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ericthecleric wrote:

Hi Mark,

Regarding the metal, void, and wood wizard arcane schools, they have been out for a while now. What spells would you add to them that have been published since?

For those wizard schools, probably would add all the new obviously wood-related spells on the wizard list to wood, but not necessarily anything off the top of my head to void.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Mark, have you watched Critical Role? I picked it up a couple months ago to keep my ears occupied during work and I definitely recommend everyone giving it a shot. Really great players, GM, and atmosphere.

Though perhaps working on tabletop RPGs all day would make it not the most relaxing of things.

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A laundry room provides a +2 to resist disease in a settlement, and prestidigitation can clean laundry. So why (besides the usual prevention of rules abuse, which makes for a boring answer) wouldn't an apprentice or mage offer these same bonuses? What does soap do that magic doesn't?

No faq today?


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Chess Pwn wrote:
No faq today?

Nope. Turned out to be so many meetings that there was a meeting that pushed back another meeting so they could meeting the new meeting. However, as a side effect, I'm left with a FAQ that is 98% ready, so I'm pretty much certain we'll have one next week, and it sort of answers three questions in one, which is pretty cool.

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When does your office "close down" for the Holidays?

Scarab Sages

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Hi Mark,
In the Monster Codex there is a spell Swarm of Fangs. I was wondering if the spell is supposed to have a statblock for the swarm it summons or if the swarm is supposed to be undamageable like Black Tentacles?

Thanks, Mark!


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Lou Diamond wrote:
Mark, do you think an item [Gloves]that increased a fighters level by 5 for the purpose of qualifying for weapons training or greater weapons training class ability would be too powerful. I would prince it at 10000gp the same as a bane baldric.

The trouble with an item like this is that it would need to cost enough that it wouldn't actually be available at a level before you get the ability anyway, so I think it would be subsumed by gloves of dueling. That said, whether you think fighters need the combat boost or not, gloves of dueling are certainly underpriced for the bonuses they provide, so if you wanted to replace these new gloves in the game for those, it could work. Presumably you word it so that you need to be a fighter, and since it raises your level for weapon training, if you traded out weapon training, you don't receive it.


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Joe M. wrote:

Hi Mark!

One of my players recently met a grisly end at the hands of a <Clockwork Golem> and was revived by the Druid casting <reincarnate>.

Reincarnate is a bit weird, so I'm wondering if you have any general advice for running it.

And specifically, I'm considering adding in mental attributes to the attribute-swapping, since it feels like just doing the physicals could skew either to over- or to under-powering a character in a pretty significant way. My instinct is that it would be more balanced to do all 6 attributes.

Any thoughts or advice?


I think changing mental attributes too and making sure all the abilities swap out is definitely more balanced than the status quo of reincarnating a changeling into a hobgoblin and getting +2 to four ability scores with no penalties or something like that.

To answer your question later on about the materials for the spell, DF just means a divine focus (so holy symbol or holly and mistletoe). Since it doesn't have F without the D, then the parentheses must refer to the material component cost.


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captain yesterday wrote:

Yay! Two in a row!

Do you ever get blackout drunk from power by answering FAQs or just regular drunk?

Do you have a gaudy scepter you wave around grandly after answering them?

I tend not to get drunk from power or regular drunk. I don't have a gaudy scepter to wave around, but if anyone should get drunk from power and wave a gaudy scepter after a FAQ, I guess it should be Jason? He's the lead designer after all, and he loves scotch. While I do the data entry, that isn't the true ultimate power.


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BigP4nda wrote:

I figured a question such as this could be easily dealt with here rather than tacking on yet another thread to these forums.

When Bleed damage states that it doesn't stack with itself or with other bleed abilities. Is it regarding the entire bleed damage, or only the lingering bleed damage? For instance, if I had the Bleed Attack rogue talent and made a full-attack of sneak attacks (3 attacks lets say with 5d6 SA) Would I deal 5 points of Bleed damage that round with them taking 5 points every round, or would I deal 15 points of bleed damage that round, with them taking 5 points every other round?

Berinor and Chess Pwn have it; it's all ongoing.


