Thread for Thanks

PaizoCon General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Hi All,
I have seen a couple of individual thanks threads, but not a dedicated thread for people to add thank yous for people who attended Paizocon. If there is one please disregard this thread. Since I have a lot of people to thanks I though I would start one. Please feel free to add to it.

Liberty's Edge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

I will start off:
Thanks to James Jacobs for running a great game. Loved the Red Bishop.

Thanks Erik Mona for hosting the miniature trading event, it was a blast.

Thanks Skeeter Green for bringing the majority of said traded miniatures.

Thanks to my Pathfinder Society GMs:
-Lady Ophelia (Venus De Coy) who ran the table I was at for the Special.
-Peevenator who ran my Destiny of the Sands Part 1 table on Friday afternoon.
-My GM (name not listed yet in my sessions) who ran Destiny of the Sands Part 2 on Saturday Morning.
-My GM (name not listed yet in my sessions) who ran Destiny of the Sands Part 3 on Sunday Morning.

Justin Riddler for being generous with his dice.

Majuba for sharing his delicious goblin brains.

The Emerald Spire Authors who were all very generous with their time and were willing to sign my book.

All of the other players at my tables.

All the other great people I met around the hotel.

Overall a great con which reminds me why I love the hobby and the people who both make and play it. I can't wait until next year.

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Thanks to a great event. It was my first and I learned a lot for how to attend the next PaizoCon, but I was super impressed with how friendly the staff and attendees were. Such a great crowd and vibe. This is a really wonderful community.

The best moment was sitting down to my first event with my daughter - a Beginner Box game to warm up and see if she was ready for some PFS events we had scheduled for Saturday. It was a great introduction for her and I can't imagine a better first Con-DM for her other than Jessica Price.

I realized that it was something new for her to see a female DM, and such a great story teller at that, and it really inspired her. RPGs have been a largely male dominated scene for her up until that point and she asked me if we could make sure our PFS event was run by a female DM ;)

Thanks everyone for making the event happen. Already blocked off the time for next year.

I have some feedback (nothing bad, just more informational) on Kid's tickets that may help next year if anyone is interested.


Dark Archive

This was my first event as well and I went solo. I had a great time from my first event run by Patrick to staying up well into the AM of Saturday / Sunday playing PACG with the Paizo folks. If it wasn't for Tanis playing that 2 player epic win, I would of missed out on our 6 player shenanigans later.

I spent way too much drunk time in the bar with my Aussie friend. I'm embarrassed to say I've forgotten his name but I was drunk every night. I had a good laugh when speaking to my Wyoming reps today about my lack of US Geography if you're out there.

Time to now rest up for Gen Con.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Thanks to all the Paizo staff for puttin' on a great shindig! The bag o' goodies was nifty and I especially liked the Wayfinder. :)

I GOT TO MEET FRANK METZER!!! SQUEE, squee, squee I was lucky enough to talk with him for 3d4 minutes about his personal D&D system (Metzer Edition), BRP (Chaosium), Savage Worlds, and pulp style games. He is a teller of tall tales and claimed that running a group with 24+ players was easy.

I went to a lot of seminars. The best 2 were the Pitch Your Pitch: Publish With Kobold Press and the PathfinderWiki Workshop (possibly spoilarific due to Wes Schneider?). The PF RPG Design Workshop was good, we got to work on the [REDACTED] and [REDACTED] that will most likely be in [REDACTED] coming out in [REDACTED], after signing an NDA that hasn't been updated since 2012... Monster Design didn't really have any interesting tidbits. Technology and Gaming was surprisingly lacking in technology, until Wes Schneider showed us his "stuff". Liz Courts and Patrick Renie gave out pointers, tips, and good programs/tools that could be used to enhance gaming.

Auntie Lisa's Storytime was entertaining, but I missed the end to jump in the banquet line. By the time I made it to the back of the line, it had wrapped around the inside and made it's way outside. From my spot I could see the taunts from the front of the line through the patio doors. I was fortunate enough to be seated with James Sutter, Wolfgang Baur, Shelly Baur (I swear she is lying about her age, she looks too young), Eric "Boxhead" Hindley, Eric's lovely wife Kalyna, Paris Crenshaw, Darren "Haunted Jester" Caldemeyer (Wayfinder artist), and the mysterious stranger seated next to James Sutter.

After the banquet was trivia... Russ Taylor is apparently cursed to never win. I didn't help much, as I think I only knew 2.3 answers. Our team, [REDACTED], didn't win. Not sure on the wining team's name or full membership, but I remember Majuba was on it. I think they were eating an performance enhancer called "goblin brains" to gain an unfair advantage. Why Paizo hasn't posted a picture of the winning team? One young fellow on another team knew 8 answers by himself! I played with him and his father at the GenCon Special and didn't remember his name.

