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Pexx is gone for a few days. Sunnfire is working 15 hours shifts. That means I can do pretty much anything I want here without them complaining until it is waaaaayyyy too late to do anything about it.
Now what should I do?
Let's see what the fortune cookie I got at lunch says: You will be successful in your work [playing Pathfinder Online].

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Pexx is gone for a few days. Sunnfire is working 15 hours shifts. That means I can do pretty much anything I want here without them complaining until it is waaaaayyyy too late to do anything about it.
You could sign Kabal on to the Free Highlanders.
Or, you could just update us on the settlement name antics.

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<kabal> Bunibuni wrote:Pexx is gone for a few days. Sunnfire is working 15 hours shifts. That means I can do pretty much anything I want here without them complaining until it is waaaaayyyy too late to do anything about it.You could sign Kabal on to the Free Highlanders.
Or, you could just update us on the settlement name antics.
What is the current membership?
EDIT: of the Free Highlanders?

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71 members listed
Finishing up the last 60 names by the beginning of next week and then narrowing down the names. Once that is done, we will have a winner finally declared.
Whereupon, Sunnfire will say he hates the name and we have to start all over again!
Current Winners of the polls:
From the first poll: Greenbriar Hill, Dragonspire, Blackwatch Keep and Kingsmount
From the second poll: Fort Sassy Pants, Shadowfen and Wakefield
From the Third Poll : Aynor, Ashensgate and Aleris.
From the Fourth Poll: Bellmare, Caladim and Castellum
Polls Five and Six are up and Poll Seven, which should be the last unless more members enter more names, will be up in a day or so. [And if they do, I'm blaming Kobold Cleaver!]
So by next Weds, all initial polls will be done.
I could sign Kabal onto the Free Highlanders, but since I don't have any authority to do so, that's like having Bill Cosby declare that the US is at war with Germany. :-)

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What is the current membership? EDIT: of the Free Highlanders?
Duffy has been excellent at keeping on top of things with his
Political Map- Alderwag
- Blackfeather Keep
- Forgeholm
- Guardians
- Ozem's Vigil
- Terra Australis

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Happy birthday Sunnfire!
I'm Back.
All this nonsense had better cease now.
...... Thats right

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Pink Storm Trooper..
-10,000 for you, that is a Pink Boba Fett.

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No....all storm troopers aren't Boba Fett....
Clone Troops are clones of Jango Fett, most were killed BEFORE they were called Storm Troopers. In the years after Episode III, and before ANH, most of the Clone Troops were killed in pursuit of Jedi/Rebels/Separatists. The clone troops that are left in ANH are the personal guards of the Emperor.

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All Storm Troopers AND Clone Troopers are Romulan made mediclorian-infused clones of Jean-Luc Picard.
Get your fictions straight damn it.
Picard was actually a cylon skinjob who'd been made by... uh, another skinjob... from another planet... so they're actually all cylons... oh never mind.

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Go to the Kabal website and stare at the countdown clock to the Tower Wars. Mesmerizing!! :-)
Countdown Clock..

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Still mesmerizing. It's set for the announced Sept 15th start date.
Join Kabal. Watch the clock. Join Kabal. See the numbers tick down. Join Kabal. You are getting sleepy. Join Kabal. Very sleepy. Join Kabal. You are now deep asleep. Join Kabal. You have an urge to Join Kabal. When you awaken, you will fulfill that urge and Join Kabal.
[I am so going to start a company called Join Kabal when our settlement forms its companies. Either that or the Sassy Pants.]

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He doesn't do zany or wild and crazy well. He does quiet well. He does contemplative well. He even does sinister well, as I've seen with him playing the evil Cardinal on the Musketeers show. I had to cringe every time he tried to do wild or crazy or zany.
And what's up with our Victorian Lesbians? At least six times in the first twenty minutes they mentioned that they considered themselves married and the maid was the husband. How many more times in a single episode do you want to flog that horse?!?!?!?

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Who are we?
The Kabal is an extended family, looking out for each other and anyone else that we decide needs looking after, sometimes through a mutual agreement, and sometimes because we said so. Success derives itself from a set of core values, that govern the guild. We strive not only to be unified and have fun! As with any successful guild, member participation is key.We are a community of adult, mature (some more than others lawl), veteran gamers. Below are some of our core guild goals, rules, policies etc... that prospective members should know before joining.
Where are we going?
We have members waiting to dominate Trade, Crafting, Magic, Ass-Kickery, drinking until you can't stand, Wenching, whatever the female version of wenching is called, Warfare, and laying down the law (for the laws that don't suck anyway). We intend to have our hands into a little of everything. What specifically we 'specialize' in is not set in stone. Obviously it will depend on where we end up, what resources are available to us, who our friendly neighbors are, and how many people in the guild want to do any one thing.
Our current goal is, to have fun and play PFO as a team continuing to beat all new challenges implemented by the developers. To run outstanding events for our members. To adventure together and have a great time doing it. And to continue to add value to the PFO community at every opportunity. As for why you would want to join us, if you want a excellent group of friends to enjoy this game with, and a group that will push your skills, and help you pursue whatever weird *** goal you decide to come up with. This is them.
Political Goals/Alignments? Military/Protection, Magic/Research, Craft/Trade, Politics (being a crappy bard).
As for general alignment, or political/social intentions. We are all looking to be good in general, but nobody is perfect. We will make alliances or go to war as makes sense or is necessary. We are a mature group of individuals looking to be a have some fun and be a little crazy, but not to be anonymous online jerks who make people want to quit the game. In fact that's one of the few things we will kick you out and kill you repeatedly for. That all being said we are going to be NG in alignment doesn't mean we won't take just NG characters, but that is our primary alignment however for you evil folks best to look elsewhere.
If you are interested in what we are about take a look here Link to Our FAQ Page
If interested in joining us go here
Link to our Recruitment Page
*whistling sadly*
... Friday night, wishin' I was in the alpha... Check page one for the links mentioned above.