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Spermy The Cat wrote:

Three questions:

1. Does a Strangler's choke damage change with size? A d4 for small, a d8 for large?

2. A Gulch Gunner can, while expending a grit, burn someone with their firearm, dealing an extra d6 fire damage for its attack. Do you have to expend a grit for cumulative attacks? Say you have three attacks for a full round, do you only have to expend a grit once for three fire bursts, or three for three?

3. Same question, but with a Pistolero's Up Close an' Deadly.

1) Strangler archetype? It's sneak attack, so I think d6 for everyone.

2) The trigger is on a successful hit, so it certainly seems like 1 grit per triggering hit.

3) Same.

Grand Lodge RPG Superstar 2015 Top 32, RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

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Mark Seifter wrote:
While I do the data entry, that isn't the true ultimate power.

Isn't it, though? >:D


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Chess Pwn wrote:
Hey Mark I have a BIG question. I just got the Weapon master handbook, it's awesome, but the Rondelero Flexibility ability has me really confused. In the Rondelero fighter archetype it has a very similar ability, minus the keeping buckler AC, but I feel it's been "established" that the ability doesn't actually DO anything, since you can already alternate between weapons and not take 2WF penalties. BUT since the ability was printing again I am super curious if it's actually supposed to mean anything. Or does the fighter's really do nothing and the swashbuckler's really just saves you a feat to keep ac.

It seems to me like it's clarifying to make sure people know you can do it, plus you can't usually buckler bash, plus the keeping the AC. I think Owen said that he was also keeping it in line with the other rondelero archetype and making sure that the archetype works correctly without relying on a group having read all the right FAQs.

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What are your feelings on sriracha sauce?


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Hazrond wrote:
Hey Mark, i was looking at the synergist archetype for witch and i was wondering, if you were to change it to make it more compatible with Beast-Bonded what would you do with the issue of the 8th level hex?

If I was making that mod, I would take the 6th level hex in exchange. Yes, it's a loss that comes before you get the corresponding ability, but that seems a fair price to pay for the flexibility of mixing the two archetypes.


Lou Diamond wrote:

Mark I am creating a strong jaw collar for my animal companion it is a constant effect when equipped. I have priced it at 15000 gp.

do you think that is enough?

I wouldn't recommend to create this as a constant effect at all. If you did, given that an AoMF(impact) is 16k for one size category (essentially a +2 AoMF), it should be at least 64k (like a +4 AoMF) but probably more for the ability to stack it twice, which is normally impossible, perhaps another +1 equivalent for that, at 100k?


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Spermy The Cat wrote:
Spermy The Cat wrote:

Three questions:

1. Does a Strangler's choke damage change with size? A d4 for small, a d8 for large?

2. A Gulch Gunner can, while expending a grit, burn someone with their firearm, dealing an extra d6 fire damage for its attack. Do you have to expend a grit for cumulative attacks? Say you have three attacks for a full round, do you only have to expend a grit once for three fire bursts, or three for three?

3. Same question, but with a Pistolero's Up Close an' Deadly.

Another question. Can a Trox grapple someone, and on their next turn, burrow underground with the grappled dude?

It depends on whether a burrow speed leaves a tunnel behind or just lets the creature meld in there. If it's a meld or leaves no tunnel, there's no space for the other creature, so you'd lose the passenger, but if it leaves a tunnel, I don't see why you couldn't bring them along with you in the tunnel.


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Protoman wrote:

Hey, Mark, with all the recent clarifications on spell-like abilities not counting as spells for prereqs (unless a specific name of spell is being mentioned), metamagic feats/rods specifically for spells, and in general caster level of spell-like abilities not counting as spellcasting levels, I'd like to ask about how feeblemind interacts with spell-like abilities.

PRD - Feeblemind wrote:
Target creature's Intelligence and Charisma scores each drop to 1. The affected creature is unable to use Intelligence- or Charisma-based skills, cast spells, understand language, or communicate coherently. Still, it knows who its friends are and can follow them and even protect them. The subject remains in this state until a heal, limited wish, miracle, or wish spell is used to cancel the effect of the feeblemind. A creature that can cast arcane spells, such as a sorcerer or a wizard, takes a –4 penalty on its saving throw.

Would someone suffering from feeblemind be unable to cast spell-like abilities (racial or class) when feeblemind says "unable to...cast spells"? My kineticist got feebleminded in a PFS scenario and I'd like to clarify the matter the next time that happens if he can still use kinetic blast or not to instinctively protect allies with blasts, such as the way a martial character might still instinctively use a weapon (would it be improvised or would they still be proficient) to protect allies?

