Advice: Optimizing a Paladin for Wrath fo the Righteous. Mythic Included


Hello, this is my first post, I am working on making a Paladin for my friends Wrath of the Righteous Campaign. I like to Plan ahead when making a character to limit downtime when leveling up. So without further ado this is what i have and a prior thank you to all the experienced players out there for any input.

My goal for this character overall is to two weapon fight using sword and board. be able to make extra AOO's using reach ( from titan's rage or buffs from party) and to exert some battlefield control by limiting enemy movement and using manuevers.


Level 20 Human Paladin (Oath of Vengeance)

Statistics: DM has houseruled max starting stats. I am assuming he is a good optimizer.

as for gear unknown have not been given info on starting gold. Therefore assuming average.


1st : Improved Shield Bash
Human Feat: Two-Weapon Fighting
3rd: Power Attack
5th: Combat Reflexes
7th: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting
9th: Shield Slam
11th: Shield Master
13th: Greater Two-Weapon Fighting
15th: Bashing Finish
17th: Critical Focus
19th: Staggering Critical

Mythic Feats:

1st Tier: Dual Path
3rd Tier: Power Attack
5th Tier: Combat Reflexes
7th Tier: Critical Focus
9th Tier: Staggering Critical

Mythic Path Powers: Focusing on Champion, picking up a few from Guardian
via Dual Path.

1st: Sudden Attack, Sudden Block
2nd: Impossible Speed
3rd: Fleet Warrior
4th: Titan's Rage
5th: Maneuver Expert
6th: Cage Enemy
7th: Shatter Spells
8th: Legendary Item
9th: Legendary Item
10th: Legendary Item

Campaign Trait
Dangerously Curious

That is all i have for now sorry if i left anything important out. Once again any input on this is appreciated as i am worrying the DM only has evil intentions with being so giving with the statistics

Grand Lodge

Your missing mythic smite. That's about it.

I took oath against fiends. I almost regret that...almost.

So you have straight 18's?


Yes straight 18's not including racial modifiers and other increases.
He is one of those monty holl DM's ( no idea if I spelled that right). Or just gonna boost the mobs to outrageous levels.

I recommend against the TWF feat chain, until you go mythic you are forced to stand completely still and full attack and you don't really have any other way to use your full combat potential.

The feat chain also steals your life.

I was torn between sword and board for classic knightly roleplay aspect or the big two hander for melee damage output.
I am aware of archery's strengths but I can't roleplay a fearless knight standing in the back shooting arrows lol.
Thanks I'm going to go back and check out my two handed option with a bit more zeal.

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+1 to master marshmallow.
Smite is already good enough as it is.
1st Level: Power Attack, Quick Draw, buy a Quickdraw Shield - attack two handed with a one-handed weapon of your choice and put on the shield as a free action when you are done.


+ Eldritch Heritage Orc or Abyssal (+ mythic Eldritch Heritage and a Robe of Arcane Heritage and you are golden)

Most people would tell you to take Fey Foundling - but I find it... Why are all Paladins suddenly Fey Foundlings?

A good and fitting trait: Fate's Favoured, even if it comes online rather late for paladins.

Keep a bow handy. Might be worth a feat or two (PBS, Precise Shot), but then maybe not, if there are dedicated archers.

Nice feat: Unsanctioned Knowledge, esp. with Int 18.

Just don't be a one-trick pony.

There was sth. else I wanted to say, but it just flew away.

Exotic Weapon Proficiency bastard sword plus large sized bastard sword
Equals damage 2d8 at first level. 3d8 as soon as you can get an impact enchantmant on it and 4d8 if you can get an enlarge person put on you. Then vital strike at levels 6, 11, and 16 for 8d8, 12d8, and 16d8 plus power attack yay.
And mythic vital strike and mythic power attack for insane damage per strike.

When it comes to the sword and board side of things, it is a good choice, when you need it.

