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Azten wrote:
Is there anyway we could get Searing Flesh to be, you know, useful? Especially against people using melee weapons? Fire Elementals burn people attack them with daggers, but people channeling the Plane of Fire itself can't? That seems quite inconsistent.
Burn wrote:
A fire elemental deals fire damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Those affected by the burn ability must also succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire, taking the listed damage for an additional 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn. A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the burning creature and must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire. See Burn for more details.

Fire elementals only deal damage to creatures attacking them with natural weapons or unarmed strikes. They don't deal damage to those attacking them with daggers, swords, axes, whips, spears or any other manufactured melee weapon.

It is, in fact, more dangerous to attack a pyrokineticist with searing flesh activated, than it is to attack a fire elemental. Even an Elder Fire Elemental, the largest and most powerful you would meet, still only does a single d4 of damage. Pyrokinetics of the same level can deal quite a bit more than that.

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Umm... Elder Fire elemental burn is 2d10 Fire damage.

That's what I get for not looking up Fire elementals for research. Still, Searing Flesh is a poor defense, second only to Void's(because it doesn't scale. Not fun).

Liberty's Edge

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For FAQs, have you considered posting multiple possible alternatives to get community feedback before settling on and writing up the official answer?

It often seems that FAQ responses lead to additional questions which could have been handled with slightly different wording if they had been anticipated... and while you can try to anticipate everything in house, even putting the entire Paizo staff on it couldn't come close to the level of scrutiny the community brings.

A quick question I didn't see answered in the FAQs; I was looking at the Celestial Creature template, and unlike the Half-Celestial template, whose smite is explicitly defined as that of a paladin's, it doesn't mention anything about ignoring damage reduction and the like...is this purposeful, and the two smite evil abilities are different abilities that have the same name, or is it intended to be the same ability and things just got skipped by accident when they were trying to pare it down for a quick and easy addition to a creature as a simple template?

2 people marked this as a favorite.
CBDunkerson wrote:

For FAQs, have you considered posting multiple possible alternatives to get community feedback before settling on and writing up the official answer?

It often seems that FAQ responses lead to additional questions which could have been handled with slightly different wording if they had been anticipated... and while you can try to anticipate everything in house, even putting the entire Paizo staff on it couldn't come close to the level of scrutiny the community brings.

The sun will rise in the east

There will be heat loss in any reaction
There will be grarg on any official answer
There will be death and taxes

Liberty's Edge

Mark Seifter wrote:
The Fox wrote:
Mark, I think the point andreww was trying to make is that this rule should apply to ALL creatures, including Medium and Small creatures. The way the paragraph is written now it does. If you change it to "such creatures" then it won't apply to Medium and Small creatures, which would be a shame because then for 5-ft. emanations, there will be only three adjacent squares that are affected and five adjacent squares that are unaffected. Even for 10-ft. emanations, there will be at least one ADJACENT square that is unaffected! That doesn't sound much like a 10-ft. emanation.
5 ft emanations for Medium creatures are absolutely supposed to apply to only those other 3 squares, for certain (I can assure you because I know what the discussion entailed, so I know it was a wording snafu, just like the spurious "Answer:"). Spells like emergency force sphere are already strong enough.

So why the PDF hasn't changed the answer text?

To me it seem way more logic to use the "5' around the creature, regardless of his size" than "4 squares, one of which contain the creature".
As long as we use squares on a grid the first interpretation generate less problems, not more.


Will Huston wrote:
For a home game, are there any rules for building your own animal companion? More specifically, if I wanted to make a giant with cavalier levels (or at least cavalier-like abilities) I've got nowhere to really make his mount. My two ideas were either to take the full animal I wanted him to ride (a triceratops) and add/subtract hit dice to get it to roughly the right CR I wanted, or take the triceratops animal companion version, and just make it a size larger.

I don't think there are rules for building your own AC, but you can make your own. In the case of huge critters, you could sort of short circuit in some Mammoth Rider stuff for appropriate trades (since getting Huge creatures is a pretty big upgrade in areas where they fit). You could also use the normal critter as a non-animal companion, which I think is how the giant cavalier in Monster Codex and an oni samurai from an AP both did it.


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Dragon78 wrote:

I was wondering about the aether kineticist's ability force barrier.