Also, if a character is still able to cast spell-like abilities, do they need a minimum amount of Intelligence (or Charisma for some creatures I guess) to even be able to figure out how to?

That's an interesting question. I think you wouldn't take a -4 penalty on the save for having SLAs, even if they were arcana SLAs. I guess some creatures with really low Int do have SLAs, so that might be a reason to claim you could use them. I will admit that I don't consider myself confident on the ins and outs of the differences between SLAs and spells, though. Certainly even if allowing wild talents, I would be skeptical of a player trying to use genius-level combos of their wild talents while feebleminded but would be totally on board with instinctively lashing out elementally to protect allies.


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Chess Pwn wrote:
Have you been super busy recently?

Yeah, I've been trying to get lots of Horror Adventures done, what with the holidays coming up and me being out of the office after next Friday until after the new year. Before that, yeah, as others mentioned, Intrigue was going out the door. Yay Intrigue!


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captain yesterday wrote:

Are you still waving your jeweled scepter about?

Does Wes have a bigger jeweled scepter?

I don't have a jeweled scepter, but Jason might. Erik might also have one too, to wave around at Jason. Wes I think doesn't do stuff in that style.


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wraithstrike wrote:

Mark, do you have a list of the top 3 FAQ's likely to be answered next?

If so do you mind sharing?

As others have indicated, there's a lot of reasons why not. Plus, sometimes I just can't predict when other factors will align. For instance, I've had an initial draft of a simulacrum blog FAQ for a long time, and after having mentioned this, people occasionally get upset that it hasn't reached fruition yet (it needs too much tender loving care from everyone else before it could go out), making me somewhat regret mentioning it way back when.


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thegreenteagamer wrote:

Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.

Thanks. :-D

Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!


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Thomas LeBlanc wrote:

Across the Paizo rules there are various ways multiple skill requirements appear that have the same base skill but different sub-skills (Crafts, Knowledges, Performs, Professions) when an "or" is included. Which is most correct?

a) Knowledge (arcana) 3 ranks, Knowledge (planes) 3 ranks, or Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks

b) Knowledge (arcana), Knowledge (planes), or Knowledge (religion) 3 ranks

c) Knowledge (arcana, planes, or religion) 3 ranks

d) _________

Probably (b) or (c) depending on factors such as copyfitting (you'll especially see monsters either combine their Knowledges like (c) or not if they have many of them). However, ask an editor; they're more knowledgeable on those edge cases than I am!


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QuidEst wrote:
Hey Mark! I was just curious if the ol' Harrowed Medium was still in hopeful planning to make an appearance at some point. I know it's a hard thing to find the right space for!

I am vaguely hopeful that we can have a harrow-themed Campaign Setting or something with the Harrowed medium in it. However, I have already brought it up at staff meetings enough times that I feel it would hurt my chances to mention it again at least for a little while, and at the end of the day, I have no influence whatsoever over releases in other lines other than by pitching them to coworkers.


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Xelaaredn wrote:

Since the damage isn't based on the weapon you create with it, why is kinetic blade limited to only creating light or one-handed weapons?

Would it not make sense to allow it to create two-handed weapons, purely for thematic reasons and just not allow it to count as a two-handed weapon?

Also, if you were creating a kineticist to run through say... Emerald Spire, what kind would you choose.

Since the damage isn't affected no matter what, it would seem that a one-handed weapon that you could use either with one or both hands would generally always be better, but if you want the visual of the weapon being enormous, there's no reason not to do so. I mean it hits like a truck at higher levels!

For Emerald Spire, I think the dungeony aspect works with with terrakineticists. When I played the first level as a Harrowed medium, we had two terrakineticists along, and they were pretty useful.


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Tels wrote:
Hey Mark, with awaken and using Fighter or Barbarian for Eevee the Kineticist for the eeveelutions, a Druid could have Eevee, Flareon, Glaceon, Jolteon, Leafeon, Umbreon and Vaporeon; when are we gonna get Espeon and Sylveon?

I agree with others that the psychic attacks in Pokemon have included telekinesis in their visuals, so Espeon being aether is still pretty legit. I'm not hugely familiar with Sylveon, but a quick look indicates that it has a variety of buffs and debuffs, so bard wouldn't be a bad match. Maybe a <redacted> with the <redacted> archetype from Ultimate Intrigue could work too.

