Necromancer to Mystic Theurge build advice wanted for PFS


This is for PFS!

I'm trying to build an undead animating necromancer Mystic Theurge, using the spell-like ability early entry stuff. And could really use some advice. There's a lot of complicated necromancer stuff happening later on that will be affected by the lack of class levels that I'm not too sure how to judge early on.

Only level 1 now, so lots of time for rebuilding as needed...

Sadly, needing Wis, Int, and Charisma is a bit MAD. I had starting stats of: 10, 10, 10, 16, 16, 16 (peri-blooded aasimar)

My intention was to do cleric and wizard (necromancer) before jumping into Mystic Theurge full on from level 4 onwards. This will have me one level behind in casting for one class, and 2 levels behind in the other (though full caster level for one of them)

Would it be better for 2 levels of cleric and one level of wizard, or visa versa? (leaning cleric for earlier animate dead access)

Given the above choice, would it be better to apply the Magical Knack trait to bring the cleric or wizard spells up to full caster level? (leaning wizard here). Is there another trait that could give a +1 or the like to CL, so I could bring both up to full, to avoid math errors?

My god of choice was Anubis (LN), as non-evil gods with the Death domain are few and far between.

I chose the Death domain and Fate inquisition as my starting domains. In PFS, is the Fate inquisition legal for clerics of Anubis? If not, can I get around this using the Separatist archetype? If I don't have to take the Separatist archetype, then I was pondering taking the new Ecclesitheurge archetype from the ACG ... can I make the Fate inquisition my 'secondary' domain as defined by that archetype? (it had no spells associated with it anyway)

The Command Undead feat (that comes as a bonus for the necromancer) only works when channeling negative energy, which the necromancer gets a pool of. Should I keep the clerics channeling pool positive? or have both sides negative? (Versatile Channel is out, since I won't have enough channel dice to qualify).
The power and DC of the channels is never going to be that good (as there will only be 1 or 2 class levels due to Mystic Theurge) so not really a focus... and since this is for PFS not sure how many of these low power channels I'll even need to use.

Any advice or insights would be welcome!

PFS: necromancer to mystic theurge build advice wanted

(bumping back up at least once)

while not exactly what you're looking for, here's a build of mine that you can nab some tricks from:


CN (or CE) Dhampir (Ru-Shi) separatist cleric (urgathoa or nethys [magic(arcane)/fate inq.]) 4 / wizard (cruoromancer thassilonian mage (gluttony [+necro, -abju/ench])) 6 / mystic theurge 10
*levels go: clr 1/wiz 5/MT 10/wiz 1/clr 3*

stats (20pb):
str 16 (-2+2r), dex 18 (5-2r), con 20 (5), int 30 (5+2r), wis 26 (7), cha 16
wis/int/int/int/int (level), +6 all (gear), +4 int/wis (book/wish)

traits: signature spell (animate dead) / gifted adept (animate dead)

1 - spell focus (necromancy)
2 - scribe scroll*, command undead*
3 - varisian tattoo (necromancy, 'touch of fatigue' 3/day)
5 - bloatmage initiate (necromancy, constant medium load)
7 - theurgy
9 - spell specialization (animate dead)
11 - persistent spell
13 - greater spell focus (necromancy)
15 - quicken spell
17 - dazing spell
19 - spell perfection (animate dead)

SPELLS: animate dead, command undead, (greater) death knell (aura), and desecrate are important
0 (infinite), 1th (7+2/day), 2th (7+2/day), 3th (6+2/day), 4th (6+2/day), 5th (6+2/day), 6th (6+2/day), 7th (4+2/day), 8th (3+2/day), 9th (2+2/day)
0 (infinite), 1th (6+1/day), 2th (6+1/day), 3th (6+1/day), 4th (6+1/day), 5th (6+1/day), 6th (6+1/day), 7th (4+1/day), 8th (3+1/day), 9th (2+1/day)

favored class (wizard)
esoteric training (35 fame [+3 cleric, +1 wizard])
strand of prayer beads ('standard' without healing/smiting, 18,000g)
\__>bead of karma: 1/day, +4 CL for 10 minutes (!!!)
moon circlet (CL +1 waxing, +2 full, -1 waning, -2 new)
'reliquary' +5 medium fort | spell storing mithral buckler (acts as permanent alter for desecrate)

CL 17/17 wizard/cleric
CL (animate dead) 40-43 (wiz/clr) (17 base, +4 focus, +4 spec, +2 trait, +2 tattoo, +2 bloatmage, +1 FCB, +1 stone, +(-1-+2) wayfinder, +4 bead, +2 circlet +1 death knell, +1 arcane beacon, +1 theurgy (cleric-only))
CL 30-33 (control undead) (17 base, +2 focus, +1 tattoo, +1 bloatmage, +1 FCB, +1 stone, +(-1-+2) wayfinder, +4 bead, +2 circlet, +1 death knell, +1 arcane beacon)

UNDEAD BUCKETS (not counting wayfinder variance):
animate (wizard) - 205 HD (blood command), 246 HD/cast (commanding infusion + desecrate)
animate (cleric) - 210 HD (blood command), 252 HD/cast (commanding infusion + desecrate)
feat - 6 HD
control undead - [one creature], 33 days/cast (refreshed every full moon)

-if you don't want to worship urgathoa for some reason, go with separatist cleric (any deity with the magic domain) for the fate inquisition.
-notice that your HD created is more than your bucket limit--animate dead lets you keep anything you animate with that one casting--any 'overflow' is taken out of PREVIOUS castings of animate dead, so you can actually surpass your 410HD total animate limit (to a whopping 498 HD) as long as you don't cast any more animate dead spells from either bucket after that point.
-remember to spend 250g to add the "reliquary" trait to a weapon or piece of armor, so you always have a permanent altar bonus for your desecrates.

it's a dhampir cruoromancer who uses early-entry on the cleric side and plays largely like a sorcerer who never needs to roll UMD (due to cleric and wizard spell list access) until he hits MT at 7. at max level he actually breaks his own undead 'bucket' limit, letting him animate and control almost 100 HD more undead than his bucket allows (with some restrictions). if you're allowed to enter a mage college/guild, then you can grab esoteric training to hit 9th-level casting in wizard AND cleric if you run to at least 17th level (you're in PFS so this won't happen)

it can fairly easily be retweaked for FULL early entry at level 4, but i wanted the cruoromancer level 5 for the FCB and sweet animate dead bonus ability ASAP.

also, if you haven't already: read THIS. just do it. it will make your life so very much easier for necromancy.

I'm not an expert on Necromancers, but doesn't PFS nerf them by preventing them from having permanent undead followers?

Can you worship Norgober in PFS? You can worship him with Neutral alignment. Then you have death and trickery without any shenagigans so you can use ecclesitheurge. Dump str to 7.

When you go into Mystic Theurge, you have already decided to be a spell-focused Necromancer, not a channeling-focused one. Your Command Undead feat will rapidly lose relevance. So don't invest too much in Cha.

If you're going with Necromancer on the Wizard side, remember to take the Undead subschool. I might consider a school with a useful 1. level ability, possibly using Arcanist instead of Wizard. Or go with Sorcerer - Undead bloodline - for a different way to control undead minions.

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