-Is the burn cost 0 for the first round you use it?
-If the burn cost 0 for first round you could use it every other round for no cost, correct?

It only costs to keep it up more, so you could have a nearly-constant field if you kept spending actions (even better than every-other round; enemies would have to ready for when it drops).


Ning wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Ning wrote:

Hey Mark,I have 3 Questions

1 When I riding a mount, could I use BOOTS OF SPEED with a free action?

2 I am a Primal Companion Hunter, when my animal companion become to Large size by Evolution, could I make it bigger by Animal Growth spell?

3 When my ally and me can make Attacks of Opportunity to an enemy and my ally provide me an other AoO by Broken Wing Gambit, could I make 2 AoO?

thx :P

1) No game rules here, so here's what I would say as a home GM: Since you have to click your heels together, presumably you would need to be riding side-saddle, so just say you're doing that and you're probably okay (though that could make it hard to guide with your knees).

2) "Multiple magical effects that increase size do not stack" is the rule in question. How to apply it here is interesting, since normal eidolons with Large evolution just flat-out are the new size, but the hunter's AC is being increased by the Primal Transformation ability, which is Su and thus magical. At first, it was weird for me that it would act differently than it does for an eidolon, but it looks like they wouldn't stack.

3) Usually your BWG AoO triggers when the opponent attacks your buddy, so I'm having difficulty understanding the setup here.

3 The enemy shot my buddy with a bow,could I AoO twice by this range attack and BWG? And if my buddy AoO to that enemy,could I AoO by Paired Opportunists at same time?

Ah, got it. The enemy used a ranged attack while next to both of you. So given you both have BWG and PO, let's see: You both get an AoO for ranged attack next to you, as normal without feats. It then becomes important whether BWG counts as the same opportunity or not. We know from prior FAQs that being tripped and actually falling prone are different opportunities, as are casting a spell and then firing off the spell's ray. However, we also know that a move action to move through several threatened squares is only one opportunity. Thus, and I'm making a judgment call here, I would expect that attacking, would be a different opportunity than either hitting or missing (for instance Snake Fang triggers on a miss), whereas attacking with a ranged weapon would be the same opportunity as attacking a particular person. Not super confident on that one though.

As to your follow-up question though, let's remove the bow here: if the foe was using a sword and attacked your buddy who had BWG up, you would get an AoO from that, so if your ally was adjacent to you, he could indeed also make an AoO thanks Paired Opportunists.


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MichaelCullen wrote:

Hey Mark, quick question.

Is a character who takes a bloodline familiar considered to have an archetype?

The reason I ask:
In many ways it acts like an archetype.
It is never called an archetype.
All archetypes I know of alter a single class and are formatted Archtype Name (Parent Class). Bloodline familiar can apply to a few classes.

If it is not an archetype, can it stack with archetypes that change the spells gained at a level?

Bloodline familiar delays the level these bonus spells are gained.

The prohibition on altering the same class feature twice is written to only apply to trying to combine multiple archetypes.

archetypes wrote:
A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as the other alternate feature.

I've said many times that my posts are personal interpretations, but it still bears extra mention for a Player Companion (even, perhaps especially due to the potential for confusion, one I wrote for as a freelancer). Especially here, as I didn't freelance bloodline familiars; they were added in development. That said, they and patron familiars seem to actually be mini-archetypes for the bloodline classes themselves, given that they trade out something from that class. However, at least one of them also meddles with standard familiar abilities, rather than just hand out new powers, so they likely should also be considered familiar archetypes as well (though archetypes that don't conflict with anything except for that one). That's how I would run it in a home game.


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nogoodscallywag wrote:

Hi Mark:

Does Freedom of Movement negate any other conditions besides those listed in the spell description?

Freedom of Movement-

"...move and attack normally...even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web... grappl[ing] the target automatically fail...automatically succeeds on any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin...move and attack normally while underwater,"

For instance, players argue that even mental impediments like being stunned should be negated by FOM. They base this on the phrase in the description "[can] move and attack normally...even under the influence of magic that usually impedes movement"

It's a weasely little spell. I would say it certainly doesn't let, for instance, a dead character killed by death magic or an unconscious character KOed by magic move and act normally, so I would tend to reject your players' reasoning.


