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False Focus would be a decent way to get around hard to find components - pick up a gold necklace with the icon of your choice on it for about $10 and you'd be able to ignore most component costs.
Actually, how society would change around this is probably a more interesting question than most peoples' picks. 1% of the population isn't all that rare - that's about the percentage of the population that is red-headed worldwide, or on the autism spectrum in the USA. And an 8th level full caster probably is a low to mid-tier superhero. Mutant registration anyone?
Since I'm not trying to balance this for an actual game (grin) almost anythings allowed race wise. unstatted or 3rd party is fine just no house race of +1 billion to everything, automatically returns from the dead blah blah blah. Yes you can be a dragon, drider or aboleth in fact one person already has taken the dragon option. Of course you can't take 50 different races half breeds or those with a minor ancestral touch as you can get in the current rules (half-elf, bloodline etc).
You might want to stick a CR cap on the "race" since otherwise that becomes way more interesting than 1-8 levels in a spellcasting class.
For example, I become a Solar Angel. Immortal, and DR/epic and Regen 15 (evil) makes me practically unkillable. SR gives a partial defense against other new casters. Plus Wish as a (free) spell-like ability 1/day, a set of other SLAs including constant True Seeing, and spellcasting as a 20th level cleric.
And being an Angel is good PR.

Rynjin |

Some things about magic to keep in mind. The lower level stuff is actually significantly weaker then modern technology, with some exceptions. Magic Missile isn't likely to kill anything in one shot, not even the family dog. Compare that to what any handgun can do (Let alone a beast like a .460 or .500 Mag). Mage Armor isn't likely much better then a good quality IIIA vest. Things like Comprehend Lang. on the other can would let you write you're own ticket in some fields.
For the Psion (Kineticist), a simple manifestation of Inertial Barrier (DR 5/-, 4th level spell) will make you basically invulnerable to small arms fire, many melee weapons (especially unarmed strikes), and such. And reduced damage from falls!

Marcus Robert Hosler |

A level 8 psion would be a strategic threat to the US military. Taking her out would require concentrated artillery fire or a direct strike from a nuclear bomb. She would laugh off the world's deadliest poisons and eviscerate the most masterful of assassins.
In this world she would be a demi-god capable of bending nations and even the world to her will. Heaven forbid she actually develop her power further.

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Level 8 Lore Oracle, I think. Perhaps an elf, for being relatively easy to disguise and having a long lifespan. Not as flashy as some of the other options, but it's hard to say no to healing spells, and the kind of knowledge something like Focused Trance would grant you in a world where the vast majority of people are untrained in most knowledge skills is difficult to even conceive of. And it would be a lot easier to conceal abilities like these than if you started setting people on fire with your mind or introducing millions of new dollars into the economy.

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You might want to stick a CR cap on the "race" since otherwise that becomes way more interesting than 1-8 levels in a spellcasting class.For example, I become a Solar Angel. Immortal, and DR/epic and Regen 15 (evil) makes me practically unkillable. SR gives a partial defense against other new casters. Plus Wish as a (free) spell-like ability 1/day, a set of other SLAs including constant True Seeing, and spellcasting as a 20th level cleric.
And being an Angel is good PR.
And intersex planetar paladins of Arshea just swarmed the skies of every AP. :)
is okay with this

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I'm OK with that too, it's just that "do you want to be a dragon or angel?" is a very different question from "do you want to be an elf wizard or dwarf cleric?"
A level 8 psion would be a strategic threat to the US military. Taking her out would require concentrated artillery fire or a direct strike from a nuclear bomb. She would laugh off the world's deadliest poisons and eviscerate the most masterful of assassins.
In this world she would be a demi-god capable of bending nations and even the world to her will. Heaven forbid she actually develop her power further.
I'm not familiar with the psion specifically, but I think 8th level = demigod is a bit of an exaggeration. Rifles do d10 damage. An AK47 fires 40-600 rounds/minute which amounts to minimum 4 attacks per round - and with a range of over 1000 feet, farther than a long-range spell at level 8 and well out of "medium" range. Not sure exactly how many well-equipped and well-trained soldiers it would take to threaten an 8th level caster but it's sure not the entire US military. Not to mention things like drones and heat-seeking missiles.
Tricks like invisibility would be harder to deal with but infrared and physical detection methods (like flour) would probably become commonplace among police and military groups before too long. Plus, magic runs out.
Keep in mind also that the original quote was:
Some things about magic to keep in mind. The lower level stuff is actually significantly weaker then modern technology, with some exceptions. Magic Missile isn't likely to kill anything in one shot, not even the family dog. Compare that to what any handgun can do (Let alone a beast like a .460 or .500 Mag). Mage Armor isn't likely much better then a good quality IIIA vest. Things like Comprehend Lang. on the other can would let you write you're own ticket in some fields.
4th level combat spells are pretty fantastic, but that's not "lower level" and while Magic Missile is a low-level spell, it's not proper low-level magic at CL 5.

