Suggest me a level 0 character product

Product Discussion

I was thinking of ways to rekajigger traits to overcome some feat taxes and misplaced class skills so that players can make the character they want, but I wanted to skip all that work and remembered that there are several third party products that have zero level characters for that reason. However there are several of them and the descriptions/reviews don't give me the information I want in order to get the product I need.

What I'm looking for;

1) A backdoor to weapon proficiencies. I tried to make a Daisho wielding fighter and was disappointed that I would be two feats behind to be proficient with a katana and wakizashi.

2) Mechanical advantages for background flavor.

3) Possibly adopted racial benefits.

4) Possible multiclassing benefits.

5) Preferably able to grant class skills.

6) Possibly backdoors to the most notorious feat taxes such as combat expertise.

7) Easy to have in print. Complex and graphic pages are less of a problem than orientation and page count. Hard copy access is needed at my tables.

8) Preferably not terribly intrusive to the rest of the rules. I use a lot of third party classes and would rather for the more generic than class specific.

Grand Lodge

Declassified Prepare for War: basic training manual, might be of interest.
Pay version offers traits and feats.

Also Rogue Genius Guide to Apprentice level characters.

I suggest RGG's to Apprentice levels, I've had memorable campaigns with it. It even has a little guide about adapting classes, etc.

Freedom16 wrote:
I suggest RGG's to Apprentice levels, I've had memorable campaigns with it. It even has a little guide about adapting classes, etc.

Ditto. Fantastic little pdf.

Grand Lodge

I also suggest the Apprentice pdf from RGG.

The Exchange

me too.

There's also Learning Curve from TOP: s

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