Ramblin' Man

Off-Topic Discussions

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Scarab Sages

Well excuse me, but I think you've got my chair,
No that one's not taken, I don't mind if you sit here,
I'll be glad to share.

Yea it's usually, packed here on Friday nights,
Oh if you don't mind could I talk you out of a light?
Well thank you, could I drink you a buy?
Oh listen to me, what I mean is can I buy you a drink?
Anything you please.

Oh you're welcome, well I don't think I caught your name,
Are you waiting for someone to meet you here?
Well that makes two of us, glad you came.
No I don't know the name of the band but they're good,
Aren't they, would you like to dance?

Yea I like this song too, it reminds me of you and me baby
Do you think there's a chance?
That later on, I could drive you home?
No I don't mind at all,

Oh I like you too and to tell you the truth
That wasn't my chair after all.

Oh I like you too and to tell you the truth
That wasn't my chair after all.

Scarab Sages

Tonight, I'm partaking of Lagunitas Sucks Brown Shugga Substitute Ale. It's rather delicious.

Scarab Sages

You ever get an image of someone in your head, and it turns out to be far from reality? I was perusing friend "suggestions" on Facebook and saw someone's picture - it looked like Evil Ed from the original Fright Night, but with Ed having a bad acid trip.

Scarab Sages

That original - what an awesome movie.

Liked em both.

Scarab Sages

I haven't seen the remake. It's one of those films I told myself I'd watch if it ever comes on one of the movie channels, but otherwise I'm not going out of my way.

Scarab Sages

Another rainy morning? What the F*&%?!? G$#!!@n meteorologists! Can't even get this s#@$ right from one day to the next.

Scarab Sages

Anyway, short day at work, then running some errands and stuff.

Scarab Sages

For now, it's time to hit the head.

Posted for relevance:

Beer taxes and craft brewers

Scarab Sages


Scarab Sages

Channel surfing last night and found Rise of the Planet of the Apes on FX. Eventually got tired of the commercials and popped in my Bluray of the same movie. Then I decided to try and watch Dawn as well - didn't make it all the way through, fell asleep on the sofa.

Scarab Sages

Still, what awesome movies. The special effects, the acting, the storylines - all top notch.

Scarab Sages

Andy Serkis is, without a doubt, one of the most underrated actors in the entertainment industry.

Scarab Sages

Patrick Curtin wrote:

Posted for relevance:

Beer taxes and craft brewers

A good article. I'd heard about this elsewhere. I'm all for easing the tax burden on small brewers, that'll help them stay competitive and eventually (hopefully?) grow into big brewers. And any bill reducing any tax rate is a big plus in my book!

Rambling post about how a small brewery that gets too large is not a microbrewery anymore and loses all credibility cites Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada as examples.....Oh sorry wrong thread

hi AZ,

I copy my post from FaWtL because I think you may like it:
"yesterday in my county a wolf was killed by a car on the autobahn, the first wolf here since 150 years
it happend 9km/5.5 miles from Steinau an der Straße, that is the town the Brothers Grimm grew up,
it is not known if the wolf was big or bad or both"

Scarab Sages

Rambling post about how a small brewery that gets too large is not a microbrewery anymore and loses all credibility cites Sam Adams and Sierra Nevada as examples.....Oh sorry wrong thread

I remember hearing about Sam Adams efforts to officially remain a "craft brewer", even though theit production levels had already moved them into the next category. It just shows how much influence that title of craft brewer now carries. Not surprised that Sierra Nevada would do the same.

And a beer-themed ramble is never wrong for this thread.

Scarab Sages

aeglos wrote:

hi AZ,

I copy my post from FaWtL because I think you may like it:
"yesterday in my county a wolf was killed by a car on the autobahn, the first wolf here since 150 years
it happend 9km/5.5 miles from Steinau an der Straße, that is the town the Brothers Grimm grew up,
it is not known if the wolf was big or bad or both"

Sweet! Thanks for the copy. Otherwise, I might never have seen it.

Scarab Sages

We had such beautiful weather yesterday, I just had to grill some pork chops on the back patio.

Scarab Sages

And today there has already been coffee and bacon. Excellent way to start a Sunday!

Scarab Sages

Yesterday, I bought a new chair for my computer desk. Now I just need to find someone (who isn't Geek Squad) to come fix the computer.

