The Divinity Drive (GM Reference)

Iron Gods

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Paizo Glitterati Robot

GM reference thread for The Divinity Drive.

I have to say, having read the plot summary for the Iron Gods adventure path, I love the pun in this book's title. Kudos to whoever named it.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Angry Cow wrote:
I have to say, having read the plot summary for the Iron Gods adventure path, I love the pun in this book's title. Kudos to whoever named it.

Thanks! I don't remember which of us came up with the name... it was a group effort though.

Coming up with names for the six adventures is one of the first things I (or Rob, for his APs) have to do when we outline them—we need titles ASAP once the process begins, for things like building web pages and assigning ISBN numbers and solicitations and all that. Having to name the adventures is pretty grueling, and when names come up that are just perfect like this, I'm quite delighted.

I'm pretty pleased with it myself, although "Valley of the Brain Collectors" is probably my favorite title in this AP.

"Valley of the Brain Collectors" is certainly a very enticing title, as it not only hints at what to expect - the Neh'thalguu! - but also just makes it seem creepy and alienish.

I am looking forward to that one. Gives me that good o' fear of death that characters need. Any futuristic plot needs to have aberrations running around. Just because it is fun and flavorful. What I am hoping to see is a new ooze. Tired of the Stereotypical Black Pudding or Gray Ooze. Would like to see the Brain Ooze be used at least once :)

Why the Brain Ooze, because it needs some loving.

2 Tentacles +13 touch, fort save vs. int damage.

Messes up rogues, fighters, and barbarians.

Is a challenge for the entire party.

Only ooze I know with Evasion

Dominate Person/Animal at will

Dispel Magic

Exposes the group to a "different monster"

Then again, I am the same DM that gives dragons Imp. Unarmed Strike, Kirin Style, and Kirin Strike or Dazzling Display, and Shatter Defenses, or Power Attack, Furious Focus, and Vital Strike. I treat monsters I do this to though as a +1 to CR due to the difficulty.

Divinity should be quite interesting! One of my favorite APs in a long time and I had a character in Reign of Winter AND Shattered Star, which were masterpieces of breaking the proverbial mold of what to expect! Admittedly, Paizo is VERY good at breaking the mold and making uber-awesome APs (The lack of umlaut on my keyboard is unfortunate, btw,), but these have been the cream of the crop for a jaded gamer like me!

One question, Mr. Jacobs... are there any robot 'angels'? I certainly hope so! I've been waiting for robot angel creatures ever since robots were released in Pathfinder! You know what I mean, very Platinum Angel-esque creatures.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Silver Prince wrote:
One question, Mr. Jacobs... are there any robot 'angels'? I certainly hope so! I've been waiting for robot angel creatures ever since robots were released in Pathfinder! You know what I mean, very Platinum Angel-esque creatures.

Your answer will be VERY obvious in "Divinity Drive." But if you can't wait..

yes... but they're not nice!

Are the robotic angels at least "cute" ?

YES!!! THANK YOU MR. JACOBS! It doesn't matter if they are nice, just that they are awesome! I love robotic angels. 3 of my favorite cards in the Mirrodin and Scars of Mirrodin cards: Platinum Angel, Victory's Herald, and Chancellor of the Annex. Favorite creatures in one of the old 3.X 3PP bestiaries? The Metal Angel group of creatures (Along with the Card Soldier-like Facadas, I believe they were called!). Favorite Ravenloft novel? The one with the clockwork angels! Need I say more? Also, if Unity is the robot on the cover, I like the style! Looks like a 'metal messiah' sort of, minus any awesome looking wings of electrical cables!

Paizo Employee Creative Director

selunatic2397 wrote:
Are the robotic angels at least "cute" ?


Are they completely bad@$$ looking?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

The Silver Prince wrote:
Are they completely bad@$$ looking?

Of course.


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I just downloaded my subscriber .pdf and have one thing to say about the Foreword:

What happened with Androffa sounds like what happened with BECMI D&D's Blackmoor (and the AD&D Blackmoor, as well), only with deities causing the catastrophe instead of technology (or magitech, IIRC).

I was hoping for something a bit more like Verces, only with more integration of magic and tech.