Liam Warner |
@Third Mind
Eschew materials is only for items less than a GP so fairly common anyway (and I know where there are entire colonies of bats grin). Admitedly the spells requiring a 20kgp diamond are a lot harder to get the components for but then again outside of adventurers they'd be harder for wizards in golarion too.
Until the spring mating season anyway, seriously if your trying to appear male your better off taking realistic likeness and shapeshifting into an exact duplicate of the person you used to be.
Building your own kingdom, interesting. Raises the question would you have an heir you'd be leaving when you came back or would you be going for one of the advisor slots so the kingdoms not left leaderless when you finish it?
The dark jewels trilogy did this rather well acutally with their powers one on one the blood (magic users) could kill any landen (non magic user) easily but enough of them could bring down anyone in time simply by drawing them out and forcing them to expend all their power. Plus of course magic doesn't necessarily protect you from bobbytraps or enemies who have their own casters.
Like I said given the kinds of powers people are getting I'm fairly sure there'd be some form of registering set up fairly quickly even if it was only an equivilent to the medical licensing board. Although at least one person has been stoned to death for witchcraft in recent years so who knows how humanity would react as a whole to this.
This is also part of why I said no items are given/brought back from AP's because it would mean there'd be a large market at least at first for items. I mean I can see police being willing to spend a fortune on protection from bullet enhancements on their vests. Of course given the number risking their lives on an AP even allowing items may not make that large a difference.
No problem I tend to latch onto things and gnaw as well. So you'd take the AP if you could return at any time what if you had to complete it to return?
Whoops missed that entirely I'd say yes to a psion offhand but they do need to be a full psychic class i.e. reach their equivilent of 9th level spells.
In real life we don't have levels so what happens is you get given the equivilent of these levels in a class. For the sake of argument say you were a lvl 3 commoner right now (kid in school) they multiclass to a 1st/3rd/8th level wizard/sorcerer/cleric and gain those abilities. If your taking the AP only the levels taken during that are counted as levels.
Of course I agree a lot of magical effects can be done cheaper and easier with current technologies but that's where people would be researching new spells that work with it (track hacking for example) and some utility spells would be worth a lot of money to the person knowing them even a simple mending spell used to repair items of sentimental value like a christmas ornament that a kid smashed could bring in some money, water breathing or planetary adapaption for hostile environements and of course if anyone manages to find a way to mass produce magic items (like Eberrons creation forges) well sky's the limit.
@Rynjin and Dexion1619
Remember pathfinder isn't really based around handguns and the like they're there but not necessarily a heavy part of the stytem. Plus your dealing with the whole thing about real life vs game systems. Best way to compare if your doing that is to look at a system that assumes both magic and modern tech coexist say D20 modern. A handgun does 2d4 to 2d8 (desert eagle) damage. So a magic missle starts off slightly worse than a lower powered gun (1 missle at d4 +1 per level with homing) but at higher levels (multiple missles at d4 + up to 15) can hit as hard as a desert eagle. Not to mention the massive damage rules so it doesn't matter if you have 500 hp take enough damage in one hit and you can be instantly killed.
Actually I deliberately didn't put a cap on the race for that reason. I admit I wasn't thinking about things like solars at the time and thought age would serve as a decent limitation. 1% is around 60 million people currently and would make a fairly big impact on society especially with long lived beings and their starting to have kids.
Not just mutant registration acts either imagine if say 500 or so became Kitsune. That's a low enough number to be considered an endangered species which could introduce all sorts of preservation rulings like their not being allowed to work in dangerous fields, arranged meetings in the hopes they'll pair up and have kids and the like.
Still I suppose I could introduce say a CR equivilent to your level e.g. if your race is CR 8 you also need to become the oppsoite sex and get no class levels hmmmmm given how eager people seem to be to find ways to game the system rather than picking based on what they'd like to be I think that could work.
Impact on society is interesting though to speculate about.
So new basic rules
1) No items granted or allowed to be brought back as stated earlier.
2) Your racial CR (allowing for age variations) is taken out of the level you become e.g. lvl 8 added you can take X levels of a full class as stated and Y levels racial adjustment up to a totlal of 8 if it would raise you above that you can't be that race.
Extra question
Would your race change if the CR cap wasn't in place?

