[Update] Kabal a Pathfinder Online Community [NG]

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Goblin Squad Member

Thank you, Daeglin, for bringing that classic back to my mind. I kept giggling for a couple of hours after posting that link, until I finally broke down and watched the whole episode again. It was well worth it :)

What weighs six ounces, sits in a tree, and is very dangerous?

Goblin Squad Member

A fruit bat with the Ebola virus?

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:

Thank you, Daeglin, for bringing that classic back to my mind. I kept giggling for a couple of hours after posting that link, until I finally broke down and watched the whole episode again. It was well worth it :)

That show, like Adam-12, while dated is not out of date, if you know what I mean.

Goblin Squad Member

Despite Kabalian claims otherwise, at 6 ounces my client is not remotely anorexic and strenuously denies all accusations that he is underweight for an upside-down-turky. Furthermore, if you get within reach he'll peck your eyes out!

Goblin Squad Member

And is it true that your client is such a bird-brain that when it rains, he will look up into the skies with his mouth open and drown?

Goblin Squad Member

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Nihimon wrote:

Thank you, Daeglin, for bringing that classic back to my mind. I kept giggling for a couple of hours after posting that link, until I finally broke down and watched the whole episode again. It was well worth it :)

I ended up watching it too :)

Goblin Squad Member

How about the episode where Johnny thought the phone police were after him but it was an actual bomb threat?

Or when Travis got drunk in order to bolster his courage to tell the old biddy station owner off?

Goblin Squad Member

"I already belong to a union. It's a quasi-religious group called the International Sisterhood of Blonde Receptionists. There are only twelve members in the world. We meet once every two years in Switzerland. If I told you our minimum salary you'd have a heart attack and die."
- Jennifer Marlowe

Goblin Squad Member

She helped me realize I'd hit puberty. ;D

A sparrow with a machine gun of course!

I have billions of eyes, yet I live in darkness. I have millions of ears, yet only four lobes. I have no muscle, yet I rule two hemispheres. What am I?

Goblin Squad Member

The human brain

You got that from the Riddler's Robitic Minotaur in an Batman ep didn't you

Goblin Squad Member

One or bad punsters have been ostracized from the draw.

It was the brain good job .@Animator

Goblin Squad Member

computer problems, may not get back to the game for a bit.

Goblin Squad Member

YAY! We are Number Four! Only 22 more recruits and we can be Number Three!

@Pexx, you can be such a ... potato ... sometimes. And your riddle is pretty loosy-goosy on the connections. Kind of... BRAINless...

Goblin Squad Member


Goblin Squad Member

<echo>You...who are brainless...<echo>

Goblin Squad Member

I sense a doppleganger trying to make a point...

Goblin Squad Member

LOL no...
Dark Schneider has a spell that starts out similarly...

Goblin Squad Member

Nihimon wrote:
<Kabal> Daeglin wrote:
"As God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly"
As God is my witness, I thought turkeys could fly

It's funny - and maybe I'm the only one who didn't get it right away - but I just this moment realized this was almost certainly a reference to Alice Cooper:

Cooper claims that the infamous "Chicken Incident" at the Toronto Rock and Roll Revival concert in September 1969 was an accident. A chicken somehow made its way onto the stage into the feathers of a feather pillow they would open during Cooper's performance, and not having any experience around farm animals, Cooper presumed that, because the chicken had wings, it would be able to fly. He picked it up and threw it out over the crowd, expecting it to fly away. The chicken instead plummeted into the first few rows...

Liberty's Edge Goblin Squad Member

Nope, it's reference to a WKRP episode where Mr. Carlson threw turkeys out of a helicopter at a shopping center parking lot as a promotional event and they all plummeted to the ground, smashing cars and such. Les Nessman, ace reporter, on the scene described it in much the same way as the announcer described the Hindenburg zeppelin disaster.

One of the better episodes of a very good and under-rated show.

Goblin Squad Member

Bunibuni13th wrote:
Nope, it's reference to a WKRP episode...

Yeah. I was the one who linked to the WKRP episode back in October. I'm saying the WKRP episode was probably a reference to the Alice Cooper thing.

[Edit] In context

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