You're such a tease, Mr. Jacobs. ;-P

So exactly where is Unity itself located? Within the Divinity Drive? Where was it originally housed, I wonder?

Silver Crusade

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Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Weredinosaurs. And there I thought White Wolf went all the way with Mokolé. Well played Paizo, well played.

Silver Crusade

Interesting encounters, especially the digital world with unity.

Unity is housed in the computer core, or its overlord robot, specifics are in the AP.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

I just downloaded my subscriber .pdf and have one thing to say about the Foreword:

** spoiler omitted **

You're such a tease, Mr. Jacobs. ;-P

Please elucidate that further on Androffa's fate - in a spoiler, of course!

Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Bellona wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:

I just downloaded my subscriber .pdf and have one thing to say about the Foreword:

** spoiler omitted **

You're such a tease, Mr. Jacobs. ;-P

Please elucidate that further on Androffa's fate - in a spoiler, of course!

All the build up of Androffa and the Dominion of the Black for...

Some of the gods of Androffa, after a "short sabbatical" (to them), return to the ultra-high-tech/no magic Androffa and started granting powers to their worshipers, again. The resulting societal conflicts caused the returned gods to get so pissed off they decided to wipe out everything and "start over." This upset other deities in the divine realms, who imprisoned the offending bunch.

After all this, "modern" Androffa is pretty much a Golarion analog. Unless the GM wants to develop it differently (basically, "make your own world" if you want something different than "PF standard").

Silver Crusade

I'd love it if we had the higher resolution image of the map on page 65...

It seems so amazingly Casandalee of her to project something hologram-ish of that when showing and zooming in on the outdated maps she has.

Dragonchess Player wrote:

All the build up of Androffa and the Dominion of the Black for...

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks for that info. Did the other deities then step in after the offenders were carted off, and were these new deities non-local?

I'll be their God and help them rebuild their civilization then tear it down and watch it burn!..... Err, i mean give everyone Fluffy Kittens and Twitter!


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Paizo Employee Creative Director

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Bellona wrote:
Dragonchess Player wrote:

All the build up of Androffa and the Dominion of the Black for...

** spoiler omitted **

Thanks for that info. Did the other deities then step in after the offenders were carted off, and were these new deities non-local?

Androffa is, in fact, my home campaign setting; after the 10,000 years or so that have passed since Divinity's launch, though, the setting has itself undergone many changes (not the least of which is that the planet is no longer called Androffa, but has been shoretened to just Droffa).

The "other deities" are my home campaign's pantheon, pretty much; which includes the following from Golarion: Erastil, Sarenrae, Desna, Abadar, Gorum, Asmodeus, Zon-Kuthon, Urgathoa, Norgorber, and Rovagug, and these deities under different names: Shelyn, Gozreh, and Pharasma.

The imprisoned deities are their own small pantheon of arrogant and not-nice deities collectively known as the Shoal. They don't have much going on in Golarion at all, and are pretty much all locked away.

In a way, the role of Androffa in Iron Gods is there to explain why so much of my separate campaign world is also part of Golarion, I suppose. ;-)

The Overlord Robot should have the cruelty facet, not the intuition facet. Cruelty is what gives it sneak attack.

Also, this adventure should have had more Dominion of the Black stuff. But I guess that's just an opinion.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

7 people marked this as a favorite.
Generic Villain wrote:

The Overlord Robot should have the cruelty facet, not the intuition facet. Cruelty is what gives it sneak attack.

Also, this adventure should have had more Dominion of the Black stuff. But I guess that's just an opinion.

This is not the "Dominion of the Black" adventure path, remember.

That's something for another day. There IS a Dominion of the Black AP plot I've had in my head for a long time, but this AP and Dragon's Demand needed to happen first to set the stage.

Silver Crusade

James Jacobs wrote:

This is not the "Dominion of the Black" adventure path, remember.

That's something for another day. There IS a Dominion of the Black AP plot I've had in my head for a long time, but this AP and Dragon's Demand needed to happen first to set the stage.

Oh snap. Did we just get a confirmation?

