Pathfinder RPG Announcements from Gen Con 2014

Paizo General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

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Hey gang! Here are the notes we have for the big announcements made at Gen Con 2014 for the Pathfinder RPG. We recorded nearly all the seminars this year as well and will be uploading them shortly.

Announcements include:
Hell's Rebels Adventure Path
Inner Sea Races Hard Cover
Occult Adventures Hard Cover (Includes Psychic Magic)

Here are our notes: ts-hells-rebels-occult-adventures-inner-sea-races/

Next year's announcements today ... impressive. I'm guessing one of the books is Inner Sea Time Travel? ;)

Very cool, thanks for posting these. I am extremely interested in Hell's Rebels, moderately interested in the Occult Adventures, and not really at all interested in Inner Sea Races. Looks like another great year coming up in 2015!

Thanks Perram.

Off topic, but there's no Know Direction forums on your new site yet. Listening to 'Harrowing the Future' now, and interested to know if you have any changes in opinion post-gencon.

Ooh! Occult Adventures sounds awesome! (I still have yet to pick up the recent Occult book, but I like the sound of this one even better!)

Finally Psychic Magic!!! Maybe that means a Vudra AP after Hell's Rebels?

Summaries on all NPCs from APs in #100? I don't quite know what that
means- maybe a "where are they now?" kind of update?

Inner Sea Races- interesting. Sounds like it might be more of an Advanced Race Guide focusing on the "core" races but Golarion specific, rather than an expansion of some of the other races (Oreads, Tian Xia races, etc.), that I'd still love to see get some love (particularly favored class info).

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Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, Starfinder Society Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

Hmmm. Psychic Magic and the Mystic base class. No one could have predicted that! ;)

I was wrong about the Vudra AP though. Maybe next year!

I have to admit that when I made that prediction I kind of wondered if there would be enough material for a full book. Occult Adventures definitely brings it into full scope and adds a lot of very cool potential to the game. I'm really looking forward to this! :D

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Does that mean you're psychic yourself, Feros?!?! :D

In any event, I think they'd almost have to be anticipating some kind of "psychic" AP in 2016, either after Hell's Rebels or the following one. More than likely Vudra, although with the description of the Occult Adventures, perhaps they are looking to find somewhere in the Inner Sea that might fit as well. I can't think of anywhere offhand, though. Nidal, maybe?

Or perhaps something tied to the First World, if they're going for that "pulpy, spiritual, occult" feel. I'm thinking along the lines of Arthur Conan Doyle/Spiritualism/Fairies/Victorian era.

Why aren't there more people talking about this? Why? WHYYYYY?

(Where's Mikaze when you need him?)

*lament, lament, lament*

(Another possible region for an AP: Jalmeray. Nidal, Jalmeray, Vudra, for a psychic magic AP. With some First World crossover one way or another.)

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Occult Adventures is the only one that holds any interest for me. I look forward to this one quite a bit.

Shadow Lodge

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cthulhudrew wrote:

Why aren't there more people talking about this? Why? WHYYYYY?

(Where's Mikaze when you need him?)

*lament, lament, lament*

(Another possible region for an AP: Jalmeray. Nidal, Jalmeray, Vudra, for a psychic magic AP. With some First World crossover one way or another.)

Mikaze was at the seminar, and reported on it

* I am obviously non-Golarion conversant enough to feel completely underwhelmed by the Hell's Rebels concept. To a degree that is diametrically opposed to my joy at the release of Iron Gods. ;)

I jus' don't get the "wow" factor of Cheliax.

And as for masqued balls there was a stellar masquerade adventure in Kobold Press' Midgard Tales. I think it was called... Masquerade. And according to Endzeitgeist:

Endzeitgeist wrote:
One legendary, smart epic indeed and one of the best modules I've read in ages

Of course that was set in Midgard, not Golarion. :)

* Occult Adventures. Great news!!! Hopefully psychic magic and Mystics will be exciting with theme and flavor. And if it means an excursion to Vudra all the better. I sincerely hope Jeff Erwin is invited to be a Contributor.

