Lamellar made from Special Materials

Rules Questions

Radiant Oath

2 people marked this as FAQ candidate.
Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

Lamellar armor spans all three categories of armor: Light, Medium and Heavy. Of the metal ones, steel lamellar is considered medium armor and iron is considered heavy. This is understandable as iron is generally heavier without the alloys that make steel more durable with less material.

My question is, what happens when you make lamellar armor out of a special material like mithral or adamantine? It's technically the same kind of armor, but steel is lighter than iron because of the quality of the material, rather than because there's "more armor" for lack of a better term. Would mithral lamellar be considered light armor or medium armor? Would adamantine armor be medium or heavy?

Any help you guys could offer would be appreciated. Thank you! :)

The Exchange Owner - D20 Hobbies

Ultimately this is an "ask your GM" question.

Huh...that's a really good question now that you mention it. I guess if I was DM I'd rule it as the function over the form. I.E. Heavy Mithral Lamellar = Iron, Medium Mithral = steel.

Either that or considering it's made with just as much leather product as metal, you could make the case for it being able to made out of any of the alternative hide materials out there. Like Dragonhide, Darkleaf cloth or Eel hide Iron Lamellar Armor for example.

The easiest is to treat it as any other metal armor, and simply adjust down the armor category, and apply modifiers to acp and max dex.

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Friend of the Dork wrote:
The easiest is to treat it as any other metal armor, and simply adjust down the armor category, and apply modifiers to acp and max dex.

That's the catch, though. With the other armors, it's generally assumed they're all made of steel. Lamellar is the first armor, as far as I know, where the material it's made from makes it effectively a different kind of armor. If you make lamellar out of a special material, which version do you use as the "base," so to speak?

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