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So, in the preperation for the upcoming influx of Kitsune, I am wondering if there is plans to introduce Kitsune minis for PF.
I also want to ask if any knows of any Male kitsune figures that are out there, as I have had a hard time finding one myself for my boon guy, Bob Betelguise.

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As an avid minis collector with a huge collection (probably 15,000+ minis spanning the entire length and breadth of D&D Minis plus PF Battles minis) I can honestly say I am unsure if there is a single pre-painted mini out there that would fit the bill. I would love to be proven wrong, of course.
For ones you have to paint: Reaper makes a few. And there are some in the Privateer Press line and Malifaux line that would work.

BigNorseWolf |
4 people marked this as a favorite. |

ick. pre painted.
dark sword minis has some nice metal ones.
give me lead poisoning or give me death!

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ick. pre painted.
dark sword minis has some nice metal ones.
give me lead poisoning or give me death!
Hah! 'tis both the same, sir.
Honestly, I used to scoff at pre-painted minis. I always thought, "Why would I buy those when I can just get everything I own at home painted up and have exactly what I want?" Then, three years later when I had finished painting all of three or four of those figures, I finally realized the error of my ways. Now I'm sad my collection is only as big as it is. I know a guy who has one entire wall of his garage stacked floor to ceiling with storage drawers, all filled with little pre-painted figures lined up and ready for deployment. He has an absolutely disgusting collection (in a good way).
PS - I really *do* want to be proven wrong. If I can get my hands on the right figures, I will generate a lot of happy customers. So thank you for the link, even if those have to be painted.

BigNorseWolf |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

While waiting for the darksword ones i got some colored sculpty and cranked out this lil guy He's huge, but he fits in the square and leaves no doubt as to which mini is the kitsune.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

While waiting for the darksword ones i got some colored sculpty and cranked out this lil guy He's huge, but he fits in the square and leaves no doubt as to which mini is the kitsune.
That is levels of awesome far above anything I will ever do. I can certainly see why pre-painted minis don't appeal to you. (-:
And thank you for the hound archon suggestion, CanisDirus. I had totally forgotten that one (though he's hard to find and very pricey).

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I didn't know what a Kitsune was until the announcement and I never cared, but now I kind of want to make one, and even though I mostly play online, how cool would a kitsune mini be?
And more importantly, the only reason I'm posting is to say how I would never ever buy a non-pre-painted mini - I've got no love for painting myself, and the quality of the pre-painted ones is plenty fine as far as I'm concerned. I don't need a masterpiece, I just need some decent colour.

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Wouldn't kitsune be the easy one to find a mini for? They can look just like humans.
It's wayangs and nagaji that are going to be hard to find minis for.
There's a distinct lack of minis that look like their furry form. I know my ninja uses his bite attack, so he's never in human form, unless he's undercover, which is only in social scenarios.
Nagaji are surprisingly easy. There are a ton of dragon-man and lizard-man type minis out there. None really get the face right for a snake-man, but they're close enough.
Wayang would just be small, unpainted minis.

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Wouldn't kitsune be the easy one to find a mini for? They can look just like humans.
It's wayangs and nagaji that are going to be hard to find minis for.
I think people who play exotic races want other people to KNOW they are playing an exotic races, whether or not they're in an exotic form. At the very least, people will love having a "fox form" mini as a backup for when they do bust out the exotic form.
Nagaji, as Fromper alluded to, are easy. There are tons of serpentfolk minis available (D&D called them Yuan-ti, and they made many an appearance in various sets), and if you want a more "tough guy" version, the dragonborn and draconian minis that are out there will do nicely.
Wayang can be done with the dark creeper minis or several of the halfling, gnome, or deep gnome (svirfneblin, I think they were called) minis that are around. If you really want to look weird you can use the foulspawn grue figure.
So, fox people are still the hard ones, I think. Assuming you want people to know about the fox side of your looks.

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Just had an odd thought, Drogon - didn't White Wolf have minis for their Werewolf: The Apocalypse once upon a time? A Glabro (Warform) Werewolf might work for a Kitsune fighter/barbarian, perhaps?
A quick search does not turn up anything. I didn't know White Wolf ever did minis, though I will go hunting. Thank you for the tip.
The Circle of Orboros faction in the Privateer Press game Hordes has a lot of this kind of thing. More wolf than fox, but that's just a matter of doing the right paint job, I think.