Pick up something you can use in one hand, most likely a longsword, or if you want to invest feats/trait a bastard sword. If you care about crit ranges, look at a katana or scimitar. If you care about overall highest DPR look at the falcata.

Keep a shield on hand, if you find yourself in need of one, draw and equip it. If you don't need it, keep yourself using a weapon in two hands.

Given the stats, look at Unsanctioned Knowledge for some access to strong spells like Haste and Divine Power.

Note that you can do Oath of Fiends and Oath of Vengeance on the same build. Mythic Smite makes that kinda meh, but it's still solid.

Thank all of you for taking your time to give input on this topic. I am now off to research these options and try to make a well balanced character.

Good luck and good gaming to you all.

Grand Lodge

I personally wouldn't worry too much about "buying" a suitable Longsword.

Weapon Drop spoiler!:
Radiance. Early in book 1 before then end of Part 1 you are given a +1 cold Iron longsword Named Radiance for defeating a mini boss. Basically it is a under leveled HOLY F***ING AVENGER. During the Campaign you will come across chances to unlock more of it. Basically it levels up with you. By the end of book 1 it is a +2 Cold Iron Longsword. Mid book 3 it becomes +3. So it actually will scale rather well with your character. this will save you $$$$$$ as a holy avenger costs: 120,630g

When considering feats:

No story just info about feats from WoTR:
At the moment of ascension you had the possibility of gaining certain boons for completion of different major things. That includes gaining an extra feat at 6th level, extra +2 to any stat, and a few extra skill points. If your planing your feat build then this is some good info to keep in mind. I recommend being a good little paladin and be a completion kind of guy

Someone mentioned Mythic Vital strike line....and yes it is a damage train. Mix it with mythic Power attack and Smite damage your damage will be pretty strong.( as everything you fight will be smite-able reason I suggest mythic smite) It will allow you to smite near 20 things a day.

I recommend getting a Falchion as your main weapon and making it Legendary Item-upgrade-able for 50% cost. Use a "longsword"(see above) and Quickdraw shield for when you need the extra defense. Work on getting Critical damage from your massive STR+ mythic power attack+ smite damage mixed with those Mythic vital strikes will be deadly enough.
Easy enough to move to them, Vital strike, Mythic Surge-Sudden Attack, Vital strike, Move to draw longsword and shield if they are not dead.

Now I know what I forgot to mention:

Extra Lay on Hands is always nice but especially for somebody who swore an oath of vengeance (which I personally find rather lame, roleplaying-wise).

Well it would all depend on why they swore the oath to begin with. It is my experience many PC's have a high number of tragic family deaths. soo if it were by the hands of, lets say in this case demons, the oath itself has some roleplay strength

Plus it can be less restrictive than the standard Paladin code. You have leave to ignore the lesser evils along the way to the BBEG. I used that to play in a party with a LE Wizard who loved summoning Fiendish monsters. I was willing to team up with him to bring down the end boss of an adventure path, and all I needed to say was "Mend your ways, or we will have words once this is all over." Then the campaign ended.

Sovereign Court

I'm playing this shield master.

I'm going with TW-Rend rather than Greater TWF. Without the Precise path power, you're making a third attack dealin Str/2+reduced PA for the off-hand attack at a -10 to hit rather than the almost guaranteed 2d6+1.5 Str from rend. You do need Double-Slice for that tho, and there's not too much room.

I like Combat Reflexes, with Retributive Reach/Cage Enemy to be able to lockdown a 25x25 area for a round, using an MP so it's only reach enemies can get to/past me. It's like being a 4E fighter almost...

Grand Lodge

You don't need oath of vengeance with mythic smite from champion path. You could skip it entirely and keep LOH how it is and have the best of both worlds without swearing an oath.

Sovereign Court

Since this thread is here, i figure it makes sense to ask here.

I've got a Sacred Shield Shield paladin, aiming for Shield Master, focused on tanking. I'm trying to figure out what to do with my Mythic build.