Zhayne |

Until the spring mating season anyway, seriously if your trying to appear male your better off taking realistic likeness and shapeshifting into an exact duplicate of the person you used to be.
Not sure what the first bit has to do with anything, but you have a good point. I hadn't considered feats yet. 4 feats ... Still, Silent, Extend Spells, and Realistic Likeness ... tank up on enchantments and divinations, and a career in investigative journalism is right around the corner.
I doubt I would change my race if there was no cap ... though being an outright vulpinal could be fun.

Ashiel |

Ok there are two parts to this, the second one is an addition to the first as I'm a little curious how many would take the risk for more power over a safer guaranteed lesser level.
Part A
So the premise here is some god with too much time on their hands decides to introduce magic to the real world and you are one of the random 1% of the population selected. The rules are as follows . . .1) The class you pick must be a full caster class i.e. gains 9th level spells.
2) If your taking a religious one you need to be dedicated enough to an actual god you can serve as their priest. No I serve the omnicosmic force of om and my powers are granted by the idea rather than the god.
3) You only get levels of that class no getstalts, multi-classing etc.Now as you are right now your getting given the equilvilent of a level in that class in terms of spells, abilities etc but there are no changes in your abilities or added skills. There are 3 levels you can pick from with an associated cost . . .
Level 1: You as you are right now.
Level 3: You have to become a different race or the opposite sex.
Level 8: You have to become a different race AND a different sex.These changes affect all your records, photographs, other forms of documentation.
Yes to all of the above. Especially if we get to pick which race we become. As for deity, if a divine caster, I would probably choose myself as the source of my power, given that the textbooks for my religion are so contrived that it is impossible to be an absolutist without also being clinically insane, the tree of knowledge, and because of Jesus teaching people to do miracles; which is not an omnicosmic force so much as it is the divine spark from being created in the image of a god and having the faith to make use of it; though I also don't really see a difference between omnicosmic om force and what I know as "god" so...yeah...things...
Alternatively, a wizard. Though I think I would prefer cleric or druid, unless someone wanted to tell me what I can and cannot believe in.

Ashiel |

For anyone interested that 20k of diamond dust will set you back about $700k.
Only if you're kind of dumb. Diamonds aren't really worth very much. We have more than we know what to do with, but the price is arbitrarily set based on our culture. You could very easily just go collect the diamonds you need.
Diamonds are pretty worthless, especially in a world not otherwise permeated by magic. The value of diamonds in D&D is actually rather funny, because MAGIC gives diamonds value.

Third Mind |

@Third Mind
Eschew materials is only for items less than a GP so fairly common anyway (and I know where there are entire colonies of bats grin). Admitedly the spells requiring a 20kgp diamond are a lot harder to get the components for but then again outside of adventurers they'd be harder for wizards in golarion too.
True. Although I feel like it's still worth it not having to frequent multiple locations in the real world to pick up bat guano and various other things to manage my components. That and in real life I'm not exactly sure where I'd get real devil blood / "unholy water" for infernal healing.
As for occupation in the real world, with prestidigitation, mage hand, vanish and fly, I could make one heck of a street magician, but vigilante hero sounds fun too.

