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I have over 4k of gold and just level to 2nd in the society. should still keep the point and gold. What can I do better for this character
Full Name Owens Roughlight
Race Half-Elf(Drow)
Classes/Levels Cleric
Gender Male
Size 6' 3"
Age 35
Special Abilities See Box Below Description
Alignment Chaotic Good
Deity Sarenrae
Languages Common, Elven
Strength 14
Dexterity 12
Constitution 12
Intelligence 10
Wisdom 15
Charisma 15
About Owens Roughlight
Owens Roughlight
Male Half-Elf (Half Drow) Cleric of Sarenrae 1
CG Medium humanoid (elf, human)
Init +1; Senses low-light vision; darkvision 60'; Perception +4
AC 15, touch 11, flat-footed 14 (+3 armor, +1 shield, +1 Dex)
hp 9 (1d8+1)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +4; +2 vs. enchantments
Immune sleep
Speed 30 ft.
Melee Falcata +2 (1d8+2/19-20x3)
Special Attacks channel positive energy 5/day (DC 15, 1d6)
Domain Spell-Like Abilities (CL 1st; concentration +3)
5/day—rebuke death (1d4), touch of glory
Cleric Spells Prepared (CL 1st; concentration +3):
1st—cure light wounds [D], obscuring mist, shield of faith
0 (at will)—detect magic, resistance, stabilize
[D] Domain spell; Domains Glory, Healing, Heroism
Str 14, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 15, Cha 15
Base Atk +0; CMB +2; CMD 13
Feats Selective Channeling
Traits flame of the dawnflower, sacred conduit
Skills Heal +6, Knowledge (religion) +4, Perception +4, Spellcraft +4; Racial Modifiers +2 Perception
Languages Common, Elven
SQ aura, domains (healing, heroism), elf blood, variant channeling (destruction variant channeling)
Other Gear studded leather, light steel shield, falcata, cleric's kit, crowbar, grappling hook, 4,082 gp
Special Abilities
Aura (Ex) The Cleric has an aura corresponding to his deity's alignment.
Cleric Channel Positive Energy 1d6 (5/day, DC 15) (Su) Positive energy heals the living and harms the undead; negative has the reverse effect.
Cleric Domain (Healing) Granted Powers: Your touch staves off pain and death, and your healing magic is particularly vital and potent.
Cleric Domain (Heroism)
Destruction Variant Channeling (±1 Sacred) Attack bonus vs. Objects/Full damage
Elf Blood Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.
Elven Immunities - Sleep You are immune to magic sleep effects.
Flame of the Dawnflower +2 damage with a falcata on a critical hit.
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, darkvision see in the dark as far as 60' distinguishing color and detail.
Rebuke Death (5/day) (Sp) As a standard action, touch heals 1d4 dam to negative HP target.
Selective Channeling Exclude targets from the area of your Channel Energy.
Touch of Glory (5/day) (Sp) Grant +1 to a CHA-based skill or ability check.
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oops sorry type-o
its 3,166 gp
Which is totally doable, assuming you get the out-of-subtier at least twice.
That said, that Hero Lab statblock you copy-pasted clearly indicates the character has 4,082gp on it, so we're clearly not dealing with a typographical error, here. Audit your character, change the race to something that's PFS-legal, and come back with an updated character for us to work with.
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also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
14 = 5 pts
12 = 2 pts
12 = 2 pts
10 = 0 pts
15 = 7 pts
13 (+2) = 3 pts
so a total of 19 build points.
Isn't Falcata a martial weapon? this guy a cleric?
3 domains? (Glory, Healing, Heroism)?
(edit: I see now... one is a sub-domain! sorry)
are you sure you posted the correct PC?
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nosig wrote:also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
Yes half-elf gets a +2 on one ability, which is to STR.
The bloodline is Drow 1/4. I am not a true Half Drow.
goodness, why? if you added the +2 to either the WIS or the CHA, you would get the same numbers and only spend 19 points, so you would have another point to either spend on DEX, CON, or INT - or even jiggle the numbers a little and make WIS or CHA a 16.
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Salarain wrote:goodness, why? if you added the +2 to either the WIS or the CHA, you would get the same numbers and only spend 19 points, so you would have another point to either spend on DEX, CON, or INT - or even jiggle the numbers a little and make WIS or CHA a 16.nosig wrote:also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
Yes half-elf gets a +2 on one ability, which is to STR.