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Way back in the distant past (probably around 25 years ago), one of the miniature companies* put out a variant of one of their regular figures (a nattily dressed gent with a cape, large plumed hat, and a longsword) that had one additional detail - a fox-like tail visible below the cape.
I bought one of them (and the regular one), and they hung around unused in my collection of metal figures until a couple of years ago, when I got a Kitsune race boon.
* I believe it is a Grenadier figure, but there's nothing to indicate this.

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James McTeague wrote:Wouldn't kitsune be the easy one to find a mini for? They can look just like humans.
It's wayangs and nagaji that are going to be hard to find minis for.
I think people who play exotic races want other people to KNOW they are playing an exotic races, whether or not they're in an exotic form. At the very least, people will love having a "fox form" mini as a backup for when they do bust out the exotic form.
Nagaji, as Fromper alluded to, are easy. There are tons of serpentfolk minis available (D&D called them Yuan-ti, and they made many an appearance in various sets), and if you want a more "tough guy" version, the dragonborn and draconian minis that are out there will do nicely.
Wayang can be done with the dark creeper minis or several of the halfling, gnome, or deep gnome (svirfneblin, I think they were called) minis that are around. If you really want to look weird you can use the foulspawn grue figure.
So, fox people are still the hard ones, I think. Assuming you want people to know about the fox side of your looks.
Interesting - given that I don't use minis that often I wasn't aware of the options for minis for wayangs and nagaji. I very rarely see a kitsune who actually wants people to know that they are a kitsune. Most of the ones I see try to keep it a secret. (I know mine is a spymaster who only transforms when people who aren't in PFS can't see him.)
Excellent info. Thanks!

Wolfspirit |

BNW, your link doesn't work.
I do have a feeling that http://www.bushido-thegame.com/catalog/kitsune-fox-form might suddenly run out of stock, though

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I have access to a 3D printer and decided to just print one myself. It's a multi-tailed fox, so not humanoid form, but close enough for what I want. I'll have to see if I can find the link again and post it here.
EDIT: Found the link here. It may be a "premium" model, but if you sign into the website, you are allowed to download 10 premium models a month.

Matrix Dragon |

I was able to get a good kitsune swordsman miniature from This Elven Adventurers Kickstarter. It isn't available on their store yet I think, but it would be something good to watch for.
Personally, I custom created a kitsune sorcerer miniature for myself a while ago with part replacement and a lot of green stuff, but it was very difficult, lol. The link details the process if you want to try it yourself.

CathalFM |

I have access to a 3D printer and decided to just print one myself. It's a multi-tailed fox, so not humanoid form, but close enough for what I want. I'll have to see if I can find the link again and post it here.
That is so friggin cool!
Any chance of you posting a pic of the outcome? Would love to see the results!

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

noswald wrote:I have access to a 3D printer and decided to just print one myself. It's a multi-tailed fox, so not humanoid form, but close enough for what I want. I'll have to see if I can find the link again and post it here.That is so friggin cool!
Any chance of you posting a pic of the outcome? Would love to see the results!
I've not painted it yet, but I can post the picture of the model later tonight, once I get home from work.

Matrix Dragon |

Thats really odd... they had an entire fox army there last night, i swear.
I did some searching and was able to find a link that works.
They're nice, though personally I preffer kitsune that have proportions closer to a human's. These look a bit too cartoony.

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My wife and I have kitsune twins, currently 5th level. Couldn't find minis, so I traced a Bestiary Box pawn onto a piece of paper, drew a picture, colored it with colored pencils, glued it to a piece of cardboard (also traced to be the size of a BB pawn), and stuck it in a BB base. Did the same for my wife's.
It's shoddy, but at least it's a kitsune.
And apparently (based on comments) it's glaringly obvious that I used Disney's Robin Hood as a visual reference. :/

Mystically Inclined |

And more importantly, the only reason I'm posting is to say how I would never ever buy a non-pre-painted mini - I've got no love for painting myself, and the quality of the pre-painted ones is plenty fine as far as I'm concerned. I don't need a masterpiece, I just need some decent colour.
I have one non-pre-painted mini that I managed to get painted... mainly because it's non-painted form managed to offend a majority of the group I was playing with. It's the Bones Pirate-lass figurine, and the figurine displays waaaay too much cleavage for anyone's comfort (mine included).

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While taking a break during a module where we were actually playing our kitsune, my wife and I noticed an anime store nearby. We picked up these pieces.
They just fit into the stands for the pathfinder pawns. They're one-sided, so it's easy to mix them up on the map, but it's something at least.

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I am trying to find a heavyset samurai-like kitsune fig.
I don't think they exist. I may have to kitbash two figs together.
As Drogon mentioned, expensive and hard to find, but...
http://www.plasticrypt.com/har_images/har_hound_archon.jpg maybe?