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Mark Seifter wrote:
thegreenteagamer wrote:

Mark, if I can have a signed copy of Occult Adventures shipped to me for free, please confirm by not responding in the next 24 hours.

Thanks. :-D

Will do; here's how it's done: Put Occult Adventures onto your sidecart to ship with subscriptions just before Paizocon or Gencon, then select to pick it all up at the con. If I recall from when I did this myself, this will change your order to have free shipping. While you're there picking it up, I will happily sign it for you (and point you in the direction of others signatures you want). This offer applies to your later double or nothing as well!

Aww, I'm in Florida; that's a huge trip for me. Dragon Con in Atlanta or Mega Con in Orlando, maybe?

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Maybe a <redacted> with the <redacted> archetype from Ultimate Intrigue could work too.

This makes me wonder, is there any chance of alternate classes in Ultimate Intrigue?

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Mark Seifter wrote:
QuidEst wrote:
Hey Mark! I was just curious if the ol' Harrowed Medium was still in hopeful planning to make an appearance at some point. I know it's a hard thing to find the right space for!
I am vaguely hopeful that we can have a harrow-themed Campaign Setting or something with the Harrowed medium in it. However, I have already brought it up at staff meetings enough times that I feel it would hurt my chances to mention it again at least for a little while, and at the end of the day, I have no influence whatsoever over releases in other lines other than by pitching them to coworkers.

Cool! Looking forward to it if it can happen, and there are plenty of shiny things coming along in the meantime. *looks pointedly at Ultimate Intrigue, Hell's Vengeance, Strange Aeons, and all the horror stuff*


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DM Mathpro wrote:
Two weapon fighting titan mauler barbarian duel wielding great swords, to one dimensional or frighteningly awesome?

I would say it isn't too one-dimensional; it's just building for a particular theme. Get some form of the giant love from an alchemist or something and you can use Huge greatswords, maybe with impact or the like, and you're looking at 6d6 base damage, which is pretty big for two weapons!


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MichaelCullen wrote:

What happens with a clone spell if the subject dies after its completion?

** spoiler omitted **...

I think you apply the final line, which says its OK to grow it while the original still lives, to the first line, which says what happens when the original is slain; so the soul goes into the clone.


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MichaelCullen wrote:

How does raise dead work on a second level character? Raise dead leaves a character with 2 permanent negative levels. Two negative levels immediately kills a 2nd level character. There is a provision that gives a first level character con drain instead, saving the 1st level character from immediately re dying.

This provision was from before pathfinder when raise dead caused the recipient to lose an actual level. Under that circumstance a second level character would not be killed. When raise dead was updated to pathfinder, the penalty went from losing a level to two permanent negative levels. The provision allowing a level 1 character to return at the cost of con drain was not changed to reflect the fact that the spell no longer worked on 2nd level characters.

RAW raise dead can successfully bring back a level 1 PC but not a level 2 PC. Can you officially state how that situation should be handled? I think we can all agree that you should be able to raise a second level character but it would be nice to have an official clarification on what the penalty is. I.E. 2 con drain, or 1 permanent negative level and 1 con drain, or 1 permanent negative level and 2 con drain.

Ah yeah, this is one I found too back in the day. Strictly, you're right that it would die. I rule it as 1 con drain a 1 permanent negative level. However, I haven't actually answered your question, which strictly was:

Can you officially state how that situation should be handled?

So the answer then, is just "No." Nothing I say here is an official statement.


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captain yesterday wrote:

Yeah, but has he answered any non-rule related questions?

Yes. I answered this question.

But actually, I think these threads are theoretically supposed to be mainly not rules questions. Mine just is because I'm the only designer that allows them in my AMA.


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captain yesterday wrote:

Dear Mark,

When you take a five foot step after a full round action, what's your favorite season?

And if your concentration is broken while casting a spell, do you play Fallout, if so, which is your favorite to play.

Usually I like all the seasons for different reasons except summer is my least favorite usually because I don't like the heat. However, since I was taking a five-foot step, then winter is out because it causes snow and ice for difficult terrain. Even fall has plenty of leaves, also causing difficult terrain potentially. So probably spring in terms of five-foot steps.