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With CR cap, 8th level aasimar urban druid, hoping the +2 racial wis and 2 points of ability score increase from levelling brings my Wis up to a tolerable level. I'd volunteer at a local hospital and for disaster relief and work on sustainable development using a combination of magic and science.
No CR cap, Solar Angel and try to save the world.

Qunnessaa |

Ok there are two parts to this, the second one is an addition to the first as I'm a little curious how many would take the risk for more power over a safer guaranteed lesser level.
Part A
So the premise here is some god with too much time on their hands decides to introduce magic to the real world and you are one of the random 1% of the population selected. The rules are as follows . . .1) The class you pick must be a full caster class i.e. gains 9th level spells.
2) If your taking a religious one you need to be dedicated enough to an actual god you can serve as their priest. No I serve the omnicosmic force of om and my powers are granted by the idea rather than the god.
3) You only get levels of that class no getstalts, multi-classing etc.Now as you are right now your getting given the equilvilent of a level in that class in terms of spells, abilities etc but there are no changes in your abilities or added skills. There are 3 levels you can pick from with an associated cost . . .
Level 1: You as you are right now.
Level 3: You have to become a different race or the opposite sex.
Level 8: You have to become a different race AND a different sex.These changes affect all your records, photographs, other forms of documentation. ...
Hmm. An interesting question: my answer would depend on how the premises interact with trans* folks. If this is the universe cutting them a rare break, I would jump at the opportunity to become an eighth-level cis female elf wizard (either a shadowcaster or a primalist). If that would count as bending the rules, and the eighth-level option would make a trans* person trans* in another way than they were originally (a trans woman into a trans man, for example), I would go with the third-level option, still as an elf wizard, but still having to deal with my transition in a more usual way, only maybe with magic. :)

Rashagar |
After thinking about this for the last while all I'm sure of is druid. It's druids all the way down.
The main reason is shapeshifting, I mean who wouldn't love to experience flight like that. Or just deciding to be a dolphin for a day, because you can.
If reincarnated isn't considered cheating, I'd really appreciate the bit of a pseudo-safety net for this new dangerous world I'd suddenly live in. Not only because so many people would suddenly be horribly powerful, but because turning into animals could have disastrous consequences if it doesn't come with the knowledge and instincts that living in that form your entire life should come with. With shapeshifting being a thing, I don't think I'd particularly mind the gender swap. I'm not hugely attached to my current body when it IS my only option, never mind when I've got a host of shapes to pick from.
The animal companion(/specific familiar) would be adorable and yet another thing I've always wanted to experience.
I'd be suddenly in a position to do a lot of good for the world, assuming I had the wisdom to know how to do it. I think all I can really say about my level of wisdom is that I know enough to be super wary of messing with the climate. No amount of love for dramatics or pathetic fallacy would be worth causing an inadvertent plane crash.
Purifying water, never getting lost, speaking with animals, jumping really high, throwing water around for fun, fixing objects, making fire from nothing, saving people from death, it'd all just be too good to say no to.
*Edit* I haven't mentioned a race change since eventually it wouldn't really matter.

Bloodrealm |

Not sure what I'd want to be with our new rules (possibly a 3rd level Elf, Drow, or Half-Elf Sorcerer, maybe an Aasimar if I could choose my physical traits rather than being determined randomly), but without the CR cap I'd say 3rd level Gold Dragon Sorcerer with the Empyreal Wildblooded Bloodline (being 21, I'd be in the Young age category for dragons).
It would be far easier to defend myself and others being a dragon (the way the world would change, you'd never know if you'd be attacked by a government, some other group/organization, or someone else with powers; not only would being a powerful dragon help, but the at-will Detect Evil would, too!), and a dragon's natural Sorcerer caster levels would nicely compliment actual Sorcerer levels (they stack). They also eventually gain access to several healing spells, and both those and things like Mending and the Detect Gems ability could be very useful for several jobs/careers, or just in general, even without taking into account what I could do as a Sorcerer (all accompanied by the Change Shape ability, of course). The Empyreal Bloodline (the non-Wildblooded Celestial Bloodline would be redundant with its Wings of Heaven power) would help cover the weaknesses of a Gold Dragon, and if/when I managed to develop my spellcasting power to the equivalent of 20th level Sorcerer, my Bloodline would grant me what amounts to an angel's Truespeech ability, which would be amazingly useful in any number of situations.
That Eschew Materials Sorcerer bonus feat would make spellcasting so much easier, and a Sorcerer doesn't need to worry about losing/protecting an Arcane Bond or a spellbook (which would be annoying even without being a Large size dragon, and I'd be so paranoid about losing them, so no Wizard for me).
Oh, and on top of all the awesome of being a dragon, wouldn't it just be interesting to know what it's like to have 6 limbs (4 legs, 2 wings) and a tail?
I don't think I'd want to be a dragon without the Change Shape ability, though; it would be too hard to function properly in society and interact with others without it, not to mention being required to manipulate small objects solely through Mage Hand or something.

