wanderer82 |

WS: 25 + 2d10 ⇒ 25 + (4, 4) = 33
BS: 10 + 2d10 ⇒ 10 + (7, 9) = 26
Str: 30 + 2d10 ⇒ 30 + (8, 4) = 42
Tou: 30 + 2d10 ⇒ 30 + (8, 2) = 40
Agi: 20 + 2d10 ⇒ 20 + (9, 10) = 39
Int: 15 + 2d10 ⇒ 15 + (2, 10) = 27
Per: 20 + 2d10 ⇒ 20 + (7, 5) = 32
Wil: 20 + 2d10 ⇒ 20 + (4, 7) = 31
Fel: 15 + 2d10 ⇒ 15 + (7, 8) = 30
No eldar documents, perhaps an Ork freebooter, let's see where the dice lead.
reroll WS: 25 + 2d10 ⇒ 25 + (5, 9) = 39

wanderer82 |

Below is the crunch, will post fluff tomorrow.
Ork Freebooter
Da Klan Goff (+3 str)
Orky Know-Wotz Mekboy (tech-use)
WS: 44 (39+5)
BS: 26
Str: 50 (42+3+5)
Tou: 50* (40+5+5)
Agi: 39
Int: 32 (27+5)
Per: 32
Wil: 31
Fel: 30
Fate: 2
Corruption: N/A
Wounds: 18 (5+1+10+2)
'Ard (Unnatural Toughness[x2], Sturdy, +20 medicae attempts to heal)
Make It Work (ork weapons that are unreliable, not unreliable in ork hands)
Might Makes Right (use Intimidate in place of Command for orks)
Mob Rule (+10 Wil vs fear/pin for each ork within 10m)
Speak Not Unto the Alien
awareness (Per)
barter (Fel)
carouse (Tou)
common lore (ork, war) (Int)
intimidate (Str)
speak language (low gothic, ork) (Int)
tech use (Int)
Charm (Fel)
Climb (S)
Command (Fel)
Concealment (Ag)
Contortionist (Ag)
Disguise (Fel)
Evaluate (Int)
Gamble (Int)
Inquiry (Fel)
Logic (Int)
Scrutiny (Per)
Search (Per)
Silent Move (Ag)
Swim (Str)
basic weapon training (primitive, SP)
brutal charge
furious assault
iron jaw
melee weapon training (universal)
peer (own klan)
pistol weapon training (primitive, SP)
quick draw
sound constitution (2)
xenos weapon training (ork)
true grit
choppa (best)
power axe (good - acquisition)
squighide coat/leggings
1d5 teef
EXPERIENCE (6900/7000)
Freebooter (4500)
WS Simple (100)
Str Simple (100)
Tou Simple, Intermediate (350)
Int Simple (250)
drive (ground vehicle) (200)
ambidextrous (200)
sound constitution x2 (400)
quick draw (300)
brutal charge (500)

RollingAdamantineGolem |

I'll allow Dark Eldar aswell. The Dark Kin and Soul Reaver books should have it. Found the Tau book and bought the pdf.
Go for it Nimon.
How do you feel about a homebrew sector, folks? Sort of a more 'open' grimdarkish place where a new Hive Fleet is converging upon this sector for 'a borgy good time without all the tech. A sort of smash and grab what you can and get the heck out.

wanderer82 |

I say rock the homebrew sector, we may very well be adventuring beyond the documented reaches of the Imperium to avoid dealing with all those silly space marines.
How will we handle profit factor and ship warrant? Roll for those once the group is built?
Also, given that we have 2000xp above base starting level, is it safe to assume we will each get a few acquisitions to represent what we have gained while further adventuring?
Very excited!

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I am having a hard time coming up with someone that is not an ork that can relate to orks. In the games and stories they seem so goofy I might be better served just playing an ork rather than a reliquist that is serious about obtaining relics.
Trouble is I really do not enjoy orks. I think they are the weakest part of 40k and kind of cheesy comic relief. They are fine to mow down by the dozens in Deathwatch, but to actually RP one is kind of silly for me. I will think on it some more.