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Dragon78 wrote:

Is "Kinetic Healer" a positive energy effect or can it heal any living creature regardless if it is healed by positive or negative energy?

It's not positive energy, so works on dhampirs too, like the occultist flesh mend ability.


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Chess Pwn wrote:
guess not?

I actually maxed out my vacation days again (I'm always really close to the cap), so I took last Friday off.


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Tels wrote:
Azten wrote:
Is there anyway we could get Searing Flesh to be, you know, useful? Especially against people using melee weapons? Fire Elementals burn people attack them with daggers, but people channeling the Plane of Fire itself can't? That seems quite inconsistent.
Burn wrote:
A fire elemental deals fire damage in addition to damage dealt on a successful hit in melee. Those affected by the burn ability must also succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire, taking the listed damage for an additional 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn. A burning creature can attempt a new save as a full-round action. Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus on this save. Creatures that hit a burning creature with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire damage as though hit by the burning creature and must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire. See Burn for more details.

Fire elementals only deal damage to creatures attacking them with natural weapons or unarmed strikes. They don't deal damage to those attacking them with daggers, swords, axes, whips, spears or any other manufactured melee weapon.

It is, in fact, more dangerous to attack a pyrokineticist with searing flesh activated, than it is to attack a fire elemental. Even an Elder Fire Elemental, the largest and most powerful you would meet, still only does a single d4 of damage. Pyrokinetics of the same level can deal quite a bit more than that.

Yep. Searing flesh punishes things that actually touch your body. Flame shield is the one where you are actually surrounded by fire, so that extends the damage to adjacent melee weapon users. And of course, they stack nicely. Next time we do a printing, though, I think I'm going to try to get in a nonstandard "add it up before dividing by 4" thing into searing flesh so it doesn't have as much of edge cases where it doubles between level 7 and 8. In any case, it's pretty punishing against most foes, especially if they grapple you. Spending a burn on a fire talent while grappled (and thus causing you to do x4 to the grappler that round) is one of the few ways in the game to get a tetori off your butt (and as a bonus, you get her off your butt by dealing massive damage).


4 people marked this as a favorite.
CBDunkerson wrote:

For FAQs, have you considered posting multiple possible alternatives to get community feedback before settling on and writing up the official answer?

It often seems that FAQ responses lead to additional questions which could have been handled with slightly different wording if they had been anticipated... and while you can try to anticipate everything in house, even putting the entire Paizo staff on it couldn't come close to the level of scrutiny the community brings.

That's essentially what the FAQ threads do; people hash out the effects of the different rulings ahead of time, and we take them all into consideration. When you think about it, it's sort of like a court making a ruling after listening to a bunch of testimony in that way, with the added bonus that the court also wrote the law in the first place so has a strong ability to judge intent.


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Luthorne wrote:
A quick question I didn't see answered in the FAQs; I was looking at the Celestial Creature template, and unlike the Half-Celestial template, whose smite is explicitly defined as that of a paladin's, it doesn't mention anything about ignoring damage reduction and the like...is this purposeful, and the two smite evil abilities are different abilities that have the same name, or is it intended to be the same ability and things just got skipped by accident when they were trying to pare it down for a quick and easy addition to a creature as a simple template?

It would appear that the celestial creature has a more limited version of smite, yes. It also doesn't get more AC or deal double damage on the first hit to certain foes. It's probably just because it's a simple template, rather than half-celestial which isn't a simple.


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Diego Rossi wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
The Fox wrote:
Mark, I think the point andreww was trying to make is that this rule should apply to ALL creatures, including Medium and Small creatures. The way the paragraph is written now it does. If you change it to "such creatures" then it won't apply to Medium and Small creatures, which would be a shame because then for 5-ft. emanations, there will be only three adjacent squares that are affected and five adjacent squares that are unaffected. Even for 10-ft. emanations, there will be at least one ADJACENT square that is unaffected! That doesn't sound much like a 10-ft. emanation.
5 ft emanations for Medium creatures are absolutely supposed to apply to only those other 3 squares, for certain (I can assure you because I know what the discussion entailed, so I know it was a wording snafu, just like the spurious "Answer:"). Spells like emergency force sphere are already strong enough.

So why the PDF hasn't changed the answer text?

