Is there an acid protection upgrade in any of the books or did it get lost?


Scarab Sages

In the armour section is mentions . . .

A suit of armor with an upgrade that grants acid resistance reduces any acid damage taken from a corrosive atmosphere normally. Any vision impairment from the environment (such as smoke or water) still applies.

Corrosive atmospheres deal between 1 damage per minute to 10d6 per round (ouch) however I can't find anything that actually protects against acid. Electricity, fire, cold even sonic but not acid. Am I just missing an upgrade, are they in another book or did protection against corrosive atmosphere's just get lost and never included?

The only thing I can find is the filtered rebreather which weirdly gives acid resistance 5. Though admitedly I do wish there was an insulated that gave electricity resistance without shocking anyone touching you. Still 5 acid resistance while nice isn't going to help with 10d6 damage per round.

There are a couple adaptive resistance upgrades that give acid resistance once you take acid damage... that's all that comes off the top of my head.

Scarab Sages

Hmmm so you can get at best 20 acid resistance for 10 minutes after taking full damage. I guess corrosive planets are amongst the most dangerous as armour isn't able to really protect you or your ship. Thanks.

Shadow Lodge

The filtered rebreather gives you acid resistance 5, that's the only armor upgrade I see.

Scarab Sages

Its the only consistent one I saw as well. Useful for planets with a mild corrosive atmosphere but not so much on the big hitters than can do 60 damage a round. Even forcefields would be overwhelmed quickly on those.

Oh well back to seeing if there's a way to get more upgrade slots don't think so but there may be a class ability or a feat I've not found yet.

Shadow Lodge

A couple of class features that I know of:

Armor storm soldier fighting style gives an extra armor upgrade (at half cost too).
Experimental armor prototype alternate class feature for mechanic (character operations manual) also gives you an extra upgrade slot.

Scarab Sages

Handy though both class limited still something to keep in mind.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

It's a short-term solution, but Resistant Armour and Greater Resistant Armour can give you Resist 10 and Resist 20, respectively. Not a bad spell to carry around in a spell gem.

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I've said it before and I'll say it again.

Everyone should take a day trip over to Eox, get themselves a Black Heart Necrograft.

Scarab Sages

Oh there's a lot of those just wondering if there was "Hostile Environment Suit" or the like to allow corrosive atmosphere exploration.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Filtered rebreather

this upgraded rebreather supplements your armor’s ability to provide fresh air and filters out common toxins and poisonous vapors. Armor with this upgrade can provide fresh air for a number of weeks equal to its level. You also gain acid resistance 5 and a +2 bonus to saving throws against poison and disease.

Mines a beer hat.

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