James Jacobs wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:

The Overlord Robot should have the cruelty facet, not the intuition facet. Cruelty is what gives it sneak attack.

Also, this adventure should have had more Dominion of the Black stuff. But I guess that's just an opinion.

This is not the "Dominion of the Black" adventure path, remember.

That's something for another day. There IS a Dominion of the Black AP plot I've had in my head for a long time, but this AP and Dragon's Demand needed to happen first to set the stage.

Oooooohh, I can't wait! ^.^

Huh. Not the route I expected for Androffa. Was looking forward to a slugging match between them and the Dominion. However, that is an awesome way to slip in your homebrew setting. So do androids still exist on Androffa, or are were they wiped out with the return of the gods?

James Jacobs wrote:
Generic Villain wrote:

The Overlord Robot should have the cruelty facet, not the intuition facet. Cruelty is what gives it sneak attack.

Also, this adventure should have had more Dominion of the Black stuff. But I guess that's just an opinion.

This is not the "Dominion of the Black" adventure path, remember.

That's something for another day. There IS a Dominion of the Black AP plot I've had in my head for a long time, but this AP and Dragon's Demand needed to happen first to set the stage.

I will dig this post up in three years if I have to, but calling it now: Distant Worlds AP in 2017.

Your move, future me.

Hopefully before then!

Ayanzo wrote:

Oh snap. Did we just get a confirmation?

Nah, he has said there are lots of potential AP plots that may eventually be written. Off the top of my head: aboleths. Paizo saves all official AP announcements for conventions.

May I ask 2 questions, but how long after Earth Fall did the Divinity smash into Numeria.
Secondly what exactly enraged the old Androffa/Droffan deities (the Shoal) to lead them wipe out the Androffans ancient high-tech civilization.

RCM wrote:

May I ask 2 questions, but how long after Earth Fall did the Divinity smash into Numeria.

Secondly what exactly enraged the old Androffa/Droffan deities (the Shoal) to lead them wipe out the Androffans ancient high-tech civilization.

Earthfall was -5293 AR (10,007 years ago). Numeria's Rain of Stars was -3116 AR (7,830 years ago). So there were 2,177 years between the two events.

The exact cause of the Shoal wiping out Androffa's people isn't stated. As much as I can tell, the people turned away from their gods long ago and towards technology. Eventually some of the gods decided to have a revival on Androffan, and this ultimately lead some of them to wiping that planet's civilizations out. What happened in between the gods' return and their apocalyptic wrath? Unknown, unless I missed something.

Given the ancient Androffans access to space travel you would have imagined that they would have established off planet colonies, and that some may still survive. Did they really keep all their "eggs in one basket" so to speak (in this case one planet), are some lost remnants of the ancient Androffan interstellar empire and maybe survivors still waiting to be found?

James Jacobs wrote:

Androffa is, in fact, my home campaign setting; after the 10,000 years or so that have passed since Divinity's launch, though, the setting has itself undergone many changes (not the least of which is that the planet is no longer called Androffa, but has been shoretened to just Droffa).

The "other deities" are my home campaign's pantheon, pretty much; which includes the following from Golarion: Erastil, Sarenrae, Desna, Abadar, Gorum, Asmodeus, Zon-Kuthon, Urgathoa, Norgorber, and Rovagug, and these deities under different names: Shelyn, Gozreh, and Pharasma.

The imprisoned deities are their own small pantheon of arrogant and not-nice deities collectively known as the Shoal. They don't have much going on in Golarion at all, and are pretty much all locked away.

In a way, the role of Androffa in Iron Gods is there to explain why so much of my separate campaign world is also part of Golarion, I suppose. ;-)

Thanks for the info!

The Shoal ... interesting connotations ... water-based ... aboleth-related?

So, deities not currently present on Droffa:

Iomedae (b/c she ascended on Golarion?)
Cayden Cailean (b/c he ascended on Golarion?)
Irori (b/c he ascended on Golarion?)
Nethys (b/c he ascended on Golarion?)
Torag (no dwarves on Droffa?)
Calistria (no elves on Droffa?)
Lamashtu (why not?)