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My wife and I have kitsune twins, currently 5th level. Couldn't find minis, so I traced a Bestiary Box pawn onto a piece of paper, drew a picture, colored it with colored pencils, glued it to a piece of cardboard (also traced to be the size of a BB pawn), and stuck it in a BB base. Did the same for my wife's.
It's shoddy, but at least it's a kitsune.
And apparently (based on comments) it's glaringly obvious that I used Disney's Robin Hood as a visual reference. :/
Speaking of Disney's Robin Hood:
http://www.yourwdwstore.net/Disney-Series-11-Mini-Figure--ROBIN-HOOD_p_1467 8.htmlSame figure with ruler in picture for size comparison:
This shows that the base is almost exactly 1 inch.
I bought one of these guys for my kitsune two weapon fighting ninja, but it needs to be assembled and painted.

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CathalFM wrote:I've not painted it yet, but I can post the picture of the model later tonight, once I get home from work.noswald wrote:I have access to a 3D printer and decided to just print one myself. It's a multi-tailed fox, so not humanoid form, but close enough for what I want. I'll have to see if I can find the link again and post it here.That is so friggin cool!
Any chance of you posting a pic of the outcome? Would love to see the results!
Here's the link to the picture. I'm still trying to figure out what color to paint it. We use ABS plastic, so I'm going to use nail polish to paint it eventually.

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I modified one of the Bushido Kitsune miniatures for my Kitsune Life Oracle, Selen who is almost level 9 now on slow track (so shes been going for a while), cut out the blade, and drilled through the swords remaining grip, and pushed a thick paperclip through, and topped the ends with Games Workshops Female Wood Elf Sorceresses staff top and bottom. I will post a picture later tonight when I get home.
If you want a good kitsune miniature, your going to need to kit-bash in some capacity. Luckily I have about 14 years of hobbying experience behind me so it is not as daunting to me. I know others will be far more intimidated by it though. Especially if you don't have the tools.
I personally really love the Anima Tactics and Bushido Kitsune miniatures. The Bushido Kitsune also comes with a fox model for her fox form, has some jewelry and stuff on it so its pretty neat.

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Here's the link to the picture. I'm still trying to figure out what color to paint it. We use ABS plastic, so I'm going to use nail polish to paint it eventually.
Forgive my ignorance. With that material and process, is it possible to use a spray primer and your standard run-of-the-mill miniature paint (Reaper, Citadel, etc) to paint it? Or does nail polish just work better regardless? (Plus you get that glittery sparkle effect)

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noswald wrote:Here's the link to the picture. I'm still trying to figure out what color to paint it. We use ABS plastic, so I'm going to use nail polish to paint it eventually.Forgive my ignorance. With that material and process, is it possible to use a spray primer and your standard run-of-the-mill miniature paint (Reaper, Citadel, etc) to paint it? Or does nail polish just work better regardless? (Plus you get that glittery sparkle effect)
As far as I know you should be able to. I just have a lot of nail polish in my house (wife and 2 daughters) so I don't have to worry about buying the primer and paint.

QuidEst |

ick. pre painted.
dark sword minis has some nice metal ones.
give me lead poisoning or give me death!
Thanks for the link! I'm probably just going to leave it unpainted, but one of these was too good to pass up.

Leo_Negri |

Just had an odd thought, Drogon - didn't White Wolf have minis for their Werewolf: The Apocalypse once upon a time? A Crinos (Warform) Werewolf might work for a Kitsune fighter/barbarian, perhaps?
The Crinos form Werewolf Minis are way to big to serves as a Kitsune (even a fighter or barbarian) unless they are also under the influence of an Enlarge spell. In scale they are roughly 12' at the eyes, putting them in line with your typical Ogre.

Hayato Ken |

CanisDirus wrote:Just had an odd thought, Drogon - didn't White Wolf have minis for their Werewolf: The Apocalypse once upon a time? A Glabro (Warform) Werewolf might work for a Kitsune fighter/barbarian, perhaps?A quick search does not turn up anything. I didn't know White Wolf ever did minis, though I will go hunting. Thank you for the tip.
The Circle of Orboros faction in the Privateer Press game Hordes has a lot of this kind of thing. More wolf than fox, but that's just a matter of doing the right paint job, I think.
Drogon could you please link to this?
Couldn´t find that much for it somehow.I´m quite new to the mini business and on the hunt for some.
On a side note, anyone knows a ood mini for a hafling musket master?