To me it seem way more logic to use the "5' around the creature, regardless of his size" than "4 squares, one of which contain the creature".
As long as we use squares on a grid the first interpretation generate less problems, not more.

The FAQ has, at long last, been amended. Since the PDT weren't the ones who can pull the switch, I honestly thought it had already happened last February when we requested it, so that's my bad.

Liberty's Edge

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I preferred the other interpretation as it depicts better a circle around the caster, but now we have a clear ruling.

Sorry that my tone was a bit petulant.

Mark Seifter wrote:
MichaelCullen wrote:

Hey Mark, quick question.

Is a character who takes a bloodline familiar considered to have an archetype?

The reason I ask:
In many ways it acts like an archetype.
It is never called an archetype.
All archetypes I know of alter a single class and are formatted Archtype Name (Parent Class). Bloodline familiar can apply to a few classes.

If it is not an archetype, can it stack with archetypes that change the spells gained at a level?

Bloodline familiar delays the level these bonus spells are gained.

The prohibition on altering the same class feature twice is written to only apply to trying to combine multiple archetypes.

archetypes wrote:
A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as the other alternate feature.
I've said many times that my posts are personal interpretations, but it still bears extra mention for a Player Companion (even, perhaps especially due to the potential for confusion, one I wrote for as a freelancer). Especially here, as I didn't freelance bloodline familiars; they were added in development. That said, they and patron familiars seem to actually be mini-archetypes for the bloodline classes themselves, given that they trade out something from that class. However, at least one of them also meddles with standard familiar abilities, rather than just hand out new powers, so they likely should also be considered familiar archetypes as well (though archetypes that don't conflict with anything except for that one). That's how I would run it in a home game.

So if an archetype alters bloodline spells you're saying that they couldn't get the bloodline familiar?


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Chess Pwn wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
MichaelCullen wrote:

Hey Mark, quick question.

Is a character who takes a bloodline familiar considered to have an archetype?

The reason I ask:
In many ways it acts like an archetype.
It is never called an archetype.
All archetypes I know of alter a single class and are formatted Archtype Name (Parent Class). Bloodline familiar can apply to a few classes.

If it is not an archetype, can it stack with archetypes that change the spells gained at a level?

Bloodline familiar delays the level these bonus spells are gained.

The prohibition on altering the same class feature twice is written to only apply to trying to combine multiple archetypes.

archetypes wrote:
A character can take more than one archetype and garner additional alternate class features, but none of the alternate class features can replace or alter the same class feature from the base class as the other alternate feature.
I've said many times that my posts are personal interpretations, but it still bears extra mention for a Player Companion (even, perhaps especially due to the potential for confusion, one I wrote for as a freelancer). Especially here, as I didn't freelance bloodline familiars; they were added in development. That said, they and patron familiars seem to actually be mini-archetypes for the bloodline classes themselves, given that they trade out something from that class. However, at least one of them also meddles with standard familiar abilities, rather than just hand out new powers, so they likely should also be considered familiar archetypes as well (though archetypes that don't conflict with anything except for that one). That's how I would run it in a home game.
So if an archetype alters bloodline spells you're saying that they couldn't get the bloodline familiar?

I'm saying that in my game, you can't. Otherwise, you could take, say, untouchable bloodrager (which loses all the bloodline spells) and add bloodline familiar (which delays all the bloodline spells) missing part of its cost.

I'm still not sure Searing Flesh doesn't need a redo, but thank you for your time.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Hi, Mark.

I have a design philosophy question for you regarding the Psychic Magic monster ability. My understanding was the whole point of psychic magic was to not re-create the spell-point psionics system from 3.5 OGL (which Dreamscarred Press did such a good job with). I thought the idea was to use the existing spell slot system: IOW, why support a separate magic system that does essentially the same thing.

So, I was surprised to see the Psychic Magic monster ability essentially bring back 3.5 psionics and their Psionic Strength Points.

My question: Why introduce a new system for monster psychic magic rather than just use the existing (and perfectly working) spell-like ability system? The design choice seems to run completely counter to the decision made for character classes.


Liberty's Edge

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Mark Seifter wrote:
That's essentially what the FAQ threads do; people hash out the effects of the different rulings ahead of time, and we take them all into consideration.

Yes and no.