Ursineoddity |

Aasimar Wind Oracle, tongues curse. Having access to healing magic would be life altering in the real world, and the kind of abilities gained with the Wind mystery (flight, invisibility) are what most people dream of. It's hard to say what I would need to do to "level up" in this reality, but I would certainly be more adventurous if I could magically create water, heal myself, and turn invisible...add inSpiritual Weapon and summoning, and I could see myself actually looking for trouble. Sure, I wouldn't be the only person with magic, but healers are always sought after, and I could be picky about who I align myself with.
Do I get to pick Spell Focus:Conjuration and Augment Summon?

Liam Warner |
It was a joke based on animal mating seasons and going into heat regardless of how you look, shift work makes me tired and then I get a little warped.
The value of the diamond is required by the spell if they're relatively cheap imagine the size/quality of the one your purchasing to power a spell that requires a 20k one.
Not something I really thought about . . .after thinking about it (not that you can tell since you didn't see me typing grin) I'd probably go off your actual gender regardless of surgery/hormone therapy your still an XX/XY genome so you flip to the other and look as appropriate for your new/current species. I figure the need to adapt is counterweighed by the years of having to deal with being the wrong sex. Only difference is you wouldn't be trying to change back.
Shapeshift/polymorph also work for that admitedly not as easily as a druids but still the options there.
Depends what you mean by reincarnation as I don't know which ability/feat/class option your referring to there or how your using it I can't say if it would be cheating or not.
As for the animal companion I'm reminded of a comic where a guy gets turned into his female elven ranger character by a mysterious magical box a friend was using as a GM prop. He was saving up for an "improved companion" in game but as a result of the transformation wound up with a squirrel. She warmed up to it a lot more when she found out she was now a vegetarian due to being an Elf (coudln't stomach the fast food hamburgers her friends bought) and it brought her an apple.
You know what they say about good intentions, something that applies to all the other people who'd be using their new powers to help others.
Again a bit outside the scope and I said I wouldn't comment on it before as everyone has different systems, I suppose however if pressed it could be a roll randomly (my systems 4d6 drop the lowest and roll up 3 sets of stats then pick one) or take the 15 point buy. Mediocrity, minmaxing or really good/bad options for all.
I imagine till you got used to using the tail for balance and keeping the wings folded up you'd trip over a lot.
I'm not limiting feats/abilities/races beyond the restrictions already in place i.e. no home brewed feat of broken power situations. If they're in an official source (core, splatbook which admitedly often is broken or 3rd party) and don't contravene anything else they're fine.