The bloodline is Drow 1/4. I am not a true Half Drow.
20PTS buy:
STR 12 (2PTs) +2 ability from Half Elf????? (help with weapon damage)
DEX 12 (2PTS) (help with saves)
CON 12 (2PTS) (a little health / Saves)
INT 10 (0PTS) (I can't have everything)
WIS 15 (7PTS) (help with cleric abilities / saves)
CHA 15 (7PTS) (help with cleric abilities)
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Eric Clingenpeel wrote:Flame of the Dawnflower only works on scimitars, for some reason you have falcatta written in the trait.Hmm? Ancestral Arms (Falcata)- Half Elf? racial trait?
AH! thanks, missed that. Learn something new every day.
So you swapped the Skill Focus bonus feat out for the weapon... works.
But I think the Dawnflower trait only works for scimitars, like Eric Clinenpeel pointed out. so you might want a different trait... Maybe "Killer" or "Dirty Fighter"
Finlanderboy |
nosig wrote:Salarain wrote:goodness, why? if you added the +2 to either the WIS or the CHA, you would get the same numbers and only spend 19 points, so you would have another point to either spend on DEX, CON, or INT - or even jiggle the numbers a little and make WIS or CHA a 16.nosig wrote:also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
Yes half-elf gets a +2 on one ability, which is to STR.
The bloodline is Drow 1/4. I am not a true Half Drow.
20PTS buy:
STR 12 (2PTs) +2 ability from Half Elf????? (help with weapon damage)
DEX 12 (2PTS) (help with saves)
CON 12 (2PTS) (a little health / Saves)
INT 10 (0PTS) (I can't have everything)
WIS 15 (7PTS) (help with cleric abilities / saves)
CHA 15 (7PTS) (help with cleric abilities)
You could squeeze more points putting the +2 elswehere
STr 14(5 points)
dex 12(2 points)
con 13(3 points)
int 10(0 points)
wis 13+2 racial 15(3 points)
cha 15 (7 points)
Mine con is one better because of the allocation difference. Putting the race bump in a high stat gives you more value.
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Salarain wrote:Eric Clingenpeel wrote:Flame of the Dawnflower only works on scimitars, for some reason you have falcatta written in the trait.Hmm? Ancestral Arms (Falcata)- Half Elf? racial trait?AH! thanks, missed that. Learn something new every day.
So you swapped the Skill Focus bonus feat out for the weapon... works.
But I think the Dawnflower trait only works for scimitars, like Eric Clinenpeel pointed out. so you might want a different trait... Maybe "Killer" or "Dirty Fighter"
GM is ok with the crit hit only Dawnflower trait its only 2 fire damage from only confirm crit. so how often am I going to attack with weapon rarely. hmm??
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nosig wrote:Salarain wrote:goodness, why? if you added the +2 to either the WIS or the CHA, you would get the same numbers and only spend 19 points, so you would have another point to either spend on DEX, CON, or INT - or even jiggle the numbers a little and make WIS or CHA a 16.nosig wrote:also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
Yes half-elf gets a +2 on one ability, which is to STR.
The bloodline is Drow 1/4. I am not a true Half Drow.
20PTS buy:
STR 12 (2PTs) +2 ability from Half Elf????? (help with weapon damage)
DEX 12 (2PTS) (help with saves)
CON 12 (2PTS) (a little health / Saves)
INT 10 (0PTS) (I can't have everything)
WIS 15 (7PTS) (help with cleric abilities / saves)
CHA 15 (7PTS) (help with cleric abilities)
but this also works:
STR 14 (5 pts) help with melee to hit and weapon damageDEX 12 (2 pts) help with INIT, AC, Skills, to hit with missile weapons and saves
CON 13 (3 pts) a little MORE health
INT 10 (0 pts) who needs skill points anyway...
WIS 15 (7 pts) spell DCs, spellss, so many other things
CHA 13 (3 pts) +2 ability from 1/2 Elf - help with so many things
OR for that matter you could go
STR 14 (5 pts)
DEX 12 (2 pts)
CON 13 (3 pts)
INT 10 (0 pts)
WIS 14 (5 pts) +2 racial bump to 16
CHA 14 (5 pts) (or put the racial bump here to get 16)
or several other choices
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nosig wrote:GM is ok with the crit hit only Dawnflower trait its only 2 fire damage from only confirm crit. so how often am I going to attack with weapon rarely. hmm??Salarain wrote:Eric Clingenpeel wrote:Flame of the Dawnflower only works on scimitars, for some reason you have falcatta written in the trait.Hmm? Ancestral Arms (Falcata)- Half Elf? racial trait?AH! thanks, missed that. Learn something new every day.