Sometimes it works that way, and sometimes there is a big FAQ thread with people debating whether it should be A or B... and the official response is B+ or even C. Which is where the possibility of unconsidered impacts comes in.

Out of curiosity, while it seems clear that noqual armor affects psychic magic, does it affect a kineticist's abilities? It says, "The armor’s spell failure chance increases by 20% and applies to all magic cast while wearing the armor, regardless of the magic’s source or class abilities possessed by the wearer," so; are kineticist wild talents and spell-like abilities in general considered magic that is being cast? Or is that exclusively for spellcasting? For that matter, does it influence supernatural abilities, such as a paladin's lay on hands or a witch's hexes? I've personally mentally associated 'magic' with any supernatural or spell-like ability as well as spells, but that may not be what was intended...then again, it might be?


3 people marked this as a favorite.
Haladir wrote:

Hi, Mark.

I have a design philosophy question for you regarding the Psychic Magic monster ability. My understanding was the whole point of psychic magic was to not re-create the spell-point psionics system from 3.5 OGL (which Dreamscarred Press did such a good job with). I thought the idea was to use the existing spell slot system: IOW, why support a separate magic system that does essentially the same thing.

So, I was surprised to see the Psychic Magic monster ability essentially bring back 3.5 psionics and their Psionic Strength Points.

My question: Why introduce a new system for monster psychic magic rather than just use the existing (and perfectly working) spell-like ability system? The design choice seems to run completely counter to the decision made for character classes.


Monsters don't interact with the game in quite the same way as PCs do, so they don't always flourish under the same systems. By virtue of having a bunch of PE that you can use on the SLAs you need, it makes it much easier to run the monster, essentially making it the spontaneous version of SLAs (I'll come back to that below).

Also, it's important to note that while Psychic Magic monster ability uses the word "psychic" and has points in it, it's no more similar to 3.5 psionics than a qingong monk spending ki points to activate SLAs or a magus spending arcane pool points to cast extra spells (if it was going to be similar to psionics, it would have augmentations rather than free scaling, point expenditure limits, and so on).

Due to not having the other things that psionics does, PM turns out to be more like the sorcerer to SLA's wizard, rather than a psion. By which I mean, an SLA monster might have "prepared" 1/day fireball, fly, haste and be able to use each one once, but the PM monster would just have fireball, fly, and haste as options and spontaneously choose to cast any group of three of them (maybe it needs 3 fireballs for more blasting, or maybe it needs to get a lot of allies in the air and does all fly).


CBDunkerson wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
That's essentially what the FAQ threads do; people hash out the effects of the different rulings ahead of time, and we take them all into consideration.

Yes and no.

Sometimes it works that way, and sometimes there is a big FAQ thread with people debating whether it should be A or B... and the official response is B+ or even C. Which is where the possibility of unconsidered impacts comes in.

That is always a possibility, and it has happened before and led to FAQ amendments, but in most cases the impact, even if the FAQ picks a third option, was considered by posters in the discussion over A and B. Such discussions tend to be pretty thorough, as their main positive trait (even to the point of eventually becoming repetitive), while their main negative trait is the tendency for negativity towards people taking a different stance.


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Luthorne wrote:
Out of curiosity, while it seems clear that noqual armor affects psychic magic, does it affect a kineticist's abilities? It says, "The armor’s spell failure chance increases by 20% and applies to all magic cast while wearing the armor, regardless of the magic’s source or class abilities possessed by the wearer," so; are kineticist wild talents and spell-like abilities in general considered magic that is being cast? Or is that exclusively for spellcasting? For that matter, does it influence supernatural abilities, such as a paladin's lay on hands or a witch's hexes? I've personally mentally associated 'magic' with any supernatural or spell-like ability as well as spells, but that may not be what was intended...then again, it might be?

That's an interesting question, and noqual isn't too explicit here; I'm going to say it probably doesn't apply to Sp or Su due to the word "cast", but I know for a fact we've gotten sloppy and used cast for things that apply to them in the past in some places, so this isn't conclusive.


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Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

Mark Seifter, Game Designer.

You might consider dropping into the Pathfinder RPG group from time to time. It has nearly 11,000 followers and many of them don't seem to know about, or use the Pazio forums. Might be interesting to see what they have to say, or maybe do an AMA post on there, or something.