Scarab Sages

Part of my plan for today is to take the boy for a haircut. Other than that, and some laundry/dish washing), my day is pretty wide open.

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Into the great wide open
Under them skies of blue
Out in the great wide open
A rebel without a clue

My day begins in an hour with another fun evening shift

Scarab Sages

Sorry to hear that, compadre!

Scarab Sages

It's interesting, I see some people in TV threads are under the mistaken belief I give two s#~%s what they think.

Scarab Sages

Sorry, punk. There's only a handful of folks on these boards that applies to.

Scarab Sages

Watching Talking Dead and drinking a can of Southern Star Brewing Company's Valkyrie Double IPA.

Scarab Sages

Rough morning. In hindsight, I should not have drank that Valkyrie. Especially since I had already drank a bottle of Chateau Jiahu.

Scarab Sages

But, hey! My supervisor is out all week.

Scarab Sages

Now I must away. It's time to go and make the world safe from the forces of......mayonnaise producers.

That Walking Dead was intense. I love that show.

Scarab Sages

Indeed. I thought it was one of the more brutal episodes, mainly because of the death scenes. And I was just getting to feel that both characters had such potential....

Scarab Sages

Wife had to leave early today to get to work, so I had to finish wrangling the kidlets by myself this morning. And, wouldn't you know it, we got out of their a bit easier than usual.

Scarab Sages

Before I forget - HAPPY SAINT PATRICK'S DAY!!!!

Scarab Sages

Anyway, I gotta go do....stuff. Maybe try to protect the world from the forces of sobriety, or something....

Scarab Sages

Not too bad a day yesterday. Left work a bit later than I intended, but I got a lot of stuff done.

Dinner was a delicious rotisserie chicken from HEB.

After the kids were in bed, I relaxed with a few glasses of mead and two of my favorite TV shows.

Scarab Sages

Speaking of the kids....baby girl is now waving and saying bye. It's cute.

Scarab Sages

And speaking of two of my favorite TV shows.....

While I'm still enjoying the hell out of Agents of SHIELD, The Flash has moved ahead of it in rank of favorites. I think it's now right behind Walking Dead.

I just love the way the writers of Flash have embraced the comic book-ness of it all.

Scarab Sages

Oh yeah, two glasses of mead may have been just about right.....

Scarab Sages

Also, I little over a year from now is my Fraternity Chapter's 30th anniversary. I will probably take some vacation time and attend the event. I'm considering brewing a special batch of mead for the occasion. Might even make labels for the bottles.

Scarab Sages

I'm thinking I'd call it....

Zeta Chi's 30th Anniversary BADNAD Mead.

Scarab Sages

I knew the stakes were high right from the start.
When she dealt the cards, I bet my heart.
Now I just found a game that I can't play,
And this is where the cowboy rides away.

And my heart is sinking like the setting sun,
Setting on the things I wish I'd done.
It's time to say goodbye to yesterday.
This is where the cowboy rides away.

We've been in and out of love and in-between.
And now we play the final showdown scene.
As the credits roll a sad song starts to play,
And this is where the cowboy rides away.

And my heart is sinking like a setting sun,
Setting on the things I wish I'd done.
Oh the last goodbye's the hardest one to say,
And this is where the cowboy rides away.

Oh the last goodbye's the hardest one to say.
This is where the cowboy rides away.

Scarab Sages

Yesterday, I went with some co-workers to a nice, sit-down Chinese restaurant. The wife, also with co-workers, had Chinese buffet for lunch.


Scarab Sages

And then we were both attacked by small humans.

Scarab Sages

Speaking of small humans....

The boy's teacher at daycare told me he hit another kid with a puzzle piece. She couldn't get the 'why' out of him. Neither could I. The teacher put him in time out for a bit. Good for her.

Then it was my turn. My punishment for the boy was no TV for the rest of the day. When I told him, he started crying. So then I said if he continued to cry, he could spend the rest of the day, until bedtime and excepting dinner, in his room. The crying stopped.

Scarab Sages

He's lucky I'm not my mother or father. Then a spanking might have been involved.

Scarab Sages

So, they moved Supernatural to Wednesday nights. Didn't help. I've been a loyal fan of that show for years now, but it's really starting to wear thin.

Especially because they've starting keeping certain villainous characters around (Crowley, Metatron) long past their expiration date.

That's been on for a while, yes? I think most shows have a certain cycle. I wish more shows would wrap things up before things petered out

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