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![]() Nefreet wrote: The Dazing build is a one-trick pony, just like the others. Any one-trick pony is annoying. But they have their weaknesses that should not be discounted. Usually it's doing anything that doesn't involve blasting. Try taking them through a dinner party or a wedding, or just trying to capture somebody alive. Their metamagic rod won't be able to help them much there. You can build a highly effective dazing build with very little investment. It doesn't preclude you from being a skill monkey, not to mention a full caster with a lot of other tricks. ![]()
![]() Hmm wrote:
The problem is the language about "prepared spells". Substitute Oracle=Shaman and it still reads "list of oracle spells she can prepare". ![]()
![]() lemeres wrote:
http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/faq#v5748eaic9p51 Dunno why Pseudodragon can't use wands, but those are the rules. You might be able to use Alter Self/Greater Hat of Disguise, but it's better to just get another familiar. ![]()
![]() Check out Pupsocket's Guide to the Very Best Traits. Most of the best traits are there with a few exceptions. Some cool traits that haven't been mentioned: Clever Wordplay: Int replaces Cha for one skill.
![]() Is it worth going Human instead of Dwarf for the FCB? Quote:
8/14/12/12/20/7 You have 30' move and +4 AC with Lamellar (Leather) Armor and <38 lb load. 20' move with <76 lb load. ![]()
![]() Hmm wrote:
It is great for Shamans, but RAW it doesn't work for Oracles because of the prepared spells language: The shaman can add a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list equal to her Charisma modifier (minimum 1) to the list of shaman spells she can prepare ![]()
![]() If he buys a masterwork backpack and grab Muscle of the Society trait and encumbrance won't be a problem. He can carry up to 115 pounds with effective strength=11. I'd be interested to see your full build/plan. I think your idea sounds pretty darn solid for low level PFS (and later you're a full caster, so you win anyway), but I'm not totally familiar with Shamans yet. ![]()
![]() Ascalaphus wrote:
Yeah. Most of the classes have one or the other as class skills, but for classes like Sorcerers that don't it's great. Mother's Rage: You receive a +1 trait bonus on Survival checks, and you treat your caster level as +1 higher when summoning creatures. This trait loses steam over time, but it makes low level summoning viable, especially in combination with Acadamae Graduate. ![]()
![]() Pathfinder Design Team wrote: FAQ: http://paizo.com/paizo/faq/v5748nruor1gh I know this sounds like a stupid question, but does this apply to Diehard Summons from the Summon Good Monster feat? ![]()
![]() 666bender wrote:
Travel is the best. Gloves of Recon give you a lot of the utility from doorsight for 1-2k gp. ![]()
![]() Affable (Champions of Purity): You gain a +2 trait bonus on Diplomacy checks to gather information, and can do so in half the normal time. In addition, Diplomacy and Knowledge (local) are always class skills for you. Two great class skills for the price of one. ![]()
![]() Dennis Baker wrote: Casting charm person, sleep, create pit, fear, stinking cloud, confusion, dominate person, are very often vastly better options than fireball or shocking grasp. Guess who can't cast any of those? A magus can be invisible but can't see invisibility, nor can he teleport, dimension door, or stone shape; summoning even a minor ally is similarly outside his abilities. Magus has a bunch of battlefield control spells like glitterdust, web and stinking cloud on his spell list, not to mention dimension door and teleport. EK doesn't pull away in spell quality until higher levels. ![]()
![]() UnArcaneElection wrote:
Aw crud, thanks for pointing this out. No more Dual-Cursed Oracles for me :(. Hero Lab doesn't handle conflicting archetypes well. ![]()
![]() Hmm wrote:
Why do you need to dump dual cursed for spirit guide? Spirit Guide Changes Class skills: Quote: Class Skills: A spirit guide gains all Knowledge skills as class skills. This replaces the bonus class skills gained from the oracle's mystery. Quote: A dual-cursed oracle gains no additional class skills from her mystery. and Bonded Spirit: Quote: This ability replaces the revelations gained at 3rd, 7th, and 15th levels. Quote: A dual-cursed oracle gains a new revelation at 5th level and 13th level. These are in addition to the normal revelations she receives at 3rd level, 7th level, and so on. They don't modify the same class features, so they should be compatible. Spirit Guide is one of the best archetypes ever printed. I don't think I'll ever make an Oracle without it. Dual Cursed is just gravy. I'm not a tripping expert, so I really can't comment much on the rest of your build. I'd probably just get a wolf with combat reflexes through Lunar Oracle to do it for me at low levels. I hate Deaf curse though... -4 initiative is painful. I would only consider it in conjunction with Wolfscarred face, but even then I'm not a fan. ![]()