So you swapped the Skill Focus bonus feat out for the weapon... works.
But I think the Dawnflower trait only works for scimitars, like Eric Clinenpeel pointed out. so you might want a different trait... Maybe "Killer" or "Dirty Fighter"
sorry - I thought this was a PFS character.
We are on the Society Board. In a Home Game whatever the GM says is fine, but at a PFS table the judge has to play RAW, and that would be no extra damage on a confirmed crit with a Falcata - just Scimitars. And Killer would give you the extra damage with any melee weapon (and a +3 with the Falcata I think).
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nosig wrote:also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
Yes half-elf gets a +2 on one ability, which is to STR.
The bloodline is Drow 1/4. I am not a true Half Drow.
"bloodline is Drow 1/4..." what is that from? I don't know the source sorry!
Blakmane |
nosig wrote:GM is ok with the crit hit only Dawnflower trait its only 2 fire damage from only confirm crit. so how often am I going to attack with weapon rarely. hmm??Salarain wrote:Eric Clingenpeel wrote:Flame of the Dawnflower only works on scimitars, for some reason you have falcatta written in the trait.Hmm? Ancestral Arms (Falcata)- Half Elf? racial trait?AH! thanks, missed that. Learn something new every day.
So you swapped the Skill Focus bonus feat out for the weapon... works.
But I think the Dawnflower trait only works for scimitars, like Eric Clinenpeel pointed out. so you might want a different trait... Maybe "Killer" or "Dirty Fighter"
Your DM doesn't get to make that call. DMs must follow RAW whenever possible in pathfinder society.
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Salarain wrote:"bloodline is Drow 1/4..." what is that from? I don't know the source sorry!nosig wrote:also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
Yes half-elf gets a +2 on one ability, which is to STR.
The bloodline is Drow 1/4. I am not a true Half Drow.
??? Drow-Blooded???? ARG page 42
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Salarain wrote:Your DM doesn't get to make that call. DMs must follow RAW whenever possible in pathfinder society.nosig wrote:GM is ok with the crit hit only Dawnflower trait its only 2 fire damage from only confirm crit. so how often am I going to attack with weapon rarely. hmm??Salarain wrote:Eric Clingenpeel wrote:Flame of the Dawnflower only works on scimitars, for some reason you have falcatta written in the trait.Hmm? Ancestral Arms (Falcata)- Half Elf? racial trait?AH! thanks, missed that. Learn something new every day.
So you swapped the Skill Focus bonus feat out for the weapon... works.
But I think the Dawnflower trait only works for scimitars, like Eric Clinenpeel pointed out. so you might want a different trait... Maybe "Killer" or "Dirty Fighter"
then I will let him know. its only 2 pts on confirm cirts. I will remove from hero labs.
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![Grundhu the Derhii](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/08Grundhu.jpg)
Half-Elves: all alernate racial traits except drow-blooded and drow magic are legal for play; all racial subtypes except drow-descended are legal for play; all favored class options are legal for play; all racial archetypes except wild caller are legal for play. For the bonded witch archetype, energy siege shot is replaced with resounding shot (Advanced Player's Guide 238) at 10th level and arcane cannon is replaced with fire brand (Advanced Player's Guide 222) at 14th level under the bonded item weapon entry; all half-elven equipment, magic items, and spells are legal for play; all half-elven feats except Half-Drow Paragon are legal for play.
I don't believe I am mistaken in the statement that there is currently no way to get a drow or half-drow in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
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nosig wrote:??? Drow-Blooded???? ARG page 42Salarain wrote:"bloodline is Drow 1/4..." what is that from? I don't know the source sorry!nosig wrote:also looks like a 1st level PC...
and built with... an odd points total.... 19 points? unless he took his +2 racial bump in STR?
Yes half-elf gets a +2 on one ability, which is to STR.
The bloodline is Drow 1/4. I am not a true Half Drow.