We're going from 4th to 6th and tier one, so i get to pick my 5th level feat and Mythic path.

My feats are
1: TWF
3: imp bash
5: --- Combat Reflexes
7: Shield Slam
9: Double Slice
11: Shield Master
13: Imp TWF
15: TWRend

I'm looking at Dual-Pathing Guardian and Champion

Path powers:
1: Retributive reach for AoO's at 10 ft
2: ???
3: Cage Enemy
4: Precision
Maybe Ever Ready at 2nd for a bonus on AoO's

What i'm trying to figure out is wether to take Fleet, so that when i full attack i move, or if I should to with the Champion STRIKE Fleet Charge, or if i should wait till a later tier for Fleet Warrior path power, and if it's even worth taking Fleet Warrior if i have Fleet Charge and a Marshal with the Advance power.

Do not go two weapon fighting, it is sucking up all your feats when you could be getting good paladin ones

Get mythic vital strike, do not go dual path, everything you need is in champion

Sovereign Court

That's a given, Champion with mythic smite and 2-handing with mythic PA and maybe even mythic Vital Strike for 1-shooting lesser demons.

But we have two high damage champions already, and a battle Oracle, and heavy hitting Reach cleric. I've been jonsing to play a shield master and like the Guardian's Lockdown build.

Retributive Reach plus Cage Enemy which is guardian stuff. I was trying to determine ether it is worth it to have the path power, fleet warrior to move whenever I full attack (but there are so many tasty tier 3 powers I want, and is it worth it to use Fleet Charge (and use mythic points) if we have a Marshal with the Advance ability to move us around.

For generic mythic adventures, there are a lot of possibilities.

But for WotR, a common mistake would be to only focus on the combat aspect. One of the major theme of that path is redemption (J.J.'s words), so a subtly powerful mythic ability is Display of Charisma.

When you need to absolutely succeed at that diplomacy/intimidate/bluff check, you'll be very happy for that +20, and it happens more often than you'd expect.

If no one else in the group has it, GET IT!

Also a great defensive ability is Beyond Morality. For all those Smite Good/Evil/Law/Chaos, Detect G/E/L/C or Protection from G/E/L/C or whatever alignment based spells that get slung around, it is the ultimate in defense since you will always be of the best alignment possible for the situation. Especially if you go plane hopping in the Abyss.

Grand Lodge

At Sir Garth. Sound like you have too much melee and paladin might not be the best for a group with 2 heavy hitters, battle oracle, and a reach cleric. That is 4 to handle all the fighting. Go wizard or something.

Sovereign Court

It's a big party. We also have a wizard and one of the champions is a Zen Archer, and the cleric is an evangelist inspiring courage. She still huh hard tho.

I have been thePali for a while. I do like the beyond morality although that may wait a while cause Cage and Precision. But if display is big for the story I may consider that.

Seems like fleet charge may be the way to go cause to many path abilities. Is extra path power a feat?

you can stack oath of vengeance and oath against fiends. the oathbound paladin intro section explains how the oath spells work when using multiple oaths, so you can use both to get a hilariously flexible array of smite and LoH uses as you level up. a good piece of gear to look out for is the bracers of the merciful knight or the bracers of the vengeful knight--both have their uses, and merciful bracers works well with oath of vengeance.

Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:
Is extra path power a feat?

i'm pretty sure, yeah.

AndIMustMask wrote:


Sir Garith Mordrand wrote:
Is extra path power a feat?
i'm pretty sure, yeah.

Keep in mind, however, that you can only take Extra Path Ability once.

Grand Lodge

If your party is so large then y'all win in sheer action economy. Wont matter overly much whatyou pick. Figure out what to do about teleport from enemy. Other then that you can't screw up because mythic is overwhelming and powerful.