I don't typically play Fallout because I just haven't been a fan of the series. To be fair, the gameplay might be good; I just kind of don't like the genre. I will admit to being vaguely tempted by the new one due to living in Boston for so long and since my alma mater are the bad guys. If my concentration was broken while casting a spell, I definitely wouldn't be playing Fallout since my group tries to limit the amount that people are playing other side games during the session.

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Hey Mark,

I was wondering if you've ever had to rule on how Share Memory works? It isn't listed as a harmless spell, so would the caster be able to pick a memory from the target? Or would you run it that the target gets to pick the memory?

If its the former, would the caster have an idea of what memories they have to choose from? Or would they pick a memory that they think the target might have, and get something from that only if the target has that memory?


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N N 959 wrote:


I was hoping you might discuss a topic that has floated around RPGs since early on: concepts of fairness. I am currently playing a PFS game where a person has a Dragoon Fighter 1 and Summoner 3. That person has the Undersized Mount feat, which lets him ride his Eidolon. So throughout the course of this adventure, this character has a made the Shield and Sword Fighter and Swashbuckler look superfluous. The combination of mounted combat with the numerous attacks of the eidolon far out-shadow the damage output of the other two combined.

Now let me say that this doesn't really bother me on any personal level. I am playing a support character, so I'm actually glad to have that kind of striking ability up front. But from a game playability perspective, I find it a concern. This does not seem fair to the other frontline players. But that's just a reaction I have while playing the game.

I'm sure many will point that the balance of power shifts. Builds that are effective early, may not be effective late. Circumstances/context also play a part in perceived efficacy. But I think that these things happen in PFS games lends credence to some empirical truth, as PFS is not as subject to random/arbitrary house rules which skew outcomes.

Now that your mindset is that of a developer, do you still perceive situations in which one build or class tends to marginalize others? Or, has your positioned changed the lens through which you view this stuff? I guess I'm really curious how a staffer processes these occurrences?

To be honest, during the errata process, I discovered an earlier version of Undersized Mount that gave the squeezing penalties and brought it up as a potential erratum for the team to consider, since there are a variety of abusive cases possible with this feat, like the ones you describe. The discussion on the feat also included essentially captain yesterday's point from the post below that some possibilities were flavorful and not as strong, and eventually the end decision was not to make a change. I recommend considering the squeezing penalties for your games if this is causing issues, though it won't help in PFS. If you find that something is causing issues more than it is building fun concepts in PFS, I know the PFS team responds well to unheated requests for something to be allowed or banned that include thorough breakdowns of the rationale.

For the more general question you asked below, basically as a staffer, I get that little upset feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever we put something out that causes a serious issue in someone's game or causes a bunch of players to have their characters marginalized because I want to be doing work that makes products that bring happiness and excitement to others.


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Joe M. wrote:

Hi Mark!

I'm tinkering with a possible Hunter build for a future character, and a couple questions came up:

1. I'm confused about the bite-claw-claw attack routine for the big cat animal companion, and how it works with the Multiattack animal companion ability (and here's the feat that the ability refers to. Because (A) the animal companion rules specify that "All animal attacks are made using the creature's full base attack bonus unless otherwise noted," but (B) that would seem to render the Multiattack null, since there's no penalty to be alleviated (as there would be with secondary natural attacks). What's going on here?

2. I just noticed that the expensive component for reincarnate is listed as a focus rather than a material component. Does that seem right to you? I'd always assumed the oils were a material component, in line with expensive components for other resurrection magic, and it does seem natural to imagine anointing a dead body with oils that are then consumed by the spell. But as-written, you can reuse the oils any number of times. Not that I'm complaining, mind you.


Just to confuse you, since I had remembered reading #2, I have already answered it earlier in the thread. For #1, you are correct that the big cat's Multiattack doesn't do anything. I found the ruling to grant a second attack at -5 to creatures with one attack because "Multiattack doesn't do anything for them" to be kind of weird when it happened, since as you say, many creatures have more than one attack and get no benefit anyway. Personally, given that there are many options with only multiple primaries, I feel that Multiattack should have been a bone for the people who choose to take a creature with secondaries, and it's fine that it would give nothing to other companions, since having many primaries (or a single big primary that adds more damage with Vital Strike or something) are much more powerful (even after Multiattack, that's a -2 to hit and less damage from Strength).