Sorry, again I thought this was for PFS. Additional Resources for PFS lists drow blooded and drow magic as not allowed in PFS.
and Drow Blooded replaces the low-light vision anyway (which the write up above still gives this half-elf) and gives Light Blindness (which the write up above does not reflect).![](/WebObjects/Frameworks/Ajax.framework/WebServerResources/wait30.gif)
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Blakmane wrote:then I will let him know. its only 2 pts on confirm cirts. I will remove from hero labs.Salarain wrote:Your DM doesn't get to make that call. DMs must follow RAW whenever possible in pathfinder society.nosig wrote:GM is ok with the crit hit only Dawnflower trait its only 2 fire damage from only confirm crit. so how often am I going to attack with weapon rarely. hmm??Salarain wrote:Eric Clingenpeel wrote:Flame of the Dawnflower only works on scimitars, for some reason you have falcatta written in the trait.Hmm? Ancestral Arms (Falcata)- Half Elf? racial trait?AH! thanks, missed that. Learn something new every day.
So you swapped the Skill Focus bonus feat out for the weapon... works.
But I think the Dawnflower trait only works for scimitars, like Eric Clinenpeel pointed out. so you might want a different trait... Maybe "Killer" or "Dirty Fighter"
NP - just swap it for Killer - and you get pretty much the same thing (it's not fire damage, but it works with any weapon, and would do more damage with the Falcata).
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Additional Resources wrote:Half-Elves: all alernate racial traits except drow-blooded and drow magic are legal for play; all racial subtypes except drow-descended are legal for play; all favored class options are legal for play; all racial archetypes except wild caller are legal for play. For the bonded witch archetype, energy siege shot is replaced with resounding shot (Advanced Player's Guide 238) at 10th level and arcane cannon is replaced with fire brand (Advanced Player's Guide 222) at 14th level under the bonded item weapon entry; all half-elven equipment, magic items, and spells are legal for play; all half-elven feats except Half-Drow Paragon are legal for play.I don't believe I am mistaken in the statement that there is currently no way to get a drow or half-drow in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
so your saying I can not get the simple 60' of darkvision under the racial trait "Drow-Blooded" in the half-elf for Alternate racial trait?????
Blakmane |
Steven Huffstutler wrote:so your saying I can not get the simple 60' of darkvision under the racial trait "Drow-Blooded" in the half-elf for Alternate racial trait?????Additional Resources wrote:Half-Elves: all alernate racial traits except drow-blooded and drow magic are legal for play; all racial subtypes except drow-descended are legal for play; all favored class options are legal for play; all racial archetypes except wild caller are legal for play. For the bonded witch archetype, energy siege shot is replaced with resounding shot (Advanced Player's Guide 238) at 10th level and arcane cannon is replaced with fire brand (Advanced Player's Guide 222) at 14th level under the bonded item weapon entry; all half-elven equipment, magic items, and spells are legal for play; all half-elven feats except Half-Drow Paragon are legal for play.I don't believe I am mistaken in the statement that there is currently no way to get a drow or half-drow in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
No, you cannot.
"Half-Elves: all alernate racial traits except drow-blooded and drow magic are legal for play"
I don't understand why you are confused. That's as cut and dry as it gets.
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1 person marked this as a favorite. |
I have Question why did most of you avoided the title of my question??
I wanted help with the best way to use my tier points and gold or xp for gear up this cleric?
I have +3K of gold
2nd level points or fame?
I hope I am asking this right???
here you go... this might help for what to buy.
Painlords list of what to buyas to the points - you only get two, and I would suggest putting one in Diplomacy...
the other? Perception. Always a good skill...
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Salarain wrote:Steven Huffstutler wrote:so your saying I can not get the simple 60' of darkvision under the racial trait "Drow-Blooded" in the half-elf for Alternate racial trait?????Additional Resources wrote:Half-Elves: all alernate racial traits except drow-blooded and drow magic are legal for play; all racial subtypes except drow-descended are legal for play; all favored class options are legal for play; all racial archetypes except wild caller are legal for play. For the bonded witch archetype, energy siege shot is replaced with resounding shot (Advanced Player's Guide 238) at 10th level and arcane cannon is replaced with fire brand (Advanced Player's Guide 222) at 14th level under the bonded item weapon entry; all half-elven equipment, magic items, and spells are legal for play; all half-elven feats except Half-Drow Paragon are legal for play.I don't believe I am mistaken in the statement that there is currently no way to get a drow or half-drow in Pathfinder Society Organized Play.
No, you cannot.