Ashiel |

The value of the diamond is required by the spell if they're relatively cheap imagine the size/quality of the one your purchasing to power a spell that requires a 20k one.
I was mostly speaking from the fact that your OP seemed to suggest that it would be we in our own world except a full caster. The game doesn't give anything other than price of a gem, but doesn't explain why it is that price. Now, in D&D, diamonds are trade goods which means they can be traded like money, which implies that there's some sort of uniformity between them, and unlike in our own world diamonds actually have a non-arbitrary value (in that certain diamonds can fuel magic).
Some interesting facts about D&D diamonds that we can ascertain is that gemcutting is a valuable practice for magicians. An artisan can triple the value of a gem by using it to produce a cut diamond worth three times as much as the diamond they began with. Meanwhile, fabricate does this in a trivial amount of time.
From a standpoint of our reality, there's no real measure or standard by which diamonds are accurately valued. It's all very arbitrary and varies wildly (100% or more) from judge to judge. Even then, if you found a diamond that was "worth" so much money, instead of buying it you could just go get some yourself. Diamonds are in fact not uncommon and for an 8th level caster would be trivial to acquire, and fabricate would have your back for everything else.
Even then, you could easily have an infinite supply of superior diamonds if you're in the teen levels, because you could simply create a necklace of adaptation, a few energy resistance items, and take a few precautions against the crushing power of gravity levitate or reverse gravity or something similar, and then greater teleport out into space and just find a diamond-moon which would have all the diamonds of the most insane qualities you'd ever want or need. In fact, there's not really much of a reason why you can't do this in D&D either, besides GM fiat.
(For those curious as to what I'm talking about when I say a diamond-moon, it's the remnants of an expended white dwarf. It's a star-made diamond, essentially. It's also one of the coolest things ever.)

Tacticslion |

With CR cap, 8th level aasimar urban druid, hoping the +2 racial wis and 2 points of ability score increase from levelling brings my Wis up to a tolerable level. I'd volunteer at a local hospital and for disaster relief and work on sustainable development using a combination of magic and science.
No CR cap, Solar Angel and try to save the world.
You basically beat me to what I was going to say from the very beginning of reading this thread and asked all my questions. So I quoted this because it's pretty much what I would have asked for.
As we gain feats, I would work on creating an item that increased my wisdom.
Also, worth noting, if I had to choose something other than you, I might go succubus (yes, yes, hardi-har, go to the thread for that: shape shifting, mind-altering, and teleporting. I would definitively not, however, if I can't control my... draining... abilities.
If I could choose not to make the wishes suck massively/be corrupt and evil, I'd nab Glabrezu instead, or Ifreet. Granting wishes every month or every day to good folk - or my family!
Another possibility is a pit fiend. Wish 1/year is pretty amazing, and I'd be hecka-hard to kill.
If the inherently evil alignment thing would alter my alignment, I'd go with Elysian Titan or Norn. Either of those are really cool, and could do wonderful things for the world. Planetar and Star Archon are also totally acceptable.
I would not choose an AP unless I was guaranteed that no time passed between the start and return of the AP. I have a son and a pregnant wife: no way I'm going to leave them for any length of time.
Added to that, I'm not confident enough in my own mental prowess to accept a basic class with no ability score modifiers. I'm fairly intelligent, but not necessarily enough to make a good mage. I'm fairly charismatic, but I've no idea if that means I've got an (equivalent of) 11 or what. I'm certainly not wise enough to be a good cleric or druid.
And my health sucks all-round. (Partially this is my fault. Partially, I have the natural dexterity of a tugboat made of bricks.)
So... monster or bust, really.
While my wife would be disappointed (she's straight, obviously, or else we wouldn't be here and two kids in), the ability to be trans basically mitigates that issue.
(There'd be a few socio-religious questions we'd have to sort out, but I'm pretty sure the end result is that we'd still be wed, as our marriage was made before God and man, vowed until death do us part, and was properly spec'd out at the time of the vow - plus the fact that I can literally be whatever gender I want whenever I want makes the whole thing a little weird, but, religiously (traditionally), if we're not terribly "experimental" we can't be held against any sort of scriptural precedent. I have no idea who'd be checking that, but, hey, I was born male, everyone knows it, and anything else would be rendered irrelevant.)
The increase in durability, general combat skill, skills (I was a little vague on this - I think we get skill points, it just doesn't replace what we currently have?), and feats would be very handy in real-life, though the combat utility is less so.
My main question: why would God choose me? (Because ultimately, no matter what god chose me, 'twould be God that allowed it.)
I mean, sure, I've wanted this stuff forever, buuuuuuuuu~t... there are far more worthy folk...