* Inner Sea Races. Again my lack of Golariana precludes me from gleanin anything about what this would entail. Interest slightly piqued.

Lazaro wrote:
Mikaze was at the seminar, and reported on it

Awesome! Thanks, Lazaro- for some reason I didn't see that thread at all. :'(

Yeah, I saw that Mikaze reported this already though I can't wait for more information.

Thanks for posting this, Perram!

Thanks for these updates
I am always seeking news from Gen Con...

Perram: I think your title should be "from Gen COn 2014"

(not 2015)

Liberty's Edge

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I'm working hard to try and get the videos posted. Its... taking awhile to render them and upload. New equipment has great new quality... but that quality means more computing time.

Cool, can't to see those videos.

Hooray! I am so interested in the psychic magic! I wonder if there will be telepaths?

I know that we will be getting a Kineticist, Spiritualist, Mystic, and possibly a Telepath and Medium. I don't know what the 6th class will be.

Paizo Glitterati Robot

Fixed up the year in the title :)


Dragon78 wrote:
I know that we will be getting a Kineticist, Spiritualist, Mystic, and possibly a Telepath and Medium. I don't know what the 6th class will be.

Are you sure?

These new classes are really going to be fun; I can't wait for the playtest! (but I'll have to wait, since it'll be a while)

Mark Seifter wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I know that we will be getting a Kineticist, Spiritualist, Mystic, and possibly a Telepath and Medium. I don't know what the 6th class will be.

Are you sure?

These new classes are really going to be fun; I can't wait for the playtest! (but I'll have to wait, since it'll be a while) the iconic Slayer guarding the computer where all this information is stored, keeping you from looking at it?



MMCJawa wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Dragon78 wrote:
I know that we will be getting a Kineticist, Spiritualist, Mystic, and possibly a Telepath and Medium. I don't know what the 6th class will be.

Are you sure?

These new classes are really going to be fun; I can't wait for the playtest! (but I'll have to wait, since it'll be a while) the iconic Slayer guarding the computer where all this information is stored, keeping you from looking at it?


Oh, I'm working on some of them myself, so I have the information. I just can't wait for you to have it!


Dragon78 wrote:
I know that we will be getting a Kineticist, Spiritualist, Mystic, and possibly a Telepath and Medium. I don't know what the 6th class will be.

Yeah, some folks weren't listening to the announcement with both ears...

Silver Crusade

So glad these videos are going up, not just for the (awesome) info but for the laughs. :D

I can't wait to find out what all the classes are called and what there theme/concept/abilities will be.

I hope the non-standard races in the Innersea Races book will get more love then a couple of pages. I also hope that there will be a lot of new racial feats.

Liberty's Edge

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Ok! We've got TWO videos up now!

Paizo 2015 and Beyond Seminar - This is the one that they make the Occult Adventures announcement, as well as Inner Sea Races! And they talk a little about all the other things going on.
Link: occult-adventures-races-of-golarion-announcement/

Pathfinder’s Expanding Universe - This is the seminar with the most information about the deal with Obsidian Entertainment and talk of the digital version of the card game. It also talks about the miniature line, the new campaign coins medallion, and other tie in products.
Link: universe-obsidian-entertainment-card-game-more/

When will the play test be available?

If it's anything like the last playtests anywhere from October to January.

Dark Archive

Psychic magic! Is this going to be Paizo's version of psionics? If it is, I'm hyper-excited, because we could *finally* convert our psionicist PCs to Pathfinder.

Otherwise looks really good, only a bit suspicious of Spiritualist; isn't that already the Shaman's shtick?

Psychic magic is going to be completely different from the old psionic rules. It will not be a point system and will be more along the line of the current magic system.


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Asgetrion wrote:
Otherwise looks really good, only a bit suspicious of Spiritualist; isn't that already the Shaman's shtick?

Only marginally. The shaman is based on the concept of animism--that everything in nature, inanimate and otherwise, has a soul or a spirit: a rock, a tree, the river, lightning, wind, etc, etc, and that through magic, that spirit can be controlled, influenced, or manipulated. It's one of mankind's oldest religious doctrines, and considered primitive or unrefined in that regard, though I'd argue the opposite, as keeping track of how indigenous peoples interact in different ways with different entitles is mind-boggling, and a phenomenon anthropologists can spend their whole careers tracking.