Interesting that Norgorber is present on Droffa. I wonder if he knocked off a Droffan deity after he ascended on Golarion, and therefore had to take an interest in Droffan affairs/worshippers.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Ayanzo wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

This is not the "Dominion of the Black" adventure path, remember.

That's something for another day. There IS a Dominion of the Black AP plot I've had in my head for a long time, but this AP and Dragon's Demand needed to happen first to set the stage.

Oh snap. Did we just get a confirmation?

That I want to do a Dominion of the Black themed AP?

Yes. I've said that before. But there's a dozen or so other APs I want to do too. Doesn't mean the Dominion AP will happen anytime soon. The fact that folks seem to enjoy the tastes we've given out so far is a good sign though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

KaiserBruno wrote:
Huh. Not the route I expected for Androffa. Was looking forward to a slugging match between them and the Dominion. However, that is an awesome way to slip in your homebrew setting. So do androids still exist on Androffa, or are were they wiped out with the return of the gods?

Pretty much no androids on Droffa today. Or if there are, they've yet to be (re)discovered.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
RCM wrote:

May I ask 2 questions, but how long after Earth Fall did the Divinity smash into Numeria.

Secondly what exactly enraged the old Androffa/Droffan deities (the Shoal) to lead them wipe out the Androffans ancient high-tech civilization.

In short, the gods of the Shoal gave humanity divine magic back (the ability to heal, to be precise), and humanity squandered and bickered and fought over it while continuing to disrespect the gods, and the gods of the Shoal themselves, who weren't that much better at resisting their emotions, rained down an Apocalypse on Androffa.

And got themselves locked away by the rest of the gods, who today think back on the whole thing as a prime example of why deities should not meddle directly in mortal affairs.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

1 person marked this as a favorite.
RCM wrote:
Given the ancient Androffans access to space travel you would have imagined that they would have established off planet colonies, and that some may still survive. Did they really keep all their "eggs in one basket" so to speak (in this case one planet), are some lost remnants of the ancient Androffan interstellar empire and maybe survivors still waiting to be found?

Androffa had established some colonies in nearby planets and on long-range ships, but Divinity was their first big attempt to go beyond their solar system.

What happened to all those other ships and colonies isn't revealed. I'm sure they ended up somewhere though.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Bellona wrote:
James Jacobs wrote:

Androffa is, in fact, my home campaign setting; after the 10,000 years or so that have passed since Divinity's launch, though, the setting has itself undergone many changes (not the least of which is that the planet is no longer called Androffa, but has been shoretened to just Droffa).

The "other deities" are my home campaign's pantheon, pretty much; which includes the following from Golarion: Erastil, Sarenrae, Desna, Abadar, Gorum, Asmodeus, Zon-Kuthon, Urgathoa, Norgorber, and Rovagug, and these deities under different names: Shelyn, Gozreh, and Pharasma.

The imprisoned deities are their own small pantheon of arrogant and not-nice deities collectively known as the Shoal. They don't have much going on in Golarion at all, and are pretty much all locked away.

In a way, the role of Androffa in Iron Gods is there to explain why so much of my separate campaign world is also part of Golarion, I suppose. ;-)

Thanks for the info!

The Shoal ... interesting connotations ... water-based ... aboleth-related?

So, deities not currently present on Droffa:

Iomedae (b/c she ascended on Golarion?)
Cayden Cailean (b/c he ascended on Golarion?)
Irori (b/c he ascended on Golarion?)
Nethys (b/c he ascended on Golarion?)
Torag (no dwarves on Droffa?)
Calistria (no elves on Droffa?)
Lamashtu (why not?)

Interesting that Norgorber is present on Droffa. I wonder if he knocked off a Droffan deity after he ascended on Golarion, and therefore had to take an interest in Droffan affairs/worshippers.

Nothing whatsoever to do with the aboleths. The gods of the Shoal are in fact a sort of super-emotional reactive arrogant petty deities who couldn't stand the fact that humanity was getting along without them, and when they tried the nice route of giving humanity divine magic and humanity didn't respect the gift, they freaked out. The individual deities of the Shoal were pretty varied, but thousands of years of being locked away has not been kind to them.