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The Fox wrote:

Mark, Pain is the only psychic discipline that uses both Charisma and Wisdom as secondary abilities (Charisma determines the number of points in the Phrenic Pool and the number of times one can use Painful Reminder; Wisdom determines the number of Phrenic points that can be regained through Power from Pain).

Was this intentional or a typo?

It's likely meant to be Charisma throughout.


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Azten wrote:
Did you have a good Thanksgiving?

Thanksgiving was much more relaxed this year than usual, since it was just me and Linda instead of Thanksgiving with the relatives like I used to do back on the East Coast. I kind of prefer the quieter version, to be honest.


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Xethik wrote:

Mark, have you watched Critical Role? I picked it up a couple months ago to keep my ears occupied during work and I definitely recommend everyone giving it a shot. Really great players, GM, and atmosphere.

Though perhaps working on tabletop RPGs all day would make it not the most relaxing of things.

I've only heard of it from this thread. Googled to disicover it is videos of voice actors playing D&D. I typically don't watch other groups playing RPGs on videos, but I enjoy getting out there and playing or GMing with various groups when I can. I still play with my home group over the internet, but PFS at a store with random groups is harder to do out here due to a combination of Paizo workday and the looser scheduling of PFS in the region than I'm used to back in Boston, thus making it nearly impossible to plan it far enough in advance. This combines with strict Paizo booth hours at Gencon (thus removing Gencon GMing like I used to do), but I do get to run my Paizocon games, and I'll probably start being invited to more cons as a guest of honor, which will be a great chance to get out there and see more tables!


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AlgaeNymph wrote:
A laundry room provides a +2 to resist disease in a settlement, and prestidigitation can clean laundry. So why (besides the usual prevention of rules abuse, which makes for a boring answer) wouldn't an apprentice or mage offer these same bonuses? What does soap do that magic doesn't?

I imagine the idea is that the laundry room staff are dedicated to keeping things clean throughout whereas the mage isn't going to spend much time and effort on it, normally. I would say that someone with a "magic" theme to their settlement should certainly be able to pay for a "laundry room" upgrade that consists of dedicated laundry mages if they want, but then it wouldn't provide the other benefits of those mages you listed.

So the answer then, is just "No." Nothing I say here is an official statement.

While it's not "officially official" by the nature of your position as a designer your opinion carries a lot of weight. To many in the RAW crowd, of which I am a member, that weight is enough for us to set aside RAW for RAI, especially within the confines of organized play.


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Chess Pwn wrote:
No faq today?

Last year before people started leaving for the break, we did a special holiday edition of the FAQ (for the Crane Wing and diagonal threatening thing). That won't be necessarily a yearly occurrence or anything, but I'm trying to see if I can organize something for that and get it through, and that's taking my FAQ bandwidth. I also have a nearly-through regular FAQ that we can use if not.


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Chess Pwn wrote:
When does your office "close down" for the Holidays?

Since the store needs to keep running, only the holidays themselves are office closures. But generally you lose most of the creative team on vacation days. For instance, I'm out starting next Friday until after the new year.


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Lorewalker wrote:

Hi Mark,

In the Monster Codex there is a spell Swarm of Fangs. I was wondering if the spell is supposed to have a statblock for the swarm it summons or if the swarm is supposed to be undamageable like Black Tentacles?

The spell seems like it wants to be a variant on summon swarm, so one would think it needs a statblock, but I ssee how you could read it as being a spell effect (and thus not having distraction or the like); only the continued use of the word swarm seems to hint not to do that. Definitely a good FAQ candidate

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Mark Seifter wrote:
Chess Pwn wrote:
When does your office "close down" for the Holidays?
Since the store needs to keep running, only the holidays themselves are office closures. But generally you lose most of the creative team on vacation days. For instance, I'm out starting next Friday until after the new year.

Hope you have a fun time!


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Jiggy wrote:
Mark Seifter wrote:
While I do the data entry, that isn't the true ultimate power.
Isn't it, though? >:D

Only if you are a nefarious data-enterer, not a trustworthy one.


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thegreenteagamer wrote:
What are your feelings on sriracha sauce?

It's possible I've had something with sriracha sauce, but if so, I didn't register the name at the time, so I can't say what I think of the taste.

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