The shaman's abilities are also confined by the base classes that make up its component parts: the oracle and the witch.

The Spiritualist, on the other hand, has no such base class boundaries to influence its creation, and is built on a more refined (or more modern, in any case) religious belief that only humans have souls. These souls persist after death, where they interact with a complicated ethereal cosmology where breaking back through the boundaries beyond the veil of death is difficult, and requires the aid of a medium and/or séance rituals to draw them forth through our world--usually by shrouding them in ectoplasm to give them physical form. This will give the Spiritualist not only a much different flavor than the Shaman, and a totally different definition of "spirits" (think this, this, or this), but also a totally unique set of abilities not defined by the abilities of its constituent classes. Stay tuned. It rocks.

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Asgetrion wrote:
Psychic magic! Is this going to be Paizo's version of psionics? If it is, I'm hyper-excited, because we could *finally* convert our psionicist PCs to Pathfinder. ?

I think you would have to use Ultimate Psionics by Dreamscarred for that -- Paizo is planning to take a totally different approach that won't be compatible with D&D 3.5. Dreamscarred Press already did a more direct conversion.

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I do like the Dreamscarred Press work.

Dark Archive

Brandon Hodge wrote:
Asgetrion wrote:
Otherwise looks really good, only a bit suspicious of Spiritualist; isn't that already the Shaman's shtick?

Only marginally. The shaman is based on the concept of animism--that everything in nature, inanimate and otherwise, has a soul or a spirit: a rock, a tree, the river, lightning, wind, etc, etc, and that through magic, that spirit can be controlled, influenced, or manipulated. It's one of mankind's oldest religious doctrines, and considered primitive or unrefined in that regard, though I'd argue the opposite, as keeping track of how indigenous peoples interact in different ways with different entitles is mind-boggling, and a phenomenon anthropologists can spend their whole careers tracking.

The shaman's abilities are also confined by the base classes that make up its component parts: the oracle and the witch.

The Spiritualist, on the other hand, has no such base class boundaries to influence its creation, and is built on a more refined (or more modern, in any case) religious belief that only humans have souls. These souls persist after death, where they interact with a complicated ethereal cosmology where breaking back through the boundaries beyond the veil of death is difficult, and requires the aid of a medium and/or séance rituals to draw them forth through our world--usually by shrouding them in ectoplasm to give them physical form. This will give the Spiritualist not only a much different flavor than the Shaman, and a totally different definition of "spirits" (think this, this, or this), but also a totally unique set of abilities not defined by the abilities of its constituent classes. Stay tuned. It rocks.

Thanks, Brandon! Although I still think there may be some overlap in spirit (heh!), if not exactly on the mechanical level, you *do* make it sound really cool!

Besides, years ago, I said the same thing about Inquisitor, Summoner, Cavalier, Alchemist and Magus; I thought they were conceptually silly, and should be (at best) archetypes for existing classes. And now I really love all of 'em and have used several NPCs of these classes in my games (and I'm also playing an elven magus in a Greyhawk campaign). :)

Oh, you mad mad Brandon, you've made me even more excited and intrigued about this book... *drool*

Dark Archive

Dragon78 wrote:
Psychic magic is going to be completely different from the old psionic rules. It will not be a point system and will be more along the line of the current magic system.

Hah, and ain't I glad to hear that! We've had several psionicists in our games (both in AD&D and 3E), and let me say that I'm sick of the power point system; it just never felt like it was properly balanced with the rest of the game mechanics.

Let me just say... 'Kinetic Control'. In AD&D, even ancient dragons and avatars shuddered when they heard that name! ;)

Hm, the way he said it, I'm not sure Telepath, Spiritualist, and Mystic are actual classes, but more like concepts they want to cover. Like they were examples of the kind of things they want to do, not the actual classes.

Of course, if I'm wrong, please correct me.

Telepath might be a subcategory of psychic like an illusionist is for a wizard.

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