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

I am now very jealous of the avatar you have selected since I only just made a alias on these forums and was hoping to use that angel specifically for it.... and then I remembered bestiary 5 only just came out....

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

Hi Mark,

A couple of questions came up last night so I'm curious about what the 'most correct' rules ideas would be.

1) being pinned and actions. It seems like a pinned person can use Su abilities while pinned as the activation of those is vague. But they have no spell failure and do not provoke AoO. (specifically a pinned druid can use wildshape while pinned?)

2) the engulf monster ability (oddly connected to being pinned) Are there size requirements to this ability? The word cover is used but other rules have directly said something like its size or smaller.

Thanks for your presence on these threads!

How do you pronounce your last name?


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Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

Mark Seifter, Game Designer.

You might consider dropping into the Pathfinder RPG group from time to time. It has nearly 11,000 followers and many of them don't seem to know about, or use the Pazio forums. Might be interesting to see what they have to say, or maybe do an AMA post on there, or something.

Potentially something to look into! Since I have to be logged in with my personal account, which makes me uncomfortable, I probably won't be active enough for a satisfying AMA though.


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Milo v3 wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

I am now very jealous of the avatar you have selected since I only just made a alias on these forums and was hoping to use that angel specifically for it.... and then I remembered bestiary 5 only just came out....

I thought Empyrean looked pretty cool and I wrote the monster as the original freelancer, so I decided to use it, for now. Pictures of me look far less cool.


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Seannoss wrote:

Hi Mark,

A couple of questions came up last night so I'm curious about what the 'most correct' rules ideas would be.

1) being pinned and actions. It seems like a pinned person can use Su abilities while pinned as the activation of those is vague. But they have no spell failure and do not provoke AoO. (specifically a pinned druid can use wildshape while pinned?)

2) the engulf monster ability (oddly connected to being pinned) Are there size requirements to this ability? The word cover is used but other rules have directly said something like its size or smaller.

Thanks for your presence on these threads!

1) Presumably you could use Su and Ex that didn't require free body motion from you, but that will require GM adjudication. Like if you have an Ex to flap your wings really fast and make a whirlwind, that seems like you couldn't do it while you're pinned down.

2) In this case, it probably means creatures whose space it can cover with its space. So like a Huge creature's space is nine squares, so it could cover a 3x3 space with one Large creature and five extremely polite Medium creatures that all stood in the correct spots for it to engulf them.

You're welcome!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Azten wrote:
How do you pronounce your last name?

The "ei" is a long i like in "eidolon," and other than that, like the word sifter. So SIGH-FTER.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Do you think there will ever be an official change to bring sorcerer's bloodline bonus spell progression in line with every other caster, or is that too big a change to make at this point? It's kind of a bummer thematically to have, say, a fire sorcerer and not have your bonus fire spell until 3rd level, etc.


2 people marked this as a favorite.
Ian Bell wrote:
Do you think there will ever be an official change to bring sorcerer's bloodline bonus spell progression in line with every other caster, or is that too big a change to make at this point? It's kind of a bummer thematically to have, say, a fire sorcerer and not have your bonus fire spell until 3rd level, etc.

That seems like too big a change to make, short of like an Unchained alternate class version of the sorcerer. It's not a bad idea to allow in your home games though. With my sorceress in PFS, the most frustrating part was when the spell I wanted most of all for a new spell level (hideous laughter) was actually my bloodline spell, but if I took it at 4th, I was just going to get it again at 5th. It works better the way oracles get them.

Mark Seifter wrote:
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

Mark Seifter, Game Designer.

You might consider dropping into the Pathfinder RPG group from time to time. It has nearly 11,000 followers and many of them don't seem to know about, or use the Pazio forums. Might be interesting to see what they have to say, or maybe do an AMA post on there, or something.

Potentially something to look into! Since I have to be logged in with my personal account, which makes me uncomfortable, I probably won't be active enough for a satisfying AMA though.

Well, you could do it like they do on reddit, or simply use reddit. Make a post announcing an AMA at a future date for an hour or so, then log on at that time and do the AMA, then you log off and it's done. Close it up by editing the original post with an update that future questions can be posted in your thread here on the forums.

Mark Seifter wrote:
Azten wrote:
How do you pronounce your last name?
The "ei" is a long i like in "eidolon," and other than that, like the word sifter. So SIGH-FTER.