Bloodrealm |

Again a bit outside the scope and I said I wouldn't comment on it before as everyone has different systems, I suppose however if pressed it could be a roll randomly (my systems 4d6 drop the lowest and roll up 3 sets of stats then pick one) or take the 15 point buy....
I think you may have misinterpreted what I meant, if you're talking about when I mentioned choosing an Aasimar's physical traits. What I was talking about was "Table: Alternative Physical Features" on the Aasimar page, not about Physical Ability Scores. My remark was about aesthetics rather than min-maxing.

Westphalian_Musketeer |

Hmmm... 8th level gets me spells that'd really be useful for changing the world, and I could always search for ways to go back on the sex change given that I'm not taking the AP, and I can still level up further...
Balls to it. Level 8 Idyllkin Aasimar Oracle, female. Either the Haunted or Wrecker Curses. Life Mystery with the Lifesense, Channel and Life Link Revelations.
I'd learn the Cure spells, along with Create Food and Water, Summon Planar Ally spells, and a few blasting spells like Searing Light.
Then I'd travel to some war-torn country and grind by decimating the level 1 warriors in my wake and healing locals.
My ability scores would probably look something like this (after bonuses and selected ability score boosts from levelling):
STR: 10
DEX: 12
CON: 14
INT: 14
WIS: 15
CHA: 16
I'd take Eschew Materials as a feat for convenience's sake.

Liam Warner |
Liam Warner wrote:I think you may have misinterpreted what I meant, if you're talking about when I mentioned choosing an Aasimar's physical traits. What I was talking about was "Table: Alternative Physical Features" on the Aasimar page, not about Physical Ability Scores. My remark was about aesthetics rather than min-maxing.@Bloodrealm
Again a bit outside the scope and I said I wouldn't comment on it before as everyone has different systems, I suppose however if pressed it could be a roll randomly (my systems 4d6 drop the lowest and roll up 3 sets of stats then pick one) or take the 15 point buy....
Ah yes I misunderstood as long as your still recognisable I.e. The you you would be if you were born that way you can pick the wings, etc if you could normally (don't play aasimar).
Grinding wouldn't do you much good after the initial powerup you need to study and learn like someone normally would.

Westphalian_Musketeer |

Grinding wouldn't do you much good after the initial powerup you need to study and learn like someone normally would.
Except studying doesn't give out experience in Pathfinder, unless you're house-ruling that library-assisted knowledge checks grant experience.
Also, would world leaders like Kim Jong Un count as like level 10 aristocrats? In which case they could be used for experience.

Liam Warner |
Liam Warner wrote:
Grinding wouldn't do you much good after the initial powerup you need to study and learn like someone normally would.Except studying doesn't give out experience in Pathfinder, unless you're house-ruling that library-assisted knowledge checks grant experience.
Also, would world leaders like Kim Jong Un count as like level 10 aristocrats? In which case they could be used for experience.
As I think I said earlier you only gain xp from killing things if your doing the Ap route once your back in the real world you work by real world rules and need to study/practice to improve, killing someone even a confirmed lvl 8 from this won't help with that.

TheBlackPlague |

For example, I become a Solar Angel. Immortal, and DR/epic and Regen 15 (evil) makes me practically unkillable. SR gives a partial defense against other new casters. Plus Wish as a (free) spell-like ability 1/day, a set of other SLAs including constant True Seeing, and spellcasting as a 20th level cleric.
And being an Angel is good PR.
This is actually what I was scrolling through the topic to post, actually. I'll be a solar, and at that point who cares what 8th level full-casting class and/or gender I am?
Of course, a solar is always a powerful servant of the gods. So does that force me into reporting to a deity, or do I get to be my own independent agent?

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Of course, a solar is always a powerful servant of the gods. So does that force me into reporting to a deity, or do I get to be my own independent agent?
Not always.
"Solars are the greatest type of angel, usually serving at the right hand of a deity or championing a cause that benefits an entire world or plane."
But even if serving a deity did come with the package, I am absolutely OK with that. The deities that get to call on Solars are invariably Good-aligned, and presumably a Solar as a high-ranking angel gets to decide which good-aligned deity they prefer to work for. I would want to be an angel not just for personal power but because it's power intended and designed to be used to make the world a better place. And if that means having a boss, well, my boss is going to be awesome.