Arcane Untouchable Bloodrager?


So after looking through the archetypes and the bloodlines for the new Bloodrager calss I saw something that peaked my fancy. The arcane bloodline makes you really good at shutting down enemy casters, if of course you can get into a threatening range with them. The untouchable rager makes you really good at avoiding their spells thanks to your SR. You only lose your own casting ability(kinda sucks I know) but still is this a viable approach to a character?

Would you build it just like a normal Barbarian?

Maybe even go ham and also pick up the Primalist archetype to grab some awesome Rage powers if necessary? Mainly just Superstitious and Witch Hunte instead of the 4th level bloodline power?

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Yes, arcane and untouchable combine very nicely. If you do go primalist, just note that superstition would apply against you 4th 8th and 16th level abilities, since they are Spell-like abilities. Spell Resistance probably applies as well, since it activates when you rage and cant be lowered. For a true anti-mage, it might be worth while to swap all three of those and get witch hunter/superstition/eater of magic/beast totem line.

Thanks for mentioning that. Since the description under the arcane bloodline just mentions applying the effects of said spells I was unsure how it would work with the various SR and save bonuses.

Personally I thought since they actually aren't being cast that they might not be affected but you bring up a good point.

And I actually just went and rechecked the list and noticed the (Sp) marker. So yeah...well I can get Haste from boots and beast shape IV well thats a lot of notekeeping and stat following I can ignore haha.

as an alternative, perhaps a destined bloodline primalist for witch hunter+superstition along with the scaling luck bonus AC and to saves (as well as other nifty stuff)?

not quite as anti-mage, but more anti-everything in exchange (though fortune's favored + destined bloodrager + superstition + cloak makes for some freaking hefty saves)

something to note though: since you're not a barbarian, you can't get the FCB to boost superstition to stupid-high levels (unless you can since it's a hybrid class involving barbarian, but i highly doubt that).

so maybe a dwarf with (fortune's favored + destined bloodrager (+2-6 bonus)) + cloak (+1-5 bonus) + steel soul (+4 bonus) would be good?

This is what i have so far: Here

Any other opinions/advice?

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RaW spell resistance should not disrupt your own (sp) ability.
(See last paragraph)

“A creature can voluntarily lower its spell resistance. Doing so is a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Once a creature lowers its resistance, it remains down until the creature’s next turn. At the beginning of the creature’s next turn, the creature’s spell resistance automatically returns unless the creature intentionally keeps it down (also a standard action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity).

A creature’s spell resistance never interferes with its own spells, items, or abilities.
(PFSRD > Game mastering > Special Abilities > Spell Resistance)

It would be up to the DM regarding how Superstition Rage Power would work, but I think a good argument could be made using the rules as above plus common sense.

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(One very dead thread).

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