"Half-Elves: all alernate racial traits except drow-blooded and drow magic are legal for play"
I don't understand why you are confused. That's as cut and dry as it gets.
likely he has not seen the write-up in Additional Resources - he might not know he needs to check it or even how to, and many people don't even check there when they know they should. (It's on page 13 of my current printed copy - which is out of date some...).
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As other people seem to be handling the character legality/optimisation issues, I would say that you can't go too far wrong buying some +1 armour, a masterwork shield, and a cloak of resistance +1 (assuming you have the necessary fame or it's on a chronicle). Then save up for something like a ring of protection +1 or a +1 weapon.
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![Cinder Wolf](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/b5_cinderwolf_final.jpg)
As other people seem to be handling the character legality/optimisation issues, I would say that you can't go too far wrong buying some +1 armour, a masterwork shield, and a cloak of resistance +1 (assuming you have the necessary fame or it's on a chronicle). Then save up for something like a ring of protection +1 or a +1 weapon.
This. You appear to desire a melee experience in combat (14 str, falcata discussion). 15 AC is going to get you hurt. A lot. Your dex is very low, so head to the mediun weight armors, magic up the armor, and give yourself a better chance to avoid some damage.
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I still don't understand how did this character reach over 3000+ gp. 1 standard chronicle is 500 gp for level 1 or 2 characters, meaning that it should have around 1500 gp. Even with a played module, this is a lot for level 2 character.
Is this really a PFS character Salarian?
The out-of-subtier gold for a Tier 1-5 runs around 1200gp or so, so if he played subtier 4-5 all three times, he could easily break 3,000gp before level 2.
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I still don't understand how did this character reach over 3000+ gp. 1 standard chronicle is 500 gp for level 1 or 2 characters, meaning that it should have around 1500 gp. Even with a played module, this is a lot for level 2 character.
Is this really a PFS character Salarian?
at a guess, he may have "played up" several times - which would net him about 1100 gp each game. but that would mean he played up 3 games, without spending any resources of his own... perhaps playing an Iconic? Maybe Kyra? as his PC seems to be modeled after her.
But this is just a guess on my part.
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![Roy Greenhilt](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Avatar_Roy.jpg)
As others have pointed out, you can't be half-drow, your trait doesn't work with you weapon so you should pick something different, and you could spend your build points better. Since you seem to want to focus on front line fighting, I'd recommend this for point buy:
STR 14 (5 pts) +2 racial bump to 16
DEX 12 (2 pts)
CON 13 (3 pts)
INT 10 (0 pts)
WIS 14 (5 pts)
CHA 14 (5 pts)
The 14s in wisdom and charisma are just as good as the 15s you started with, but the strength is better, which is nice for a front line fighter. If you're planning on focusing more on casting at later levels instead of front line fighting, then use the same array, but with the +2 in wisdom, for spellcasting.
Of course, this is all assuming you haven't played the PC at level 2 yet, so you're still eligible to rebuild.
As for the original question of what to spend the cash on, I agree with the suggestion of getting some better armor. For now, get a breastplate, realizing that it'll slow your speed to 20, but it'll up your AC from 15 to 18 for only 200 gold. Once you have 4200 to spend, upgrade to a mithral breastplate, since that's the best you can get while still moving at 30 speed, then spend your next 1000 gp upgrading it to +1 magic.
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As others have pointed out, you can't be half-drow, your trait doesn't work with you weapon so you should pick something different, and you could spend your build points better. Since you seem to want to focus on front line fighting, I'd recommend this for point buy:
STR 14 (5 pts) +2 racial bump to 16
DEX 12 (2 pts)
CON 13 (3 pts)
INT 10 (0 pts)
WIS 14 (5 pts)
CHA 14 (5 pts)The 14s in wisdom and charisma are just as good as the 15s you started with, but the strength is better, which is nice for a front line fighter. If you're planning on focusing more on casting at later levels instead of front line fighting, then use the same array, but with the +2 in wisdom, for spellcasting.
Of course, this is all assuming you haven't played the PC at level 2 yet, so you're still eligible to rebuild.