Oath against fiends can take anchoring aura which does a ton of damage if any outsider tries to tp away from you

Silver Crusade

This is what I was going for in my WotR paladin, before the campaign went belly up:

Pitborn Tiefling Paladin, Omen trait, power attack+cornugon smash+ancestral scorn.
With mythicly high Cha and iterative attacks, you can keep all demons around you shaken and NAUSEATED.

Other than that, no need for oath of vengeance with mythic smite. you've got plenty of mythic points and you'd find nothing that'd give you more bang for your buck like mythic smite. By endgame your CHA should be in the neighborhood of +15. Enough to tempt dipping into lore oracle for sidestep secret.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Rulebook Subscriber

I was going to come in here with a snark about being a paladin in WotR is basically optimized. I've been running a WotR game and with Mythic the PCs are over the top. Things like Mythic Heroism, +4 to everything including damage and lasts for 10 min / level and stacks with a the bard means even the bard can dish serious damage. As a GM it has forced me to up my game to keep things challenging the non-mythic fights are often very little more then speed bumps, but that is okay, the PCs are supposed to feel like they are super powerful.

Stil I question the sanity of your GM giving everyone max stats, not because it makes you more powerful, but it makes his job that much harder. He basically needs to treat the party ECL as being 2-3 levels higher, and either rebuild all the monsters with max stats, or just throw a wall of monsters at you. Just a lot of extra work for him...

Galnörag wrote:
Stil I question the sanity of your GM giving everyone max stats, not because it makes you more powerful, but it makes his job that much harder. He basically needs to treat the party ECL as being 2-3 levels higher, and either rebuild all the monsters with max stats, or just throw a wall of monsters at you. Just a lot of extra work for him...

I know the pain. In my Jade Regent AP, everyone rolled and I readjusted the low rollers to be in line with the highest roller, so it gave them stats far above average and made them extremely powerful.

So I had to add more monsters, or make them tougher, ending with more XP, which made the PCs stronger sooner, which needed tougher encounters, which gives more XP, vicious cycle.

And in WotR, our DM said he might as well go all the way and give us a 18-16-16-14-14-12 stat spread, and even before becoming mythical we were dominating most encounters. He had to double/triple the number of foes to get close to a challenge (we were six PCs too). At least with WotR, he's ignoring XPs and we level when the adventure recommends it.

Grand Lodge

For a Mythic Campaign they suggest a 15 point buy. My group did 20 point buy had a classic group: Scythe Vital strike Fighter (1 BIG swing), Paladin Archer, Evangelist Cleric, and God/crafter wizard. The Fighter and archer where so strong that the cleric and wizard hardly had to do anything but craft everything at near 40% value. By level 9 everyone had there main stat up to 40, gear above level, and owned half a rebuilt city. Most the encounters could then be curb stomped by 1 PC....let alone get the group involved.

Mythic is Broken....doesn't matter what you really take. Sure the Optimizer will but if your not him just pick whatever seems nice to you...You really can not go wrong.

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

I hope your GM plans to max hp all creatures, double the number of minions, and apply advanced template (sometimes twice) to all of them.

So far in our experience with the high numbers of Mythic play...tanking just doesn't work well, especially without taunting mechanics. The best damage mitigator is quite simply doing as much damage as fast as possible.

I'm with Turgan's suggestion of 2H weapon...with a quickdraw shield if you really want the board.

Otherwise, join the Zen archer as an archer paladin and bring down the rain. The downside is because of being feat starved you won't really be online till around 5th-7th. Which actually may be a good thing.

Suggested Traits: (Paladin of Eratsil)
Fate's Favored.
Deadeye Bowman (kind of a lesser Improved Precise Shot)

Pick up the Adaptive enchantment on your longbow as soon as possible.

Our group is almost done with the second book and we've had several fights where we've steamrollered the foes and others where we barely won (like last man standing). And the group is heavily optimized. Well I wasn't until I gave into group pressure. Though I'm still bucking the trend. :)

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