So, here goes the first post I ever had to write down, Mythic Questions

Pathfinder Society

The Exchange

So rumor mills around where I have been playing as well as online play says that somewhere out there, there is a mod that allows you to have Mythic Tier 1.

Now I don't want to know what the mods name is that would be against the spirit of the rules I think, however can anyone answer Yay or Nay to this mod actually existing, or is it just rumors that have widely spread that are just that rumors

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

Yes, it exist.
no, it is not tier 1
you must have the mythic book to use all the options, otherwise you get to pick from a limited menu.

The Exchange

Can you tell me if the mod is still playable and year perhaps?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Ishmael Ha-Brak wrote:
Can you tell me if the mod is still playable and year perhaps?

I have no idea which adventure it is, but mythic rules didn't exist until around the time year 5 started, and none of the Year 5 adventures have been retired, so that should answer those questions.


Trying to do this with as few spoilers as possible. Still spoilering the information.

The scenario in question is one of the current Season Five scenarios. There are a number of different ways that you might receive Mythic Tiers in the scenario, depending on what other scenarios you have played.

Shadow Lodge 4/5

The only occasions you are allowed to use Mythic as a player in PFS are a) in a single scenario and, after its conclusion, b) via a boon that gives certain benefits for one round.

It's just cool, not too powerful.

Grand Lodge 4/5

Muser wrote:

The only occasions you are allowed to use Mythic as a player in PFS are a) in a single scenario and, after its conclusion, b) via a boon that gives certain benefits for one round.

It's just cool, not too powerful.

There's also a convention boon that lets you Surge once, plus autostabilize.


I think the mythic rules are amazingly awesome but including them in PFS really amps the power level up way higher than we should responsibly do so. This is because the mythic rules really add about a level to your PC (rather than a 1/2) per tier, and the difference between a poorly built mythic and a well built mythic is rather substantial.

That said, I'm all for epic challenges with mythic stuff included, and am presently enjoying wrath of the righteous quite a bit. PFS simply isn't the place to do this as in our current wrath of the righteous campaign we average a death per combat with mythic creatures.

Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
David_Bross wrote:

I think the mythic rules are amazingly awesome but including them in PFS really amps the power level up way higher than we should responsibly do so. This is because the mythic rules really add about a level to your PC (rather than a 1/2) per tier, and the difference between a poorly built mythic and a well built mythic is rather substantial.

That said, I'm all for epic challenges with mythic stuff included, and am presently enjoying wrath of the righteous quite a bit. PFS simply isn't the place to do this as in our current wrath of the righteous campaign we average a death per combat with mythic creatures.

I've played <redacted> where you were mythic for the length of that single scenario -- and then the powers go away (will they ever return? Who knows?). Since that scenario is built for them -- you need them. The nice thing is that since they go away, it's a one shot. Play with them, have fun, and know that they don't stick around.

I will say that I had the books and built the mythic version if my character assuming Hard Mode Extreme, but ended up using maybe 1/3rd of his full potential. I found the previous scenario in the series to be much harder in difficulty.

Then again I powergame so that may have affected things.


Silver Crusade 2/5

Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber
Jason Wu wrote:

I will say that I had the books and built the mythic version if my character assuming Hard Mode Extreme, but ended up using maybe 1/3rd of his full potential. I found the previous scenario in the series to be much harder in difficulty.

Then again I powergame so that may have affected things.


My perspective may have also been affected by being a lvl 4 playing up -- and I was essentially the tank (lone melee). O_O

Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

I also barely scratched the surface of my characters abilities, but that had more to do with over specializing.

(It was seriously fun to be practically *unable* to run out of spell slots.)

Liberty's Edge 1/5

When I ran the Destiny of the Sands series I didn't really feel that mythic added much. The players at my lodge just kind of went through the scenario the same way they went through any other scenario. It was almost like they forgot they had the damn tiers. As a GM, I was kind of disappointed.

Grand Lodge 4/5 **

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
** spoiler omitted **

Oh! Is that the scenario arc with Mythic stuff?
Grand Lodge 4/5 **** Venture-Captain, California—Sacramento

spoilers people.

the OP asked that the scenario not be named.

5/5 5/55/5 *** Venture-Captain, Germany—Hamburg

Joshua Goudreau wrote:
The players at my lodge just kind of went through the scenario the same way they went through any other scenario. It was almost like they forgot they had the damn tiers.

When I played it, I made very good use of my increased speed and my ability to turn invisible. ^^

Shadow Lodge

Andreas Forster wrote:
When I played it, I made very good use of my increased speed and my ability to turn invisible. ^^

Didn't realize I had MPD...

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