiar who focused on necromancy spells, but I'm not really sure where to go with that.

So, I turn to you guys. Give me some fun or quirkyideas for what to do with two ifrit boons for PFS.

Silver Crusade

To the top with ya!

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

I've had this idea I've been toying with for a while, but it needs a lot of feats to work, so I've been waiting until I have a nice pile of GM sheets to apply.

Ifrit Inquisitor of Moloch, with the Immolator archetype. He uses a whip he makes flaming with his class feature. The Immolator ability causes people he kills to get consumed in fire, which makes them burnt offerings to Moloch, and condemns their souls to hell to fight in Moloch's army!

Its not the best concept, mechanically, but it sounds like a hoot to play.

I just found the fire dancer bard archetype in the ACG. Bard that (eventually) gets fireballs. Nice fit for the ifrit.

A ninja with smoke bombs that takes advantage of the fire sight feat might be workable.

Swashbuckler would be pretty straightforward.

That's off the top of my head...

Grand Lodge

Ifrit Daring Champion Cavalier, with Order of the Cockatrice, Intimidate focused, with the Fiery Glare trait.

My friend has an interesting build that takes the Firesight feat, playing as a gunslinger+rogue, allowing him to setup smoke and do sneak attacks with firearm, doing touch and flatfooted attacks.

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Ifrit Firesight Slayer sounds cool too.

Silver Crusade

Hmmm, does Firesight allow you to see through obscuring mist? If so, a ranged rogue or ninja with a wand of obscuring mist could work out.

Grand Lodge

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Hmmm, does Firesight allow you to see through obscuring mist? If so, a ranged rogue or ninja with a wand of obscuring mist could work out.

Well, same idea, but go Slayer, and just be better all around.

Lantern Lodge

Tape them together to make a book cover for your ARG?

Or Winter Witch.

uh, dare I say send them to me???

Silver Crusade

Slayer has no reason to pump Cha like a ninja does, so it would be harder to max out UMD.

Jayson, does winter witch have any use for Cha? I didn't think it did.

Mulgar, you got anything to trade for one? I'm more than willing to consider.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

All of the planetouched boons also have the option of giving a boost to a standard character as well.

Silver Crusade

Yeah, I didn't think it was that great, though. I'll have to look again.

Lantern Lodge

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Jayson, does winter witch have any use for Cha? I didn't think it did.

Why not just be awesome?

Silver Crusade

Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Jayson, does winter witch have any use for Cha? I didn't think it did.
Why not just be awesome?

I...I don't....I don't understand.

Grand Lodge

I am guessing the whole idea of a Fire Elemental blooded PC, focusing of Cold based magic, is somehow amusing to some.

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Jayson MF Kip wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Jayson, does winter witch have any use for Cha? I didn't think it did.
Why not just be awesome?
I...I don't....I don't understand.

Maybe it's a Robert Frost thing? Or maybe it's something else?

Edit: Maybe he's talking about Mr. Icy Hot.

You give one to me (please?).

I'd play an elemental (possibly cross-blooded draconic) blaster sorcerer and rush a robe of arcane heritage, if you spend almost nothing (burn prestige points for gear) and play level 3-7 scenarios at level 5 you would just barely be able to afford it before level 6, using your favored class benefits on your level 9 bloodline from there-on.

Silver Crusade

So I think I'm gonna stick with the former exotic dancing dervish paladin of Sarenrae for 1 of the boons. If I keep the other boon instead of trading it, I might go for dervish exotic dancer's twin sister as a bones oracle. Kind of a dark and light, yin and yang kind of think.

Grand Lodge

Not Flame Dancer Bard?

Silver Crusade

I don't know that I'm fully sold on the Flame Dancer bard, and it doesn't lend itself to the yin and yang thing like paladin does.

Silver Crusade

Ok so somebody offered me a trade for a vishkanya/suli/grippli boon and I think I'm going to take it. I really want to make a grippli since the other two both have +Cha and that was one of the things that made the Ifrit unappealing.

Shadow Lodge

monk of the four winds woo :D lol

Silver Crusade

And now somebody else wants to trade the other one (when I get it) for a sylph boon, so I am all set. No need for help figuring out what to do with an ifrit when I'm not going to have one.

Shadow Lodge Contributor, RPG Superstar 2010 Top 8

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
And now somebody else wants to trade the other one (when I get it) for a sylph boon, so I am all set. No need for help figuring out what to do with an ifrit when I'm not going to have one.

Ooh, ooh, what are you going to make your Sylph?

Bigdaddyjug wrote:
Hmmm, does Firesight allow you to see through obscuring mist? If so, a ranged rogue or ninja with a wand of obscuring mist could work out.

Mist and smoke are not the same thing; fog/clouds/mist are what Sylphs with the Cloud Gazer feat can see through.

However, using a smokestick as an alchemical reagent for Obscuring Mist or Fog Cloud will produce smoke instead of mist, so you'd be able to see through the smoke that way.

Silver Crusade

Benchak the Nightstalker wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:
And now somebody else wants to trade the other one (when I get it) for a sylph boon, so I am all set. No need for help figuring out what to do with an ifrit when I'm not going to have one.
Ooh, ooh, what are you going to make your Sylph?

I don't know, I'll have to look into them a bit more. Also need to decide what to do with the grippli.

Maybe an arcanist for the sylph and I'm thinking a weapon finesse war priest of Pharasma with the Deific Obedience feat for the grippli. Or maybe just a knife master rogue.

Go zen archer with the sylph^^
At level 9 everyone will hate you, because you will be flying and shooting.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.

For a Grippli, I have always wanted to make a Grippli Maneuver Master Monk with the Jumper and Glider alternate racial traits and the Agile Tongue feat to perform Disarm and Steal maneuvers from 10 feet away while on the walls or ceiling. Sounds hilarious in my mind.

Alternatively, a creepy touch-spell-based caster who delivers touch attacks through his tongue...

Silver Crusade

I have enough archers, I don't want to make another one with the sylph boon.

A grippli druid who focuses on touch spells could be very fun.

The Exchange

Bigdaddyjug wrote:

So I already have an ifrit boon for PFS, and I just found out that I'll be getting another one for GMing at a con in a few weeks. And I have no clue what to do with either of them.

What event is earning you an ifrit boon; and how the heck can I sign up!?!

Silver Crusade

Qakisst Vishtani wrote:
Bigdaddyjug wrote:

So I already have an ifrit boon for PFS, and I just found out that I'll be getting another one for GMing at a con in a few weeks. And I have no clue what to do with either of them.

What event is earning you an ifrit boon; and how the heck can I sign up!?!

I'm GMing at a local convention next weekend. GM 3 games, get an ifrit boon.

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