Douglas Muir 406 wrote:
Evil Eye has a save against it. I am unfamiliar with the other things, such as Malicious Eye, but I would be shocked if one of them took away the save.
If a paladin successfully gets the Fire of Judgement onto a foe, and the foe casts an AOE spell, does this count as an attack for the purposes of Fire of Judgement? For 1d6, or a d6 for each creature in the AOE? Does it matter whether or not the paladin is in the AOE? Thanks. Fire of Judgement: After casting this spell, the next creature you attack using your smite evil class ability is engulfed in flames of positive energy. At the start of its turn, the target takes 1d6 points of damage, and takes an additional 1d6 points of damage each time it attacks a creature other than you. If the creature is an outsider with the evil subtype, an evil-aligned dragon, or an undead creature this damage increases to 1d10. With a successful saving throw, a creature is affected by this spell for only 1 round. This damage is divine in nature and bypasses any DR the creature possesses.
Haldrick wrote:
Linkified for the convenience of the OP. And seconded. Very useful stuff, and friendly people. Read some of the (early parts of) campaign journals to get some ideas on how to make use the NPCs and to see what possible things PCs might do. Have fun!
You could fluff the Rich Parents trait. (Scroll down to social traits.) It increases your starting wealth to 900GP; you then add a back story of a patron.
As far as "knowing his AC went up", or any other similar thing like attack bonus, I'd say no. But in my game the paladin of Sarenrae knows if his smite actually took effect because he "feels the divine fire flow through him in answer to his prayers". It may be a step beyond RAW, but it makes sense to me.
Would it be possible to have Paizo listed at the top of my "My Downloads" and all the 3PPs listed after? Or maybe have separate tabs for Paizo vs 3PP? This wasn't so much of an issue for me until after the Goblinworks kickstarter, but now I have a ton of companies other than Paizo and have to scroll quite a ways down to the Paizo sections- the main things I use. And to answer some potential suggestions- I know I can sort by date, etc., but I don't like those outputs; I also know about the arrows next to each company that can hide its products- they don't stay hidden for me for very long (multiple computers, maybe, or removing cookies).
HangarFlying wrote:
PRD wrote: In addition, you can move through a threatened square without provoking an attack of opportunity from an enemy by using Acrobatics. When moving in this way, you move at half speed. My group reads the "When moving in this way" part as only the squares where you are avoiding the AOO's, not your whole movement, so we just count those squares twice, like difficult terrain. [Edit] Not saying you're wrong, HF. I could see either being a reasonable interpretation.
Sara Marie wrote:
Another PFS mustering suggestion- when there is more than one table offering the same scenario, either the tables should be adjacent or the players mustered away from the tables to allow the PCs to be grouped in the proper tiers.
Kassil wrote:
I was the genie-grappling fighter!
First- I had a great time; it fun to see folks again this year. That said... I agree that the music during the special just added to the noise level in the room. Also, the room was overly crowded- why 10 chairs at each table instead of 8 (max 7 PCs plus GM)? For the Saturday afternoon session- it was first announced right at the beginning of the session that it would need to end early, at 4:30 to allow for banquet set-up. Then about a half-hour later it was announced that we would need to clear the room by 4. This same thing happened last year (although even later in the game session) and I added a note about it in the 2013 feedback thread as soon as this year's slot times were announced. The issue of how long the hotel (a new one, I know, but the same idea applies) needs to set up for the banquet ought to be hammered out with the hotel staff early- before the schedule is set and announced. Finally, it's not 2014 feedback, but I prefer the con be in the summer rather than the Memorial Day weekend. Thanks, again!
Brom the Obnoxiously Awesome wrote:
The Additional Resources page is where you can check if stuff from other Paizo sources is legal for PFS. Scrolling down to the Pathfinder Player Companion section and looking at Blood of Angels, it seems that the Oracle curses on P.26 are allowed. I don't have that book, so I don't know if Blackened is on that page- just thought I'd show you where to look for things like that. As others have mentioned, your enthusiasm is refreshing. It has also been fun to read this whole thread as it seems like old times with no trolling, sniping or whatnot.