I always think of it a like the Pokemon Scyther, but with the 'fter' sound.


Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

Mark Seifter, Game Designer.

You might consider dropping into the Pathfinder RPG group from time to time. It has nearly 11,000 followers and many of them don't seem to know about, or use the Pazio forums. Might be interesting to see what they have to say, or maybe do an AMA post on there, or something.

Potentially something to look into! Since I have to be logged in with my personal account, which makes me uncomfortable, I probably won't be active enough for a satisfying AMA though.
Well, you could do it like they do on reddit, or simply use reddit. Make a post announcing an AMA at a future date for an hour or so, then log on at that time and do the...

Huh, that's a pretty good idea. I'm not sure how we usually schedule those Reddit AMAs, though I've seen them happen, I usually don't know about them until I see an announcement to the public, and it's never been with anyone from the Design Team. Maybe the individuals involved just set it up personally, like you mention. Thanks for the ideas!


1 person marked this as a favorite.
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Azten wrote:
How do you pronounce your last name?
The "ei" is a long i like in "eidolon," and other than that, like the word sifter. So SIGH-FTER.
I always think of it a like the Pokemon Scyther, but with the 'fter' sound.

It can be both. Or FFVIII's antagonist Seifer, with a 't'.

Mark Seifter wrote:
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

Mark Seifter, Game Designer.

You might consider dropping into the Pathfinder RPG group from time to time. It has nearly 11,000 followers and many of them don't seem to know about, or use the Pazio forums. Might be interesting to see what they have to say, or maybe do an AMA post on there, or something.

Potentially something to look into! Since I have to be logged in with my personal account, which makes me uncomfortable, I probably won't be active enough for a satisfying AMA though.
Well, you could do it like they do on reddit, or simply use reddit. Make a post announcing an AMA at a future date for an hour or so, then log on at

If I recall, there's actually an entire subreddit dedicated to AMA, but one could also just set one up oneself on the Pathfinder subreddit. If you go through the AMA subreddit, there is someone at reddit who will contact Pazio to verify your identity and schedule a time for it. If you contact the Mods of the Pathfinder subreddit, they might be able to set up a special flair or something for verified accounts for Paizo employees.

Not really familiar with the workings of reddit myself, I mostly lurk there, and don't post very often.


Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

Mark Seifter, Game Designer.

You might consider dropping into the Pathfinder RPG group from time to time. It has nearly 11,000 followers and many of them don't seem to know about, or use the Pazio forums. Might be interesting to see what they have to say, or maybe do an AMA post on there, or something.

Potentially something to look into! Since I have to be logged in with my personal account, which makes me uncomfortable, I probably won't be active enough for a satisfying AMA though.
Well, you could do it like they do on reddit, or simply use reddit. Make a post announcing an AMA at a future date for

That sounds like it's something involved with people higher up at Paizo than me, then.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Seifter wrote:
Ning wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Ning wrote:

Ah, got it. The enemy used a ranged attack while next to both of you. So given you both have BWG and PO, let's see: You both get an AoO for ranged attack next to you, as normal without feats. It then becomes important whether BWG counts as the same opportunity or not. We know from prior FAQs that being tripped and actually falling prone are different opportunities, as are casting a spell and then firing off the spell's ray. However, we also know that a move action to move through several threatened squares is only one opportunity....

THX for your answer!

If I am a hunter, my Companion and me both have BWG、PO、Outflank and Pack Flanking.

The same scene,
" if the foe was using a sword and attacked your buddy who had BWG up, you would get an AoO from that, so if your ally was adjacent to you, he could indeed also make an AoO thanks Paired Opportunists."

And my AoO make a Critical Hit, Could my AC make twice AoO(by PO and Outflank)?


Ning wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Ning wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
Ning wrote:

Ah, got it. The enemy used a ranged attack while next to both of you. So given you both have BWG and PO, let's see: You both get an AoO for ranged attack next to you, as normal without feats. It then becomes important whether BWG counts as the same opportunity or not. We know from prior FAQs that being tripped and actually falling prone are different opportunities, as are casting a spell and then firing off the spell's ray. However, we also know that a move action to move through several threatened squares is only one opportunity....

THX for your answer!

