Danit |

I am taking applications for a weekly Roll20 Iron Gods campaign. Game time will be Fridays 7:00pm-11:00pm EST but we can extend the time if we want. all players will need Skype and dropbox. I am looking for players who like to role play and new players are welcome.
Character creation rules:
Lvl 1, 15 point buy following the point buy rules in the core rule book.
Any Race/Class from the core books, This includes Advanced class guide.
No androids or alien races.
please ask before using any player companion books.
2 traits ( 1 must be from the player guide http://paizo.com/products/btpy98lf?Pathfinder-Adventure-Path-Iron-Gods-Play ers-Guide)
The language Androffan cannot be learned via Linguistics until lvl 4.
a back story for your character, your traits will help you with this.
starting gold is either rolled for or take the average based on your class but once chosen you must stick with it.
No Evil characters
Please limit the urge to powergame with your characters.
Please post your characters in this thread with a little bit of their back story if chosen i will send you a message asking for your email.
I would like to start Friday 9/12 but will extend the application window till the following Friday 9/19 if needed.

Tyeal |

Count me in! Certainly sounds like fun exploring this other-worldly vessel. Here's the character I'm offering for this:
Teleran Zultrar, an Eleven Transmutation Wizard. An Elf with humble roots and hard work to earn his craft, he has set out on an adventure to expand his mind and gather as much knowledge as he can about the world around him. Hearing all manner of rumors concerning this crashed ship and the mysterious flame, he heads off to investigate and gain insight on what exactly it is and where it came from.

Captain Olivia Quinn |

I would be interested in playing a Musetouched Aasimar Gunslinger (Buccaneer via Scion of Humanity)/Witch(White-haired) if possible (Starting as gunslinger, will Multiclass to Witch after she gets a kestrel hawk familiar at level 5). Her story is that she's actually a space pirate who crashed on Golarion after a fight with the Dominion of the Black, and her ship was so damaged there is no way she can repair it on such a primitive world... until she heard of Numeria. So, she's hoping she can salvage some stuff to fix her ship (Numerian Archaeolgist trait). As far as her being a gunslinger, she would still use an "antique" gun of course, not looking to have any high-tech guns starting out. I would like to take the Technologist feat, but if you don't want me to, I can assume the tech she is familiar with turns out to be incompatible with the 10,000+ year old tech of the ship that crashed on Numeria.
I can get you the character sheet ASAP if the race/class/concept is acceptable. I already have her made up, but I will need to tweak her a bit to fit your rules, as she was made originally with a 25 point buy for a game that didn't work out.

HeftyUpTop |

I'm very interested, the only issue being I'm in CST and wouldn't be able to start until 8pm EST due to work. If this is workable, other than the dozen other character ideas I have, I'd play one of the following three dependent on party...
1) Alliana Girl, female Elf Barbarian who free'd herself from slavery in a whore house. Worships Calistria and has wandered from Temple to Temple searching for a new place to call home.
2) Baltazar des Bois, a male Human Samurai of the Order of the Star (worshiping Erastil, God of the Hunt). A former highwayman and bandit, he was in love with his female centaur partner Heste when, during an ambush, he accidentally killed a child marked at birth by Erastil. Cursed by the God, Heste remains a full horse (aka. his mount companion) until the night of the full moon, when she transforms into a full human for one full day. To rid her of the curse Baltazar follows Erastil's guidance to prove himself repentant.
3) Gregor Smith, celestial Summoner and god-marked. Bearing conflicting bloodlines of both Torag and Asmodeus, Gregor just wanted to finish his apprenticeship as a local Smith when *insert traumatic event per campaign background* happened, and he was rescued by Erika, a small devil of Asmodeus sent to protect the God of Contracts interests. After level 1, Gregor will also be joined by Alana, a small Angel of Torag, and both will try and protect Gregor while swaying him to Good or Evil. (Uses the Broodmaster specialty, character has 1 eidolon at lvl 1, then 2 for the remainder).

Auehda, Burnt One |

I would be interested in playing a Musetouched Aasimar Gunslinger (Buccaneer via Scion of Humanity)/Witch(White-haired) if possible (Starting as gunslinger, will Multiclass to Witch after she gets a kestrel hawk familiar at level 5). Her story is that she's actually a space pirate who crashed on Golarion after a fight with the Dominion of the Black, and her ship was so damaged there is no way she can repair it on such a primitive world... until she heard of Numeria. So, she's hoping she can salvage some stuff to fix her ship (Numerian Archaeolgist trait). As far as her being a gunslinger, she would still use an "antique" gun of course, not looking to have any high-tech guns starting out. I would like to take the Technologist feat, but if you don't want me to, I can assume the tech she is familiar with turns out to be incompatible with the 10,000+ year old tech of the ship that crashed on Numeria.
Whoa this sounds pretty rad.
I'd like to apply with Auehda but I'm not available this Thursday or the next (another skype game, then my significant other is leaving for Sweden). If this thing's lacking players after the 25th and Danit is interested in squeezing me in, I'm totally game.
Burnt One's magic, Khonnir determined, derived from a natural power, and with the help of a local druid the half-orc began to exhibit abilities common to Numeria's waste-walking shamans. When they were deemed fully proficient, Burnt One became Auehda (a name unimaginatively taken from the Orc word for "fire"). Not long after, their adopted father disappeared into the ruins, and Auehda searches for someone to help them find him.
Note: I originally rolled Auehda with the 3d6 in order method, but it shouldn't be difficult to adjust them to 15 PB if they're selected.

Captain Olivia Quinn |

Okay, I was reducing her stats from 25 to 15, and realized that she has a few other issues beyond even having to split 15 pts between 3 stats is... difficult, so I was thinking overall it might be preferable (and overall easier) in this campaign have her be a wizard (Spellslinger archetype) instead.
Also, when you say we need Skype, how much of that are we using along with roll20, and are we talking free account, or do I need to actually pay Skype for phone calls or something?
Oh and you said you want us to ask first about taking stuff from Companion books, so first of all Blood of Angels for the Musetouched variant of course, but also I'd like her to have "Divine Denier" trait from Faiths and Philosophies.

Captain Olivia Quinn |

You don't need to pay skype for phone calls unless you're calling actual phone numbers, iirc. You also pay them if you want to do a group video call, but there're free options elsewhere on the web for that.
I'm also curious, though: Will it be text chat or group voice calls?
Yeah, that's kind of why I am asking... not sure what Skype is going to be used for alongside roll20 without us paying for group voice calls...

Captain Olivia Quinn |

You don't need to pay for group voice calls, only video.
Ah, okay shows how much I use Skype... but still, roll20 has video and voice options built in, doesn't it? I always kept it disabled when I was playing in my last roll20 game, because that's also part of why I like online chat room games, I don't have to talk out loud or if the phone rings I don't have to interrupt the game and such.