Third Mind |

So, i was looking through the ACG spells on the pfsrd seeing if there was anything that my wizard might consider selecting later on when I came across the spell, Adhesive Spittle.
Personally it seems like it could be really good for a 1st level spell. The biggest cons I can see, are the extremely close (but understandable) range and a relatively low DC since it's a lv. 1. spell.
What does everyone else think of the spell? Useable? Very good? Meh? Only good early?
Also, any spells from the ACG for wizards that you think are amazing? Or at least pretty good?

Derrick Winters |
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This spell is interesting, but its main drawback is the action cost:
You spend 1 standard action to cast the spell. Now you have a buff which allows you to spend another standard action to spit a tanglefoot bag with slightly better DC's.
This means the effect is delayed, and not instantaneously available.
Other than that, it's a pretty cool spell.

Third Mind |

Ah good catch. For some silly reason I overlooked that. I suppose it could be a pre-battle prep spell, but I very rarely get pre-battle prep in the games I play. Perhaps it would be a "I don't have a target right now, but may in the immediate future" sort of spell. If one could do it as a swift or even a move action I'd probably like it more. But the extra standard is sort of rough.

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A heightened version of this spell to up the DC's might be interesting.
I'm not sure that Adhesive Spittle would work through a familiar with either Share Spells nor Deliver Touch Spells, however. Share Spells specifically calls out spells with a target of "You" and Deliver Touch Spells only works with Touch spells. Adhesive Spittle's range is 15ft and it's target is "One Creature."

Gisher |

A heightened version of this spell to up the DC's might be interesting.
I'm not sure that Adhesive Spittle would work through a familiar with either Share Spells nor Deliver Touch Spells, however. Share Spells specifically calls out spells with a target of "You" and Deliver Touch Spells only works with Touch spells. Adhesive Spittle's range is 15ft and it's target is "One Creature."
I see what you are saying. I misread the spell description. Darn it. :(
I think it will work if you have Improved Share Spells. That feat only specifies that the spell be cast on yourself, which is broader than requiring a a target of 'you.'

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Yeah, you could not normally use adhesive spittle at first level without caster level bumps. The spell is solid. The delay isn't so much of a hindrance, really. There are plenty of encounters where a caster should be spending rounds getting into a safe, superior or otherwise advantageous position, not casting a spell because there aren't any particularly worth casting at that exact moment, etc. Just yesterday my witch was in a battle that was trying hard to be a tpk. It lasted two hours of real time against only five opponents. During that time, I spent at least two rounds where I had an available standard action that went unused or where I had nothing particularly effective to do that round besides move and wait for a better opportunity. Adhesive spittle is an and excellent spell (one I actually could have used) for what it does. It's the kind of spell you prepare one of and generally cast on the first round of an engagement where you think you might need it. When an opportunity presents itself to use it, you do. If not, you do something else until that opportunity is present.
My witch is a winter witch and this spell is being taken and reflavored as ice. Should be amusing to watch me sneeze a glob of bluish-white 'something' that rapidly freezes and encrusts whoever was unfortunate enough to be in the way.