I played only 4 games:
1) My first game was the Season 6 special with N'Wah (Ashton Sperry) GMing. I enjoyed the minis he was using in the game. I lent him my Bestiary 3 to and almost forgot to get it back. Going to be an epic Special at GenCon! We had great background sounds thanks to Syrinscape.

2) My second game, which I won in the lottery, was Neil Spicer's Shadow of the Fellnight Queen and it is a great prelude/foreshadow to Realm of the Fellnight Queen. I had a merry time as a gnome that grew a few inches and spent half the adventure staggering around drunkenly. Someone should look into getting it published (nudge, nudge). My favorite game of the Con.

3) My third game was Madness in Nisroch run by Stephen Radney-Macfarland!!! Can you believe someone left a ticket for it on the trade board? Insanity! It was the session I most wanted to play based on the description and it lived up to the hype in my head. Amazing ending and a great set of players. The only reason this was not my favorite game was lack of new Golarion lore, which I was looking forward to. Nidal is one of the more intersting areas in my opinion.

4) The final game—after PaizoCon officially ended—was a PFS scenario called Port Godless, run by some guy named John Compton. I felt like calling for a straight jacket after I saw him RPing a rat familiar being used for augury; he lolled his head to the side, mouth open and tongue stuck out making gagging/sputtering noises, mimed having his stomach split open, entrails spilling forth and then small mouths forming on the entrails to answer the questions (a section of guts died after each question and were eaten by the small mouths). Thanks to Nani Pratt for the invite! Even though Kyle tried to take credit. And how long is it courteous to wait before asking why a session has not been reported?

Thanks to all the people who made my first PaizoCon so special!

Also, glad to have met many of the people I know from the DMTools Chat for the first time in the flesh: Alex Putnam, Black Fang, Jssra, Kassil, Karelzarath, Kevin T, Ogre, Russ, TetsujinOni and quite a few others that seem to only show up on Tuesday or when they are not busy corralling raptors.

Project Manager

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D6Veteran wrote:

The best moment was sitting down to my first event with my daughter - a Beginner Box game to warm up and see if she was ready for some PFS events we had scheduled for Saturday. It was a great introduction for her and I can't imagine a better first Con-DM for her other than Jessica Price.

I realized that it was something new for her to see a female DM, and such a great story teller at that, and it really inspired her. RPGs have been a largely male dominated scene for her up until that point and she asked me if we could make sure our PFS event was run by a female DM ;)

Wow, thank you! The admiration is mutual -- your daughter was so charming and self-possessed and really made it fun to play with. She's welcome at my table any time, and I hope to see you guys next year, and to maybe play at her table some years down the road. :-)

RPG Superstar 2009, Contributor

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
...My second game, which I won in the lottery, was Neil Spicer's Shadow of the Fellnight Queen and it is a great prelude/foreshadow to Realm of the Fellnight Queen. I had a merry time as a gnome that grew a few inches and spent half the adventure staggering around drunkenly. Someone should look into getting it published (nudge, nudge). My favorite game of the Con.


Glad to have you in the game, Thomas.

Scarab Sages

Finally back in the UK, thanks to all the staff, players, volunteers and GM's for making it an awesome event.

Had a blast, and hope to see you all next year.


Scarab Sages

This was my first RPG convention and it was a total blast. I played more PFS than I had room for -- what a blissful time! I am now looking forward to doing this annually and at dragon*con, etc. I've experienced all sorts of name-dropping. It's amazing how intimate the seminars were with industry leaders. I had a seriously productive and enjoyable weekend. Thanks Paizo and all that participated.

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Thomas Leblanc - What a funny set of coincidences there were between my Con and yours!

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
1) My first game was the Season 6 special with N'Wah (Ashton Sperry) GMing.

My son and I played this with you - we were the demon-slaying half-orc and the fire-bombing alchemist, respectively.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
After the banquet was trivia... One young fellow on another team knew 8 answers by himself! I played with him and his father at the GenCon Special and didn't remember his name.

And this was my son.

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
My third game was Madness in Nisroch run by Stephen Radney-Macfarland!!! Can you believe someone left a ticket for it on the trade board? Insanity!

And this was my ticket, which I gave up at the last minute only because it allowed me to play PFS with a Play-by-Post friend who I've never sat at the same table with and because a bunch of wonderful folks rearranged things so my son could play in the mythic Jatembe game he was so excited about.

Glad you enjoyed the game and PaizoCon, we did too!

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Khelreddin wrote:
Thomas Leblanc - What a funny set of coincidences there were between my Con and yours!

Very cool! Congratulate him on his awesomeness at the Con then.

Liberty's Edge

Khelreddin wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
After the banquet was trivia... One young fellow on another team knew 8 answers by himself! I played with him and his father at the GenCon Special and didn't remember his name.
And this was my son.