As for the original question of what to spend the cash on, I agree with the suggestion of getting some better armor. For now, get a breastplate, realizing that it'll slow your speed to 20, but it'll up your AC from 15 to 18 for only 200 gold. Once you have 4200 to spend, upgrade to a mithral breastplate, since that's the best you can get while still moving at 30 speed, then spend your next 1000 gp upgrading it to +1 magic.
all good advice Fromper -
the only thing I might add is that if he wants to focus more on Channeling (which the "variant channeling - destruction variant channeling" seems to indicate) he might want to put the +2 racial bump to 16 in CHA.![](/WebObjects/Frameworks/Ajax.framework/WebServerResources/wait30.gif)
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As for the original question of what to spend the cash on, I agree with the suggestion of getting some better armor. For now, get a breastplate, realizing that it'll slow your speed to 20, but it'll up your AC from 15 to 18 for only 200 gold. Once you have 4200 to spend, upgrade to a mithral breastplate, since that's the best you can get while still moving at 30 speed, then spend your next 1000 gp upgrading it to +1 magic.
I always go for the Mithral Agile Breastplate, but I never see it mentioned. It's 200gp more, weighs 2.5 pounds less, and situationally reduces your Armor Check Penalty to 0 (climb checks and jumping). But then I have a lot of characters that are borderline encumbered, and 2.5 pounds makes a difference. With a 14 or 16 strength, it probably doesn't. Still, 200 gp for essentially a +1 climb is the same as you'd pay buying an ioun stone, plus you get the weight and jumping benefits.
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![Giant Gecko](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/41-giant_gecko_final_hires.jpg)
Low-Light Vision See twice as far as a human in low light, darkvision see in the dark as far as 60' distinguishing color and detail.
While we are dealing with clerical errors, darkvision is black and white.
(It looks like the dark vision was edited into the middle of the low light vision text.)
Brian Lefebvre RPG Superstar 2014 Top 32 |
![Tongue of Rebuke](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Paizo_TongueOfRebuke_HRF_0.jpg)
That or the GM gave him full gold for high tier and didn't realize he's supposed to calculate out of tier gold.
His character also has a mithral falcate worth 2018 on top of his other listed equipment and the 3166gp. Which means all of his chronicle sheets were probably applied incorrectly. Along with the illegal options used for his build this character is no way PFS legal the way it sits now.
He needs to contact his local VO, or at least the coordinator of the events he is playing in, and do a full audit to fix the errors before playing again.
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Eric Clingenpeel wrote:That or the GM gave him full gold for high tier and didn't realize he's supposed to calculate out of tier gold.His character also has a mithral falcate worth 2018 on top of his other listed equipment and the 3166gp. Which means all of his chronicle sheets were probably applied incorrectly. Along with the illegal options used for his build this character is no way PFS legal the way it sits now.
He needs to contact his local VO, or at least the coordinator of the events he is playing in, and do a full audit to fix the errors before playing again.
I don't see where it says he has a mithral falcata. Under equipment it just says falcata. Maybe you misread where it says "MELEE Falcata" in the stat block? Or maybe I missed where the mithral part was listed?
I do agree that the character has some issues, and speaking with his local VO might be a good idea.
PS - mithral falcata auto corrected to mithral cal cats. Is that a type of familiar? I think I want one of those.
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![Tongue of Rebuke](http://cdn.paizo.com/image/avatar/Paizo_TongueOfRebuke_HRF_0.jpg)
If you look at the Character Page for the character on the player's account. In the About section where he has a cut & pasted HeroLab stat block. Under melee and gear section he has a mithral falcate listed.
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If you look at the Character Page for the character on the player's account. In the About section where he has a cut & pasted HeroLab stat block. Under melee and gear section he has a mithral falcate listed.
Ah. I see. He could certainly have a mithral falcata, but not with also having 3,166 gold on hand. Not at level 2, anyway.
If that's meant to be applied against the 3,166 gold, I'd recommend spending the money on something else. I don't think you need the reduced weight, and a mithral weapon has much less benefit than its cost. When talking about 2/3rds of your wealth, a boost to AC or saves will be much more valuable than a lighter weapon that counts as silver.
Corvino |
nosig's link to "Painlord's list of what to buy" is very useful.
Definitely consider:
A Wand of Cure Light Wounds. You can cast it spontaneously, sure, but this is for if you run out, or need those level 1 spells for something else that day.
A Breastplate.
A Backup weapon - an Alchemical Silver Heavy Mace/Morningstar might be good.
A Dagger - for many reasons. Make it Cold Iron just in case for 2gp more.
A Sling - It's free!
A Cloak of Resistance +1 - Cost efficient, failing saves sucks.
Some Holy Water and Alchemist's Fire - Stuff to throw when nothing else seems to work. Works better than harsh language.