In my homebrew, the Shoal and the outsider minions they've been building in their prison plane are a whole category, in the same way demons and demon lords or devils and archdevils are a category.

Lamashtu is currently worshiped on Droffa, but not in a significant way.

Iomedae, Cayden Cailean, Irori, and Nethys are not worshiped on Droffa.

There ARE dwarves and elves on Droffa. Droffa is pretty much the same exact kind of world as Golarion, in fact, and there are in fact a lot of region names or groups or monsters that are the same as well in a sort of metaphysical parallel development/evolution/design, likely resulting from unintentional influence by the deities who DO have faiths on both worlds. The dwarves and elves worship their own pantheons on Droffa; neither Torag nor Calistria are part of those pantheons, but Desna is very much worshiped by the elves.

Norgorber's presence on Droffa is part of the enigma that is Norgorber. He's the god of secrets after all, so if ANYONE was gonna know about Droffa from the core 20... it'd be Norgorber.

Silver Crusade Contributor

Sigh... hard to quote on mobile. :(

To the above poster asking about timelines: according to Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars, the Rain of Stars took place in -4363. The -3116 date is when a nameless Kellid chieftain set off a massive blast that wiped out his tribe, causing the remaining tribes to develop their taboos against technology.

Not meaning to step on anyone's toes... sorry. :)

Silver Crusade Contributor

Also, as long as I'm here... is Unity's signal literally infectious? The book describes it as a "virus" and indicates that Technic League survivors will be used as a vector for its spread. It implies a certain lack of... traditional persuasive evangelism. So if Unity begins the broadcast, it literally and inevitably changes recipients into slave-worshippers? Chilling if true.

Isnt that how all religions work?

Quoting is difficult to achieve on mobile, but to your latest response James Jacobs:
Have elves and dwarves always been on Androffa or were they introduced later on, once Androffa became Droffa?

Paizo Employee Creative Director

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Kalindlara wrote:
Also, as long as I'm here... is Unity's signal literally infectious? The book describes it as a "virus" and indicates that Technic League survivors will be used as a vector for its spread. It implies a certain lack of... traditional persuasive evangelism. So if Unity begins the broadcast, it literally and inevitably changes recipients into slave-worshippers? Chilling if true.

Yup. That's what makes it a bad thing. It infects you and basically converts you via a disease like mechanic. It's absolutely NOT traditional persuasive evangelisim; it isn't even faith, since folks who are affected become worshipers of Unity not of their free will. Just another example of how Unity, despite its power, actually doesn't understand how faith works.

And yes, the point is to be chilling. ;-) (AND to show that there's a significant reason for the PCs to succeed in stopping Unity in the first place, of course!)

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Acolyte of Mushu wrote:

Quoting is difficult to achieve on mobile, but to your latest response James Jacobs:

Have elves and dwarves always been on Androffa or were they introduced later on, once Androffa became Droffa?

It's very similar to how elves work on Golarion, in fact. Elves on Droffa are aliens who came to the world after the end of Androffa.

Dwarves (and most other non-human races) were created at a later point by various deities when it became apparent that the world needed to be repopulated.

James Jacobs wrote:
Acolyte of Mushu wrote:

Quoting is difficult to achieve on mobile, but to your latest response James Jacobs:

Have elves and dwarves always been on Androffa or were they introduced later on, once Androffa became Droffa?

It's very similar to how elves work on Golarion, in fact. Elves on Droffa are aliens who came to the world after the end of Androffa.

Dwarves (and most other non-human races) were created at a later point by various deities when it became apparent that the world needed to be repopulated.

The elves didn't come from Castrovel, did they? If so, how? And if not so, it appears that elves are spread across the universe similar to the ubiquity of humans.

Kalindlara wrote:

To the above poster asking about timelines: according to Numeria, Land of Fallen Stars, the Rain of Stars took place in -4363. The -3116 date is when a nameless Kellid chieftain set off a massive blast that wiped out his tribe, causing the remaining tribes to develop their taboos against technology.

Woops, my bad - good catch. So what I should have said was:

Earthfall was -5293 AR (10,008 years ago). Numeria's Rain of Stars was -4363 AR (9,078 years ago). So there were 930 years between the two events.

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