The other players at my "Find Jatembe!" table were impressed with his command of Golarion lore.

And I was damn happy to have somebody at the table who could properly pronounce "Aeromantic Infandibulum". I can't do it myself without my tongue getting into knots, and in the afternoon game we had nobody at the table capable of doing it.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Neil Spicer wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
...My second game, which I won in the lottery, was Neil Spicer's Shadow of the Fellnight Queen and it is a great prelude/foreshadow to Realm of the Fellnight Queen. I had a merry time as a gnome that grew a few inches and spent half the adventure staggering around drunkenly. Someone should look into getting it published (nudge, nudge). My favorite game of the Con.


Glad to have you in the game, Thomas.

Thank you, once again, for running such a fun game! And signing my character sheet.


Khelreddin wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
After the banquet was trivia... One young fellow on another team knew 8 answers by himself! I played with him and his father at the GenCon Special and didn't remember his name.

And this was my son.

Super glad we could get Linda's gift certificate over to him to recognize the feat! 8 / 25 is impressive for anyone. He should be very proud of himself. I bet his team next year will be one to watch out for!

Mark Seifter wrote:
Super glad we could get Linda's gift certificate over to him to recognize the feat! 8 / 25 is impressive for anyone. He should be very proud of himself. I bet his team next year will be one to watch out for!

That was a really classy, kind thing to do, and he was absolutely floating on air afterwards! Doing well in the trivia contest was a lot of fun for him, but to have the winning team call for him to get a prize by popular acclaim, and then see that it was a $75 gift certificate (a lot of money for a 13-year old) - those things all added up to an amazing moment for Simon (and a very happy, proud moment for his dad)!

As PaizoCon approaches next year, I'll have to start work as his agent, trying to get him signed to the right trivia team.

Jessica Price wrote:

Wow, thank you! The admiration is mutual -- your daughter was so charming and self-possessed and really made it fun to play with. She's welcome at my table any time, and I hope to see you guys next year, and to maybe play at her table some years down the road. :-)

I came back to this thread to reply with something she said last night and it was nice to find your reply. She was looking through her PaizoCon guide and found your pic, and asked if I thought you'd be there next year ;)

Project Manager

D6Veteran wrote:
Jessica Price wrote:

Wow, thank you! The admiration is mutual -- your daughter was so charming and self-possessed and really made it fun to play with. She's welcome at my table any time, and I hope to see you guys next year, and to maybe play at her table some years down the road. :-)

I came back to this thread to reply with something she said last night and it was nice to find your reply. She was looking through her PaizoCon guide and found your pic, and asked if I thought you'd be there next year ;)

Assuming that getting our 2015 products out doesn't kill me, I should be there. :-)

Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
Neil Spicer wrote:
Thomas LeBlanc wrote:
...My second game, which I won in the lottery, was Neil Spicer's Shadow of the Fellnight Queen and it is a great prelude/foreshadow to Realm of the Fellnight Queen. I had a merry time as a gnome that grew a few inches and spent half the adventure staggering around drunkenly. Someone should look into getting it published (nudge, nudge). My favorite game of the Con.


Glad to have you in the game, Thomas.

Thank you, once again, for running such a fun game! And signing my character sheet.

I agree with Thomas, that was a blast! I can't say I had ever played a Bard/ex-Cleric before. Heck, I don't think I've ever had an ex-cleric in a game before...Too much fun!

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On a side note, I'd like to thank all of the Paizo staff and everyone else I spent time with (Thomas, John Bennett and Jeff Lee especially) for making this a great time! Neil ran a great game and I had wonderful chats with a number of fine folk. I had a great time jousting ( even though the arrogant knight only placed third, despite his crowd-pleasing style;). I hope everyone else learned as many great things in seminars as I did (and maybe I helped?).

I love PaizoCon.

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I'd also like to thank all the Paizo staff, especially Liz Courts, whose game I was lucky enough to lottery into. Thanks also to my GMs and fellow gamers!

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Thanks to the volunteers and staff of Paizo for putting on such a great Con. Thanks especially to Mark for the out-of-retirement scenario and Sara for a great Last-Survivor-Standing game!

Webstore Gninja Minion

mln84 wrote:
I'd also like to thank all the Paizo staff, especially Liz Courts, whose game I was lucky enough to lottery into. Thanks also to my GMs and fellow gamers!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Wishes can be powerful things, no?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 8

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This was my first time at PaizoCon and despite spend 4 hours on the tarmac in Boston before a 6 hour flight, I had a great time. I've heard how it's much "bigger" now but it still felt like it had a very intimate feel to it where you could actually engage the Paizo employees in a real conversation vs. the frentic pace of GenCon with its mobs of people (still a great con, though). I'm definitely looking forward to future PaizoCons and hanging out again with all the wonderful people I met there. Great job, everyone!