![]() It's hardly a surprise that a challenge like a burning house didn't pose a problem for a mid level full caster. Sounds like a problem with the adventure design. Create Water makes 2 gallons of water/level and that's a cantrip. If the Cleric and Bard aren't contributing, it's because they don't know tactics or they built their characters wrong. Point them to some optimization guides and help them rebuild their characters. Then, you have everyone on roughly the same footing and can scale up your encounters. ![]()
![]() Kitsune just adds +1 to enchantment spells. Go Controller Wizard with a +2 int race and you get +1 to all spells instead. Dip Crossblooded Fey/Serpentine Sorcerer for 1 level. Consider Silver-Tongued Alt. Racial Trait. Student of Philosophy+Ease of Faith Traits for maxing diplomacy/bluff. Spell Focus: Enchantment for feats. Beyond that, don't overspecialize in enchantment--start investing in your generalist abilities for situations where enchantments are the wrong approach. Enchantment is very underrated on these boards imo. ![]()
![]() Bob Jonquet wrote:
I don't see the problem... you don't want players working as a team or teaching others how to use sound tactics and positioning? ![]()
![]() Under A Bleeding Sun wrote:
The combat in PFS is too easy for players using the best tactics because a wide variety of skill levels must be accommodated. I'm not sure there's any way to fix this because the average player hates character death. ![]()
![]() Flutter wrote:
You can buy an animal companion and attune to it. This has the advantage of skipping the 6 tricks training for combat riding. Quote: In some cases, replacing an animal companion or familiar can be as easy as purchasing an animal of the desired type and declaring it your new companion. Attuning a familiar to its new master requires a ritual. Choosing an animal companion requires 24 hours of prayer. The ceremony can also be used to attract and bond with an animal appropriate to the local environment. http://www.d20pfsrd.com/classes/core-classes/druid/animal-compa nions ![]()
![]() Damanta wrote:
There are actually rules in the Animal Archive (p. 14-15) for buying combat trained animals at 150% of their normal cost. Also, I believe you can buy a combat trained light horse and it becomes a horse animal companion after the 24 hour ritual, so there are definitely some options if your AC dies. David Bowles wrote: There needs to be some penalty. This penalty is already pretty much a non-penalty. I have never seen an animal companion die in low tier. Ever. The NPCs can't hit their armor classes consistently enough. Fair enough, and after more research it isn't so bad because you can buy a combat trained dog or horse and change them into an animal companion. Horse is one of the best ACs as long as movement/space isn't a problem. ![]()
![]() Ah I see. Does no one else see this ruling as ridiculous for low level characters with animal companions? If your animal companion dies in a tier 1 session, it will take multiple scenarios just to get an animal with basic combat training. That said, there is a possible loophole to get around this ruling (p.10 pathfinder society field guide) "Before you level up a character for the first time, you
Could one retrain animal companion to domain and then retrain domain back to animal companion between adventures to get an animal with 7 tricks? This is extreme cheese, but it is justified in response to a draconian (imo) ruling. Should animal companion classes just be avoided in low level PFS play? ![]()
![]() http://paizo.com/pathfinderSociety/faq#v5748eaic9osb Quote: If the character replaces the animal companion for any reason, the new animal starts with no tricks known, save for bonus tricks granted based on the PC's effective druid level. Once per scenario, you may attempt to train the animal companion a number of times equal to the number of ranks you have in the Handle Animal skill. Each success allows you to teach the animal a single trick; a failed attempt counts against the total number of training attempts allowed per scenario, and you may not attempt to teach the same trick until the next scenario. Alternatively, you may train one animal for a single purpose as long as you have enough ranks in Handle Animal to train the animal in each trick learned as part of that purpose. You may take 10 on Handle Animal checks to teach an animal companion tricks. So if an animal companion dies, a character with 1 rank in Handle Animal can train a new animal for combat riding? Is this finished during the scenario or after? ![]()
![]() Your idea is viable, but it seems like a lot of time and effort to end up 3 levels behind a wizard in spell progression. At least the fighter 1/wizard 1/ek gets to enjoy the fruits of his labor earlier while melee is relevant, not to mention having a higher BAB and faster casting progression. Also, Foresight Diviner>Teleportation Conjurer. ![]()
![]() Hmm wrote:
Go Crossblooded Serpentine/Undead or Fey/Undead for a double-duty dip. |