Bandw2 |

not like actual fear per say but, at least bump stuff up on the shaken condition path?
the fact that I can't demoralize people into the ground saddens me.
oh, and the least amount of spell casting possible, I want them to be afraid of their own volition.
I sort of miss playing my pseudo-daemon from Black Crusade is all, and was wondering if there was a way to just get even trained soldiers to starting running in my presence.

Arachnofiend |

Hero's Display (performance feat, demoralize all foes within 30 ft as a swift action) and Terrifying Howl (rage power, all shaken enemies must make a will save or become panicked) can be used in the same turn. And you don't even use your move action.
You get a performance combat check when you enter rage so you can do this the first round of any combat.

Thomas Long 175 |
Thug archetype, level 1 of rogue. Gotta beat the normal DC by 10 (which, with all the support for intimidate, isn't really all that hard) but you can do it as many times per day as you want, with the only limit per victim being that the dc increases by 5 for everytime you use intimidate on them the same time in an hour.
Go anyone that requires a high strength and take intimidating prowress. There you go.

caddmus |
thanks with the thug archetype and the realization that barbars totems can be useful beyond getting pounce(this is a joke, but I seriously have little knowledge on rage powers off the top of my head).
as little spell casting as possible?
have you considered filing a complaint with the targets neighbor hood association?
perhaps an IRS audit?
motherly look of disapprove?
its late, the jokes get worse :)