Grand Lodge

I had a fantastic time! I didn't play a lot of games but got to attend some design seminars and took copious notes.

Started out in Erik Mona's Kings of Absalom and had a fantastic time. If you haven't seen it before, you need to see him role play mites and derros, it is fabulous. He also does a pretty mean blood gorged goat impression.

Sadly, my second game was called due to lack of attendees, but the good news is the GM is local so maybe we can get something going here in town.

The special with VL Scott young was great, had an excellent team. My sorcerer did a ton of healing until that dreaded 1 came up in the penultimate encounter.

Saturday was seminars all day, and someone almost tricked James Jacobs into some Aroden reveals, until the evil Wes stopped him. We did learn that Pharasma knows the details of his death.

The banquet was quite tasty, though the reveals weren't as exciting as I'd hoped. Maybe its because so much has already been discussed ad covered in blog posts. I am very excited about the monster codex though.

Sunday was fun, I got to play a drakhul monk (ghoul with humanity intact) in Goblin Brewery for the Midgard setting. I enjoyed the setting and wish to explore it more.

Finally after con my buddy Eric (Nefreet) arranged for us to play Cairn of Shadows with Bryan Darnell and ___ I forget the other co GM, cause I am horrible with names. The creepy and disgusting Nidal setting was well done. Dennis Baker has done it again with another fabulous scenario.

Overall - Paizocon was fun and I know my wife had a lot of fun too. She especially enjoyed the special and Logan Bonner's Ye Groundhog Inn.

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
mln84 wrote:
I'd also like to thank all the Paizo staff, especially Liz Courts, whose game I was lucky enough to lottery into. Thanks also to my GMs and fellow gamers!

Hey there. I was Saif, the sorcerer with the Traditional Greeting of Empowered Fireball. Which of my compatriots were you?

I had several games with some super great gamers. Even managed to happen into the Firefly game! I definitely plan on trying to attend at the Doubletree.

My game was with a new Paizo staffer, and a great new super dungeon.. when I attend again.. I plan to give it my top priority!

Kassil wrote:
mln84 wrote:
I'd also like to thank all the Paizo staff, especially Liz Courts, whose game I was lucky enough to lottery into. Thanks also to my GMs and fellow gamers!
Hey there. I was Saif, the sorcerer with the Traditional Greeting of Empowered Fireball. Which of my compatriots were you?

I was the genie-grappling fighter!

Grand Lodge

Liz Courts wrote:
mln84 wrote:
I'd also like to thank all the Paizo staff, especially Liz Courts, whose game I was lucky enough to lottery into. Thanks also to my GMs and fellow gamers!
I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Wishes can be powerful things, no?

I love me some oracles. :)

Liberty's Edge

I thought Id better chip in here before I forget.

I got back from my mammoth 35 day trek around America last week, and part of that was Paizocon.

Now Ive never really been to an American con before so I didnt know what to expect. Sure Ive been told what to expect, but like most things gaming related you dont really know it until you play it/ participate in it.

Ive already forgotten most of the name sadly, but I had a enjoyable game pre con with Shadows fall on Absalom. Thanks to the guys who were in that game.

Like many I put my name down for as many lottery games as I could. One of my choices was a Freeport game run by Chris Pramas. Now Ive heard of Freeport for a long time, but due to circumstance had never played in it. Were were told a tale of 2 sides and whilst I wont spoiler it the first thing I had to do was change the character name.. Valeros is not a fitting pirate/privateer name at all.

A Very enjoyable experience though.

I had also wanted to try out the Neo Exodus game. Im on a list and occasionally here about happenings in the game and the fact that I could like PFS build a character along. Sadly not everyone turned up for this and the table folded. I wasnt able to get in on another table , but spent this time perusing the Paizocon store so it wasnt wasted time.

Then came the special which was a very.. different experience. All those gamers into one albeit very large room is an experience I had never contemplated before. At the start I was having a great deal of difficulty hearing people and I was only sitting 2 seats from the dm. But after a while the noise behind tends to cancel each other out. I wont say its the most pleasant way to game, but the Scenario more than made up that. I had a great time, backed up in the knowledge Ill get to run it for others if asked and play it again in its full form.

(This was the beginning of my run with this GM from Seattle. Sadly his name escapes me but I believe him to be THE VC or VL.)

I managed to get in several more games, giving myself enough time in the day to move around to different tables, eat, go for a walk to get some exercise and sleep.

A big thankyou to the organisers , people I played with, my fellow bloatmage (man that voice you had going on must of killed you!), my gms (I really should write these names down) and anyone else I ran into whilst I was there.

As the lone Australian (although I heard there was a New Zealander present but avoided them :) ), everyone was very generous with their time and energy.

If I ever manage to get to America again Ill definetly consider Paizocon again.

back in Perth
and glad he isnt tipping anymore.

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