Worse weekend for me- school is still in session and we can't use our personal days in May. This might also affect folks with kids either at home or bringing for the con. I agree with a poster up thread that it would be nice to avoid holiday weekends, but I also understand that the holiday makes it easier for some to make it.
Mathwei ap Niall wrote:
I believe that the "catch yourself while falling" rules are specifically for when you fall while trying to climb a wall/slope. But even using them this way- you don't get to catch yourself on the slope when the pit is created under you. You might be able to reach into a square where there is a slope, but you are not on a slope. It's being on the slope that makes it easier because the ground is supporting some/most of your weight. Reaching in to the sloped square doesn't give you the support. Edit- Gahh. Ninjaed (by hours!) "Where does it say you must be on the slope?" In the section you quoted about catching yourself while falling:
Feral wrote:
I think it's less "arms race" (a GM can always kill PCs, but also always expects to lose) and more that the OP's PCs are walking through the encounters the same way each time, so the OP is looking for ways to make things different and fresh, not ways to "win". I certainly agree with your main point about fun all around the table being key.
From the item's entry: "This stone protects you from ability score penalties from aging and you cannot be magically aged. Any penalties you have already incurred remain in place. Bonuses still accrue, and you still die of old age when your time is up. If you lose the stone or its abilities are negated in some way, all age and penalties apply immediately." Once back to normal state it would stop future aging and penalties but not undo what happened when it was dispelled. This is in contrast to the flawed where it addresses removal and re-application: "Flawed: Protects wearer from appearing older but does not protect against ability damage from aging. The stone remembers the wearer’s age at the time he first wore it and always restores his appearance to that age, even if he hasn’t worn it for years or it has been worn by other people."
Hey Sara Marie, I noticed from the "Call for Volunteers" blog post that the Saturday afternoon slot is 1-6pm. I remember that in 2013, it was scheduled like this also, but that at about 4pm, they started announcing that we had to be done by 5 so that the room could be reset for the banquet. Caused a bunch of tables to not really finish their games and/or skip chunks of scenario. Might want to double check with the hotel on required timing, etc, so that if the session does need to be short every knows going in, rather than finding out when it is more than half over. Thanks.
The rogue would use a move action to move through the threatened squares at half speed. If the rogue's acrobatics roll equals or beats the cmd of the opponent (with penalties as discussed in skill description), there is no AOO. If the don't, they suffer the AOO- mobility gives them the +4 AC against this attack. Either way, if they end up in a flanking situation, the rogue can now use sneak attack.
Jaunt wrote: Point Blank Shot over Precise Shot sounds like someone trying to massage their level 1 numbers by assuming every enemy is within 30' but not within melee of any friendly. There are times or setups that will allow you such ideal firing solutions, but those things are the except, not the norm. Point Blank is a prerequisite for Precise Shot.
To heck with voter badges- there should be a forum badge for those who have caught up on this thread. In other news, still missing the really expensive item and the husband/wife item. Thought I had that one on my last pairing, based on the name, but it turns out it was spellcaster/familiar, not husband/wife.
Name of PC: Vindler (Named well before meeting Ven Vindor)
Spoiler: Large party and experienced players, so I am bumping up the bad guys' levels. Mammy Graul ended up catching Vindler with a Magic Jar and other players dropped both with AoE's. Vindler, having already taken a pummeling was way past negative con. Player decided to try something else rather than rez.
Giant weasels don't have attach, but more generally... Once attached, if the opponent does not break free, the creature gets a bonus (as the entry mentions, and there is a +5 bonus for maintaining a grapple) to maintain itself grappling the opponent and can then inflict its natural attack damage without having to roll to hit the opponent's AC.