If I am a hunter, my Companion and me both have BWG、PO、Outflank and Pack Flanking.

The same scene,
" if the foe was using a sword and attacked your buddy who had BWG up, you would get an AoO from that, so if your ally was adjacent to you, he could indeed also make an AoO thanks Paired Opportunists."

And my AoO make a Critical Hit, Could my AC make twice AoO(by PO and Outflank)?

So hunter and animal buddy flanking while adjacent, and then the baddie takes the bait on BWG, hunter and buddy both AoO, then one of them crits, I think it's even better for you in your question: It looks like you both get a second AoO off that crit. Pretty cool, huh?

I've found that teamwork feats are really effective if you can get people to share them with you!

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Question about the Tiefling alternate racial trait: Oversized Limbs

Oversized limbs allows you to wield weapons one size category larger than you without penalty. Would this allow you to dual-wield two Medium-sized two-handed weapons?

As you increase or decrease the size category of a weapon, the effort is moved the same number of steps. So would oversized limbs change what your appropriately sized weapon is? It doesn't say that, so could you still wield Medium weapons regularly?

Let's compare a Large creature with a Medium Tiefling:

Large creature with 2 medium-sized greatswords: Effectively two one-handed weapons, so -6/-10 for TWF, and then an additional -2 for inappropriately sized weapons for a total of -8/-12

Medium Tiefling with Oversized Limbs wielding 2 medium-sized greatswords: Effectively a large-sized creature, so that would make the greatswords one-handed weapons, so -6/-10 for TWF, but because it is still a Medium creature it wouldn't incur the -2 penalty, so totalin at just -6/-10

Is this viable? Or is it not how it's supposed to work?

Mark, if you wanted to do an AMA on Reddit, it would be pretty easy. https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/ (/r/Pathfinder is the PFS subreddit, /r/Pathfinder_RPG is the more general one) has only two mods: https://www.reddit.com/user/Karthas and https://www.reddit.com/user/Deatvert so if you created an account to use when you wanted to post as Mark Seifter and messaged one (or both https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FPathfinder_RPG ) of them, they'd be able to put up an announcement sticky in the sub so that the users knew it was coming up.

Or you can just post a new self-post ( https://www.reddit.com/r/Pathfinder_RPG/submit?selftext=true ) with a title like "In X hours, I'll start answering your questions in this thread; AM(almost)A" and the users would likely vote it up and start asking a bunch of questions (many of which will wind up being personal and/or rude, but you can chose to ignore those if you wanted).

In either case, the mods might ask you to privately provide them with some simple proof of identity and then they'd mark your username with some flair that basically says that they know that you're you.

Liberty's Edge

Mark Seifter wrote:
Tels wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:

Today I had a brainstorm that turned out to be a bust where I thought I might be able to make a "Mark Seifter, Game Designer" page and thus have a Facebook page without having to log into my personal Facebook page (which makes me feel super privacy invaded every moment I'm on there for a variety of reasons). However, I just discovered that I have to be logged into my personal account anyway to deal with that page, thus logging in for the first time in maybe a year or two, so seems like a bust. Anyways, the upside is that I do have that page now and you can like it at facebook/MarkSeifterGameDesigner. If I get enough likes, I probably won't notice due to having to log into Facebook, but then maybe I'll post some cool game design stuff on there when I do.

I wonder about the overall use/interest in those sorts of fan pages (Facebook or otherwise), so feel free to respond in this thread about your experiences with them (or opinions for lack of experiences). On the plus, side, it seems like it could be a good way to foster a positive discourse, perhaps, kind of like these AMA threads usually are much nicer and more fun than an average thread.

Mark Seifter, Game Designer.

You might consider dropping into the Pathfinder RPG group from time to time. It has nearly 11,000 followers and many of them don't seem to know about, or use the Pazio forums. Might be interesting to see what they have to say, or maybe do an AMA post on there, or something.

Potentially something to look into! Since I have to be logged in with my personal account, which makes me uncomfortable, I probably won't be active enough for a satisfying AMA though.

You only need a different e-mail and possibly a different phone number to make a new facebook account.

In theory you can only have an account linked to a living person, but I have made a facebook account with the name of the place where I work and linked a event page to it.
I did that out of ignorance but so far no one has contested it.

That way you can log in e manage your page from a account without any information on it.

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